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Cheating Death: Have You Done This?

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posted on Jun, 2 2013 @ 07:45 PM
closest i got was going out to the desert and driving on a twisty two lane mtn road. i stopped to take a picture of my truck and kept going. a couple miles up the road there was a suv in the middle of the road and a scion XB of the road in a ditch. it was a bad head on, the people in the suv where slumped over not moving and the XB had the whole front smashed in. it had just happened a minute before i got there as there where civilians trying to break out windows to get to the passengers of the XB. maybe if i didnt stop to take a picture it would have happened right behind me or i could have been involved.

My Mom got a knock on her apartment door at 11 at night with someone asking if she wanted to buy a news paper. she thought it was odd and grabbed her shotgun and didnt answer. turns out it was Richard Ramirez and he got some lady a few doors down in the same complex.

posted on Jun, 2 2013 @ 07:55 PM
When I was a kid, maybe five or six, I was climbing trees with my cousins not too far from my grandmother's house. It was a peaceful day, the sun was shining and it was early in the day. I was enjoying myself, listening to the others talk, thinking to myself when a branch I was holding on to broke, it offset my balance and in an instant I knew I'd fall, and immediately thought to call out to God, I don't recall calling on Him out loud, God knew the cry of my heart, that I called to him for help, and I firmly believe that He was the one who reminded me to call to Him. I was in mid-air when I felt as though someone came and held me, then that someone turned my head to let me see my trajectory, while still up in the air I knew I would be impaled if I stayed the course, though shaken I knew I would be safe because I could feel someone holding me and my face was still toward the ground and God allowed me to see myself falling diagonally. It was as if I was going down in slow motion and I was ever so gently, and I mean very very gently placed on the ground sitting up. I knew it was God, I told Him, "Thank you." and then thought about it some more, I was filled with a feeling of absolute love and peace and joy. And instead of thinking about the fear of falling, I said something along the lines of "Woah! I want to try that again!" So I immediately got up and climbed that same tree without telling any of my fellow climbers what I experienced.

Jesus Christ is real and he is very much alive, please feel free to take a gander at my authored threads, so far I have only written two but would like to share more.

posted on Jun, 2 2013 @ 08:19 PM
reply to post by Wonders

Nice story, you just reminded me of a time when the same thing happened to me. I was at a park when I was around 7 years old and I climbed this tree all the way to the top. Unfortunately the branches were much smaller and weaker up there and I heard a crack and plunged.

Unlike your story, there was no force that aided my decent. I felt my body breaking numerous branches as I fell until the final smack at the bottom. Apparently I knocked myself out. I woke up to my brother shaking me (probably not the best thing to do had I broken my neck). I didn't, though I was in a daze, so we went home.

Later that night I had a splitting headache and I started to repeatedly vomit and could not eat my dinner. So my folks took me to the doctor. It turned out that I had a concussion. However, I never stopped climbing trees. As a matter of fact, Older, I have climbed many trees, and even during severe storms.

John Muir, a man that I admire a lot, told stories of climbing trees when the weather was bad while claiming "I did it in order to be closer to the storm". His words without a doubt had a serious influenced on me. ~$heopleNation

posted on Jun, 2 2013 @ 10:21 PM
reply to post by ladytamatha

Wow, what an ordeal to have to go through! And it's a shame that the medical profession is so determined to rule everything they can't easily explain, especially with us females, as some form of mental or emotional problem. I had a heart attack in 2004 at the age of 39.

No heart disease present, no heavy alcohol or drug use, nothing except a lot of stress over my finances. As I discovered several weeks later, I was extremely lucky to be taken seriously. Most women having their first heart attack at a younger age were referred to psychologists or beauty salons for their symptoms. It took a second heart attack, a big one threatening their lives before doctors paid attention.

I believe you were taken down this dark road to be shown everything that you never would have witnessed had you not been so deathly ill. Maybe it was so you could come on ATS and testify to what you saw, especially the demons lining up to scare people away from Heaven or prevent them from passing. Maybe that's a metaphor for someone who's living an evil life having trouble making it through all that and finding salvation.

