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Why do some people get visibly disturbed the moment you start to mention CT's???

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posted on Aug, 15 2013 @ 03:01 AM
I try not to talk about CT's with most people but sometimes something might slip out in a discussion. But I noticed that some people are really bothered by it. I've seen the same reaction with some people when you mention that you're Christian or something. They get scared, nervious, upset, disturbed, defensive etc etc.

Why do some people get visibly disturbed the moment you start to mention CT's??? And I'm not even talking serious one's either. Like I was talking geo politics with a couple of guys. We were talking currency so I mentioned stuff like the North American union and the Amero as I was asking and wondering if something like that might ever happen in out lifetime.

so the one guy realizing that I started talking CT's got so upset. Like talk about some limp wristed people out there, but still, I've seen this before too. Some people get so upset and defensive. Why is that ? Fear of the unknown??

posted on Aug, 15 2013 @ 03:10 AM

Originally posted by spartacus699
Fear of the unknown??

I'd say it's more likely a "fear of the truth" that gets some people worried. Jumping down a rabbit hole is a one way ticket many cannot face.

Ignorance is bliss 'n all that.

posted on Aug, 15 2013 @ 03:11 AM
reply to post by spartacus699


A whole post and I have no idea what you are talking about! CT Scans came to mind but I can't see it fitting with your post.


posted on Aug, 15 2013 @ 03:56 AM
reply to post by pheonix358

At first I was thinking Camel Toes and it made sense for most of his post, but after I got to nerbot's post, I think he means Conspiracy Theories?

posted on Aug, 15 2013 @ 04:02 AM
reply to post by spartacus699

Because frankly dear sir, as a community, we are insane.

I mean think about it: You have a powerful group of people, manipulating world events in secrecy, and hoping to keep it that way. And then we come along, and start gabbing about it. Isn't that insane if the conspiracy is so powerful? Won't they do everything in their vast power to destroy us for exposing them?

The truth is, when you see some one who shuts up and gets scared when CT topics comes up, they too are conspiracy theorists, they're just too afraid to talk. People who truly don't believe will listen, not be afraid to repeat any of it, but offer their own contrary views, but it turns out there's a whole lot more of us than the insane few who voice their views in places like this.

Which is too bad, because while very, very real CT stuff is going on, a lot of is bunk too. And you can find that out by being vocal. Recently I wrote my congressman concerning my views about something conspiracy tech related, and no jack-booted thugs kicked down my door, I got a group mailer inviting me to events where I can chit chat with him. So I reject this idea that GOVERNMENT at all levels, is "in on it." Rather I think some powerful forces are at play, and the only tragic thing is how outside of the loop many of supposed leaders actually are. At the same time, I've said things, even accidentally in a fictional context, and come darn close to having my life totally destroyed. So real stuff is out there, but you never know until you open your mouth and roll the dice.

So casting it all in a positive light, I would take the fear of people you talk to not as bad thing, but as a powerful message that you're not alone AT ALL in your question of things. You are just part of a small group in that you choose to talk about it, but I'm glad you do that.


posted on Aug, 15 2013 @ 04:02 AM
I would guess its due to fear of being labeled a conspiracy theorist. Talk of theories in the wrong company with get you labeled as such and to many who blindly follow the MSM that is just as bad as being labeled a racist.

Its a sad sad, backwards world we live in when people are afraid to discuss possibilities that goes against the newspeak.


posted on Aug, 15 2013 @ 04:09 AM

Originally posted by tridentblue
reply to post by spartacus699

People who truly don't believe will listen, not be afraid to repeat any of it, but offer their own contrary views, but it turns out there's a whole lot more of us than the insane few who voice their views in places like this.

In my own experiences of talking about CT's with people who know and with people I know don't have a clue I have found this to be absolutely accurate.

Weather the ones who don't know believe it after is another thing, but they do seem to listen intently. Perhaps it's cause sometimes what you're saying to them sounds so far out, they want to hear it all before they determine if you're BS'ing them or not.

posted on Aug, 15 2013 @ 04:15 AM

Originally posted by spartacus699
I try not to talk about CT's with most people but sometimes something might slip out in a discussion. But I noticed that some people are really bothered by it. I've seen the same reaction with some people when you mention that you're Christian or something. They get scared, nervious, upset, disturbed, defensive etc etc.

Why do some people get visibly disturbed the moment you start to mention CT's??? And I'm not even talking serious one's either. Like I was talking geo politics with a couple of guys. We were talking currency so I mentioned stuff like the North American union and the Amero as I was asking and wondering if something like that might ever happen in out lifetime.

