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GITMO Spoils Inmates While Many Americans Go Hungry

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posted on Jun, 30 2013 @ 11:43 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

Originally posted by sevensheeps
They are being tortured and probably killed in modern day concentration camps!

They are so fat from their meals that they need exercise equipment brought in.

What part of .. this is a waste of money and we should either run it right or close it .. dont' you get?

Are you a teenager? I'm asking this because you seem to be so ignorant of even basic Human health I would have to imagine that you are young and a little uneducated.

Exercise machines are not solely for losing fat

Do you know what happens to the Human body when you have only a cell to live in and have no opportunity to walk around at leisure, or perform basic daily tasks? If you don't have a job, and you sit at home all day on your butt, you lose muscle definition, you cannot exercise properly. It has nothing to do with getting fat.

The fact that you think exercise equipment was given to them to help them lose weight is astounding, and I'm finding it really hard to not simply attack your stupidity.

Forget what I said about your credibility almost being gone, it's shot to hell with this completely imbecilic statement.

posted on Jun, 30 2013 @ 11:46 AM
reply to post by Britguy

Why are Americans going hungry? Is it the fault of the Guantanamo inmates? Is it the culmination of some dastardlay Islamic plot hatched and implemented by the inmates?

I could be wrong, but it might..just might have a little to do with outfits like Goldman sachs buying up thousands of tonnes of food and hoarding it to keep the food market prices artificially inflated.

When there's a lot to go around, prices are cheap...but if you can create a supply problem...

posted on Jun, 30 2013 @ 12:00 PM
Now I have heard it all, GITMO is a "country club". I am sure the detainees would disagree but if you think it is so lavish why not book in and experience the absolute splendor of being held without trial indefinitely, in the evenings head on down for a wonderful 5 star force feeding and for your entertainment you have the angelic voice of the army choir shouting you off to a relaxing slumber and you too can experience this for the low low price of being a suspect of terror, that's right you don't even have to do anything but be suspicious. Book your dream holiday today

My god get a grip man

reply to post by FlyersFan

edit on 30/6/13 by Todzer because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 30 2013 @ 12:00 PM
Heck they're so spoiled, we even force feed them when they don't want to eat.

Up to 44 a day.

posted on Jun, 30 2013 @ 12:07 PM
I should really leave this thread alone having replied twice, but this idea of the Gitmo Country Club has really irked me.

NWS below...

Anyone fancy a round of golf after dinner?

And these are the 'keepsake' pictures taken by those staffing the country club themselves.

Keep digging into those Freedom Fries, folks. All of them might be 'terrorists'. Sometimes it's hard to believe that some Americans have any idea at all about what 'freedom' actually means.

edit on 30-6-2013 by KingIcarus because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 30 2013 @ 03:22 PM
It sounds like a behavioral research study.

The religious supplements are fair. Ten thousand books? And TV? A soccer field? That's the spoiling, unless there are special torture rules around them. Like, ten thousand books and they're all the same book. Like, here eat this bacon and you can play soccer, rules.

Just thinking they could send Sheriff Joe Arpaio over there and they can sleep in tents and eat cheese sandwiches. Don't even dare comparing prisoners to free people; prisoners compared with prisoners, they are still rather spoiled. From the sound of things they are more spoiled than what state mental institutions get as well.

Ideally, those terrorists should be dead by now, for terrorism. Unless they are already all dead and there are a bunch of crisis actors in there.

All the spoiling is going to do is advertise for more terrorism. Come on over, we have football and ten thousand books. Maybe the anti-terror groups are running out of chase subjects.

posted on Jun, 30 2013 @ 04:17 PM
I say they shut GITMO down and send those prisoners to prisons where other criminals are held, preferably state run and not Federal prisons.

posted on Jun, 30 2013 @ 04:27 PM
reply to post by FlyersFan

GITMO.................Should be closed.


