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Prepartion for the "After Life"

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posted on Oct, 1 2013 @ 12:24 PM
reply to post by covertpanther

Have you seen this, would like your opinion.

Galactic History -- Part 1

posted on Oct, 1 2013 @ 02:47 PM
reply to post by covertpanther

Surely, this is one of the most informative threads on ATS. Forget about the conspiracies, the debates, and the conflicts of interests spread throughout the web site. These are just battles of the mind created by the duality consciousness. Our true opposition boils down to two things in this material universe:

1. The Elite thinking that they are ruling the physical world.
2. This is more subtle, and requires a much deeper connection to your Higher Self to are your own enemy. In the scientific and philosophical circles, it is called the Ego. Others may call it the Mortal Self, Lower Mind, or the Material Vehicle.

Let me expand on the OP's description of why we all must raise our consciousness and overcome death. And thus, this will also stop your reincarnation cycles. First, let's understand the forces that are trying to stop you from raising your mind, and therefore your ascension back to the God.

1. The so called Elite are beings spread across the 3rd and 4th Dimensions. Where did they come from? Why are they trying to control us? Who are they?

Both of these dimensions are known as the Material Universe. They consist of the following Planes of Existence, from highest to lowest in energy vibrations.

1. Identity Plane
2. Mental Plane
3. Emotional Plane (Also known as Astral)
4. Physical Plane (This is where we are)

Those of you who follow my teachings on ATS will instantly recognize these planes. These Elitist beings used to exist way at the top in the Mental and Identity Planes. But once upon a time (millions of years ago), they believe that they can run the Material Universe better than God. As they continue to lower their consciousness by using the laws in disharmony to God, they create an incredible imbalance within their minds, bringing their energy vibrations down into the Emotional and Physical Planes. So now, they are here with us.

Some of these beings have now reincarnated onto Earth in physical bodies. They are the ruling class of darkness as spoken by so many people. They are the Shadow Government. "The Hidden Hand" so to speak. But we are not done yet. Right above us, the Emotional Plane, these beings exist there too. They give power to the dark ones incarnated in physical bodies. Where do they get this power? They get it from the masses who have buried their head in the sand. As explained in my other posts, every time when we indulge ourselves in their politics, latest gadgets, TV shows, violent movies, religion, science, football games, and various distractions, we are giving energy to them. Therefore, we lower our consciousness even further.

These Elite beings, as they call themselves, run on what I call the Mind of Man or the Ego, which 99% of people on Earth also use on a daily basis. I will get to the Ego in just a moment. I know you may think, "Oh, I'm quite familiar with it. You don't have to explain." Well, there are a lot more than meets the eye.

So you see somewhat that these Elitists know more than we do? They came from the higher planes. In the Mental and Identity Planes, you have mastered to a certain point how to raise your consciousness in an instant, manipulate physical and psychic matter with your mind, and various other Super Powers we never talk about on Earth. They believe sincerely that they are way superior than the masses on Earth. But the way they want to rule is to stop you from evolving so that they can continue to extract light energy from your consciousness (this allows you to stay alive in the physical). Because without this light energy from God, you would instantly die.

2. Now let's move on to our more subtle enemy, The Ego.

I will reveal to you what the Soul really is. So many religious and spiritual people talk about the Soul. But yet do they really know what it is? When we came here, our consciousness created the Soul. It is the vehicle to pilot the Material Universe. Did it come from God? No, it came from our desire to experience this Universe. The Soul is really our Consciousness. It has four parts, corresponding to the four planes I mentioned above. Because our existence in this world is the projection of our minds. I'm not going into that concept in this post. But I will say that your Soul contains the Physical Body, Emotional Psychology, Mental Thoughts, and the Identity Spectrum. Your Ego controls the last three sections of your Soul.

Here is the problem. Without the Ego, you would be like a zombie, just sitting there in a vegetable state. The Ego is a computer allowing you to manipulate matter and control your physical body and mind. But you ask, so what's wrong with that? What people don't realize is that they allow the Ego to take over the decision making process in their minds. You see, in order to raise your consciousness, you must make choices in life to work in harmony with the laws of the universe and the laws of God. But if you allow your Ego to make choices instead, you are going to lower your mind, because all things that the Ego do are from the Mind of Man. The Ego doesn't know any better. Again, it is a computer. You program the Ego to perform your functions without thinking too much. However, the Ego will do everything in its power to survive. It doesn't want to die. It will do everything both in a grand fashion and with subtle instincts to keep your Physical Vehicle alive by making you perform choices that involve Earthly matters instead of Spiritual Matters (this raises your consciousness).