People are not the same any more.They are all jacked up on tech stuff.Who's got the better rules on thier end.

so the one guy realizing that I started talking
CT's got so upset. Like talk about some limp wristed people out there, but still, I've seen this before too. Some people get so upset and defensive. Why is that ? Fear of the unknown??

posted on Aug, 15 2013 @ 04:18 AM
When I encounter a strange being in the wild who decides that I'm a good sort to sit down and start explaining how the 'real world' works, I wonder if they see my brain slowly turn off behind my eyes. I'm far to polite in the wild to pull out a picture of some hobo and write under it "CT? Please, tell me more.."

It's hard to scroll past a real live person...

And if I can't close down RealityBrowser and load up Call of Duty and pwnt a camper, the best I can do is pretend it's interesting and then try to steer the topic back to "nice weather? read any good books lately?"

But failing that, I can understand why your companion might get visibly upset. he can't be concerned about all that rubbish, he's got to work 99 hours a day to buy something. Or pay a bill. Or the telly is on. You know, the important stuff.


posted on Aug, 15 2013 @ 04:54 AM
You have to take notice of where someone is in their mentality, and what they themselves perceive to be true.

By having a general idea of their level of understanding, than you can determine where to start or what type of topics/conversation is best.

Remember that old saying "You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make him drink"?

It means we can tell them stuff but they won't "drink" until they are actually thirsty to know it.

posted on Aug, 15 2013 @ 04:54 AM

Originally posted by ShadowLink
reply to post by pheonix358

At first I was thinking Camel Toes and it made sense for most of his post, but after I got to nerbot's post, I think he means Conspiracy Theories?

Um .... What's a Camel Toe?

I have no idea what that is either!~

Yea, I think it is Conspiracy Theorist. Works best, sort of makes sense!

Many people are simply way too afraid to consider the possibilities!

I mean, for heavens sake, if conspiracy theorists are right, or even a little bit right, then my comfy world could fall down around my ears. Nah, just ignore it, it may just pass us by!


edit on 15/8/2013 by pheonix358 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 15 2013 @ 05:42 AM
I think what it is really is something bizzare that I don't tend to think about. I think at one time I was firmly locked up in the idea of the world according to msm, and just a physical reality. And most of the time it obviously still is that way. Until you just stop and think about it all. You realize there's so much more too it. So much more powering it all, both good, evil, and a million other crazy things that make reality actually work. So we've experience much of those strange realities so we're use to them and hearing about them. As simple as today my dad was talking about how when man went to the moon. I didn't really want to say to him "no they didn't, they faked it". But I was thinking it. But what are you gonna say right. But anyway, the point is they're whole reality is locked up in this world according to msm that anything outside of that bubble gets scary. I mean most people, if you even mention God, they get scared. NO THERE IS NO GOD! They're scared to face reality, that it's highly probably and plasuable that we came from such a being as a God. But ya I mean I'm sure there's a million things that would make me nervous as well if I found out the truth behind them. But then again I suppose like I once thought, they're probably far better off not knowing anything beyond there little bubbles. Makes life so much easier. Less to have to understand. I think in some respect we were meant to live more like that. Just less to worry about.

posted on Aug, 15 2013 @ 06:06 AM
reply to post by spartacus699

I'll use 911 as my example. When talking to some people about that, well I guess a few years ago as it's more mainstream to question it now, people would get upset, angry, even confrontational.


simple. their entire world view would have to change, in an instant, if the theory was true, and some people just aren't willing to accept that. Some people are actually unable to accept it.

Hell, I didn't want to believe it myself, as it makes the world a much darker place, and some people just don't want to go there.

posted on Aug, 15 2013 @ 06:52 AM
Now imagine how uncomfortable i get when some friends and family get together, and i as a Christian start with conspiracy theories.

What is cool about it though; is when there is someone who's so negative or anti-God, and they come and join the circle, you just mention "demons are fallen angels" for a shock factor. They swallow their drink in two gulps just to get away & "fill up"

posted on Aug, 15 2013 @ 06:57 AM
reply to post by spartacus699

Wait - they faked the moon landings?

Well, there's your problem right there. You're still playing with the tin foil and smiling...

