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Bee's Honey: Most Potent Medicine, Biggest Cover Up in Medical History - Exposed!

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+142 more 
posted on May, 25 2013 @ 04:09 PM
Target: PharmaCorps Coverup of the Most Powerful and Cheapest Medicine Known to Science
WARNING: Do not give Honey to children under age 1 this can be dangerous. More info on this below w/explanation.

Fact : Bee's Honey has powerful antiviral, antifungal, antibacterial, antitumor, antimetastatic, antiparasitic etc, properties.

Hippocrates, father of modern medicine and purveyor of medicinal honey: "Let food be thine medicine."

Honey, the biggest modern cover up of the most useful and practical medicine of all. My claim is based on scientific and historical facts as you shall see.
The most potent and versitile medical substance known to mankind. Capable of putting the hurt
on nearly any ailment if applied correctly, when in a high purity concentrations.

There are apparently no negative side effects of honey on your body, so it is absolutely safe in humans over age 1 when taken responsibly.
However people with severe allergies need to take an extremely extremely small amount and work their way up cautiously, because honey a useful way to alleviate pollen allergies (when you get it locally and pure, you need local pollen to match what you breathe).
If you fear a severe allergic reaction, consult some professionals/experts and inform them you want to try some honey. They can aid you further in discussing possible allergic complications and remedies.
The same goes for diabetics you need to research the issue and consult experts before you take any actions, I have provided information below in relation to this. Exercise caution if you have ailments like these.

Honey properties Link

Honey has so many potent chemicals within it, than 'modern science' hardly knows any of them or their properties yet. Available information results to probably 10% of what we should know by now, thus my claim of a cover up, considering honey is available everywhere cheaply.
Perhaps there are secret tests conducted for the elite, but they are not available and we are left with very limited and sparse research to draw from. I will link to a few of these, but I expect everyone to do their own basic Google searches for their own questions as well.

No matter how fast a virus or bacterium can mutate and adapt, honey seems to remain hundreds of steps ahead.

The Viruses worst nightmare:
Antiviral Properties link link

HIV can mutate all it wants, but honey can still slow it down significantly and may be our best route for developing a cure. link link

STD's seem to have met their match.
Honey better than drugs for Herpes

Influenza and Coronavirus watch out!
Google results Coronavirus Honey
Influenza and Bronchitis remedy

Almost no virus known to mankind can withstand such dastardly chemical warfare tactics, and I actually don't know of one specifically yet. So if you find something link it and we can discuss the science behind it.

The Bacterial Apocalypse:

another article

Flesh eating bacteria?
Super resistant bugs? Out for the count.

"To date we are not aware of any honey-resistant bacteria, therefore manuka honey could help to overcome some of the problems associated with antimicrobial resistant strains of bacteria," she added. "Here's the breakdown of results:
Sidr honey was 63% effective in killing MSSA.
Sidr honey was 73% effective in killing MRSA.
Sidr honey was 91% effective in killing PA.
Manuka honey was 82% effective in killing MSSA.
Manuka honey was 63% effective in killing MRSA.
Manuka honey was 91% effective in killing PA."

"Exposure to manuka honey for 2 hours effectively destroyed 24-hour biofilms of S. pyogenes, causing significant cell death (85%) and removal of cells from the biofilm."

Wound infections? Dental infections? Knock them right out with a little gift from the bee.
Dental caries incidence is far less in studies and may even be hindered by honey replacement over other sugars, but we need more studies on this as the scientists claim.

Nearly every hospital in the world has access to MediHoney, which is just essentially honey that was irradiated. Which I find mostly unnecessary but I would like to see comparisons to know if it's any better. The fact almost no one knows about MediHoney and that no one knows it can defeat all of these "super bugs", is testament to the level of conspiracy we are dealing with here.

From what I can tell, the only known pathogens that can sneak past the Honey onslaught are those who reproduce with spores. This is very clever and sneaky and I suppose nature always finds a way. So this is why they always say do not give honey to children under 1 years old, for fear of botulism.
I think the cure to botulism is probably honey though, I'll have to look into that because I am not sure.