Do you know what happens if your Ego dies? Your Soul gets destroyed and you end up in the Spiritual Realm or Heaven as some people call it. You ask, but if I lose my Soul, isn't that dangerous? Remember what I said? The Soul was created as a Vehicle to pilot the Material Universe. The Spiritual Realm is one level higher than this Universe, which is the 5th Dimension. Your Soul dies in Heaven and your Spirit becomes the vehicle. Spirit is God Consciousness--the Mind of God.

After knowing this, how do we destroy the Ego? Much easier said than done, my friends. I will give a summary of how to raise your consciousness. Eventually, you will destroy the Ego as you master your Soul. In order to master your Soul, you must NOT give your mind over to the Ego by controlling the choices that you make. For example, if you are overweight, why do you keep eating? Control your eating habits. Do you get angry a lot? Control your anger. Do you have thoughts about money and getting a bigger house, winning the lottery, or a beautiful wife or that handsome husband? Do these things make you happy for long? Master your thoughts, emotions, and even your physical body. Go from loving the physical things to spiritual things. Remember, physical things are from the Mind of Man or the Soul. Spiritual things are from the Mind of God or the Spirit.

....To Be Continued

posted on Oct, 1 2013 @ 03:05 PM
reply to post by covertpanther

....Continued from the Previous Post

As you can see, you must learn to master the Physical Body, Emotional Psychology, Mental Thoughts, and Identity Spectrum. Also, by focusing on unconditional Love of God, it is easier to overcome the Ego. Your thoughts are higher than an average person, and this will allow you to lose the Ego, slowly but surely.

I summarized Emotional and Mental. But what about the Identity Spectrum. What is that? This is probably the most important aspect of the Soul. This part is how you identify yourself. Do you call yourself a Mortal Human Being? Do you have weaknesses like disease, sickness, and have no control over circumstances? Is this how you identify yourself? The key here is to kick this mental picture out of the water. Stop identifying yourself in Earthly ways and bring it up a little higher by calling yourself an Immortal Being. If you change your mental picture like this, you will gradually feel stronger, healthier, more spirited, and see life in a new perspective. You are an immortal being. As you change the viewpoint, you can stop the process of death and reincarnation. The Ego will slowly deteriorate. Remember though that the Ego will get more subtle as you progress spiritually. It will go from not wanting material goods and family/friends to spiritual arrogance, thinking that you know all there is to know about God and so forth. My friends, even the Ultimate Creator of this Universe continue to transcend its own knowledge and wisdom on a daily basis. Think about that and transcend your own mental thought patterns. Stop being on automatic pilot, listen to your Higher Self and not your Ego.

I have not even given you 10% of what needs to be done by everybody on Earth. Raising your consciousness takes a lot of work, I understand. But once you trained spiritually for a while, it becomes natural and quite simple. The easier way to look at it is to look within yourself. The Kingdom of Heaven is inside of your consciousness. Because guess what? Your Consciousness came from God. You belong there. Know your true Identity and get back to your Higher Self today. Your Higher Self is God, the Presence who took a part of their mind and created a new individual God as yourself.
edit on 10/1/2013 by ctophil because: (no reason given)

edit on 10/1/2013 by ctophil because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 1 2013 @ 07:54 PM
I just finished this, rewording it a bit, for I put the parts about Mother Earth in the hands of Mom/Dad and the Highest Love and Goodness in existence in the reality and truth outside of all codes from any dimension or universe, and invited them and the Good Family in. But, he said it could be worded as you needed.

Here is the complete list of contract removal documents i came up with I will add more here as I come up with the rest.

All their hidden clauses and energy harvesting and renouncing their domination and control, including governments and banks. I felt light as a feather and as if I'd grown an inch after finishing.

posted on Oct, 1 2013 @ 08:07 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

Never seen it, never heard of the guy, and honestly, I couldn't stand another few minutes of it.

