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If Pres. Obama acted like the Tea Party…

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posted on Oct, 8 2013 @ 12:49 PM
If Pres. Obama acted like the Tea Party…

Checks and Balances..

Okay…So the Affordable Care Act aka “Obamacare” was…


Debated for over a year..

Voted on and passed by the people’s elected representatives in both the House of Representatives and the Senate.


Signed into law by the President of the United States

A President who ran for and was elected TWICE, once with ACA as a proposal and the 2nd time after the law was passed, both with the ACA/Obamacare as central pillar of his platform.


The law was upheld by the Supreme Court of the United States.

Now…a minority faction of the GOP aka “Tea Party Caucus” of roughly 40 members amongst the 435 members of one chamber (House of Representatives) of the legislative branch, is for the first time in our nation’s history threatening our nation with defaulting on it’s debts...

...something every economist, CEO and investor agrees would lead at the least to a 2nd recession and with a strong possibility of a depression…unless a democratically enacted law, passed and upheld by all three branches of government is scuttled or repealed.

All the while, that minority faction (TP) threatens the House Leader with insurrection and he abides, refusing to bring a clean bill to a vote, despite having a GOP Majority in the house, because even despite that majority, if he allowed the House of Representatives to vote openly, they would vote against this tactic.

The insane retort that Tea Party advocates offer to sane observers who accurately accuse them of taking the American economy hostage until the demands of an extremist minority faction is met and the people’s will is undone…is…It’s just the “checks and balances” of democracy at work. Despite not even allowing an actual vote on a clean debt ceiling raise or spending resolution.

What if in that context, the President refused to sign and threatened to VETO any Debt Ceiling raise that did not include a provision for Single Payer, Government Funded Healthcare??

Over-riding that Veto would require 2/3rds majority vote in both the House and the Senate…while the House GOP Majority would certainly bring the bill to the floor and might even cajole enough Democrats to over-ride the Veto…the Senate Leadership being in the hands of Democrats could refuse to bring the bill to a vote until the House acquiesced and agreed to single payer healthcare, all the while, the American Economy on the line.

Interesting hypothetical…and interested in opinions from both sides of the spectrum

Would that tactic simply be "checks and balances"...or would it be taking the American People's future hostage until a minorities Tyrannical demands are met?

+9 more 
posted on Oct, 8 2013 @ 12:55 PM
I think its all crazy. I’m now forced by law to buy goods and services. I don’t even think Hitler went that far. And now we are debating on if we should increase our credit card limit so we can pay off the other credit cards.

We are in trouble folks. start getting ready for winter, its going to be a cold one.

+11 more 
posted on Oct, 8 2013 @ 12:56 PM
What a effing joke.

The care act was passed with threats,bribery, and cohersion, and is the biggest corporate fascism this country has seen in long,long time.

The current potus, and his party loves selling WE THE PEOPLE out to insurance CORPORATIONS.

They did it with homes,

They did it with car insurance.

They just love corporations.

IF the potus acted like the tea party The care act would not EXIST.

Talk about revisionist history. Great ideas do not require FORCE to pass.

Noone can say that about Obama, or the care act.

Government knows best.

The progressive platform knows best.

Rinse and repeat fascism under the guise of it's what the people 'want'.

edit on 8-10-2013 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 8 2013 @ 12:59 PM
Wait, so let me get this straight...

These 40 or so "Tea Party" people basically get the government to shut down, then they turn right around and claim that Obama and the Democrats are to blame.


This is like holding a child hostage and claiming the police are making you do it and it's their fault.
edit on 8-10-2013 by MystikMushroom because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 8 2013 @ 01:00 PM
reply to post by Indigo5

I think the left and the right (that's right, the Republicans hate the constitution too) are going to have to revise their strategy of blaming everything on 'The Tea Party'.

The fact is that 'The American People' have had enough.
edit on 8-10-2013 by greencmp because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 8 2013 @ 01:09 PM

reply to post by Indigo5

I think the left and the right (that's right, the Republicans hate the constitution too) are going to have to revise their strategy of blaming everything on 'The Tea Party'.

The fact is that 'The American People' have had enough.
edit on 8-10-2013 by greencmp because: (no reason given)

You are exactly right.

Neither the Dems or Repubs like the TEAParty or Libertarian members, as they oppose the status quo. That is why they engage in such dangerous and demonizing rhetoric against them (terrorist, extremist, et. al). They are trying to solidify their stranglehold on the nation, by turning public opinion against those who dissent.

