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Million Muslim March Planned in DC on Anniversary of 9-11...Anyone else heard about this?

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posted on Aug, 15 2013 @ 04:21 PM
reply to post by beezzer

Dear Beezer,

Surprisingly, solving the problem is really pretty simple. Incredibly hard, sure. Well nigh impossible for Obama? Absolutely.

Let me recount a few facts.

George Bush was more respected among the people and governments of the Middle-East than our current president is. A large part of that was his cowboy image. People all over the world knew that he would strike back with serious military power in the event of an attack. He might have been seen as a "Buckaroo" (Hat tip to The Hunt for Red October but he carried a bit of the "Don't Mess with Texas" air about him, and people were more cautious about American interests than they are now.

Putin makes sure he is filmed doing things like climbing Mt. Everest in his shorts, stopping runaway freight trains with a Heismann trophy quality stiff arm, and surfacing from the Marianna trench with only his snorkel and a three ton squid. (A little exaggeration) Our president is photographed pedalling down a paved bicycle trail, heavily guarded by the Secret Service, and he's wearing a pastel colored helmet. (I wish that was an exaggeration.) Putin knows what the world wants, our guy doesn't have a clue.

How do Muslims, themselves, react to a perceived insult? They burn things, kill people, destroy buildings, scream in the press and the UN, and make demands for reparations.

The option I don't like is to put up with things until we've had enough, then ship over megatons of bombs and several hundred tankers of Windex to keep the result sparkly clean.

The option I do like, is to "man up," (Sorry Hillary) put in a serious president and Congress, and stop the passive-aggressive cycle right at the start. Announce no waivers of law or prosecutorial discretion for individuals when he have probable cause to arrest. Step up investigations of every Islamic group, undercover or overt. Put a real clamp on immigration and overstayed visa. There are other tactics, of course, but those and others can all be justified by saying (truthfully) that the vast majority of terrorist acts are committed by Islamists and that Islamists are the only people who have called for our nation's overthrow repeatedly and publicly.

(By the way, these and the following tactics should be announced ahead of time through diplomatic channels.)

Then, if there is an insult, like Benghazi, call in the operational heads of the State Department, CIA, and DoD. Not the politically appointed bureaucrats, but the people who actually know what they're doing, and deliver a short speech. "The US has been insulted and your comrades have been killed. Those who want to do something about it can keep your jobs. Here's $50 million. I want you to make sure that no one in Libya ever wants to do anything like that again, and that they want to instantly turn in any terrorist suspects, because they're more afraid of us. Leave enough of a calling card so that AL-Qaeda knows it was us, but don't be too obvious. I'm looking for a little elegance here. Let me know your plans so I can approve them, but know that I want action."

In a sense, the Muslims have told us that the proper response to an insult is violence. They believe it is right to do so, and will understand a people who agree with them. How can they have respect for a country that will not defend it's dominant religion, territory, people, principles, allies, or diplomatic stations?

See, Easy-Peasy simple. But nearly impossible for the America we have now. How people thought free cell phones was a major factor in choosing a presdient, and that Joe Biden would add foreign policy gravitas to the Obama ticket, will be questions historians will be asking when they do their Gibbon's Decline and Fall books on us.

With respect,

P.s. Yes, I banged this out in a rush, the words just flowed. Please point out any errors and I'll make the necessary corrections. - C -
edit on 15-8-2013 by charles1952 because: Punctuation, and tense.

posted on Aug, 15 2013 @ 04:36 PM
I agree they have the right to march, and yes, the day they chose is very insensitive to most American's. However, at the first sign of any aggressive behavior, I HOPE our bleeding heart liberal administration does not cower down. Last September 11th we lost 4 very good American's, and an embassy or whatever they call small diplomatic missions. Our supposed leader cowered, and America lost respect.