Biological warfare? EbolaPox hybrids? Honey is your only real chance at defense, and in theory it should work if applied correctly (granted you have enough time).

Yes, most fungal infections you have may be slowed, reversed, and likely defeated by honey applications.

Beating Cancer:
Yes, honey possesses "moderate antitumor and pronounced anti-metastatic effects", and can aid in inhibition of various types of cancers.

Honey use is a good alternative to other sugar sources, and it may even be the best route to treatment, however more research needs to be done here.
diabetic info

" clinical studies have shown that pure honey is a healthier choice in diabetic diet than table sugar and any other non-nutritive sweeteners such as Splenda, saccharin, aspartame? Honey requires lower levels of insulin compared to regular white sugar and does not raise blood sugar levels as rapidly as table sugar, that is, it has a lower Glycemic Index than sugar. "

Google around and ask scientists for more information.
edit on 25-5-2013 by muzzleflash because: (no reason given)

+14 more 
posted on May, 25 2013 @ 04:09 PM
Hidden History of Honey 101

Google Hippocrates Honey

Hippocrates, whom from where we get the Hippocratic Oath, was a huge proponent of honey as medicine. He pioneered many scientific principles and proved it worked.
Why are modern "doctors" ignoring the very founder of their profession? $$$ Conspiracy red flag here.

Myth: People in Ancient History only lived 20-30years of age.
Fact : The Greeks/Hellenes and other advanced ancients average lifespan was comparable or better than modern man.
Look up any random 100 historical figures from that time period and look at their life spans, take a list and note the causes of death.
The vast majority that died under age 50 were murdered or died in battle or poisoning etc.

Claim : Well they were the "rich ones" who had access to good medicine.
Reality : Yes access to honey and herbs was limited in ancient times, but the fact they could cure these ailments 2000 to 8000 years ago is testiment to the lies of modern pharmacorps.

Honey is probably the most used medical treatment historically (that actually had good results).
It was known about and revered as divine by all ancient cultures. A treasure of life and vitality.
It was found in jars by archaeologists in exhumed Egyptian tombs. It was still edible, safe, and in a "fresh" state.
Possibly 4000 years old.

Could honey have prevented the bubonic plague/black death? Yes it could help stave it off, but obviously sanitary and war conditions play heavily into this.

Hippocrates lived to 90.
Plato to 80.
Aristotle to 61-62.
Socrates to 71.
Pythagoras to 75.
Epicurus to 72.
Democritus to 90.
Etc etc etc etc.

The Truth of medicine and science and history itself has been hidden and we have been led to believe in complete falsehoods and half-truths.
edit on 25-5-2013 by muzzleflash because: (no reason given)

edit on 25-5-2013 by muzzleflash because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 25 2013 @ 04:09 PM
Honey a Super-Food?

Natural News discussion on Honey as Super-Food

There are many people looking into the viability of honey as a potential "super-food", that is, a one stop fix for your nutritional needs. I personally think that the wisest course is to have a highly varied diet with many different types of foods to ensure a chemical stew of epic healing proportions. However it may be possible that someone could live for extended periods on only honey and water, as is alluded to historically.

Honey is certainly an essential component of any healthy diet, because there is simply nothing that comes close to it's safety levels nor it's vast applications.

Mix different honey types, and keep a diverse diet in order to keep your body supplied with all of the chemicals it needs to rebuild your body correctly. This will prevent and hold off nearly all diseases.

May add more on this later.
edit on 25-5-2013 by muzzleflash because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 25 2013 @ 04:09 PM
Beware: The Conspiracy to Dilute Honey

The FDA has recently been cracking down on companies that were illegally diluting their honey with HFCS (and other things like cane sugar) and not labeling it honestly.
They were even lying putting "pure" and "raw" terminology on the packaging in some instances.
This is extremely dangerous because HFCS and several other additives are apparently the opposite of medicine, and can cause harm in some cases.

It also probably promotes the growth of some types of bacteria that eat the components of these additives.
So avoid these at all costs. Double check your sources.