These tactics are as old as Adam, yet the brain-dead American populace can't see through it and the party cheerleaders are more than happy to engage in the same.

Sad . . .
edit on 10/8/13 by solomons path because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 8 2013 @ 01:16 PM

solomons path

reply to post by Indigo5

These tactics are as old as Adam, yet the brain-dead American populace can't see through it and the party cheerleaders are more than happy to engage in the same.

Sad . . .
edit on 10/8/13 by solomons path because: (no reason given)

HEY! We're not brain d...Oooo, LOOK!...A SQUIRREL!!!
edit on 8-10-2013 by IAMTAT because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 8 2013 @ 01:16 PM


The current potus, and his party loves selling WE THE PEOPLE out to insurance CORPORATIONS.

Well..History itself, let alone the congressional record, show that the President and his Party strongly preferred single payer healthcare and initially proposed it, but that the GOP demanded that "Insurance Corporations" not compete with a government system.
edit on 8-10-2013 by Indigo5 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 8 2013 @ 01:21 PM
reply to post by Indigo5

And the point is ?

Not paying attention to SS,Medicare,Medicaid ?

The exponentially increases to government spending where we can not pay our bills right now, compound that stupidity with the care act?

What makes people think government can run their healthcare better than what it is now?

Oh and single payer is nothing but a pretext to their healthcare should be free.

That is the only thing it is about.

Nothing more.

And I honestly don't want a hospital visit looking like a DMV visit.

posted on Oct, 8 2013 @ 01:21 PM

reply to post by Indigo5

I think the left and the right (that's right, the Republicans hate the constitution too) are going to have to revise their strategy of blaming everything on 'The Tea Party'.

The fact is that 'The American People' have had enough.
edit on 8-10-2013 by greencmp because: (no reason given)

The American People certainly have had enough...I am not sure you see clearly who they have had enough of yet though.

Poll: Tea party approaches record low popularity

Only 22 percent of respondents describe themselves as supporters of the tea party in Gallup's latest poll - a number that nearly matches the record low 21 percent of Americans who described themselves as tea party supporters in a similar poll at the end of 2011. By contrast, toward the end of 2010, 32 percent of Americans described themselves as supporters of the tea party.

And that was BEFORE they shut down the Gov. and took the economy hostage!

posted on Oct, 8 2013 @ 01:24 PM
reply to post by solomons path

Yea Republicans and Democrats are both screwing this country up. The farce is so ridiculous that it has actually cemented into an 8 year cycle. Every 8 years or so we get a new party in charge selling our country out to the highest bidder while the other sits in the background doing everything in their power to make the sitting party look bad. After the public gets tired of the sitting party (roughly 8 years), then the two parties switch roles. Meanwhile, if they had stopped and thought about what they are voting for, they'd realize that they are voting for the same yahoos that they got fed up with 16 years prior to that. What's the definition of insanity again?

Then when you point out to them that they are voting for the same thing in both parties and should at the very least vote third party (Libertarian party is probably the strongest of them) they laugh at you and say that is throwing your vote away or even worse a vote for the Democrats

edit on 8-10-2013 by Krazysh0t because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 8 2013 @ 01:24 PM

If Pres. Obama acted like the Tea Party…

Checks and Balances..

Okay…So the Affordable Care Act aka “Obamacare” was…


Debated for over a year..

Voted on and passed by the people’s elected representatives in both the House of Representatives and the Senate.


Signed into law by the President of the United States

A President who ran for and was elected TWICE, once with ACA as a proposal and the 2nd time after the law was passed, both with the ACA/Obamacare as central pillar of his platform.


The law was upheld by the Supreme Court of the United States.

Now…a minority faction of the GOP aka “Tea Party Caucus” of roughly 40 members amongst the 435 members of one chamber (House of Representatives) of the legislative branch, is for the first time in our nation’s history threatening our nation with defaulting on it’s debts...

...something every economist, CEO and investor agrees would lead at the least to a 2nd recession and with a strong possibility of a depression…unless a democratically enacted law, passed and upheld by all three branches of government is scuttled or repealed.

All the while, that minority faction (TP) threatens the House Leader with insurrection and he abides, refusing to bring a clean bill to a vote, despite having a GOP Majority in the house, because even despite that majority, if he allowed the House of Representatives to vote openly, they would vote against this tactic.