By pure judgement, it sounds like this gentleman has been plugged into the new age 'movement' over the years.
He talks that the Earth has been taken into a different galaxy and universe (?), then brought back into this one, which he obviously ignores the laws of physics as if the Earth was hijacked, it would tear up via friction. Unless he was referring to the ethereal aspect of Earth - which would still have a devastating effect on the lower plane of existence.

He seems like he definitely believes himself, and what he talks about! But his eyes and the feel I get from him tells me otherwise.. its up to each viewer to decide for themselves though. I stay away from all the "ascended masters" and "3D, 4D, 5D, 8D" stuff.. its too external and 'new agey' for me.

I have no knowledge or care for beings from other galaxies or universes. It makes no sense to me, when the external universe, experienced with 5 senses (Human) is the lower density realm. Its not important to master this realm IMO. The guy in the video you shared, is talking about wars from outer-galactic beings and higher planes over Earth.. I just dont know about it.

Im sure you feel his message is a bit.."funky" lol. That is what I got basically. You will find hundreds of these new age people, preaching these kind of concepts, but Im not sure they are actually experiencing such things in higher aspects of their being or not.
edit on 1-10-2013 by covertpanther because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 1 2013 @ 08:17 PM
edit on 1-10-2013 by covertpanther because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 1 2013 @ 08:43 PM
reply to post by covertpanther

What I did like about his message, what he seems to be picking up, is freeing the planet, and kind of expressing somewhat I knew about Lemuria. What I didn't like is the concept of their being a trap when I know this isn't true. There is in a sense, but not preventing souls from leaving. But the contracts renouncing, I've renounced alot of their coding and traps in the past, for I know they're dealing in trading souls, and in the underground bases, such as colorado airport, they are doing terrible things. As a safeguard people should be handing all karma back to them nonstop. The contract renouncing goes into all their energy harvesting deals and technologies, including what is blocking our dream time, the inception they do, and the astral reharvesting.
edit on 1-10-2013 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 1 2013 @ 08:50 PM
I believe in reincarnation but I don't feel like we're being forced to reincarnate to be slaves of some sort. I feel like we reincarnate to learn and grow and that each life lived teaches us new things or allows us to teach others. I believe that we choose the life we want to be born into by the things we want to learn and/or teach.

The reason that most people can't remember their past lives is because that would change them as a person in a way that would be detrimental to what they came here to learn. We know exactly what we need to know in order to be able to grow in the way that we need to grow. Some people remember more, some people remember less and it's all based on what you need for the path you intend to take.

For instance: I feel like I have lived many lives and have much more knowledge locked away somewhere that I'm unable to tap into but if I was able to tap into that knowledge, I would be so fundamentally changed by it that any purpose I had here in life would be irrelevant and I would go down a drastically different path that I wasn't meant to pursue.

I didn't learn my beliefs from anyone, like the TC/OP I have come to these conclusions on my own, many of which I've known since I was very young despite coming from a Christian family and never knowing anyone who believed in reincarnation.

posted on Oct, 1 2013 @ 09:01 PM
reply to post by AlphaX

I remember a past life, long ago, millions of years ago, off planet, but the events affected earth too. And it felt like remembering a camping trip just a couple years to my soul. Which is partly why I linked the video for he brings up Lemuria and The Equality, which is what I call it and my people called it and the Good Family called it. He also brings up in the 5th one, about the underground guides, the hollow earth, and Telos. And I've had experiences with that. My info comes from direct experiences, seeking, soul knowledge, and when I find other people's info, usually it contains truth and mixed in are things I don't concur with. We need to be aware that very negative beings have harmed local planets and this system, and our planet, reset it many times, they're murder incorporated basically, and not just in body slavers, but deal with souls/spirit.

And we need to regain our sovereignity and say no, this is not how we are going to live. Make the leaders know they are dealing the karma only themselves.

Having compassion on everyone and workign so no one is left behind or hurt any more, all are safe, all are free to grow up well, and no one is every in soul danger. Not to mention corporal danger or slavery.
edit on 1-10-2013 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 1 2013 @ 09:26 PM
I love your thread, one of the very few WELL thought out threads. It resonances in MOST parts what I also think/believe.

