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Do we not remember the distractions?

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posted on Apr, 11 2013 @ 08:02 AM

Originally posted by Gazrok

I have to tell you...the average American citizen, right now...has almost NO idea what is even happening in North Korea....they could probably tell you more about Kim Kardashian's weight issues.

If TPTB are using this as a distraction, it isn't working so hot....

This is correct. Anyone who thinks the US would use a global crisis to distract the American people is fooling themselves. Most Americans are to busy living the good life to know are care what happens in the rest of the world.

posted on Apr, 11 2013 @ 08:23 AM
Well it's not like it hasn't happened before:

September 10th 2001

Mr Rumsfeld and $2.3 trillion gone missing.......

NK is still simmering, guarantee no average American or citizen of the world for that matter will be unaware of it once it is brought to the boil.
Then, so as not to be so predictable, the "bad news" can be released the day after, hidden in amongst the huge headlines and TV straplines and 24 hr real time film....

Nah, now I'm just a crazy conspiracy nut

posted on Apr, 11 2013 @ 09:11 AM
The thing that confuses me most is that the powers that be want to turn the United States into a communist and socialist country. Although, they don't want to use the same exact terms because of the stigma attached to them. It'll present under a different name. As well, they've been using reverse psychology tactics to get it to go this time around. Whereas in other countries it was upfront manipulation, in this country it has been a very backwards manipulation.

In other communist countries, they legislated against anything Christian and anti-state. In this country, they legislate PRO anything that is against Christian and anti-state. Do you see the difference?

The first method is transparent to the people; the government doesn't like things Christianity or anti-state. But the second method is much more devious. It is possible for the government and the people to deny that they hate Christianity or freedom; although all of the legislation they pump out is exactly against those things.

That second method takes a lot longer because the people have to be convinced of themselves that they want what the government is leading them to want. So people have to think it is their own idea in the second method. The reason that method had to be implemented is because the United States used to love freedom. But over time they made the people of the United States fearful and afraid, and the people allowed themselves to be deluded by nature of their fears, lusts, and ignorance. So the people of the US have blindly allowed for, and even vehemently promoted, legislation in favor of concepts and ideals that destroy freedom -- not realizing all along what they were doing.

It is a very smart method, really. But it is very sinister. And in these United States, now many of the churches are teaching this same propaganda. Oh wait, that's been done before.

In Russia, you were either Russian Orthodox, or imprisoned and tortured. And if you were Russian Orthodox, you had to say first that Lenin was god. And THEN you could teach whatever else it was you were teaching. In reality, it was absolutely no different than King Darius of the Medes and Persians; except that Darius didn't think quite as highly of himself.

So Christianity is only allowed so far as it says that the state is above the true God; and then the teachings are allowed to a certain extent. But if you spread literature or speak that God is the highest and not the state, then your life in this world becomes doomed.

Regardless of whether you are Christian or not, you haven't done your homework if you are not able to see the correlations.

This country has voted in favor of all legislation that is hateful to Christians and hateful to freedom.

In this country, just like in every other communist country, you have all of your freedoms, as long as you don't speak against what they have deemed good.

If the state says that it is good to have gay marriage, then that is final. And if you are a legal church, you have to abide by the state and marry gay people inside your church.

But that is anti-Christian. Now we don't need to parade around and yell at the gays. That is stupid, and that is what the gays do, so it's not really rising above the mess...

And this is by far and away not the most serious of the problems, neither should it be the focus. The point is that it is inevitable. This country is now communist. It's just a small matter of time before the manifestation of it takes place.

And you know, many of you will deny the correlation now... and that's fine. It doesn't really matter what you think now. It only matters what is going to happen; the same thing that has happened for the last hundred years in the name of communism, and for the last 2000 years in the name of "the State", and for thousands of years before that, in the name of "the god-king". But you see, it is all the same thing. Is not Kim Jong Un called a god-king? Wasn't Lenin? Stalin? Mao? In Japan previously, the Emperor, was he not? And the terror he caused in their past! And how many leaders proclaimed themselves gods in the past? Many. But not as many today, but much more powerful today. And increasingly. And very dangerous. And people will do it in the name of their peace, their safety, their reward, their gain. You think gold or alcohol or tobacco is the world's next currency. You don't get it.

Christians will be your currency.

