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Employers Advertising Jobs That Don't Exist in Reality

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posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 03:45 PM
Employment sites have turned into one big data mining operation!!

posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 03:52 PM

reply to post by HanzHenry

First of all, your first post was removed because it was vile, angry, and unnecessarily insulting.

This thread is not about immigrants, although it is being derailed in that direction. I'm stopping that right now. This is why I tend not to post threads, because some of y'all are incredibly hot-headed and want to argue and insult, going off on weird tangents not salient to the point at hand.

If you wish to create your own thread bagging on immigrants, be my guest. If you want to discuss the pertinent issue at hand here without bringing doosh-baggery into the thread, I'm down for that. If you want to fight, it ain't happening, and I will report it.

Jobs.. right?

Well pointing out that the rich have been allowed to break the middle class by using SCABS(=immigrants) to do it. Because these are foreign corps, they have a desire for profit above all else.
And the workers have ALWAYS been against the employers!

Have you read ANY of the labor movement in America? Do you have ANY knowledge on it.

You want to focus on a leaky roof instead of the rain and how to fix the leak!
edit on 10-10-2013 by HanzHenry because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 03:55 PM
reply to post by Merlynn

I used to work on an Army base, long ago. I would think that veterans would be the first in line to get these jobs. Funny how things have changed!!

posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 03:58 PM
reply to post by AbleEndangered

You know, I hadn't really thought of that, but it would be the perfect cover for intense data mining. Just about all of your information is on your resume. Good gravy! Is anything safe or real anymore?? Match up the name and previous employers, and the other information should be easy to obtain.

posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 04:05 PM


reply to post by HanzHenry

First of all, your first post was removed because it was vile, angry, and unnecessarily insulting.

This thread is not about immigrants, although it is being derailed in that direction. I'm stopping that right now. This is why I tend not to post threads, because some of y'all are incredibly hot-headed and want to argue and insult, going off on weird tangents not salient to the point at hand.

If you wish to create your own thread bagging on immigrants, be my guest. If you want to discuss the pertinent issue at hand here without bringing doosh-baggery into the thread, I'm down for that. If you want to fight, it ain't happening, and I will report it.

Jobs.. right?

Well pointing out that the rich have been allowed to break the middle class by using SCABS(=immigrants) to do it. Because these are foreign corps, they have a desire for profit above all else.
And the workers have ALWAYS been against the employers!

Have you read ANY of the labor movement in America? Do you have ANY knowledge on it.

You want to focus on a leaky roof instead of the rain and how to fix the leak!
edit on 10-10-2013 by HanzHenry because: (no reason given)

Since you are the EXPERT....Yes, please, do start a thread on the labor movement in America....enlighten us....with your all your own thread, where that topic would be appropriate.

I await your new thread...but until you make one....I'll stick with the timely topic of this thread.


posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 04:10 PM
reply to post by HanzHenry

Feel free to educate us on the labor movement in America, immigrants and their effects on American jobs, and how you don't want to share your country with Third World people....IN YOUR OWN THREAD.

This thread is, specifically, about employers advertising for jobs that either do not exist or they have no intention of filling. In other words, what the heck does it matter who is here right now, if the jobs do not exist or will never be filled? The point you are trying so hard to make with me, while being somewhat rude, has no place in this discussion. If you have something to say on advertised jobs, I'm listening. Otherwise, this is my last reply to you.

posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 04:15 PM

reply to post by Merlynn

I used to work on an Army base, long ago. I would think that veterans would be the first in line to get these jobs. Funny how things have changed!!

To an extent it's always been like that, more of who you know than what you know. But around 10-15 years ago I started noticing more and more civilians being hired at the company. At first into jobs that weren't just necessarily military jobs, like working at a computer, but software used was only military and sometimes jobs would be put up asking for experience with this specific knowledge. Then even mechanic jobs, which almost always asks for military experience, started getting filled with non military.