Or possibly to illustrate the existence of so many evil temptations that can "get in our way" of living a better life.

So glad you're doing better though!!!

posted on Jun, 2 2013 @ 10:57 PM
reply to post by smyleegrl

Hi smyleegrl

I have two that spring to mind,

The first was when i was a kid i was playing tick with some friends on
an old air raid shelter,
Half the roof was missing so we used to cross the arched spars and i fell
nine foot to the floor and i spike stuck in my head,it hit the bone above my eye
socket and slipped up between my skin and skull.
I had to pull my self of the spike.(i was about 10 years old)

The other i have was when i was a lorry driver (7 1/2 ton)
i was on the snake pass the A470 in the winter and was
hit head on by a 40 ton artic
my little 7 1/2 ton bedford was a total write off
and i never had a scratch on me .
Everyone EDGE TRANSPORT even my dad said
that i should be dead
BTW i had to pull myself out of the wreckage as my legs were trapped
and they were going numb

edit on 2/6/2013 by maryhinge because: starred and flagged

posted on Jun, 3 2013 @ 12:07 AM
Awesome thread...will read all of it...

Just one story can remember...

It was early in the morning as each day during the work week in Illinois. My wife gave me a ride to my work at Motorola. Work was near Randall Road, Kane county (and I just googled a little) and it said that there is some section at Randall Road which is considered the "most dangerous road in IL" with many fatalities per year.

As every morning, we got close to an intersection and there was a red light, we passed this big truck which had a large, full load of crushed stone on it. A few mins later I arrived at work and news came in of a major accident at the intersection.

I try to recall the details of what happened. The truck we just passed at the very same intersection ran a red light and collided with a mini van. The truck tipped over and the entire load of stone dumped onto another vehicle, killing at least one. I realized that it could've been easily us, just a freak timing thing of a few seconds plus/minus...if we'd been the car behind the truck NOT having passed the truck.

It was freaky reading about the accident and I think there was even pictures of the truck/crushed car...knowing we just passed that very same truck.


And the other thing, not really "having cheated" death but the event is always in my mind. I was very, very little at a time where I couldn't swim yet. Yet, we spent years on this camp grounds on a lake each summer with my family. One of my friends was the owner of the camp grounds/lake and they owned one day we decided we all go out on the lake on a couple of boats, he and his friend in another.

When we were out there on the water, all 10-12 year old stupid kids we were, they decided to play pirates or something ramming each other with the boats.

The next thing I remember was that I was under water. Even if this was an eternity ago, I remember it still very vividly. I was entirely conscious, under water but since I couldn't swim at that time I didn't know how to reach the surface. It seemed like an eternity and I was just moving around crazily under the water.

All of a sudden, the friend's hands reached in the water and pulled me out. Still, today I think of this event and think what would have happened if i would've been further down, the friend unable to find me or unable to reach down into the water...


OMG I read so many crazy stories here in the I remember one of the most horrible things as well.

This happened not that long ago, maybe around 2000. With one of my then roommates we moved into a new apartment together with some female friend of his. It might be noteworthy to mention that all those roommates at that time had some MAJOR issues.

The female "friend" of my roommate pursued some very questionable profession, let's say it had to do with pleasing some others who have some certain fetishes. That wouldn't be a problem, the problem was more that she was also heavily into drugs.

So we all moved into the apartment we found in X. and we faced the adventure having to move her belongings from a city approx. 300 mls away where she had her old apartment.

So she rented this Hertz pickup truck and we made on our way to the city where she lived, packing, disassembling all her furniture etc. and we loaded the truck full up the rim with her stuff.

Now it was time making our way back from city X to city Y for 300 mls in this loaded truck. I remember we drove off early evening so we had an entire night driving in front of us along the Autobahn, mostly. Everyone was exhausted too from moving all the stuff into the truck.

Early in the beginning when we started it was already obvious that the truck now behaved entirely different, it "wobbled" really left and right with all the stuff in it and she (driver) made some comments how it's awkward now steering the truck, something like that.