"Find one for us and give to us, and you will receive of us."

Don't you get it yet? IT's been done on a small level. Now it will be done on a grand level.

If millions of Christians were killed in Russia, and red China, and many in other communist countries... don't you see?

So then the question is this, regarding North Korea, for this moment:

If this country is turning communist, then why would anyone believe America would go to war with North Korea? This is a joke. It's not what you think. The war will be illusion.

posted on Apr, 11 2013 @ 09:26 AM
reply to post by TarzanBeta

I think we took a left turn at Albuquerque somewhere.... What do Christians have to do with it?

posted on Apr, 11 2013 @ 09:33 AM

Originally posted by Gazrok
reply to post by TarzanBeta

I think we took a left turn at Albuquerque somewhere.... What do Christians have to do with it?

As I said in the previous post. If you had done your homework, then you would see the correlation.

So go do your homework then!

posted on Apr, 11 2013 @ 09:49 AM
reply to post by TarzanBeta

You do realize of course, that the assumption of the powers that be stamping out Christianity in America is ludicrous in the extreme? Right? Other than major cities, Church and government officials are often one and the same. But to then connect it with what's happening in NK? Huh? Oh well, I'll let you worry about it...I won't lose any sleep on that...

posted on Apr, 11 2013 @ 09:59 AM
reply to post by Gazrok

Once again, you're not doing your homework. I knew you came back too soon.

In Russia, many of the Russian Orthodox priests were also working for the state.

Same. Thing.

Did you read everything I said?

Self-proclaimed Christians won't see the difference. Atheists will see it before self-proclaimed Christians will in many cases.

Like you said... there are many self-proclaimed Christians that are pastors that also work for the state. This is not possible. Their duty to state will destroy their message. Look at how many self-proclaimed Christians are involved with politics! Most of which aren't actually Christian. Their duty to state overrides all things.

They're trying, pointlessly, to retain rights which will not be retained. And worse, they are fighting to legislate against those things which the world loves, and of which the world legislates in favor!

How futile.

Please, go and learn. You will see the correlation is much more prevalent than you think. And also, a good start is to read my post and actually absorb the information. IT will be good for you. Then you can take what little I have said, and use it as a basis for your research. Not as a basis for your understanding, for your understanding is not my understanding. But how are you to learn about the correlations if you do not have a place to start? And in fact, you will be well pleased to learn that the correlation is not just a correlation, which the world perceives; but that the correlations are actually completely inseparable truths; and there is not one without the other.

Besides, education is good for the soul; it's good for understanding; and it's not bad ammunition for debate, now is it? So what's the use in not searching? But only ignorance exists where there is no searching.

And some would say, "Tell us straight forward so that we will know." Well, I have told you straight forward. If you don't already understand or believe, and if you have the desire to know what you're talking about, instead of speaking in ignorance, then I suggest that your brain and and your knowledge is your own burden, so then the research is also your own burden. If you're not interested in educating yourself, then I think no one else should be interested in educating you.

You ever hear the old phrase, "If you're not willing to invest in yourself, why should I invest in you?"

posted on Apr, 11 2013 @ 10:08 AM

Then there is the above 'unknown FLU' that appears to be lethal and is unidentified that is just unfolding in Germany.

Also, the H7N9 flu in china has now been described as crossing from birds to humans and has potential for pandemic.

Now, they might want people to be distracted from these two little troubles.

Did anyone else read Jack London's 'The Scarlet Plague'.
I believe 2013 was the problem year in his story. ( Not of course confusing fiction with fact).

edit on 11-4-2013 by Elliot because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 11 2013 @ 10:09 AM
reply to post by smirkley

While we all wait and watch North korea for the next chess move,..

What are we missing elsewhere?

Honestly people,.. what are our eyes and minds being distracted from!

I can think of quite a few.

I think you’ve got it backwards.

Don’t the distractions happen here so they can run around unimpeded overseas?

posted on Apr, 11 2013 @ 10:13 AM
reply to post by TarzanBeta

Once again, you're not doing your homework.

You have no idea of my qualifications or background in the matter... For all you know, I could be a former student trainee of the CIA, training for the FBIS, specializing in Russian studies and Chinese communism....

(it's funnier to those members who know that's exactly what I did)....