Many NAF and DoD hire current military wives over veterans, spousal preference is higher than veteran preference.

posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 04:24 PM
reply to post by FissionSurplus

As an experiment to validate your OP. I went through the online jobs listings for my surrounding area, it's a mall town area, and a lot of those jobs are listed on sites that clean them out of ads from online newspapers, by bots that are programmed to pick them up. They are then listed as job openings on other sites that use those job listings to try to get people to sign up for a small fee. I know a lot of the businesses that are in some of those listings, and called a few of them.

BINGO...was told by 3 businesses, those listings were ages old, and no longer open. Hadn't been for some time, and yet still listed as open jobs by the scammer sites. I'm sure this happens a lot. The trickle down effect of spreading the lie that there are so many jobs available, that people just don't want to work.


posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 06:32 PM
reply to post by Destinyone

I know that a lot of the online stuff is old, and often the jobs, if they are real, fill quickly. Yet they remain on these websites. It sure does generate a lot of false hope, and wasted time while people apply to jobs that no longer exist.

posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 07:59 PM
How it is in the UK at this moment.
Most advertised jobs DO NOT exist, I've proven this to myself time and time again.
Those jobs that do exist are MOSTLY part time and there's a very good reason for this! By employing someone for less than 30 hours per week the employer does not have to pay for national insurance stamp! Hence most REAL jobs are now only 24 hours per week.
Our glorious leaders have very recently decided that anyone long term unemployed will be forced to work for their benefit money doing work that was originally done by people employed by the local authority.
See whats happened?
By keeping people unemployed they've created a labor pool that are now forced to work for just £1.64 per hour!
But its not restricted to just local authority jobs, even the large supermarkets use these people who are forced to work for £1.64 per hour!

They can get away with this because the masses who vote these scumbags into office see all those FAKE jobs that they advertise and declare "There's plenty of jobs, all you've got to do is look for them"

Wake up people!! We're being treated worse than slaves because they at least get fed and housed, we have no such luxury!

posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 08:27 PM
I almost wouldn't mind as much about jobs posting for future jobs IF they were just accepting resumes. Last year when I was looking I know of one job application that literally took 3 hours to fill out everything they wanted. They wanted a resume, and for you to type out an application that essentially asked everything that was on the resume. I had to complete a telephone interview with a robot, take a personality test, typing test, form to sign over my firstborn, etc. While that was the most intense online application, (I didn't get that job) almost every other job I applied for would take 30-90 minutes to fill out whatever they wanted. That's where I get upset. They are wasting my time for a job that may or may not exist. I wouldn't be surprised if they were making money by selling information on the side as much info as they ask you to fill out. It just infuriates me.

posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 09:09 PM
I work in the employment field and a lot of what's being suggested is at least partially correct.

The bottom line is that EMPLOYERS...these big corporations and even small companies need to be taught a lesson! The employer/employee dynamic has been tilted off balance to where employers are almost "god-like" status.

In many threads concerning economics or private ownership, etc., you will notice a certain "air" of self-centered, cockiness from even resident business owners. It's starting to look like some have suggested that slavery was simply mutated into employment. The business owners are the nobles and kings! They control the average citizens life and free people should not have to live as such.

Employees will have no choice but to join together and bring nearly ALL companies back to Earth. Force them to realize that they are indeed providing society with a service or product...but they are also RECEIVING from society at the same time in the form of employees who HELP....THEM...realize their dreams.

I believe we will have to take the power of employers hiring and place it in the hand of the people (our government).

posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 09:17 PM
I went to a booth at a local job fair where they advertised they were hiring local drivers for full time work. It turned out to be a part time driver helper position loading trucks and it was seasonal. I had the cdl and the experience needed in the advertisement. It was guess what a union shop. I since dislike unions, it was the final straw for me.

posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 09:58 PM
This is SO TRUE..........

I would say over half of the office positions (accounting, clerical, sales, ect) are fake postings. If you see an employment agencies name by it I would only say it has a 10% chance of being real.

Here's why these agencies post fake jobs. First, it makes people think they should apply because they have all the jobs.


Since temp agencies buy bulk postings, it doesn't cost them that much to post fake postings.