Then she made some comments how incredible tired and exhausted she is and I got more and more UNEASY, as you can imagine.

Now she started to take her white powder drug (whose name I don't want to mention) and it seemed to me she literally put it into her can of soft drink and drank it as a way to stay awake while driving. So we drove a little while and I watched this entire thing and thought to myself like "Cheezus let this trip be over please".

Maybe after an hour or so she said she is simply too tired and exhausted and can't drive anymore and asked my other, guy-roomate to take over driving. My then roomate, I have to add, had a very odd annoying personality that he thought of himself as being able to do anything better than everyone else, believing that he's being smarter etc. than anyone else, etc., you need to understand this maybe.)

Of course he agreed to that wants to take over the driving part of the truck.

There was only a problem: This guy didn't even have an *effing driver's license*, let alone experience driving, let alone experience driving a truck and let alone experience driving an overloaded, wobbling truck 300 mls through the country.

When he agreed I immediately became livid and starting screaming and shouting at him, calling him names thinking he is not right in his mind wanting to drive the truck, I voiced my concern how in god's name does he think he can drive a truck, I lived with this guy for some years as being a roommate, I know he doesn't effing drive and doesn't have a license.

Overly confident about his own abilities he just gave back some typical reply how it's not a problem for him, blah blah and of course it wouldn't be a big deal for him driving the truck. I was VERY angry.

So they (female roomate and he) switched and HE started driving. Great.

It didn't take longer than 2 minutes, in a curve and the truck started crazily wobbling left, right and he lost control and the entire truck and we in it *almost* tipped over. I say ALMOST - he somehow could avoid it and we barely escaped a really bad accident.

After he lost control over the truck, we all left the vehicle pale and barely escaped death...but at least it was clear now that HE couldn't drive the truck and *thankfully* this option was off the table now. Funny how I just said a few minutes ago they must be out their mind and the fact that we just barely escaped an accident confirmed I was right with my concerns and anger earlier.

So...the female took over again and continued taking her drugs to stay awake while she was driving. Great.

Somehow we made it for some hours while knowing how unpredictable the truck's behaviour was, seeing that the truck almost tipped over before, waving left and right in the lane, it was really a "joy" being on that trip.

So we're on the Autobahn in this horror truck, cruising along for some hours now approximately an hour left from home. When there was this LOUD POP. And now the truck blew a tire!!

For some reason she did not lose control and somehow managed it to steer the truck to the side.

Now we spent several hours at the crack of dawn, somewhere in the middle of nowhere one hour from the destination, calling an emergency service to come for changing the tire. It was like...5am or 6am in the morning, it was cold. I remember we had to wait a long time until some shop opened to have a new tire.

Somehow, finally, we made it home approx 9am or 10am-ish, after TWO occurrences of "almost accidents" in this night.

This was, obviously, the most horrible trip of my life.

edit on 3-6-2013 by flexy123 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 3 2013 @ 12:16 AM
"There I was. Thought I was going to die."

A few times hang gliding.
Turning a corner around a hill to see power lines above and below my flight path. Yikes!
Landing at the beach with the shear (opposing wind directions) in the middle of the beach. Untold turbulence. Kite getting literally ripped out of my hands just as I unhooked my harness. Watching it tumble across the sand and break itself up slamming into the trees bordering the beach.
Lost in the clouds for 20 minutes. Am I going to hit the mountain or get out of the clouds first?

Surfing Pipeline. I don't know how many times.
Caught inside when a sneaker set shows up breaking way outside.
Wipeout on the first wave of a six wave set. In the impact zone. Too much water to breathe. Too much foam to swim in.

