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Why do some people get visibly disturbed the moment you start to mention CT's???

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posted on Aug, 16 2013 @ 01:53 AM

Originally posted by phishyblankwaters
reply to post by spartacus699

I'll use 911 as my example. When talking to some people about that, well I guess a few years ago as it's more mainstream to question it now, people would get upset, angry, even confrontational.


simple. their entire world view would have to change, in an instant, if the theory was true, and some people just aren't willing to accept that. Some people are actually unable to accept it.

Hell, I didn't want to believe it myself, as it makes the world a much darker place, and some people just don't want to go there.

ya that kinda sums it up

posted on Aug, 16 2013 @ 01:57 AM
reply to post by winofiend

they should have went with the producers of BSGalactica not Stanley PooBricks. His work had too many flaws

posted on Aug, 16 2013 @ 02:00 AM
reply to post by TrueBrit

If you don't do that upgrade on your computer the butterfly effect might not happen in which as a result a bumb is dropped on a middle eastern villiage.

posted on Aug, 16 2013 @ 02:00 AM
Cognitive dissonance

The media inform them of what to think, and how to think about it.

Anything contrary just brings down the high.

It's what they do.

It's a pity that people associate those who are 'the smartest and most fit to run things', with 'evil'.

# 43
edit on 16-8-2013 by TheWhiteKnight because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 16 2013 @ 08:07 AM
reply to post by spartacus699

Precisely my point.

Any serious examination of some of the worst excesses of governmental and corperate buggery of humanity, reveals a world in which one is damned by either one or another, in EVERY situation, a world in which simply being able to eat damns someone else to starve, a world which could be one of plenty, but due to greed and hate and cowardice is polarised into "haves" and "have nots" on every level, in every strata.

In the example you use, I could update my computer which would indirectly cause the deaths of several people, or I could not update my computer, which would mean that those people who might have died as a result of my update, may turn around and become the very oppressor I was trying to protect them from by my thrift.

Tis a sorry state to find the world in.

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