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It's happened, world seen USA dangers.

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posted on Jul, 8 2013 @ 12:10 AM
reply to post by Magnivea

I really think that you need to add a warning to that video. It has some VERY graphic pictures that I would rather have not seen. Please add this to your post.

posted on Jul, 8 2013 @ 12:22 AM
reply to post by rock427

As an American, I think a lot of Americans don't really know what to do. We already have a police state. No one wants to be thrown in jail (guess where 40% of the worlds prison population resides?). Americans really are too busy paying the mortgage, bills, working a job, etc. In other words, it hasn't quite gotten bad enough for us to invoke a response. But it could someday boil over to the point where it does.

Or have we let it go so long that we're screwed even if we do decide, en masse, that we've had enough? Has the time to change things slipped past while we were surfing the internet?

posted on Jul, 8 2013 @ 01:02 AM

Originally posted by SubTruth
reply to post by Alternative4u

Once again we have a stupid OP who can not tell the difference between the American Government and it good hard working people.

The pathetically ironic part is I bet this OP would be the first one crying about how it is the leaders of other countries in the middle east or elsewhere and not people.

There is a big difference between the thoughts of the US Government, and it's citizen's. But when a country claims to be democratic, then while a Government acts in a corrupt, and sometimes illegal way, then some blame has to be attached to the citizens that allow that Government to stay in power. But the game is so rigged that the citizens can only remove Governments now by one method.........armed protest.

No I am not calling on the US citizens to pick up their guns and storm the White House [as much as I'd love to see it happen], but it does show why the US Government is so eager to unarm your countries citizens. They know its the last resort against a corrupt Government, and they will keep staging "random shootings" until the laws get passed. In todays world, a democratic country actually means that the politicians will do what ever they want for as long as they want, but they will let you vote so you think that you have a say. How much more proof do we need that the word democracy only exists in a dictionary definition ? And any other leader that looks after the interest of his own country will then be called a Dictator, especially if that leaders interest don't coincide with the US's interests. Which are usually gold, oil, drugs.........or G.O.D. I think they call it ? Your leaders are religious, its just that they have a very different view on what GOD is ! And my country, Australia, is no better at the moment.

If citizens are going to keep preaching about their democracy, then how does corrupt government after corrupt government keep serving their full terms, and sometimes 2 full terms ? These politicians will not just stand down, or walk away. They will only be removed by armed force. They know it, we know it, and that's why they're coming for your guns.

posted on Jul, 8 2013 @ 02:04 AM

Originally posted by Martin75
reply to post by Magnivea

I really think that you need to add a warning to that video. It has some VERY graphic pictures that I would rather have not seen. Please add this to your post.
What our country does to others for the personal gain of a few is too graphic? What about the people that have to see this and live with it every day? Is it too graphic for them or it's just not your problem because you see in photos what we force too many to deal with daily?

posted on Jul, 8 2013 @ 02:12 AM
reply to post by Alternative4u

I've always wondered if the people from nations who like to tout how great they are because they revolt, and can't understand what is wrong with Americans because we don't, ever stop to think that it could have something to do with life as they know it generally sucks where they're from, and is generally relatively awesome here in the US. With the majority of us having ample food, shelter, clothing, entertainment, ease of travel, comfortable retirement, options (in virtually everything), etc, we don't have much reason to revolt. Yes, people in other places are better off in one way or another, but overall, we've got it good - way, way good compared to most of the world.

Despite certain elements within our own nation, and even more strangely - other nations - hung up on some fantasy about the POTUS' citizenship status (as if it would make any difference anyhow) and religion (apparently they're Iran-style theocratists and care what religion the president is), and despite the near-permanent jobless portion of the population, and the portion with poor spending and investing habits blaming everyone butthemselves for their financial/housing troubles, we just plain have it far too good to revolt.

Does it make sense for me, earning enough money annually to feed and house 50 people, doing work I love, living in a town (population 40-50k) which is so dangerous, 1 person is killed every 16 years, with my wonderful wife, 1 year old son, 3 Dogs, and a house that I practically rebuilt myself, which has never been hit by bullets, mortars, etc. - with airspace which sees fighter jet fly-bys every year...during the air and water show...does it make sense for me to trade that for a drastically increased likelihood of my baby and/of wife being killed or left fatherless/widowed? To make years of famine the likely future for the people I care about, rather than a future of always having plenty of fresh, organic food available? Trade the 70" LED TV i'm planning on buying with part of my next bonus check for a downpayment on a dozen cremations for the 12 closest friends and family killed in the revolution against the most powerful military in the world who don't have anyone else left to pay for them?