With the exception of the "controllers" with their agenda...which, at first, I would say I do not believe...but then you may be on to something and I do NOT think you simply "pulled it out of your ****" seeing that the rest of your post makes so much sense.

You may be on to something because one simply needs to look at, say, religions like the RCC or's interchangeable.

Since I share a huge percentage of your own ideas and think those are very close to the's also VERY obvious that those institutions of church are ACTIVELY working against that the "Joe Average" shall never discover this truth! There is no doubt in my mind that those institutions work are really actively suppressing that people find this truth, and also that they are deliberately spread lies/fear, also for this very purpose.

(HOWEVER, I think that most religions, in its early roots were actually teaching THIS TRUTH....means Jesus, Mohammed etc..etc. possibly all "right on" trying to spread this true message....but "Church" at some point entirely abandoned this and is now teaching the exact opposite. AND THERE MUST BE A REASON FOR THAT. (Church is *rejecting* spirituality, it is *rejecting* discovering the real truth of our purpose, origin invented a devil, hell, judgement and countless other things. I cannot believe in a religion of fear where a god is a "master" and those who believe are "slaves" just waiting to be judged. Who even came up with this nonsense? How can someone voluntarily believe in a religion OF NEGATIVITY? It is beyond me!)

And from that point of view, your idea of the "controllers" is not too far off...interesting angle to look at things.

posted on Oct, 1 2013 @ 09:55 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

Remembering past lives must be difficult, who can give a blow by blow account of what happened two years back?. Which is the time it takes for an infant to start speaking and the usual amount of time to get over a major trauma. The parts of the past life remembered, must depend a lot on the individuals powers of recall. Detail must be very difficult to garnish. Then what memories they do have must fight the tendency to fill in the blank bits. Its a wonder that any cases have the degree of authenticity that they have. Then if a monkey can reincarnate into a human form, what are we dealing with? don't tell go areas in council estates where people still feel more comfortable in a jungle setting? where being human is just one big drug and booze fueled blast at least for one lifetime anyway. Don't laugh it might be the reality.

posted on Oct, 2 2013 @ 02:26 AM
Cool thread.

I read in one of Carlos Cs books about the eagle eating peoples energy at death. There is also another thread on here somewhere about not going into the light, I remember a pic of an angler fish lol.

Some current life between life research mentions a shower in "heaven" washing away memories so being unhygienic might actually help in this case.

I'm intending to confront or dodge the light too. I think both this and the regular afterlife are traps for the soul controlled by energy parasites.

posted on Oct, 2 2013 @ 05:44 AM
People need evidence for believing in higher realms of consciousness. In this scientific world, they no longer are willing to depend upon religious faith. They need to have a general, schematic map whose properties are so astounding and indicative of transcendental design that they can leave no doubt that such realms exist.

People can discover hard, mathematical evidence for post-mortem states of consciousness here. This is because such a map has been discovered.

The superstring physics of the physical universe is embodied in the maps of the superphysical levels of reality known to various religions as their sacred geometries (e.g., the Tree of Life (Otz Chiim), Sri Yantra, five Platonic solids of ancient Greek philosophy). This amazing discovery has been made by a theoretical physicist, who has demonstrated their mathematical isomorphism and extracted the universal information that they encode about the nature of holistic systems, such as the space-time structure of superstrings, their forces, the mathematics of music, etc. The hermetic principle "As above, so below" enables the universal pattern to be deciphered and recognized in the group theory of superstrings. You can learn about his pioneering discoveries here.

posted on Oct, 2 2013 @ 06:34 AM

When your average human dies in society, they separate from the body, and are met by a blinding light. Then that spirit-consciousness is "cycled" and slammed back into a baby, with nothing to remember of itself, to live ANOTHER useless life, falling back into a spiritual slumber.

Based on some of my experiences and what you might call meditative insights for lack of a better term, I do not agree with these points of doctrine.

Actually I think I disagree with literally every single point of it but for one: "the injustice of forgetfulness," as I once thought of it, though I now feel differently about that element.