Employment agencies are terrible, terrible for the economy. I think there should be a special unemployment tax on temp agencies since they cost the economy so much.

posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 10:05 PM
There are a number of companies that put out ads for employment with no intention of hiring Americans

They put out the ads so that that can claim there is no Americans qualified for the jobs at the pay the company wants to pay.

They then use Green card workers to fill these jobs instead of raising there pay levels.

These are common in Las Vegas and Reno NV for the casino house keeping jobs.

And in the computer industry for software.

And manufacturing for skilled jobs.

Its also common for companies that want to cut expenses by cutting safety rules as few green card workers will complain and risk getting deported.

posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 10:09 PM

reply to post by HanzHenry

First of all, your first post was removed because it was vile, angry, and unnecessarily insulting.

This thread is not about immigrants, although it is being derailed in that direction. I'm stopping that right now. This is why I tend not to post threads, because some of y'all are incredibly hot-headed and want to argue and insult, going off on weird tangents not salient to the point at hand.

If you wish to create your own thread bagging on immigrants, be my guest. If you want to discuss the pertinent issue at hand here without bringing doosh-baggery into the thread, I'm down for that. If you want to fight, it ain't happening, and I will report it.

the first word is Employers, my point is that ALWAYS has been Employers vs. workers. And scabs are the Employers weapon to subdue the workforce, and strikes/picket lines and the violent threat associated. Employers were too scared to leave their offices at times for fear of being followed home.

You are mentioning how employers lie.. no really? a group whom relies on the toils of others to succeed.. "tell me more" says willy wonka with a smile.

The answer is that workers need to regain the bargaining power, and just like the last labor movement, the addressing of immigration.. but nope. will continue to see USA resemble Mexico more and more, in every way,

INCLUDING the exploitative employer tactics.. and the corruption.. DANG. it is Mexico!

posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 10:16 PM

How it is in the UK at this moment.
Most advertised jobs DO NOT exist
See whats happened?
By keeping people unemployed they've created a labor pool that are now forced to work for just £1.64 per hour!
But its not restricted to just local authority jobs, even the large supermarkets use these people who are forced to work for £1.64 per hour!

They can get away with this because the masses who vote these scumbags into office see all those FAKE jobs that they advertise and declare "There's plenty of jobs, all you've got to do is look for them"

Wake up people!! We're being treated worse than slaves because they at least get fed and housed, we have no such luxury!

the weapon used to achieve this state is IMMIGRATION..
a. SCABS/Strikebreakers
b. Fill up available housing, create more financial desperation thru inflated living expenses and taking away financial independence and strength (bargaining power)
c. And create financial strain by FILCHING off govt services BUILT BY THE true citizens.

Immigrants are like Viking hoardes that invade and STAY, don't need swords. the phrase "that's racist" will open all doors.

posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 10:19 PM

There are a number of companies that put out ads for employment with no intention of hiring Americans

They put out the ads so that that can claim there is no Americans qualified for the jobs at the pay the company wants to pay.

They then use Green card workers to fill these jobs instead of raising there pay levels.

These are common in Las Vegas and Reno NV for the casino house keeping jobs.

And in the computer industry for software.

And manufacturing for skilled jobs.

Its also common for companies that want to cut expenses by cutting safety rules as few green card workers will complain and risk getting deported.

I believe in KARMA.. and hope it comes through on ALL those that have profited this way.
The O.P. had a response from me regarding.

I firmly feel that ALL PARTIES WHO CONTRIBUTED TO and PROFITED from the invasion of immigrants that WRECKED America are RESPONSIBLE..

DOING work- - VISA's!!


posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 10:37 PM
Take a look at sites like USAJobs, they advertise positions by the thousands, working for the government.

Some time ago, I was intensely involved in the application process. I submitted a couple of hundred applications over the course of some years and believe me each application's requirements are very time consuming to complete. Although my qualifications are very strong, I never had one opportunity for an interview.

Over the course of time I spent on their website I discovered that after they canceled or closed a position, they would reinstate it within a month. It appeared to be a total scam so I stopped. Felt I was wasting my time.
edit on 10-10-2013 by eManym because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 10:55 PM
reply to post by eManym

Yep same here, eventually you just cant ignore that its all a part of the illusion.

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