Maybe if I was struggling to survive, in a land overrun with foreign armies for decades - or centuries non-stop, going to far more funerals than weddings, in between fits of jealousy disguised as disgust with Americans...I guess I would be willing to give up everything if "everything" was nothing but suffering, and there was no hope things would ever get better. Whatis shocking is that people don't understand why we don't risk everything, including the lives of our children, when we have things so good. Yes, our government pisses on our Bill of Rights regularly, and yes,they do the bidding of evil people and attack other nations, but while morally I know overthrowing the government, and replacing it with a benevolent, Utopian-society government is the right thing to do, I also know that the combined forces of Europe, Russia, China, and yes, even big, bad Egypt themselves, would be lucky to get a pair of boots on the ground or a bird in our airspace against the US military. If any of you out there think the "transgressions" of our government are worth trading away all you are 99.9999% likely to lose, then you are living a terrible life not worth living or you simply don't understand that upending the US government isn't the cakewalk that overthrowing a 3rd world nation. Honestly,there is no point in comparing the two.

Anyhow, just tired of people not having any clue about the topic before spewing their hate for something they don't understand at all.

posted on Jul, 8 2013 @ 02:26 AM
reply to post by dogstar23

I believe critical mass is coming to the american population - at least for those that pay taxes and aren't exoirbantly wealthy -

The gov't has scandal upon scandal - mostly dealing with abuses of the constitution.

The USD is going down - you have to be an idiot not to understand this.

The gov't will fire the first shot - and I believe it will be when the welfare debit cards aren't refilled - August 2013?
December 2013? It's coming......and it will be chaos in the large urban areas.

Here in central WI the welfarites didn't get their cash fast enough before the ATM machines went empty before the long July 4th weekend - and they were calling the cops! And then accusing THEM of not giving them their cash.
edit on 8-7-2013 by Happy1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 8 2013 @ 02:40 AM
The middle-east is a powder keg at the moment. It looks like Egypt is going to slide slowly into civil war. In a sense, it is rather fortunate for the corrupt western governments that the Arabic countries are not allied in their goals, otherwise they would be up against a formidable obstacle of resistance to their global agenda.

However, Egypt won't be allowed an oppositional government to US and Western policies, so the coming civil war there would be a necessary destabilising aspect and deliberately fomented by western agent provocateurs to weaken such opposition. It could go the way of Syria if not careful.

There is little hope for Arab nations to unite politically against US and western policies due to tribal differences, but they could unite under Islam, which has been the goal all along by the extremists. Such a uniting would help Assad in Syria, but in a general view, would point the world towards a middle-east conflagration in which the Saudi people might be able to rise up against the Saudi royalty. Civil war may spread to other Arab nations currently signed up to Western policies/

I also expect a number of South American countries to protest against global American surveillance policy. more to exploit their umbrage at their surveillance to gain something politically from the American government. Do not be surprised if Brazil destabilises to nation-wide rioting, and maybe joined by other South American countries.

If all these destabilising actions come to pass, it will weaken slightly American foreign policy agendas, and would be an opportunity for the American people to take to the streets in continued mass protests of civil disobedience. The need to get organised, allied, and forceful behind a common goal is what is needed, but to be honest, for all the bravado chanting by American people regarding their country's might, I cannot see the people organising anything more than a protesting cough of annoyance.

It is the same in every other developed western nation, the people's are too indifferent to the struggles and strife of other nations in turmoil due to western foreign policy, and yet, if there is one thing that would stop the globalisation agenda in its tracks, it would be the uncompromising civil disobedience of western people in their own countries. I guess the images and sounds coming out of middle-eastern countries in turmoil with themselves scares the hell out of western people. They see the violence and barbarity, they see the destruction and think 'protest' and bring such similarity to our own lands, no way! Western people would much rather be ensnared and enslaved to the globalisation agenda than lose what little habituated comfort they currently possess. Western people fully deserve the tyranny hanging over them like a black storm cloud, and one day it will rain down a tyranny on their heads of unprecedented shackling.

In order to protect and maintain itself, tyranny has got to keep constricting and restricting, becoming evermore brutal and forceful, because tyranny remains forever paranoid at those it enslaves, and as to continually close down freedoms and liberties. The apparatus for all this to pass is in place right now, and if you do not meet its challenge to ally with one another in the present moment, you might as well go buy handcuffs, leg irons and collars and place them around the wrists and ankles and necks of your children. You might as well do the job for them today, because that is the future you are bequeathing them with your timidity and cowardice.

posted on Jul, 8 2013 @ 02:51 AM
reply to post by elysiumfire

Intelligent americans don't "protest" - it's like lining up to get shot.