I recommend buying LOCAL honey from establishments with good reputations (and maybe look through some FDA documents). Buy multiple variations, they claim the darker the better but IMHO as long as it is from a bee and it's pure, it will be very good.

Mixing honey types does not seem to hurt anything, and I would suggest it increases the potency and effects.

Google results FDA honey dilution

That Google list shows tons of articles about how all of these companies got busted in the scams. It's horrific and of epic proportions!
edit on 25-5-2013 by muzzleflash because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 25 2013 @ 04:09 PM
Slightly off topic piggyback pieces of info for fun (but not necessarily directly related to the OP itself).

Have you ever wondered why foods look very similar to the organs they are believed to aid?
link 1
Link 2

You can find tons of lists like these, each of them slightly different adding something here or there, and missing others. So no lists are exactly identical, I suggest Goggling for more info about this strange "coincidence of nature".

Also, Look through this Google search or similar terms to find information about how eating real food creates real health and prevents the need for any PharmaCorp solutions.

Google food is medicine

And a neat example of how ignorant we are:
Strawberries and Raspberries are NOT berries at all!

Fruits that are a berry = Watermelons, Grapes, Bananas, Squash, Pumpkins, Tomatoes, Peppers, Coffee, Avacado, Cucumbers, Okra, Zucchini, and Green Beans.
Yes, Green beans are a fruit and a berry, not a vegetable.

At least that's what Wikipedia claimed last week when I found out about it.

- The WebMD and Illinois links above got screwed and merged somehow, cannot seem to fix it.
edit on 25-5-2013 by muzzleflash because: (no reason given)

edit on 25-5-2013 by muzzleflash because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 25 2013 @ 04:45 PM
I read an article that bee pollen if you could get enough of it is all you need, it has the exact amount of everything
for life.

To be fair this article was at a honey store, but I thought it interesting to the thread. S&F

posted on May, 25 2013 @ 04:49 PM
I have studied this topic and researched my questions about it off and on for a few years now.
I can testify that honey has saved my life and defeated several serious infections. And we are talking fast acting.

Oh yeah, and honey has a small amount of pain killing ability as well, although it is minimal. I am not sure where I read that but I am sure I could dig it up again later when I have more time.

So if anyone has any questions or problems please bring them up and we can discuss them.
I have dealt with a ton of "problems" that were in fact misunderstandings, so be prepared as this is a very mysterious material (honey) and it's science is not very well known yet.

However more information is coming out everyday.
Go and type in any problem you have + honey and see what results you get, and keep looking because studies are being conducted now as we speak, although limited in scope.

This is the real deal here. The biggest medical cover up of all time!

posted on May, 25 2013 @ 04:50 PM

Originally posted by terriblyvexed
I read an article that bee pollen if you could get enough of it is all you need, it has the exact amount of everything
for life.

To be fair this article was at a honey store, but I thought it interesting to the thread. S&F

Why isn't it at the doctors office? Hospital for everyone to see?

Con$piracy I say!
Thanks for chiming in.

+14 more 
posted on May, 25 2013 @ 04:55 PM
reply to post by muzzleflash

Think bees are being killed off for a reason then? maybee?

posted on May, 25 2013 @ 05:01 PM

Originally posted by EA006
reply to post by muzzleflash

Think bees are being killed off for a reason then? maybee?

Colony collapses are most often found in 'industrial bee farming'. They have learned the hard way many times over and over, about pesticides, various antibiotics, etc, usually lead to unforeseen and drastic consequences. They ignore nature and suffer the consequences.

However in nature, the colonies that collapse are typically known as "unsanitary". They don't have good cleaning practices (at least this is how it was explained to me).

The "sanitary" or clean bee colonies seem to almost never suffer collapse, and can defeat infections very quickly by removing infected larvae etc.

This obviously is the layman's explanation, I am sure we could find some good articles explaining this stuff in more depth. And if I got anything wrong let me know.

posted on May, 25 2013 @ 05:06 PM
Although this presentation is not complete, nor is it organized perfectly, nor did I use any spiffy photographs, I am happy with it.