You do realize also of course, that the average American has NO idea what is happening in NK right now, right? I mean, if you went up to 10 Americans, you'd be doing good to find ONE who even had an inkling of it. Not a very effective distraction, is it?

posted on Apr, 11 2013 @ 10:15 AM
Just a theory but what's to stop North Korea using Q-Ships? They could get a large civilian vessel hide a SCUD or other short range missile on it tipped with nuke and discreetly sail to the coast of the USA then deliver there weapon? Ok the ship will be sunk as soon as they fire but the payload would be delivered.

While everyone watched North Koreas 2 Big missles they could be sneaking some small ones close to the USA shores. It what I would do. Well I would do if I was to start a sucidal war.

posted on Apr, 11 2013 @ 10:33 AM
reply to post by crazyewok

Why use a missile? That requires weaponization. Instead, simply put a large nuke in a cargo container and detonate it in the enemy harbor. That's a much more tactical solution (and a more realistic one, since by all reports, they cannot yet weaponize it). This is a real threat, to be sure, but you can also be sure they've been tracking every such avenue since this crisis started. Still though, this would bypass missile defenses and require only a base level of atomic ability. Of course, half of the weapon's power will be wasted on water, but will still damage a city enough to cause an outcry.

Of course, it would also be suicide for the regime though.

posted on Apr, 11 2013 @ 10:34 AM

Originally posted by Gazrok
reply to post by TarzanBeta

Once again, you're not doing your homework.

You have no idea of my qualifications or background in the matter... For all you know, I could be a former student trainee of the CIA, training for the FBIS, specializing in Russian studies and Chinese communism....

(it's funnier to those members who know that's exactly what I did)....

You do realize also of course, that the average American has NO idea what is happening in NK right now, right? I mean, if you went up to 10 Americans, you'd be doing good to find ONE who even had an inkling of it. Not a very effective distraction, is it?

I did not say that you were uneducated. I said you didn't know what I was telling you and that you should learn it. I don't care what anyone's background is, to be honest. Every leader of the world is a well educated man; including Kim Jong Un. And yet, people here have no problem calling him stupid, right?

Be careful when you use credentials as a springboard, for the board might snap.

Now, as far as distractions, I did not say that this is merely a distraction. What I said is that it does not make sense for a communist country to attack another communist country........

Or does it?

I imagine that god-kings wouldn't like other god-kings to be claiming they are god-kings, right?

And you have well spoken, that many americans don't really understand what is going on. How else do you expect the americans to be conned into communism, if they knew what was going on?

I think that's the point!

I will say more soon, but I am going for a minute.

posted on Apr, 11 2013 @ 10:35 AM
reply to post by Gazrok

Who says the ship was launched when the crisis started. It could of been launched a year ago going from port to port trading normal cargo being lost amognst the hundreds of thousand of other cargo ships.....

posted on Apr, 11 2013 @ 10:38 AM
reply to post by smirkley

S&F for you.

You know, the thing that really bothers, deep down bothers, is if NK is a clearly means that we have persons in the most high positions of this country who are in fact in that network, working with it and for it.
edit on 11-4-2013 by Logarock because: n

posted on Apr, 11 2013 @ 10:44 AM
reply to post by crazyewok

A valid point. But so is the point that doing so, would give us carte blanche to do whatever we want in NK....

posted on Apr, 11 2013 @ 10:48 AM

Originally posted by Gazrok
reply to post by crazyewok

A valid point. But so is the point that doing so, would give us carte blanche to do whatever we want in NK....

True but imagine a bomb going of in New York, Baltimore, San Fansicio, Los Angeles, Seatle, Miami ,New Orelans and San Dieago all at once?

This could apply to Iran aswell.

posted on Apr, 11 2013 @ 10:51 AM

Originally posted by bekod
reply to post by smirkley
Two come to mind Iran and Pakistan. On the home front, US that is, Gun control and the budget, other than that well, it is all news anyway.

Yea nothing like a blatant and yet puposterus nuke and war threat to generate a spirit of "bipartisanship' which is needed right now.

edit on 11-4-2013 by Logarock because: n

posted on Apr, 11 2013 @ 10:53 AM
reply to post by TarzanBeta

Fair enough....but I fail to see a valid argument for either the desire or a demonstrated record of communist initiatives being successfully implemented in America. About the only good example is Obama-care (which is doomed to fail almost before it really starts). Communism has failed as an exercise in nearly every global example. In addition, even it's successes (China) are slowly evolving towards capitalism out of sheer evolution of creating a middle class. Simply put, why would anyone, TBTB included, want to see a communist America? The elite are the elite, no matter what system of government. Capitalism means more wealth and freedoms for the elite especially.