The USD has to fail first for anything to happen - it's going to be the people who solely rely on gov't to uprise first - and get shot.

posted on Jul, 8 2013 @ 03:36 AM

Originally posted by sevensheeps
reply to post by SubTruth

As much as I love everyone I can understand why people are mad at the American people for allowing this to go as far as it does. Even though the government and it's people are two separate entities.

The whole world is protesting against this tyranny and it appears that the majority of the American people are fine with whatever happens to them. I am not saying everyone is fine with this, but the majority that could actually make a change is as silent as ever.

I must admit that when I hear an American voice I feel like I want to scream at them for what is happening. But I don't because I love her people and we are all part of the human family.

Sometimes it's really hard to separate those feelings from each other.

edit on 7/7/13 by sevensheeps because: edit

Yes, the good American people is as guilty as the governments that represent then.
They are simply numb and apathetic reguarding everything is happening today.

The Turkish people went to the streets against the construction of a Shopping Center and a couple of trees in Taksim Square (among other things)...

We Brazilians went to the streets against a 0,20 cents raise in the bus ticket, along with more government clarity among other things (the government quickly heard US and are taking measures)


By the way, Brazil was the most spyed country by the US in the America after the US... You don't really believe they are tracking terrorists in OUR Country, do you?

edit on 8-7-2013 by LordAdef because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 8 2013 @ 04:50 AM

Originally posted by JanAmosComenius
reply to post by inverslyproportional

I'm afraid technological advantage of Rome was far more superior to its many enemies than is technological advantage of USA in current world. In fact Roman empire collapsed because it rotted from inside. So do you believe that USA are healthy society, everything is going OK, there is enough resources and will to continue this postmodern imperial project? Why imperial? Because 1.000+ military basis abroad.

Yes, Rome did rot from the inside, with half the legions fighting the other half to put their emperor in charge, 'barbarians' saw their time had come to invade while the legions were distracted fighting each other instead of defending the frontiers.

posted on Jul, 8 2013 @ 05:03 AM

Intelligent americans don't "protest" - it's like lining up to get shot. The USD has to fail first for anything to happen - it's going to be the people who solely rely on gov't to uprise first - and get shot.

Like I said, timidity and cowardice. Be under no illusion, Americans will be killed while protesting. However, once a government instructs its forces to kill its own citizens, no matter what pretext given, no matter the rationale behind the decision, that government cannot stay in seat of power, it has to be removed utterly and with extreme prejudice. No government that fires on its own citizens has any right to expect any confidence from the people, because such action constitutes the irrevocable breakdown of relations between the people and the government it elected.

Civil wars are conflicts pertaining to each side's particular vision of what kind of society they want to create and live in, so once you choose your vision, once you perceive the abstract goals of its principles, then you stick to it, you fight and protect it, even if the current society is destroyed in the process.

I do feel though, that uncompromising peaceful civil disobedience can make the more impacting statement of protest. Simply stop feeding and adhering to the apparatus you disagree with. Yes, it means making profound lifestyle changes, it may mean making self-hurting sacrifices, but you have to keep reminding yourself why you have chosen this stance. Before this, you need to ask yourself, would it be worth it? Half-hearted attempts, or fair weather protesting will not do, it has to be total commitment and belief, or you should fail at the first hurdle.

It is not just in America that this needs to happen, but all developed western nations signed by their colluding governments to the globalisation agenda, regardless of what their people want. So, it isn't just national civil disobedience, it is coordinated international civil disobedience, as well.

The frustration at the moment is that nothing but complaining is happening.

edit on 8/7/13 by elysiumfire because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 8 2013 @ 05:32 AM
I agree completely.
Its quite relieving to hear you say that. I do believe peaceful protest is the only method for us to free ourselves. "An eye for an eye leaves us all blind' The amount of lives lost would be devastating considering the weaponry of both the citizens and the military/police. There is potential for foreign troops to be brought in and help stabilize the situation. However, a peaceful protest operates with a different energy. Like a light to a room filled with darkness, a frequency of love and peace will overcome the darkness. We must break free from fear.

posted on Jul, 8 2013 @ 08:44 AM

Originally posted by Alternative4u
Well at last thank heavens the Middle East has woken up to see what America under Obama has been up too the last 5 years, they have turned around this pro Muslim Brotherhood love affair the USA wanted them to have, they are getting much closer to all the Middle East nations, and at last booting America out of there.
The Egypt nation is getting the area sorted with Israels help too, and Syria leader Assad is now being seen as a man standing up to terror groups, not letting them take over Jordon, Egypt etc, its great news, only one nation has lost out, yes America, seen as terrorists supporters under Obama, great, now Europe will be seen as a West's leading group of nations, not a has been country as USA is today, sorry America, but under your Muslim leader you lost, 9-O to Europe & Middle East, if China and Russia want to destroy you, I cannot think of a time when it would be so easy to do. On top of that America tested it's IBM missile this last week and they all failed badly, so with America now being so alone, you cannot feel very safe today under Obama.