Since my experience has led to my own perspectives, which I suppose had I come by them intellectually would also be fairly classed as doctrine, I will share my alternative. It is of course possibly worth what yer payin' for it and is merely one perspective... everyone has their own.

To randomly address the points --

Nobody needs to spend their life learning how to die. We are here to live. When we unmanifest from the red band of the rainbow of soul, as I call it, the rest of us takes care of what's needed and it works just fine. We can choose to focus on that if we wish... or not. It doesn't really matter; it is an arbitrary choice of focus, like anything else. One is not better or worse for choosing it.

The assumption that the larger-self is helpless or clueless or trapped/imprisoned or whatever is just a variation on the concept of original sin (all essentially suggesting that we are screwed from the start), a doctrine which I consider the single greatest evil ever perpetuated upon mankind, and which in various guises has polluted every religion and most philosophies on earth. Energy IS -- an emergent property of awareness. Its competence, so to speak, is not even something we can understand from this limited perspective, let alone critique as fallible.

The so-called human spirit is not recycled like used plastic, in part because it isn't a singular 'thing' to begin with (that whole model is a huge and limiting doctrine in fact), but a creative composite of a vastly larger collection of awareness with many emergent properties.

The larger identity arranges a new unique composite when it chooses to remanifest in the red-band of frequency (slang, for the rainbow model of a larger self, which I tend to use in conversation), and I might add that the body itself becomes part of that composite. All of that energy in the new composite is a direct line to the larger collection of energy, all of which exists in innumerable other experiences.

Sometimes this focus-identity tunes to another experience and 'remembers' what seems like "who they were in another life." Not by accident, this is invoked by something we could model as akin to harmonic resonance, so it will have applicability to our experience in 'this' life (and often with its other-interacting-identities).

This 'other life' concept is not time-based so is much in future and parallel and other, as 'past.'

Other lives as a concept is experientially true but metaphysically incomplete: we are kind of everyone at some point, a spiritual "collective," though there do seem to be 'groupings' (that are probably as seemingly arbitrary as the grouping of our identities here).

But the body itself is also a complex energy, and a fundamental part of any presented identity, so there is never an exact replica of identity in two different lives, even where they so parallel as to seem like the same experience.

It is not a matter of 'nothing to remember of itself:' every 'self' is merely an integral part of a vast composite. Whether or not we 'remember' other lives is not particularly relevant: people can be just as spiritually insightful and evolved within a model of heaven/hell and no such memories, as they can within a model that "remembers" dozens of other lives. These are arbitrary models we choose for creatively exploring our experience here. Although some are more restrictive than others, this is really more about whether the individual molds their outer religion to their inner experience instead of the other way around, and what a person chooses in that respect is all part of the unique experience here.

The insights any person gets related to energetic balance and divine experience in reality-as-we-know-it are holographic and integral, and the center is the Sun / the Son / the christ [as our cultures put the word (not to be confused with what modern history has rewritten as someone's last name, you understand, that word has been around since the dawn of time and long before religion as we know it)]. These can and usually will come to anyone who makes a conscious attempt to "live with integrity" no matter what their religion or philosophy. For me they came when I didn't even have a religion but was pursuing things as a form of psychology. Good intentions and integrity can rescue humans from almost any amount of chaotic BS and religious limit they grow up immersed in.

No life is useless, because all experience is part of the collective. We all benefit from the learning of all lives. It's all a holodeck game, you might say, and whether we play a princess or warrior or peasant in that play, whether we win or lose the sport of that game, we are all equally part of it. Spiritually there is no such thing as a wasted life: all experience is equal.

The idea of some lives being more valuable than others is, like the original sin doctrine and its many insidious variants and flavors, a perspective that is not only seriously limited to judgment-from-the-here/now but is a negative judgment as well, carrying with it the idea that energy or spirit or choose-your-favorite-term is polluted/mistaken/incompetent (choose-your-favorite-failing). Much like life does not adapt to a planet without physiological reasons, experience does not exist without what you might call spiritual reasons.

The 'blinding light' and 'slamming' are ideas about experience and this experience is no more typical than any other. For most people death and birth is not like getting hit by lightning. It is true that the particular focus of the human can affect their experience of death, but there is not really any better or worse about it, just different.


posted on Oct, 2 2013 @ 07:38 AM
reply to post by covertpanther

Something to think about:

Nowhere in the Christian bible does it speak of reincarnation? If so would you please show me?

