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someone is trying to kill me?

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posted on Aug, 17 2013 @ 07:15 PM
reply to post by 2Unknown

Hi 2Unknown,

Don't feel bad about the police not believing you. When my mother divorced my step-dad he stalked and harassed her. The police didn't believe her either. Neither did I, I am ashamed to admit, until one night I was dropped off one night to stay with my mother. I guess since my car was't there they thought she was alone. I ended up chasing the people, there was more than one out of the yard holding my mothers' shotgun. So we went to the police again, this time with me, and the testimony of what I'd witnessed. The police said they still couldn't do anything without 'proof'.

Eventually, in order to get the stalking and terrorizing to stop - she had to sell back all the property she'd acquired from the divorce for a sickenly devalued price. Today, she is impoverished and still black-balled in the community. When she divorced my father, he chose to place her in a masonic town - the lodge boys stick together you know - and she pays to this day - remaining blacklisted and unable to find employment within the county she resides in.

Now as to your situation, it's been mentioned that your occult. How certain are you that this activity is born of human action and not spiritual affliction? What have you been dipping your toes into - as far as occult waters are concerned? Before you can get this to stop - you need to ascertain the who and the why.

I suggest finding someone to talk to. A therapist can do wonders, as they are impartial. Just because your seeing a therapist does NOT mean you have to let them drug you. But you need to find someone to sit down and talk to so you can analyze this and figure out the who and why. For example, once my mother understood that my step-dad would not stop until he collected the property she got out of the divorce - and gave it back. The harassment stopped.

Good luck hon,
edit on 17-8-2013 by CirqueDeTruth because: errors fixed

posted on Aug, 17 2013 @ 07:18 PM

Originally posted by SLAYER69
reply to post by gotya

edit on 17-8-2013 by SLAYER69 because: (no reason given)


u sleep tight 2 slayer. (as i comes around.)
edit on 17-8-2013 by gotya because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 17 2013 @ 07:19 PM

Originally posted by CirqueDeTruth
reply to post by 2Unknown

Eventually, in order to get the stalking and terrorizing to stop - she had to sell back all the property she'd acquired from the divorce for a sickenly devalued price. Today, she is impoverished and still black-balled in the community. When she divorced my father, he chose to place her in a masonic town - the lodge boys stick together you know - and she pays to this day - remaining blacklisted and unable to find employment within the county she resides in.


Not surprising at all. Ducks fly togethr...

Safe to assume at least one if not all them there police are masons.

posted on Aug, 17 2013 @ 07:20 PM
reply to post by gotya

No problem

I hope you stick around this time.
Mind the roses, they have thorns.

posted on Aug, 17 2013 @ 07:34 PM
reply to post by 2Unknown

You shouldnt have made this thread, I warned you about this before. Dont go to sleep tonight

posted on Aug, 17 2013 @ 07:50 PM

Originally posted by SLAYER69
reply to post by gotya

No problem

I hope you stick around this time.
Mind the roses, they have thorns.

Not sure what u meant but....this is off topic so I'll let it go before I get pricked.

posted on Aug, 17 2013 @ 07:53 PM
reply to post by gotya

As if your singling me out this whole thread is 'On topic'

posted on Aug, 17 2013 @ 08:13 PM

Originally posted by gotya

I agree with your statement but to coin a phrase as you did what comes around goes around.

Remember there are people who are young or mentally unstable who use the internet. If you feel like a big man attacking those people then you should knock yourself out. There will be a day when your actions and words will bite you in the ass. I promise.

I couldn't agree more...

Story 1: When I was in high school I was a skateboarder and me and my crew always had beef with the jocks. Textbook Saturday Special made for TV crap, no joke.

Well this one particular kid picked on the smallest of our group so I signaled him out for a one on one. We fought after school but it didn't end anything..

A few months later this kid started to harass another friend so me and a few others hitch hiked to the other town to meet him. We tried to lure him into the playground but he noticed (good for him) and he took off running.

That night his mother had a mental breakdown because she didn't understand why so many people hated her son. She took her life that night. I will never forget that.

Story 2: I put an add in the paper for a roommate and someone answered the call. He seemed like a nice older person albeit odd. He didn't spend much time at the house but the one night he was there and sat on my loveseat across from me. We had a brief discussion which led to God, or more specifically Christianity, long story short, the information I shared with him clearly rocked his, what I found out later to be, his already shaken grasp on reality. I didn't see him for a few weeks and assumed he decided to move on. I went through his gym bag I noticed he was recently released form prison, drug issues and all that.

Turns out his mother was ubberly religious and religion was the only thread his poor soul had left of this world before I unknowingly cut the string. about 6 weeks later his wife (seperated) showed up to my house looking to collect his things. He committed suicide.

Be mindful of what you put out there....

posted on Aug, 17 2013 @ 08:26 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69

Why is it when I say something people ignore me but if you reply you get 3 or 4 stars?

I know it's not because you're "cooler" than me becuse.....well it's just apparent. (I think you have groupies.)