Everyone knows they lace tin foil with psychoactive synthetic strychnine... so as it slowly kills you, you entertain them with folly.

posted on Aug, 15 2013 @ 08:25 AM
It is not at all surprising that people sometimes react negatively to the possibility that the world which they have been moving around in, operating businesses and home lives within, does not work the way they think it does. An awful lot of people never come into contact with scenarios and incidents in thier own lives, which highlight the matters we talk about here.

You have also to remember, that many people, aware of the state of things or not, have to do an awful lot of hard work to remain within the ebb and flow of the great machine, lest they be churned to muck beneath its mighty treads. In order to complete these labours, they have to construct mental fortifications, in order that they do not give up, to ensure that they seek always to improve thier lives, thier earnings, thier station in life as they see it. To then tell these people, with these carefully crafted mental constructs, that the system within which they are working is built on lies, that thier every effort is for nothing, that they are striving to support a system which aims at nothing less than the oppression of the human spirit and the destruction of the human race long term, can be considered as a bit of a jolt.

Was I angry, disturbed, mortified, depressed, when I first found out that just by wanting to be able to access the internet from home and buying a computer, I was contributing to massive warcrimes in third world nations (due to the fact that this is where vast percentages of the materials found in computer parts come from, where mines are run by dictatorial regiemes which use the proceeds to buy guns, men, and silence, before raping and killing vast numbers of thier own citizens)? Yes of course I was! Was I totally furious when it was revealed that Tony Blair had taken my nation to war on false pretences? Yes.

The issues we discuss SHOULD make people uncomfortable. It SHOULD worry people that they have virtually no control over thier destiny, or that of thier nation. It SHOULD make people sad that everything we do in the west has a negative impact on someone, somewhere else on the planet. It SHOULD make people angry that thier governments arent being honest with them on a vast plethora of topics, and yet see fit to waste huge amounts of public money on poor contracts.

One poster on this thread, at least, has commented that, lets face it, WE are all insane, all us conspiracy theorists and bunker dwelling nutters, worried about global governments in the offing, and thinking the NSA are all over our business like a rash (which, it turns out, they are).

However, there is a little phrase that I like to use to describe the situation we have here:

Insanity is the only logical response to a world gone mad.

posted on Aug, 15 2013 @ 08:47 AM
reply to post by spartacus699

People don't like it when folks try and upset the apple cart....

I make sure someone is open or like-minded before I ever bring it up. Mostly, you can gauge it by their UFO stance, but not always.

Reply to another:

you just mention "demons are fallen angels" for a shock factor

I'm constantly amazed by how ignorant folks are of their own religion. This is especially true for most Christians, for some reason, but certainly not exclusive to them. How many, for example, realize the current Church stealthily changed the name of "The Tree of Knowledge" in the scripture to "The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil" to cover up the fact that the early Church viewed the pursuit of knowledge as a sin? If they don't know demons are fallen angels (or that Satan was once an angel named "Lucifer, the Morning Star"), then they are really out of the loop of their own religion.
edit on 15-8-2013 by Gazrok because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 15 2013 @ 10:27 AM
Winofiend nailed it, but perhaps he didn't make himself clear enough. Allow me.

Most people, seeing a conspiracy theorist climb upon his hobbyhorse, realise that they are in for several minutes, if not hours, of being lectured, hectored, ranted at and sprinkled with flying spit, ending with a nasty scene in which the theorist's auditors are accused of blindness, cowardice, complicity and ovinism. Knowing one is about to be subjected to such an unpleasant experience, is it any surprise one becomes visibly disturbed?

I enjoy arguing with conspiracy theorists on ATS, where (as winofiend says), I can scroll down, but I avoid them like the plague, believe me, in real life.

posted on Aug, 15 2013 @ 05:40 PM
reply to post by spartacus699

Why do some people get visibly disturbed the moment you start to mention CT's???

Simple really. They've been programmed to by the media.

posted on Aug, 15 2013 @ 05:46 PM
reply to post by tridentblue

I mean think about it: You have a powerful group of people, manipulating world events in secrecy, and hoping to keep it that way. And then we come along, and start gabbing about it. Isn't that insane if the conspiracy is so powerful? Won't they do everything in their vast power to destroy us for exposing them?

Why destroy something that is so useful in spreading false, as well as true information?
Why destroy something that is so useful in dividing the people of this country?
Why destroy something that is so useful in conditioning the public to fear being an outcast. "You don't wanna be like those looney conspiracy theorists do you?"

Why destroy a strawman before you're finished building him?

edit on 8/15/2013 by Klassified because: (no reason given)

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