With my brother in his Beech Travelaire.
Taking off from a grass strip. Finding branches in the landing gear when we got home.
Lost in the clouds...again. The airport should be around here somewhere.

edit on 6/3/2013 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 3 2013 @ 12:28 AM
reply to post by smyleegrl

Wow, that gave me shivers. Sometimes you just have to go with your gut feeling, hey..
I had one sort of cheating death/serious injury thingy:

I was about 10 - 12, (I'm 21 now) and I lived on the corner of a main road and another really busy, but not so main road. The intersection is separated by a round-about and there is a service station across and down the road a bit.
My mother had given me a little bit of money to go and get myself a drink, I walked out the back gate (which is on the not so main road side) and started to head around the corner.

All of a sudden I heard this extremely loud scraping sound, and car breaks. I looked over to the round-about and saw that a trailer, carrying a jetski had lost one of its wheels, and the wheel was coming towards me.
The set speed for the round-about was 70km back then, so as you can imagine, the wheel was rolling towards me really fast.

The only thing I could think to do in the split second was start running as fast as I could for about 15 meters, to ensure I didn't get hit.
The wheel hit the curb and bounced completely over the pathway and grass in front of my house and hit the fence straight on. At about my head height.
It almost broke the fence, which was stuck in to the ground with concrete and very stable.
To this day it's still extremely wobbly and even blows in the wind.

I'm almost positive that if I didn't run, the wheel would have hit me square on the side of the head and caused me serious injuries, or death. There is no way to explain how hard your heart starts beating when you realized you just missed death by the skin of your teeth, especially at that age.

The couple in the car were probably in their early 30's and didn't realize how close the wheel came to me at first. (I'm pretty sure that day was the first time I dropped the f-bomb in front of an elder, I was going completely mental at them, after all, they almost killed me just because they didn't bolt the wheel on properly)
Once they realized completely what had happened, the woman broke down in tears and the man gave me $10 for a drink and a bag of chips. Followed by an endless amount of apologies.

That day will be forever burnt in to my mind, and it made me realize how close we are at all times to biting the dust, and that we need to appreciate every waking minute of life because it can just be taken in an instant.

posted on Jun, 3 2013 @ 05:56 AM

Originally posted by SheopleNation
reply to post by Wonders

However, I never stopped climbing trees. As a matter of fact, Older, I have climbed many trees, and even during severe storms.

John Muir, a man that I admire a lot, told stories of climbing trees when the weather was bad while claiming "I did it in order to be closer to the storm". His words without a doubt had a serious influenced on me. ~$heopleNation

I think that bump to your head did more damage than you realize!

posted on Jun, 3 2013 @ 06:15 AM
Originally posted by ladytamatha

During this time, I teetered between this life and the next. I saw things that would make your head spin. I saw demons in the sky, looking down like line backers with their hands on their hips and fire in their eyes like they were blocking my way to heaven. I saw ghosts, thousands of orbs floating all around my house, and we had flies, like Ametyville horror! I saw my angel of death and I saw my Angel of Life. My Angel of Life gave me a glimpse into the "Book of Life" and told me, something that happened when I was 7 years old wasn't my fault. To this day I have no idea what it was but a weight has been lifted off my shoulders ever since. The ghosts I saw EVERY DAY were the old slaves from President Andrew Jackson's Hermitage. (I live on the land that was once owned by the President) One ghost stood out more then the others. He was a tired old black man. He wore farmers pants, white shirt rolled up at his elbow, a hat and a jacket which was slung over his back as he and the female slaves walked back to the mansion. Everyone I encountered had a serious hatred of me, whether they knew me or not. It was awful. I didn't know who the ghosts were but I knew they were slaves from the 1800's. The women wore peasant clothes with scarves on their heads and the old man was dress like a farmer. During this time I also experienced a dual life. I was living two lives at the same time. This life, I am married without children. My other life, I was very happily married great husband, children and a nice brown car. The time seemed to be set in the 1940's. My first meeting, no one showed up so the office said I could take the tour of the Hermitage for free. I went through the mansion and toured the grounds. On the grounds is a slave cabin. Outside of the slave cabin is a picture of an old black man with a group of beautiful white women dressed in their finest early 1900's clothing. IT WAS THE SAME MAN I SAW WALKING BETWEEN MY HOUSE AND MY NEIGHBORS HOUSE EVERYDAY WITH THE SLAVE WOMEN wearing the same clothes! I still can't believe it! When I would see him and the others I thought my mind was playing tricks on me. His name is Albert Jackson. He is the longest living slave on the Hermitage property. When slavery was abolished and the other slaves left for freedom, Albert Jackson stayed. I am well now but it took many years to recover. I literally clawed my way out of the grave and lived to tell.This is only a small portion of what I witnessed when I teetered between this world and the next.
During this time I also experienced a dual life. I was living two lives at the same time. This life, I am married without children. My other life, I was very happily married great husband, children and a nice brown car. The time seemed to be set in the 1940's.