I do not want to wake up on September 12th and find 1 million Muslim's have seized our seat of government.
I fear they would find that proverbial "rifle behind every blade of grass". Never do I want to see a war between American citizens in my lifetime.

posted on Aug, 15 2013 @ 04:43 PM
reply to post by 727Sky

Their Request:
We at AMPAC (American Political Action Committee) are planning an historic event for 9.11.13 where one million Muslims will march to Washington D.C. and demand that our civil rights be protected by our government.

Can anyone provide any specificities on what civil rights are not being protected by the government, that differs from non-American-muslims?

posted on Aug, 15 2013 @ 04:51 PM
reply to post by BellaSabre

I posed the same question. I would not wish to speak for American-Muslims (because I don’t know any), but perversely, Muslims seem to want segregation. The African Americans marched to remove segregation and the Muslims will march to be segregated. They want the right to be separated.

Muslims want their own schools and their own laws. Muslims do not want their daughters to be married off to some white kid, nor do they want social freedom. I simplify of course, or do I?


posted on Aug, 15 2013 @ 04:59 PM
reply to post by paraphi

Hm. That's odd, I think. Of course by some reports this is happening in London.

I had a female muslin pharmacist that was hired at the drugstore I use, and I heard she left after a big ordeal her husband made over the store refusing to install a special toilet for her. I posted that somewhere else, and a muslin said it sounded like bull, however, I'm reasonably sure that's what happened.

Also, are the women exempted from being searched at airports? Do you know? I think at one time they were strongly objecting to procedures in American airports. I wonder if they consider this exemption a right.

posted on Aug, 15 2013 @ 05:05 PM
reply to post by paraphi

You'll find throughout Europe that there are Muslim communities which segregate themselves, then insist that the nation's laws don't completely apply to them, their own laws will do just fine. The riots in France over women's facial covering is an example.

As more and more Muslims enter the area, they pass whatever laws their country allows them to in that area, then they expand into new areas and the process repeats.

posted on Aug, 15 2013 @ 05:10 PM

Originally posted by geobro
like a million christians could march for their rights in a muslim nation ??
wake up america

More interesting, Muslims don't have to march for rights in, arguably, the most Christian nation on earth.

Moscow authorities are considering a plan to put about 100 prayer grounds in city parks in order to tackle the shortage of mosques brought on by the massive influx of migrants from Muslim countries.

In accordance with the plan, special places of prayer would be set aside in city parks for Muslims, making them both accessible for worshippers while also being far away from residential areas.

In addition, the urbanists suggested making the necessary installations collapsible so that they are only assembled for times of the prayer. They would subsequently be decorated with special prayer carpets that worshippers would bring along themselves.

During major religious holidays, the areas could be equipped with a projection screen broadcasting the address of the Imam in the Russia’s capital’s main mosque, located in downtown Moscow.

Why a Muslim would emigrate to the United States is beyond me.

posted on Aug, 15 2013 @ 05:15 PM
It is real simple. Tell them that they can march on Sept 7th, 8th 14th or 15th of the same week as to not impede what would be considered the workday in a town as large as DC. If the date does not matter they will agree. If they do not agree, then it is simply malicious. Very. very easy.

Conspiracy aside, it was radical islamists who flew those planes that day and not Amish farmers. This would be like the KKK having a march on MLK day in DC. Just as ignorant.

Watch this video and see how you feel about Isa Hodge who was once known as Chris Hodge.

This is linked to the Truth movement which is linked the the government to make the common uneducated web server hate and discredit the government.

If you do not believe me, here is where Isa will be that week talking about manufactured terror.

Link to 9/11 conference

Stop allowing these folks to turn American against American.

posted on Aug, 15 2013 @ 07:31 PM
Ok nevermind.
edit on 15-8-2013 by Nephalim because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 15 2013 @ 07:38 PM
reply to post by 727Sky

Million Muslim March + 1.