Put these guys in Federal Prisons, charge them for their crimes, and be done with it. This is Why Obama fails on so many levels. His promises mean nothing. He needs to use his Powers as President and stop playing the blame game. He has no problem killing folks with drones, he can do this also. For the rest of the folks crying about terrorists in Federal Prisons, we have terrorists such as Bill Ayers teaching our children ! Christ, the stupidity level astounds.


posted on Jun, 30 2013 @ 04:42 PM
reply to post by sonnny1

Federal Prisons aren't as bad as the State run Facilities. Hell, from people I personally know that've been in the Fed Pen, they claim it's like a college campus. They'd rather go to a Fed Pen then a state pen any day.
Put these terrorist in the State Pen where there are no special privileges, except for their dietary and prayer privileges, which everyone is granted. Equality.

posted on Jun, 30 2013 @ 04:46 PM
reply to post by FlyersFan

I hope you do understand that most of them are innocent and have been abducted (sold to) the US government...

posted on Jun, 30 2013 @ 04:51 PM
It is time for Obama to do what he says... He lied about that herb we can not speak of, and GITMO..

Those are the two biggest lies that the left HAVE TO EAT, because they believes so much Obama would be different, when in fact he is actually worse.. WORSE THEN BUSH, AND THATS BAD!!

Gitmo prisoners should be executed for war crimes, the ones that killed others, the rest lock them up in a cage on alcatraz!!

posted on Jun, 30 2013 @ 04:52 PM

Originally posted by Panic2k11
reply to post by FlyersFan

I hope you do understand that most of them are innocent and have been abducted (sold to) the US government...

Innocent or Guilty, Obama and this Administration should do what they said they were going to do.

Close Gitmo.

Let them have their day in court.

posted on Jun, 30 2013 @ 04:57 PM

Originally posted by kimish
reply to post by sonnny1

Federal Prisons aren't as bad as the State run Facilities. Hell, from people I personally know that've been in the Fed Pen, they claim it's like a college campus. They'd rather go to a Fed Pen then a state pen any day.
Put these terrorist in the State Pen where there are no special privileges, except for their dietary and prayer privileges, which everyone is granted. Equality.


Just do it, and stop talking about it, hey?

posted on Jun, 30 2013 @ 05:28 PM
reply to post by starfoxxx

Most of them are innocent farmers. As I said previously in this thread, you are aware that we allowed muslim extremists to go around and grab anyone they wanted and turn them in as terrorists to take to GITMO for a reward.

So naturally these guys went around grabbing farmers that weren't of use to them and gave them over in exchange for money. There is a guy in there that was a farmer, has been there for over 11 years and hasn't seen his family. They know it's true and he was supposed to be freed, but he's still there.

So you can't just say execute and imprison.

posted on Jun, 30 2013 @ 05:29 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
reply to post by buster2010

SPENDING MONEY on this when so many Americans are hurting ... that's the point.

And yet Obama is about to spend 100,000,000 on a nice little holiday in Africa with his family. And not the first holiday to spend millions either.

I wonder how many Americans that kind of money could help?

But no, blame the "Suspected" terrorists for using up the money behind bars having never been charged nor faced trial.

Yup...Sounds about right.



posted on Jun, 30 2013 @ 05:31 PM

Originally posted by GogoVicMorrow
reply to post by starfoxxx

Most of them are innocent farmers. As I said previously in this thread, you are aware that we allowed muslim extremists to go around and grab anyone they wanted and turn them in as terrorists to take to GITMO for a reward.

So naturally these guys went around grabbing farmers that weren't of use to them and gave them over in exchange for money. There is a guy in there that was a farmer, has been there for over 11 years and hasn't seen his family. They know it's true and he was supposed to be freed, but he's still there.

So you can't just say execute and imprison.

The ones with evidence that they murdered others should be executed.. It is the right thing to do...
No one can deny their are VERY BAD people in GITMO, are they ALL guilty? I doubt there is not atleast one innocent person, and they should go free.. The REALLy BAD GUYS need to be shot simple as that. Point is Obama has been ignoring it for years and should man up, sack up we call it in the south and do what he says..
edit on 30-6-2013 by starfoxxx because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 30 2013 @ 05:46 PM
This thread is rather odd when you consider other reports coming out of Gitmo:

The brutality of tactics used to force-feed inmates at the Guantanamo Bay prison is escalating, according to the last British citizen being held at the camp. He says that metal-tipped feeding tubes are causing already-starving inmates to vomit.

