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How to Turn a Republic Into A Serfdom

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posted on Oct, 18 2013 @ 03:57 AM
That opening was impressive.
A few more hundred lines and in another hundred years the romantics will call it
The Tragedy of Pinkorchid.

posted on Oct, 18 2013 @ 05:55 AM
reply to post by Trubeeleever

Serfdom? for the Americans - what on earth do you think you have had but an illusion of a Republic from the start. Sure you had a far bigger and well resourced country but you still came under the Central Banking system which is under basically a few men, one of whom controls all the Queen of England's affairs so all I can say is and very, very sadly, welcome to the realisation that both the people of the `USA and UK and a few other places also are and always have been, without their knowledge basically Serfs. Its now so blatant none of us can deny it. However, if we accept it now the shackles are out in the open, is of course another matter. We are not the people we once were and we also know that in most countries of the world we are all united in being pretty pis--d off about how the world is being run.

posted on Oct, 20 2013 @ 06:41 AM
reply to post by Shiloh7

Of course all you say is valid. One can only hope that one day through this experience with adversity , if the planet lasts long enough , then we may be able to create the equality and unity that we all deserve.

posted on Oct, 20 2013 @ 06:51 AM

How is it "turning into" anything? The United States has always been sustained on the backs of the so-called serfs. It's just that now, the concept of serfdom has expanded to include (formerly) middle-class white people, and that just doesn't sit well... finally.

It's not important until it happens to you. While I'm glad that people are slowly waking up, please remember that the United States oppressing and pillaging entire socioeconomic classes is not by any stretch of the imagination a new phenomenon.

Our current state of affairs should come as no surprise.

Don't let history interfere with the pity party going on in here.

This has been in the works for years, it's just that the same people bitching and whining about it now didn't realize it until it was too late while everyone that didn't fit into that socioeconomic class had to deal with it from the moment they were born.

Spare me the epitaphs. If you don't want to be a serf, pave your path and become self sufficient. This is the new America, if you aren't thinking of ways to generate your own income, you will be a slave. People who have had their lives handed to them on a platter and are struggling now can't wrap their brains around that concept though.

Good luck to you all...but I have no time to bitch and complain about the state of the affairs.

edit on 20-10-2013 by supremecommander because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 20 2013 @ 06:54 AM

One can only hope that one day through this experience with adversity... [snip]... then we may be able to create the equality and unity that we all deserve.

reply to post by Pinkorchid

Ok, that's hilarious indeed !

This crap has been going on since the first caveman learned how to make his neighbour go fetch the water bucket.

History repeats, and repeats, and... repeats again.

And it'll keep on repeating.
It's how the human hubris is wired.

posted on Oct, 20 2013 @ 08:05 AM
reply to post by Pinkorchid

Read "The peoples history of the United States" By Howard Zinn. It is the non propagandized version of US history.

The big problem we have now in the US is that people are so enslaved by debt and a terrible job market that its having the effect of paralyzing social change. People are afraid to rock the very leaky boat they are sitting in. They are afraid to speak up in the workplace for fear of being thrown into a job market that is almost non existent and low paying. Upward mobility is largely a thing of the past for most people. If you decide to go to college, look forwards to years of crushing debt after graduating. Its no longer a system that serves the people. It simply serves the cabal of owners of most of the country's assets, and everyone else is well, expendable. And, if you complain, you get labeled a "socialist" or an extremist, just for pointing out that we live in a plutocracy.
edit on 20-10-2013 by openminded2011 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 20 2013 @ 08:53 AM
reply to post by CranialSponge

Is there no room for a different outlook , I'm an idealist there is only about 12-20 % of us in any given population.

Hey it's part of my job :- idealists are seekers of personal journeys and human potentials , so I will always believe there is a better way.

posted on Oct, 20 2013 @ 09:04 AM
reply to post by Trubeeleever

If only it could be just my tragedy , but unfortunately it will be shared by all eventually, if a radical shift does not occur.

posted on Oct, 20 2013 @ 09:33 AM

reply to post by CranialSponge

Is there no room for a different outlook , I'm an idealist there is only about 12-20 % of us in any given population.

Hey it's part of my job :- idealists are seekers of personal journeys and human potentials , so I will always believe there is a better way.

The US is much like a Club. With owner and members. The Club of USA have 315 million paying members. And a a few hundred non paying owners.

The few hundred owners have a few hundred thousand members on their payroll as cops and soldiers. These owners are organised to have Control over their 315 million members. They have cops on their payroll to make sure the 315 million members follow their Law. They have a few hundred thousand soldiers on their payroll to make sure no external governments/Club comes and hijack their Club.

Who have the odds on their side here; you or them?
edit on 27.06.08 by spy66 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 20 2013 @ 09:41 AM
reply to post by spy66

You know things will never be different , if people always believe that its impossible.

Sounds like a club that I would rescind my membership to.

posted on Oct, 20 2013 @ 09:56 AM

reply to post by spy66

You know things will never be different , if people always believe that its impossible.

Sounds like a club that I would rescind my membership to.

Sure. But have you ever asked anyone if it is possible to be absolutely free? That means free from government control.

No one would know how that is possible. Because none of us have ever been absolute free. And we don't trust anyone With freedom.

People don't know how to live without being governed. As long as we think we have to be governed by some one to be safe in Our community. We will never get out of the shackles we have put on Ourselves, by just having faith. Everyone must be willingly to take the risk. That is what faith is all about.