The thing is I will not be intimidated by you or by anything. You said I singled you out and that is true I felt you were treating the op disrespectfully so I came to his/her defense do you have a problem with my actions?

posted on Aug, 17 2013 @ 08:45 PM
reply to post by gotya

Not sure what u meant but....this is off topic so I'll let it go before I get pricked.

posted on Aug, 17 2013 @ 08:53 PM

Originally posted by CirqueDeTruth
reply to post by 2Unknown

I suggest finding someone to talk to. A therapist can do wonders, as they are impartial. Just because your seeing a therapist does NOT mean you have to let them drug you. But you need to find someone to sit down and talk to so you can analyze this and figure out the who and why. For example, once my mother understood that my step-dad would not stop until he collected the property she got out of the divorce - and gave it back. The harassment stopped.

Good luck hon,
edit on 17-8-2013 by CirqueDeTruth because: errors fixed

I really dont know and really dont care if i was born in an occult family, all i know is i just want to live my life normal. You said i was occult, okay. then maybe my parents are! Whatever the reason is i still dont understand alot of stuff. but... again, what can i do?

edit on 17-8-2013 by 2Unknown because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 17 2013 @ 08:58 PM

Originally posted by gotya
reply to post by SLAYER69

Why is it when I say something people ignore me but if you reply you get 3 or 4 stars?

That is actually a good thing. It means the NSA and the Federal goons will be trolling him and not you.

They only care about people who influence others. Since you are not influential feel free to rant and rave as you please!

posted on Aug, 17 2013 @ 08:58 PM
reply to post by 2Unknown

I just wanted to tell you (in addition to what I have said already)...that my heart goes out to you. I know you are scared and wondering why...I will keep you in my prayers.

Just because these unusual things are happening to you...does not mean you have a mental may just be deeply sensing that something is very wrong around may have a deep intuitive insight...and this may be a way of saving yourself.

posted on Aug, 17 2013 @ 09:05 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69

on topic......*scratches head trying to remember*.

I think you'll be okay you could be entirely insane as demonstrated in this thread.

posted on Aug, 17 2013 @ 09:07 PM

Originally posted by Rosinitiate

Originally posted by gotya
reply to post by SLAYER69

Why is it when I say something people ignore me but if you reply you get 3 or 4 stars?

That is actually a good thing. It means the NSA and the Federal goons will be trolling him and not you.

They only care about people who influence others. Since you are not influential feel free to rant and rave as you please!

Good point.

They'll get him but I bet he'll crack like a peanut.

posted on Aug, 17 2013 @ 09:09 PM
I've just looked at a lot of the other stuff you've posted.Looks like you like to make a lot of stuff up.How old are you?

one of your threads you posted about a blue light in the sky then only posted "it was in the north west area" and post nothing else about it.

Come on dude.Quit playing

posted on Aug, 17 2013 @ 10:03 PM
Your probably headed towards a breakdown. You need to relax dude.

posted on Aug, 17 2013 @ 10:25 PM
reply to post by 2Unknown

No, I thought, assumed you have been active in the occult. Somebody mentioned you claimed to be psychic. When one is psychic, this usually leads to study in the occult. It doesn't always though. As to what you can do - sit down and write and write and write. Then go over your notes. When did this start, what triggered it? I really feel you should find somebody to talk about this with.

Hang in there and try to find positive things to do with your time. Don't give into negativity.


posted on Aug, 18 2013 @ 07:09 AM
reply to post by 2Unknown

You may want to keep an eye out for drones, that's the shiny new method for killing undesirables.

But on a serious note, no one is trying to kill you. You state in your comments that you are nobody, just a normal person, yet you supposedly believe that some agency is out to kill you, that smacks of a deep over-inflated narcissistic subconscious personality, as well as extreme paranoia.

Think about it logically, if you are "normal" and aren't a person of interest, why would someone want to eliminate you? On top of that, if they are watching your internet, and I mean really watching your internet, you never would have managed to post this thread.

I'm not going to tell you to get help for the above, because I'm not convinced that you're being honest, but I will suggest you look into your over developed need for attention. You're either lying and need a real hobby, or in desperate need of being committed.

posted on Aug, 18 2013 @ 08:58 AM
reply to post by 2Unknown

I think someone is trying to kill me wtf? I do sound paranoid and stuff but i felt like someone is trying to kill me everyday and i just cant do anything?

So you feel like someone is trying kill you everyday, You obviously can do something as your posting on the net.

I feel there might be some organization after me trying to assault me for whatever reason there is.

Assault or kill you?

What type of organization do you suspect?

i talked to people but all say its all in my head and that i see things? But in fact i ate some food recently and got sick, so how come its all in my head? What can this be?

What people did you talk to and what did you tell them to get a reply that its all in your head?

I recently ate some food and got sick as well, no its not in your head, just any number of natural things involved with humans and their digestive system.

Did you have the food that you suspect made you sick tested to give any such suspicion that someone is trying to poison you?

What people would do this to a normal person like me?

Hold your horses there sonny,

Did you establish for a fact that someone was trying to poison and kill you everyday, if so please show us readers how you came to this conclusion?

Or is there something more i dont know?

There is a;ways something more you or any one else wont know, no one is all knowing.

Or are you asking if your special for some reason?

i just dont understand why anyone would spend so much resources

How much has been spent?

What resources?

It sound like you know more than saying about who is after you and don't think its in your head so please give details of how you come think this,

this has been going on for some time now.

How long?

I don't think anyone is trying to kill you is the answer to your thread title,


You don't sound very convincing with your OP, maybe give some further details, answer some questions etc.

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