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74% of small businesses will fire workers, cut hours under Obamacare.

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posted on Jul, 17 2013 @ 10:39 AM
74% of small businesses will fire workers, cut hours under Obamacare.

Despite the administration's controversial decision to delay forcing companies to join Obamacare for a year, three-quarters of small businesses are still making plans to duck the costly law by firing workers, reducing hours of full-time staff, or shift many to part-time, according to a sobering survey released by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

More blow back from "Obamacare".

What do we know so far.

That Obamacare is a mandate, it forces people to buy health care, thereby guaranteeing profits for health care providers.

The legislation was written in part by health care company lobbyists.

Originally, Congress was exempt from Obamacare (not sure if this is still the case).

The federal government/politicians have destroyed or bankrupted (in some cases both) every program that they touch. Why would people trust it with something as important as healthcare...

posted on Jul, 17 2013 @ 10:46 AM
reply to post by gladtobehere

Old news...many have already done it preemptively. If you have over 50 workers Full-time your company pays a HEFTY fee for health care. It is essentially forcing small businesses to either close or cut employees. Simple way to have big government run big business....they already own most big business so why not cut out the little guy right?

Obama care is going to run our healthcare system even farther into the ground than it ever has been.

I personally don't care to pay for those who don't try to do it themselves. I pay my hospital bills but have been in the hospital with those that don't pay a dime all because they are government assisted. I am fed up with the way it is run and if these people are not contributing to society then why should we contribute to them if they are in the hospital? Not my problem but unfortunately government makes it my problem by taking money I earn to feed and give healthcare to those that don't.

If you can't afford it you don't get it I's not like I am standing outside a Ferrari dealership saying it's not fair I don't have one and asking anyone to pay for one for me.....ridiculous.

Obama care gets me a bit riled up....

posted on Jul, 17 2013 @ 10:46 AM
reply to post by gladtobehere

I expect this.

Its sad actually that our Government is doing more harm, then good.

And Congress? they dont mingle with "common folk" when it comes to laws or in this instant, Tax.

For the People!

posted on Jul, 17 2013 @ 10:47 AM
This has already begun. I heard from fellow students being cut back universally to the magic '29 hour' limit most of the Spring Semester. So much for full time anything, pretty much anywhere if the choice exists to make it part time. Real brilliant outcome on that one.

Then I heard instructors talking about it at the end of the spring term. They, too, were being told to keep it at 29 or less for the adjuncts or they could just figure the position itself would be cut and lost.

I've never understood the shallow, almost outright ignorant thinking that laws can be passed and regulations forced on whatever the world looks like THIS SECOND ...and the conditions will never change or react to what has been done to change the whole atmosphere.

I think it's the difference between academic knowledge of business and economic principle, which almost EVERYONE around Obama is limited to in real terms ...and actual, honest to God 'could be fired for not doing well' experience in the real world and outside schools or politics.

I'd give anything for a leader who had pretty well EVER worked for a living where it wasn't political or activist related. It's been 13 loooooong years since we've seen one ..,and he was borderline.

edit on 17-7-2013 by Wrabbit2000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 17 2013 @ 11:07 AM

Originally posted by Vasa Croe

I personally don't care to pay for those who don't try to do it themselves. I pay my hospital bills but have been in the hospital with those that don't pay a dime all because they are government assisted. I am fed up with the way it is run and if these people are not contributing to society then why should we contribute to them if they are in the hospital? Not my problem but unfortunately government makes it my problem by taking money I earn to feed and give healthcare to those that don't.

If you can't afford it you don't get it I's not like I am standing outside a Ferrari dealership saying it's not fair I don't have one and asking anyone to pay for one for me.....ridiculous.

Well, wanting to live, verses wanting to buy a Ferrari are two very different things. We all have a right to life; we don't all have a right to a Ferrari.

I think we should ALL be government assisted when it comes to healthcare. Socialized healthcare is the way we should have gone. Obamacare was a bad Republican idea that Obama should never have endorsed - I will agree with you on that. We need to take insurance companies out of the healthcare equation, and we need to take employers out of the healthcare equation. They are both much more concerned with profits then they are with the welfare of the people.
edit on 17-7-2013 by kaylaluv because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 17 2013 @ 11:20 AM
Good then, when they bounce his worthless butt out of office, repeal every worthless or bad thing he has done. Lets not forget that he really couldn't be prez anyhow. Then stand there and stare them in the face and not give until its done. If they do not want to participate, then dump them out with the trash too.
Speaking of taking out the trash, how about the Fed and the IRS too.

posted on Jul, 17 2013 @ 11:22 AM

I know someone who works at Dave & Busters.
They had a meeting and management let them know that full time employees were now part time employees.

It's a shame that something that was supposed to help poor people get insurance is going to end up hurting them after all is said and done.

Obamacare is bad for america.

posted on Jul, 17 2013 @ 11:27 AM
reply to post by gladtobehere

So looking at what they asked them.

Some of these things are the same thing.

3, 4 5 and 7 are things that are dependent on each other. One being good or bad, effects the outcome of the others. So it's a bit disingenuous to claim that this survey is a good indication of what employers are going to do.