I needed to post this information sooner rather than later, especially considering all of the hype about new outbreaks of crazy diseases. Because honey is your safest best bet to fight any of them.

I posted this because I care about people and want them to find simple and cheap solutions to their problems, to alleviate their suffering and to inject some historical revelations at the same time.

Sure I have more links, far too many, but I am confident ATSers are capable of asking their own questions and seeking answers to them as they are so easy to find these days. I'll add whatever is needed as the days progress and people discuss the issue.

Hopefully we can get some discussion going here!

posted on May, 25 2013 @ 05:40 PM
What I am really wondering about is if there is even any reasonable argument against my thread synopsis?
I have looked and looked for such debate but haven't discovered anything significant yet.

Hopefully someone will want to debate something or argue so we can generate some thread activity and get this info out to the masses and save some lives.

I am prepared for professional quality debate from anyone who claims to be an expert.
In fact, I encourage it.

Petty fallacious attacks aren't acceptable though.

And anyone following along, remember just because an argument someone makes against this may sound convincing at first, doesn't mean it's correct in the end. Give time for counter-argument and counter-counter-argument, before allowing consensus to set in.

posted on May, 25 2013 @ 05:45 PM
Great thread,.
I buy mine locally, Doctor Bs Honey
Take a tablespoon everyday.
Us naturalists have to keep up the fight and continue to spread the word to the younger
generation about nutrition from natural sources before Big pharma and other evil empires like
Monsanto cover the truth completely.

posted on May, 25 2013 @ 06:01 PM
Muzzle, there's no argument from my standpoint.
I believe you are 100% correct and have an excellent way of presenting facts.
Honey is an excellent tool for medicinal use!

Oh the myths that are perpetuated throughout time to better a corporation.
Mankind has had many natural remedies and cures for millenia.
We have survived for just as long without these "pills" yet they want to to think otherwise.
BigPharma wants everyone on "medicine"....because it's big money!
Just watch television for 30 seconds and I bet you see ads for pills.
Another great reason to just stop watching it, period.

Excellent write-up with a multitude of resources to use!

You sir, deserve more than a *S&F*.
You deserve an *APPLAUSE*!

posted on May, 25 2013 @ 06:25 PM

Originally posted by Lil Drummerboy
Great thread,.
I buy mine locally, Doctor Bs Honey
Take a tablespoon everyday.
Us naturalists have to keep up the fight and continue to spread the word to the younger
generation about nutrition from natural sources before Big pharma and other evil empires like
Monsanto cover the truth completely.

I am convinced by the revelation of how honey is not being used until as a last resort (and kept quiet on the down low), that it's a conspiracy by the money powers. Pretty obvious actually.

I will add that if you Google a religious or historical text and honey, you will find many references of value in a large proportion of what we have available.

People genuinely believed it was a gift from the god/gods for many uses, medical being the most important.

From a quick Quran quote search I found these gems ( I'm not religious, just going for the academic citation to make a point.)

'And thy Lord taught the bee to build its cells in hills, on trees and in (men's) habitations..... there issues from within their bodies a drink of varying colours, wherein is healing for mankind. Verily in this is a Sign for those who give thought' (Quran 16:68-9)

And this from Bukhari:

Honey is a remedy for every illness and the Qur'an is a remedy for all illness of the mind, therefore I recommend to you both remedies, the Qur'an and honey.' (Bukhari)

Source article

From an occult/arcane perspective there is a lot to do with bee's and honey.
One very important feature is the uncanny shape of the honey comb. This clearly must have screamed divinity to the ancients as they paid close attention to geometry in relation to the god/s.

Also the ancients saw the bee society as advanced because they all work together and have a hierarchy (similar to ancient opinions on ants).

So many fun topics to look into relating to bees.
edit on 25-5-2013 by muzzleflash because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 25 2013 @ 06:38 PM

Originally posted by havok
Muzzle, there's no argument from my standpoint.
I believe you are 100% correct and have an excellent way of presenting facts.
Honey is an excellent tool for medicinal use!