Follow RT’s day-by-day timeline of the Gitmo hunger strike.

46-year-old Shaker Aamer, from London, has been held at Guantanamo Bay prison without charge or trial for over 11 years. He confirmed to the Guardian newspaper that prison authorities are intensifying their efforts to try and break strikers by introducing new equipment.

One detainee was admitted to hospital around 10 days ago after having the feeding tube pushed into his lungs rather than his stomach.

“The administration is getting ever more angry and doing everything they can to break our hunger strike. Honestly, I wish I was dead,” Aamer said from the camp. The speech was recorded the previous week, but was published on Saturday after the newspaper received the recording.

He also alleged that nurses at the prison are discarding their name tags prior to entering the camp so as not to be identified by prisoners, who could potentially file complaints against them.


posted on Jun, 30 2013 @ 07:13 PM
reply to post by FlyersFan

Here all this time I thought the prime method of excersice was waterboarding and being made to listen to the Sesame Street theme song 24/7. Someone has been lying. Oh yeah main stream media.

I don't really care for having my tax payer dollars going to fatten Islamic terrorists like a Thanksgiving turkey. I thought prison was supposed to be hell, not a vacation at The Ritz?

posted on Jun, 30 2013 @ 07:32 PM
reply to post by kimish

Aren't you kind of skipping a few steps? Like having a trial and being convicted before being hauled off to prison?

posted on Jun, 30 2013 @ 11:14 PM
I think some perspective is blown all over the place here. These are absolutely not the example of an American Auschwitz. They aren't even an internment camp. If anything, it's a rather lavishly appointed POW camp for the ones who don't resist from day one on. That's simply the facts of the place. It's the U.S. "showcase" of a prison for the International Red Cross to see and outsiders to come tour and say they were really "this close" to a real terrorist.

GUANTANAMO BAY U.S. NAVAL BASE, Cuba, March 1 (Reuters) - The U.S. admiral in charge of the Guantanamo Bay detention camp is defending the decision to build a $744,000 soccer field for well-behaved prisoners, and said critics misunderstood the facility's purpose and logistics.

Rear Admiral David Woods said the camp's mission was not to punish foreign captives unnecessarily, many of whom have been held there for 10 years already. He said his job is to detain them away from the battlefield under safe and humane conditions, and that providing socialization opportunities was part of that.

Not just any prison gets a 3/4 of a Million dollar soccer field. In fact, I'd say these guys would/will have a much harder time at any maximum security Federal prison in general population. What the inmates in a civilian federal prison consider normal behavior would get a U.S. Soldier years serving in a military prison of their own for doing to them, IMO.

More importantly though. Lets all stay updated on this one in a way that's important in my opinion. SOME of the prisoners were innocent. 100% innocent. The U.S. started things with a bounty program in Afghanistan that wasn't equipped to check, didn't care to check or a combination of both about regarding guilt before bagging and sending to Gitmo. That resulted in actual goat herders and plain rivals or enemies of powerful people in Afghan getting sent there.

That isn't the case now. It's down to 166, the last I saw a head count total anywhere and these are the worst of the worst. How do we know that? They've been through MORE of an :"appeal" process than ANY criminal defendant will ever see in the civilian system. Additionally, the Government simply isn't looking for reasons to release people in the civilian system. They have been for these and this is only ONE of multiple reviews the remaining ones have been through.


It's a very interesting report for those who want to learn about the subject for how it's actually progressed down there. It's evolved from a "what do we do with them and how do we run a place like this?" to a well oiled machine of a modern day POW camp. The current force feeding sucks, but they are the ones on a hunger strike. Was it better to let them literally die of hunger and THEN be blamed for failing to save their lives by forced feeding?

*Part of the problem among the remaining are home nations that won't accept them back, too. What to do with them?

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