It also seems, according to the data, that employers are VERY worried about immigration and want this fixed as soon as possible. Obama will win some political points by pushing the issue I'm sure.

Either way, yes, Obamacare will cost a ton of money. Even Obama said it in interviews.

What else could have happened when he effectively bailed out the insurance companies and guaranteed them another decade of increased prices and profits?

edit on 7/17/2013 by tothetenthpower because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 17 2013 @ 11:32 AM
reply to post by gladtobehere

Technically they can't force you to buy health care. Oh, they'll sure fine the heck out of you though. The SCOTUS decision included the following phrase, "commerce cannot be compelled".

So, no they can't force you to buy something....but they can make it so expensive to not buy it, that you'll end up buying it.

posted on Jul, 17 2013 @ 11:45 AM
In the UK we have something called the - National Insurance Stamp.
An employee has it deducted from their pay, and the employer pays part of the cost.
This is how our National Health service is funded and it gives health care to everyone. Its worked very well for many decades and everyone in the uk was proud of the National Health service because ANYONE from anywhere, rich or poor, could walk into any hospital and receive care free at the point of service.

Over the last few years what we have seen is employers splitting one job into three jobs! Why? Because if an employee works less than 16 hours per week the employer does not have to pay their part of the insurance stamp.
This also means the employee is now on an income that is so low they cannot afford to pay for their insurance stamp, and they need Top up Benefits just to be able to survive.
Who pays for the top up benefits? the few remaining employees who still have a full time job.

We had a health system that the rest of the world envied, but now, through corporate greed and corrupt governments it is falling apart and those who need care are going without.

When will people wake up!

posted on Jul, 17 2013 @ 11:56 AM
One of the merchandising companies I work for occasionally has sent out a memo that no one may work more than 19 hours in a week. Considering that the workload is so irregular that the majority of income comes from one or two weeks every quarter, that is a huge blow.

The way I see this playing out in the long run is that people will be forced to either get two part time jobs, or to work as an independent contractor making flat rates, in order to make anything near a decent living. And after all this, since the employers are not paying for insurance due to the part time status, the people will be fined for not having health care they cannot pay for.

In the meantime, health care costs will skyrocket until only the few who work full time will be able to have health care. The rest will be tossed into the situation too many now are in: get sick and you lose everything... including the ability to eat well enough to recover. No income, no hope, no health care.

The land of the sick and the home of the destitute.


posted on Jul, 17 2013 @ 03:47 PM

Obama declared the employer bill "unnecessary" — the administration announced the same delay on July 2 — and said the individual bill is harmful to consumers in a Statement of Administration Policy issued Tuesday. Read more: Follow us: @thehill on Twitter | TheHill on Facebook

So why the hell did he even create it?

Small business is screwed.

The [GOP] bills, taken together, would cost millions of hard-working middle class families the security of affordable health coverage and care they deserve," the veto threat stated.

The middle class DESERVES that corporate healthcare product!!!

Working part time?

How the hell is that gonna happen?

The middle class is going to get crushed under the care act straight up IT NEEDS REPEALED.

posted on Jul, 17 2013 @ 04:00 PM
Why don't all the conservatives actually like Obama care. It's the insurances companies that will profit the greatest; isn't that capitalism where the corporations can profit thru legal means?

It's the private corporations and big pharma taking responsibility for making profits for their share holders. More capitalism American style!!!

Of course small business may suffer hardship and if a few workers need to be let go is certainly regrettable; but that's just the free market working...isn't it?

Seems to me your are either a free market capitalist or not. Right? We sure don't want that leftwing socialist style healthcare they have in Canada; now do we???

I think healthcare needs to be overhauled as well and Obamacare isn't the right way. Just playing devils advocate here.

edit on 17-7-2013 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 17 2013 @ 08:50 PM
reply to post by olaru12

Why don't all the conservatives actually like Obama care. It's the insurances companies that will profit the greatest; isn't that capitalism where the corporations can profit thru legal means?

Have you ever considered that just because one is "conservative" it does not necessarily mean they follow the Republican platform?

Might want to consider things in the face of that discovery,


posted on Jul, 17 2013 @ 08:55 PM

Originally posted by TheRedneck
reply to post by olaru12

Why don't all the conservatives actually like Obama care. It's the insurances companies that will profit the greatest; isn't that capitalism where the corporations can profit thru legal means?

Have you ever considered that just because one is "conservative" it does not necessarily mean they follow the Republican platform?

Might want to consider things in the face of that discovery,


Did you not read the end of my post where I said I was playing "devils advocate"
I'm probably more conservative than you are

posted on Jul, 17 2013 @ 09:40 PM
reply to post by olaru12

Eh, sorry, missed that.

That'll teach me to post when trying to catch up on thread updates..... bad redneck! Bad! Bad!


posted on Jul, 17 2013 @ 10:03 PM
While many people have complained of having a shorter work week and more vacation time, I don't think they envisioned it this way. I don't see why Congress just don't work together to get rid of the bad stuff in the bill and keep what will work. I was for this when they were voting for it but always felt it would be fixed in the process. I was wrong. I guess I better invest in a tent, cause tent city may be my future home if I can't make a decent living.


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