Oh the myths that are perpetuated throughout time to better a corporation.
Mankind has had many natural remedies and cures for millenia.
We have survived for just as long without these "pills" yet they want to to think otherwise.
BigPharma wants everyone on "medicine"....because it's big money!
Just watch television for 30 seconds and I bet you see ads for pills.
Another great reason to just stop watching it, period.

Excellent write-up with a multitude of resources to use!

You sir, deserve more than a *S&F*.
You deserve an *APPLAUSE*!

Thank you very much havok but I must admit this was a very hastily organized collection of information I had been slowly tossing into a file over a long period. I didn't really use most of it, because a lot is repetitive and it becomes pointless to spam. Giving just a Google search link with tons of hits should be decent in allowing people a good starting point to begin their own search for the truth.

I appreciate your support though very much! I am hoping I can get this honey thing out in the open in a very big way and to facilitate an atmosphere of change in medical practices in the long term future ( I am thinking 100 years in the future).

I know a lot of very intelligent and well to do people read this website (usually secretly hah!!) so I am hoping many of them will discover this discussion and learn a few things and can then have the knowledge they need in the future to help inform others of better decisions, etc.

This is just that domino I had to push.
I can't think of anything more powerful than this suppressed reality that has been hidden from the average citizens, that could improve their lives, living standards, and health more than this.

Everyone talks about all the other natural remedies, but no one that I have found so far has collected the ultimate truth about honey and presented it in one major compilation. Mine is incomplete obviously, but I am happy with it and hope it's good enough. I would Google for "honey conspiracy" and would generally find nothing putting things together in terms of the overall picture.

So here it is.

posted on May, 25 2013 @ 07:03 PM
Ringworm? Goodbye:

The Honey Research Unit at New Zealand's University of Waikato tested pasture honey and Manuka honey on seven different kinds of fungus. They found that the hydrogen peroxide present in the pasture honeys and other anti-fungals in Manuka honey inhibited growth in all the fungi. Try either Manuka or medical-grade honey to cure your ringworm Read more: Ringworm Cures With Honey | eHow



Mixing honey and papaya seeds is a good strategy for killing parasites. A research study found this method to be effective in 23 out of 30 study participants. When using honey and papaya seeds, be sure to drink lots of water. This will help to cleanse your system.


Dig into parasites and fungal infections like those above combined with keyword honey. Tons of links available actually. It's just no one really ever put the whole spider web together yet.
We could just go down the list of whatever we can think of, and I betcha over 90% of ailments can be improved if not defeated by honey, and is attested in recent studies on the subject.

But how many people went to the doctor and he/she said "Honey is the answer"? I never had that happen I don't know about you folks.

edit on 25-5-2013 by muzzleflash because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 25 2013 @ 07:06 PM
reply to post by muzzleflash

The cures for most diseases are found in nature. Unfortunately, the greedy internationalist fools just keep on cutting down the rainforests of Planet Earth while destroying precious remedies that could help mankind. They are doing the same thing to the Oceans of the World. It's such a sad story. ~$heopleNation

edit on 25-5-2013 by SheopleNation because: TypO

posted on May, 25 2013 @ 08:20 PM
reply to post by muzzleflash

Excellent post Muzzleflash - S & F.

I learned many new things about honey today because of you. Thank you.

posted on May, 25 2013 @ 08:25 PM
I have been wanting to post this for awhile but have not reached my 20 posts to be able to post my own new topic. For the past few months there has been many people posting about the health benefits of honey AND cinnamon. It is also well known the the nicotine based pesticides produced by Bayer have been killing off the honeybee colonies and/or making them sick. I just can't help but to see this as more than a coincidence that a major pharmaceutical company is producing pesticides that eliminate its competition. I really don't have alot of information to give about it, but if you Google "Bayer pesticides killing bees" you will read all you need to know about it.

The other thing is about the cinnamon, combined with honey it is supposed to help increase the healing powers, but I don't know if its true. Not to hijack a thread but does anyone else know if and why cinnamon has healing properties and if so is it just fresh cinnamon or does the ground spice on the supermarket shelves have benefits as well? My endocrinologist who happens to be from India told me to include cinnamon in my diet to help with my diabetes. I just thought I would mention that.

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