The insane retort that Tea Party advocates offer to sane observers who accurately accuse them of taking the American economy hostage until the demands of an extremist minority faction is met and the people’s will is undone…is…It’s just the “checks and balances” of democracy at work. Despite not even allowing an actual vote on a clean debt ceiling raise or spending resolution.

What if in that context, the President refused to sign and threatened to VETO any Debt Ceiling raise that did not include a provision for Single Payer, Government Funded Healthcare??

Over-riding that Veto would require 2/3rds majority vote in both the House and the Senate…while the House GOP Majority would certainly bring the bill to the floor and might even cajole enough Democrats to over-ride the Veto…the Senate Leadership being in the hands of Democrats could refuse to bring the bill to a vote until the House acquiesced and agreed to single payer healthcare, all the while, the American Economy on the line.

Interesting hypothetical…and interested in opinions from both sides of the spectrum

Would that tactic simply be "checks and balances"...or would it be taking the American People's future hostage until a minorities Tyrannical demands are met?

The politicians who "passed" this bill DID NOT READ IT. Please explain how that is representing the people?

posted on Oct, 8 2013 @ 01:47 PM
reply to post by Indigo5

The law was upheld by the Supreme Court of the United States.

Yes, the SUPREME COURT... all bow down.
They passed the Dred Scott decision.
Why they're infallible, aren't they?

Here, for those that have never heard of it.... Dred Scott

Dred Scott v. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857), was a landmark decision by the U.S. Supreme Court in which the Court held that African Americans, whether slave or free, could not be American citizens and therefore had no standing to sue in federal court, and that the federal government had no power to regulate slavery in the federal territories acquired after the creation of the United States. Dred Scott, an African American slave who had been taken by his owners to free states and territories, attempted to sue for his freedom. In a 7–2 decision written by Chief Justice Roger B. Taney, the Court denied Scott's request and in doing so, ruled an Act of Congress to be unconstitutional for the second time in its history.[

posted on Oct, 8 2013 @ 01:50 PM

The law was upheld by the Supreme Court of the United States.


But it is not a tax.

Wasn't sold as a TAX.

Not defended as a TAX.

posted on Oct, 8 2013 @ 01:53 PM
reply to post by Indigo5

They lost the election and Obamacare is law. There's any number of ways to work for change in this country, but this latest stunt is not one of them

posted on Oct, 8 2013 @ 01:55 PM
US Adults Are Dumber Than Average Humans

The above link explains how Obama was elected - TWICE. And summarizes how and why this president still has supporters!

posted on Oct, 8 2013 @ 02:02 PM
reply to post by Indigo5

Or what if Senate Democrats refused to pass a CR unless the House raised taxes on the rich and Corporations? It is supported by the majority of the public and it is proven historically to improve the economy.

Could you imagine the "outrage" from Republicans if Obama and the Senate decided they would shut down the government unless they got higher taxes?

Even that example makes more sense then demanding a delay in the ACA. So imagine a scenario where the Democrats demanded that the House pass Immigration Reform with a CR, or they will shut down the government.

The Republicans are a bunch of hypocrites, trying to force legislation through backdoor channels while they cry about the ACA being "rammed through"...even though it was debated for over a year and compromised on countless times.

The only good thing is that the public sees right through the Republicans games, poll after poll shows that the public is blaming Republicans.

posted on Oct, 8 2013 @ 02:03 PM
reply to post by Indigo5

So the Tea Party terrorists are holding the country hostage? That would be quite humorous if it wasn't so naive and ignorant.

Who created this country's mountain of debt? The Tea Party?

Who created the policies of spending more than we take in? The Tea Party?

Who is pushing the country to the brink over a one year postponement of the Obamacare mandate even though the potus has already granted hundreds of exemptions? The Tea Party?

The only group in the entire federal government that's actually trying to rein in spending and be responsible so that our country can prosper is being dismissed as a group of terrorists??


posted on Oct, 8 2013 @ 02:04 PM
reply to post by Spiramirabilis


“What you cannot do, what cannot be allowed to stand is the notion that a group of legislators that cannot convince a majority in both Houses and the President to agree with them, would then shut down the government or threaten default until they got their way. That is not democracy, that is extortion.”

edit on 8/10/13 by blupblup because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 8 2013 @ 02:04 PM

US Adults Are Dumber Than Average Humans

The above link explains how Obama was elected - TWICE. And summarizes how and why this president still has supporters!

It is a well known fact that Democrat voters are much more educated than Republican voters.

Be careful with your may just be incriminating yourself.

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