If anything, the Christian right has won victory after victory in legislation, and has furthered their agendas.

Even in communist Russia though (back in the day), they never really cracked down that hard on the Church. Officially, there was no state religion, but still plenty of active churches. My wife even calls herself a Ukranian Orthodox Catholic (though she isn't very active).

posted on Apr, 11 2013 @ 11:43 AM

Originally posted by Gazrok
reply to post by TarzanBeta

Fair enough....but I fail to see a valid argument for either the desire or a demonstrated record of communist initiatives being successfully implemented in America. About the only good example is Obama-care (which is doomed to fail almost before it really starts). Communism has failed as an exercise in nearly every global example. In addition, even it's successes (China) are slowly evolving towards capitalism out of sheer evolution of creating a middle class. Simply put, why would anyone, TBTB included, want to see a communist America? The elite are the elite, no matter what system of government. Capitalism means more wealth and freedoms for the elite especially.

If anything, the Christian right has won victory after victory in legislation, and has furthered their agendas.

Even in communist Russia though (back in the day), they never really cracked down that hard on the Church. Officially, there was no state religion, but still plenty of active churches. My wife even calls herself a Ukranian Orthodox Catholic (though she isn't very active).

You must be kidding?

Did I not already say that communism is implemented here under a different name? And also, the process by which it is implemented is different from the way it was implemented elsewhere. That maybe where you are not seeing it.

You see, in other communist countries, they legislated against things that were Christian and anti-state. But in this country, they legislate in favor of things that hate things Christian and anti-state. Do you see how the tactic is different, but the result is the same?

And the "right" or whatever it is has not succeeded in anything except for to provide the illusion that a few battles are won here and there; but those wins aren't actually wins in favor of what is good; but rather, those battles are waged to give an illusion of peace, to give an illusion of intent, and to cause those that oppose to oppose more adamantly. And so it has been done! There has been no success.

Obama-care is like a trojan horse. You see, what do people fear most? To lose their lives. So therefore, if healthcare is forced, then people feel the state is on their side. And though there may be some that see the evil for what it is, there are many, though they see it, that would, in times of distress, willingly submit to it to protect themselves and their own, because their faith and their strength in principle is not true, but it is fake, or weak.

But the churches today - are not almost all church organizations now tax-exempt organizations? Now what is tax exempt except for an arm of the state? And in order to keep that tax-exempt status, churches sure better not speak against what the state is doing! Does that make sense? Now it does not behoove true Christians to speak anger about the state. But it does behoove Christians to help people to understand that the state is not their saving grace, and neither is the law good for making people good; but the law does not discriminate. Meaning, whatever is morally good or morally evil is not the focus of the law. But whatever the state deems legal or illegal, that is the focus of the law. So therefore, it is not the evil that are punished, but only those who commit illegal acts. Do you see the difference? But because the churches are arms of the state, then it is the responsibility of those churches to tell people to obey the laws of the state before obeying the laws of God! Or else their tax exempt status is revoked, the IRS comes at them demanded all of their back taxes, and they utterly fall from the grace of the state.

If I were to walk into the middle of my city right now, and to start preaching the word of God to all passerby, I would be arrested for public disturbance, possibly hate crimes, hate speech (none of which I would perform, obviously); if people were to stop and gather with me, I would be also arrested for unlicensed or illegal gathering, or even loitering. And yet not one wrong thing would I be doing! Except that I would be preaching that people need to come back to God, and stop living in fear, and anxiety; and to stop being an activist for vain legislation, or to participate in vain politics, but to know God who will keep us, no matter what befalls us.

And you think if I was to teach people to stop worrying about their silly politics in public, you think they would not have me arrested? Under many false pretenses!

And is it not probable cause of a crime if you do not have identification on you to present to officers? You MIGHT be a criminal, so we're taking you in!

And MORE-SO! If I do not have a license to preach, and if the state has not ordained me, then it is illegal for me to preach! because how can I spread the good Word if men had not taught me? in their lying minds.


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