I can't argue with those demands.

posted on Aug, 15 2013 @ 07:47 PM
I'm sure there will be a lot of regular people there that will not be radical but there will be some that will seek to start trouble for the non radical Muslim whom they see to be selling out to prosperity and not being a fundamentalist Muslim .

posted on Aug, 16 2013 @ 01:12 AM
Many of us like to chew gum or have an affinity to fine hand creams. Maybe we should organize marches to DC for special recognition?

How about we recognize that no one in particular is special and that everyone is uniquely special. UNIQUELY.
With that said, I think I'm gonna visit DC again before summer is out as a unique individual, take in the sights, maybe have a few snorts of the finest booze DC's taverns offer.

Maybe WESTBORO should march at the same time with "God hates Allah!" banners. BOOM! Problem solved. These "groups" tire me out, maaan.

edit on 16-8-2013 by Atlantican because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 16 2013 @ 04:14 AM

Originally posted by butcherguy
reply to post by SaturnFX

10 people in a room 7 votes for guy A 3 for guy B Guy A wins

Then everyone finds out that Guy A has a kill list with American citizens names on it, that he has killed American citizens without due process and that he supports a spy agency that violates their Constitutional rights every day.

According to the scotus and the like, there is no violation.
I don't agree with all...but the person isn't the issue, the legal system is. every politician will use all things available to achieve an agenda. laws by congress need to be addressed here.

and if the lefty (supposedly softies) are doing it, the righty warhawks damn sure won't be changing that at all.

what a mess.

posted on Aug, 16 2013 @ 05:53 AM
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

The prohibiting the free exercise (of their religion) IMO is what they want.. The Muslim religion is not just a religion but is also a form of government with laws and earthly punishments all rolled into one. There are bad and good things in every religion....Good news we will not have to wait to long to see if they pull the march off and their demands/request are made public.

We are demanding that laws be enacted protecting our 1st amendment .

edit on 16-8-2013 by 727Sky because: ...

posted on Aug, 16 2013 @ 06:43 AM
If they were marching on that day to protest against extreme islamic terrorism, I'd applaud them. But instead, they are marching to "demand that civil rights of Muslims be protected by the government." :shk: Muslim Americans have the same civil rights as any other Americans in the USA. If they wanted to pick a different day and then march about protecting the civil rights of ALL Americans, I'd applaud that. But ... obviously they aren't. So this gets a
from me.

posted on Aug, 16 2013 @ 07:03 AM
If this happens I for one will be prepared...

posted on Aug, 16 2013 @ 07:14 AM
reply to post by SaturnFX

According to the scotus and the like, there is no violation.

This indicates to me that the SCOTUS, FISA and the Congress are either compromised or they are co-conspirators.

what a mess.


edit on 16-8-2013 by butcherguy because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 16 2013 @ 11:49 AM

Originally posted by retiredTxn
I agree they have the right to march, and yes, the day they chose is very insensitive to most American's. However, at the first sign of any aggressive behavior, I HOPE our bleeding heart liberal administration does not cower down. Last September 11th we lost 4 very good American's, and an embassy or whatever they call small diplomatic missions. Our supposed leader cowered, and America lost respect.

I do not want to wake up on September 12th and find 1 million Muslim's have seized our seat of government.
I fear they would find that proverbial "rifle behind every blade of grass". Never do I want to see a war between American citizens in my lifetime.

Both 9/11's their country was attacked too.
They are Americans. I wonder if more people would stop being too lazy or otherwise to realize this, would they feel a need to march.

posted on Aug, 17 2013 @ 08:28 AM
reply to post by beezzer

When the day comes that we are no longer allowed to express our rights, regardless of whether we agree or not, then that will be the day that freedom died.

Just repeating something beautiful

posted on Aug, 20 2013 @ 08:02 PM
I think this is the real 'info' that got the US gov to make the air travel alert for the next two months beginning in August....Just imagine, how many muslim brothers will be flying in to support their brotherhood on this anniversary event.

Hmmm and then imagine them protesting in D.C. like they have been in Egypt.

Yeah yeah, I know I'm being prejudiced
We'll talk again after 911

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