My first meeting, no one showed up so the office said I could take the tour of the Hermitage for free. I went through the mansion and toured the grounds. On the grounds is a slave cabin. Outside of the slave cabin is a picture of an old black man with a group of beautiful white women dressed in their finest early 1900's clothing. IT WAS THE SAME MAN I SAW WALKING BETWEEN MY HOUSE AND MY NEIGHBORS HOUSE EVERYDAY WITH THE SLAVE WOMEN wearing the same clothes! I still can't believe it! When I would see him and the others I thought my mind was playing tricks on me. His name is Albert Jackson. He is the longest living slave on the Hermitage property. When slavery was abolished and the other slaves left for freedom, Albert Jackson stayed. I am well now but it took many years to recover. I literally clawed my way out of the grave and lived to tell.This is only a small portion of what I witnessed when I teetered between this world and the next.

What an awesome experience! Can you still see ghosts so easily?
Your experience with the angels is very interesting. The demons can stay away! LOL

I'm wondering if the dual life you lived was memories from a past life?

I would love for you to come to my thread and tell some more of your experiences!
This is right up my alley!

posted on Jun, 3 2013 @ 06:38 AM
You are very lucky, i had something similar happen to me when i was a child. We and my dad was at a local funfair and there was a helicopter flying about, my dad taken me on it as i had never been in a helicopter before. The flight taken us over the park and the view was amazing, it all lasted about 10 minutes then we landed and got off. The next flight taken off and it was about 3 minutes into the flight and we heard a large bang, as we turned around the helicopter was on the ground and the fire and paramedics were heading to the crash site.

I feel lucky to have gotten off that helicopter, but sadly 3 people died.

posted on Jun, 3 2013 @ 12:34 PM
My family and I were once arrested in Singapore (for "unspecified reasons") while on a layover, waiting on a flight to India. We were kept overnight, and allowed to leave the next morning. We missed our flight and had to find a new one. The plane we would have gotten one, had we not been arrested, ended up crashing on the runway, and everyone but the pilot was killed.

I guess I owe Death one.

posted on Jun, 3 2013 @ 05:33 PM

Originally posted by sled735
I think that bump to your head did more damage than you realize!

Oh you don't even know the half of it...............

Course you really should have just resisted the urge.

posted on Jun, 4 2013 @ 02:34 AM
Not this dramatic,but more times than I care to remember.

posted on Jun, 4 2013 @ 03:29 AM
1. When I was 10 or so, I accidently walked off our garage roof... at the apex.... probably a good 15-20 feet and landed spread eagle on my back on the ground...... knocked the wind out of me and my life (all little bit of it at that time) flashed before my eyes before I hit the ground.

2. I was dove hunting once and saw a pair of dove headed toward me about 6 feet off the ground,,,, I was standing in some bushes and something told me to duck instead of shoot......... needless to say a hunter behind me had no qualms about shooting at them and proceeded to blow off the entire top of the bush I was standing in... if I had not of ducked,, I would have been a bad impression of a headless horseman.

3. When "learning how to swim" I decided to go for a dock that was in water over my head..... I was about 2 feet short when I ran out of energy and sank like a rock...... I remember looking up and seeing the sky above the water and thinking that I was going to drown when I hit bottom and was able to push off enough to get back to the surface and grab the ladder to the dock.