I stopped reading right about there.

posted on Jul, 8 2013 @ 08:47 AM
Americans don't have the balls to protest on such a scale such as what is happening in the M.E. or has happened in Europe.
We had Occupy, which was made up of nothing but a bunch of cowardly trust fund teens. That got co-opted and squashed within months.

posted on Jul, 8 2013 @ 08:56 AM

Originally posted by beezzer
America was a great experiment. And it worked!

But like anything good, people tried to improve on it. And that made it worse.

So now we have this monolith. This cumbersome overweight giant who used to be awesome. It's like sitting at a bar and listening to the fat guy at the end talk about his glory days in his youth!

Shut up and go home!

If you (America) want to be taken seriously then change. No. Don't "fundamentally transform". None of that "hope and change" poop!

Go back to rugged individualism.

Go to the Moon.

Invent something.

Create something.

Buying stuff does not make us great.
Taxing people does not make us great.
Invading other countries does not make us great.
Spying on damn near everyone does not make us great.

awesome post.

but as long as there are lines to buy a $5 coffee,
as long as there are texts being sent and received,
as long as facebook, twitter, and ATS, is accessible,
as long as people think there is a difference between republican and democrat,
as long as people accept the "war on terror",
as long as people accept the “war on drugs”,
no one will lift a finger to change the way things are.

posted on Jul, 8 2013 @ 09:42 AM

Originally posted by The Cusp

Originally posted by SubTruth
reply to post by Alternative4u
Once again we have a stupid OP who can not tell the difference between the American Government and it good hard working people.

That's like me punching you in the face then saying "it wasn't me, it was my fist". Americans need to do something about their government. If my dog gets out and mauls some little kids because I didn't lock hip up properly, that's my fault.

That was great. LMFAO. I agree 100% and whatever happens Americans are too ignorant and too distracted to care! When TSHTF we will pay a high price for our lack of action! I have given up on trying to inspire because there is an "I only care about me and mine" attitude in America and that will not lead to unity, freedom or a separation from the corrupt cronies in power!

posted on Jul, 8 2013 @ 09:46 AM

Originally posted by tigershark1988
I agree completely.
Its quite relieving to hear you say that. I do believe peaceful protest is the only method for us to free ourselves. "An eye for an eye leaves us all blind' The amount of lives lost would be devastating considering the weaponry of both the citizens and the military/police. There is potential for foreign troops to be brought in and help stabilize the situation. However, a peaceful protest operates with a different energy. Like a light to a room filled with darkness, a frequency of love and peace will overcome the darkness. We must break free from fear.

It did not work in the 60s and it wont work now!

posted on Jul, 8 2013 @ 09:49 AM

Originally posted by Alternative4u
The Egypt nation is getting the area sorted with Israels help too, .

wow, really?

that is some good koolaid, what's in it?

if Israel is helping sort it out, OMG, charlie foxtrot commencing in..3,,,2,,,

posted on Jul, 8 2013 @ 09:53 AM

Originally posted by sevensheeps
reply to post by SubTruth

The whole world is protesting against this tyranny and it appears that the majority of the American people are fine with whatever happens to them. I am not saying everyone is fine with this, but the majority that could actually make a change is as silent as ever.

edit on 7/7/13 by sevensheeps because: edit


those silent... the [ " ] HERO's [ " ] with badges, they are more concerned with their: pension and family.. that they will and HAVE done whatever their tyrant masters have asked.. I mean as long as your are on the inside and YOUR family is safe right?


posted on Jul, 8 2013 @ 09:54 AM

Originally posted by The Cusp

Originally posted by SubTruth
reply to post by Alternative4u
Once again we have a stupid OP who can not tell the difference between the American Government and it good hard working people.

That's like me punching you in the face then saying "it wasn't me, it was my fist". Americans need to do something about their government. If my dog gets out and mauls some little kids because I didn't lock hip up properly, that's my fault.

i regret to include the insult in this quote but this is exactly what's wrong with all foreign people looking in on america, they have a tendency to lump all of us "hard working people" in with what our government says and does and like someone has already stated.. "we have no control" and it's true and it's also our own fault.

we've become a nation of lazy, fat, facebooking cowards.. the snowden thing was a great chance for us to get something started but instead of acting we bloged about it! haha we are lost.

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