By doing nothing, People have accepted their faith. The government have a few hundred thousand soldiers on their payroll to prevent anyone else to do anything With what you hope for. That someone will come around and set you free.

edit on 27.06.08 by spy66 because: (no reason given)

edit on 27.06.08 by spy66 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 20 2013 @ 10:40 AM
reply to post by spy66

I am beginning to believe that quite a few American's are suffering from a kind of "Battered Nation Syndrome"

I have seen the responses is quite a few posters from the U.S.

These are the symptom's of "Battered person Syndrome" and perhaps it can work in the collective form.

The abused thinks that the violence was his or her fault.

The abused has an inability to place the responsibility for the violence elsewhere.

The abused fears for their life and/or the lives of their children (if present).

The abused has an irrational belief that the abuser is omnipresent and omniscient.

Now the U.S has been in a constant state of war for many years and there has been considerable trauma present in 911 , Sandy Hook and Boston bombing , to name a few , so it is possible.

I just don't know if the majority of a nation can suffer from it.

posted on Oct, 20 2013 @ 02:54 PM
reply to post by Pinkorchid

Now the U.S has been in a constant state of war for many years and there has been considerable trauma present in 911 , Sandy Hook and Boston bombing , to name a few , so it is possible.

I just don't know if the majority of a nation can suffer from it.

Thats right they dont.
What 99,9% of us suffer from are attitude problems. We just dont know how to behave. Or have the will to behave properly when it is most needed.

We are moraly messed up. Some more than others. This is Our problem.

posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 01:00 AM

The time for change in the U.S. had ended, the window has closed.

Now what is left to look forward to ?

As my mother used to say , "You've made your bed, now you have to lie in it".

The world has beseeched you , screamed at you to do something about it , anything.

You paid no heed.

You danced to the piper and you were their cheerleaders.

You covered your eyes, ears and mouths and spoke no evil against what was happening.

You consented by default to all that is coming your way.

You played the left/right political paradigm and the black/white minstrel show.

America is so fractured and divided , it couldn't fight its way out of this despotic nightmare even if it should decide to try.

When your own citizens pleaded with you to drop the charades and the petty bickering and stand up for you rights , you blew raspberries at them , like small spoilt children.

For those that did nothing the shame will be forever yours , it belongs solely to you , you can take that to the Fed and bank it, for it will be the only thing you can bank.

I applaud all those Americans that did give a damn about their rights and freedoms.

I applaud their bravery and their tenacity in the face of overwhelming apathy and delusion.

I'm no longer pointing the finger at the politicians or the banks , but at those that still to this day , claim nothing is wrong , its all ok.

Below are some exerts about how and what that bed will look like .

The erosion of these liberties is not the result of a series of random, unconstitutional acts by a set of power-hungry globalist minions. Instead, the new and emerging system of American justice is bringing forth a sweeping set of reforms which is quickly ending our noble experiment with inalienable, individual liberties. This new system of justice, being visited upon shores, is called Communitarian law and it represents the antithesis of Constitutional law as it champions community interests at the expense of individual liberties. Terms like social justice, sustainability, smart growth, collectivism and sacrificing for the greater good represent some of the buzz words and phrases of Communitarian law.

Know the language , for it is important for you to understand the parameters of your brave new order....

And that which you thought you own and had a right to keep , will be taken from you....

I gave you a S&F just for mentioning the word
"Communitarianism" -- I've been wanting to do a thread on it, but I barely have time to read the OPs here.

A few years ago I came across an article written by a Seattle woman who was shocked to come across Communitarianism as the hot, "new" form of government. (It's been around for over 40 years.) It's a slightly sanitized version of Communism -- it has better PR. It's also the primary totalitarian government of choice for the Globalists and the New World Order.


“This should cure any lingering doubts whether or not England’s Big Society is a communitarian concept. And, this is wild, Etzioni says Seattle is one of the most communitarian places in the U.S. After all my personal first hand experiences with LA21 community developers/COPS in Seattle, I have to agree. We were called “trash” and “pigs” in Seattle Communitarian neighborhood meetings. We were accused of “spreading disease, crime and immorality” in Communitarian property takings. We were called wackos and conspiracy theorists for suggesting Seattle was communitarian. heh. Communitarians may believe themselves to be friendly do-gooders, but deny them power over you, and you’ll see, like we did, just how friendly they really are.”

"The erosion of these liberties is not the result of a series of random, unconstitutional acts by a set of power-hungry globalist minions."

Yes & No. The acts are NOT random. The planned acts have been in the works for decades -- since before the Fed was created.

But the acts have been perpetrated by "power-hungry globalist minions" and useful idiots (to use Lenin's phrase).

I think it's too late to do anything about it, unless something completely unforeseen happens.

The people behind Communitarianism are only some of the richest people on the planet. They own & control just about everything that matters: Food production, the most powerful banks, the politicians, the judges, the medical industry, energy production, the major corporations, the media (news outlets, books, magazines, newspapers, movies, internet services), and thru government control they control the police & military. If they don't already, they will own all the potable water on the planet and find some way to tax rainwater.

All we can hope for, is to find some way to delay the inevitable.
If things go according to the Globalists' plans, this country will be unrecognizable in 40 years, maybe much sooner.

In less than 15 years, more than 50% of the 20 yr olds in the US will be non-White. It's not just race that I'm talking about, I'm talking about a difference in heritage. These people will have no connection to the Founding Fathers, either by blood or culture. In 40 years, the US will be a Third World country.

posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 01:41 AM
reply to post by AuranVector

Totally agree with that view. Its a bit like watching an ice-age coming , first you notice the heavier than normal snow , then next year it lasts a little longer on the ground and then it never goes away and the age begins.

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