4: Almost forgot this one, and this one made a deep impact on me........ A friend of mine decide one day that we should try sniffing glue....... we put a little bit of model glue in a plastic bag and decided to give it a try..... I do not remember how many "sniffs"I tried that first and only time, but I do remember a extremely vivid hallucination ( if thats what you want to call it) of this beautiful woman with long dark hair in flowing white robe... almost like she was floating in the air........ she had her arm extended towards me with her hand extended and all I could hear were the words...... STOP.......... needless to say I stopped and never ever to this day considered trying something so stupid again. I still have a very detailed image in my mind of this "lady"... how pretty she was and how she seemed so concerned with what I was doing.......... Hallucination,....maybe/probably..... I prefer to think of her as my guardian angel who was looking out for me.

edit on 4-6-2013 by RickinVa because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 4 2013 @ 07:31 AM
Sometimes when you're in danger you can awaken, both in terms of soul, and in terms of soul skills. Ie. if you weren't meant to go home but have a reason for being here, under the veil of forgetfulness, when you encounter danger or tempt fate by being too immature in thinking, your Higher Self/Soul can step in. For example, with that scorpion, I had some strong energy recognition kick in. Can read energy, though nor really force it, it has to flow naturally.

Another I know, was goofing around jumping off the roof with his friends, and they were video taping it, something that will never be shown. You need to keep below the radar basically on this stuff overall. But a friend phoned me up and said, she got the video camera and found out they were doing this behind her back when she was doing laundry. And she said the video showed something remarkable. However, I believe it only happened because they were tempting fate not realizing the risk involved, and that his HS stepped in and awoke something within him because he is quite advanced spiritually now. So in the video, just as he is hitting the ground, my friend said, time seemed to change/alter, and he seemed to project or teleport ahead in a roll. When she played it back for all of them, their jaws dropped in shock. I told her to delete that tape.

And no, don't want people to do this. Meditation works!!!

edit on 4-6-2013 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 4 2013 @ 07:39 AM
reply to post by Unity_99

Sometimes when you're in danger you can awaken, both in terms of soul, and in terms of soul skills.

This has been true for me.
It seems when I was younger, it was the high state of anxiety and the need to protect myself from other people that started my journey.

Why? Couldn't tell you,
maybe it is something we all have as a survival skill. I think it is, but that's just me.
edit on 4-6-2013 by Darkblade71 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 4 2013 @ 08:06 AM
Inside each one of us, in our brain / gut connection, lies a force that we have yet to study, that from all experiences I can only say connects with some other outside power / entity, since there is a such thing as Gut feelings, and ESP within everyone, and the more you work at it and try to think about it and relate with it the stronger you can develop / grow that ability.

Reason I say this, is I should of been dead at least 6 times by now, and not only am I still here, but I've helped several others cheat death as well, either by physical saving, verbal warning, or just being a distraction to something else more harmful. We all have reasons as to why we are living in this now, and greater still is what and where you are needed next without ever knowing you played a part.

Life is more than we want to admit in front of our eyes and what our brains process, it's even more beyond that, functioning as if we were never here and everywhere at the same time, quantum physics at it's most dynamic, in my opinion.

posted on Sep, 23 2013 @ 07:15 PM
I have a similar event last winter my truck spun out of control while crossing a bridge, I try and correct my truck when the front end hits the snow bank sending the truck up it like a ramp all I see is blue sky and thinking I'm crashing into the icy waters below I start feeling my truck roll over and think I'm screwed after what seemed like minutes my truck stops and I'm upside down I take me belt off and plop to to the ground or roof, I kick my window open because the door was stuck shut after I crawl out I notice I don't have a single scratch or bruise no pain at all I look at my truck it was 02 merc mountaineer it was all completely smashed in. I still don't know how or why I didn't go off the side of the bridge any ideas

posted on Sep, 23 2013 @ 07:32 PM
Love stories like this, never cheated death but cannot doubt it is possible.

Had a premonition once seeing someone i never met, thought it was a ghost until about a year later when I saw the actual person with the exact pose, expression and look in the eyes.

Always follow your instincts and they can save your life.

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