If reincarnation is true than heaven and hell is empty...... everyone has been reincarnated.

Another thing....... if you reincarnate what happens at the Resurrection? If I am in another body what happens with the first one I had? It does not get to resurrect? Based upon reincarnation theory if I had many lives which one resurrects? I have but one spirit of my true self, so how does that work?

posted on Oct, 2 2013 @ 08:21 AM
reply to post by Fraudfinder

I dont remember talking about the Bible at all my friend? If that is your element to understand reality and the spiritual nature of the human being, then your spiritual path is different then mine.

Heaven or Hell are not physical places. The physical universe is the shadow of the higher-spiritual 'innverse'.

Hell would be the lowest states of consciousness - the BEAST is the human body, being trapped in its instictual mentality and lower states of consciousness, and never waking up to your spiritual heights. That is what Hell is all about period.

Heaven would be the polar opposite; the highest states of consciousess, one who internally has transcended beyond the lower signals/urges of the BEAST/body, and has raised its indivdual consciousness to the greatest heights. Jesus was inside a body, but he definiately was not governed by the urges and signals of a mammal/beastly body.

He was a spiritually indivudal, who consciously was expanded to his highest states (Heaven). That is why he says "the Kingdom of Heaven is within". You wont find Heaven, Jesus, your CREATOR, or any spiritual expansion inside a church. Churches were only erected to control the contain the spiritaul energy and expansion of the followers who didnt understand what I am talking about (higher states of consciousness, limitlesss BEYOND the body).

Heaven and Hell = Crown and Root chakra.

Those in the root chakra, are those who are governed by the lower signals and consciusness of the human body.

Those in the crown are those who sit at the seat of the 'throne', the seat of the soul, the highest conscious point of the human being.

Its simple, but churches and old books will make it confusing..

posted on Oct, 2 2013 @ 08:39 AM

reply to post by Unity_99

Remembering past lives must be difficult, who can give a blow by blow account of what happened two years back?. Which is the time it takes for an infant to start speaking and the usual amount of time to get over a major trauma. The parts of the past life remembered, must depend a lot on the individuals powers of recall. Detail must be very difficult to garnish. Then what memories they do have must fight the tendency to fill in the blank bits. Its a wonder that any cases have the degree of authenticity that they have. Then if a monkey can reincarnate into a human form, what are we dealing with? don't tell go areas in council estates where people still feel more comfortable in a jungle setting? where being human is just one big drug and booze fueled blast at least for one lifetime anyway. Don't laugh it might be the reality.

Mine was in 3 installments apparently. The first looking at some written script by an experiencer. I felt an extreme panick and sorrow, that was so strong it was like the fraser river trying to sweep me off my feet. I sensed no torture or something buried that way that would account for this for it felt like a great loss and so reached into the currents, flow and was in a classroom, with children, equal in every way, telepathic, belonging, loved, loving, knew we had traveled a very long ways and survived through many things. Then suddenly this planet zoomed out of sight.

Then 1-2 months later, roughly, was watching a mars video with photos from and this wall broke, it was actually physically something broke in me, like a dam or a mountain wall crumpling, so much flooded in, and I reached for the screen and said, is my family there still, are they alright. There was so much loss with the memory. Again a child, being forced off planet. I have to pressume other children were, and a huge diaster that was caused by the slavers, that affected both mars and earth at the same time. And all I wanted was to stay with my mother and my brother. For I knew we had traveled long together, our people, exchanging roles, a soul family, and we also were The Equality. What I believe happened when dark siders took over, was probably akin to a Trojan Horse and divisions amongst people, but there was still groups of those who were in unity consciousness and individual yet with full universal undertanding of each other. I knew we were from Lyra and that it was a long journey to this point, while this journey to now was nothing, very short. It was like I could weigh the chunks of time between one journey and then this one.

So, suddenly the craft was outside earth with a huge deluge/flood, lemuria went down. And there was a river of sorrow so deep and intense and heart/soul wrenching that was going through the very fabric of space, and all anyone would ever wish to do is stop that river, stop that sorrow, and heal everyone.

I never knew at the time even, because it was a window opening, was I in body at that time, assumed I was, or was this out of body? Because I could feel everything so intensely, though we were telepathic.

It was very disturbing, physically made me feel ill for a week, the thing that made dizzy spells even was the TIME differentiation. This was a long long time ago and long before Atlantis, long before Annanuki labs in Africa, millions of years ago. But my soul recognized this as if it was just a year ago, remembering a concurrent in this lifetime, camping trip with my family. This was nothing to my soul, and consequently felt physically ill for a week.
edit on 2-10-2013 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 2 2013 @ 08:53 AM
Another thing that occurred, and I had assumed it was past, but was writing to a friend from South America, an experiencer as well, who told me that I didn't understand but would wake up and remember, as its all concurrent, and we are there already. The only thing is, when you experience something, and then someone defines it, even to the point of saying, that was the Scorpio system on a water planet, and a future life. To me, to magnetize to any system in this plasmic screen universe, or any other dream lab, is taking the long way home. I don't want to be lured anywhere, will not allow it. I come from a place of lightness, light as a feather, love, family and missions, learning, helping, goodness, and will never be satisfied with anything else other than the reality of where I am supposed to be. If you think of things, you can pull them in, and even if another doesnt share that belief, being a possibilty should give one pause about what they're focusing on.

So, that day was watching dolphin video with dolphin songs/sounds, and had been converting songs of whales and dolphins for mp3 meditation. Well the dolphin was saying something, this window opened and knew under the veil exactly what he was saying, but a filter was keeping it from my so called waking or conscious mind. I knew, it was completely known to me, yet couldn't clear the fog to get it consciously. Then I suddenly reached for the screen and said, "yes, yes yes, you will be free. We are here now. I am here now." Whatever that meant. Saw images of myself as a woman with long dark blond hair and a group of men, standing on a dock discussing the ceteceans. There was a plan for them. But I am not going near an ocean and has nothing to do with my current life. Except that I pray for them all the time and wanted as a child to be trained to communicate with dolphins and work with them after reading a book on the research.

We don't want to be lured into any falseness. So, when a mystery happens, until I'm standing in full soul knowledge, it doesnt mean would want to focus on any system in this 'universe' which is to be a fake illusionary dream lab, of quite a low gravity level. With people fighting each other, all over the universe, warring, starving, harming, killing, maiming, ignoring, heartless crapola all over the place. No way!!! My only purpose is to not only get out of here myself but want every single person in exisence, all souls, and all creatures, including dolphins and whales, out of here as well. That is my prime directive.
edit on 2-10-2013 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 2 2013 @ 09:46 AM

Those in the root chakra, are those who are governed by the lower signals and consciusness of the human body.

Just fwiw, this is another tendril of the damage of original-sin concept and how it has polluted our earth's religions, that one as it crept into eastern philosophies.

All the chakras are magnificent and holy. They are not spiritual in a spectrum of not-at-all at the bottom and maximum at crown; and the body and physical reality are not inherently evil nor fake. The chakras are all equal but different parts of the spectrum of our species, and no more or less divine than each other.

The vibratory frequency our biological filters (bodies) perceive as "physical reality" dominantly overlaps with the bandwidth I call the red band, that the root chakra more noticeably affects (physically) than the others. But all the others do affect our perceptual reality and our bodies as well, and the heart chakra has more effect on the overall manifestation in one's reality.


edit on 2-10-2013 by RedCairo because: wrong word

posted on Oct, 2 2013 @ 10:48 AM

Degrading the body with .... meat, ..... - and degrading the spirit with religion, false beliefs, lack of spiritual knowledge, or perception

So I bring this message for awareness; you the reader, your body WILL fail to house you,

Take your life more seriously, take your mind-body-soul systems, and rejuvenate them to their best capabilities, the way they were meant to function before the practice of degradation took place. There is no physical value that is equivalent to you, the Soul.

You ARE a conscious-spiritual entity, you ARE trapped inside a body in a lower plane of existence

I'll argue that while your post was really good, you are indeed trapped within your own false beliefs, lack of knowledge and perception about certain things...
edit on 2-10-2013 by ninepointfive because: (no reason given)

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