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Department of Homeland Security Insider Update: "It Has Begun."

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posted on Mar, 25 2013 @ 06:35 PM

Originally posted by jacktherer
Why would anyone be MORE comfortable with the DoD having that insstead of the the D.H.S? I think theyre both equally bad choices from the list of "people we should give billions of rounds of ammo to".

Rephrased so you can answer your own question:

Would you rather the government was pointing their guns at you or away from you?

Hope that helps.

posted on Mar, 25 2013 @ 06:40 PM

Originally posted by SBMcG
reply to post by Char-Lee

I understand what you're saying, but I don't agree. I don't buy the premise that most people -- especially gun-owners, trust their government.

Hell, ATS is a perfect example of people not trusting their government. Members here come from every conceivable political direction and are diametrically opposed to one another with many of their views, except for one: very few, if any, trust government.

No not under normal circumstances, but think for a minuet

Picture it...honest as you can.

The power is out, the gas is not running, the stores and banks can't open and weeks go by.

Now how would your neighbors react when some authorities finally turn their attention to them, say we don't know how long but do this do that we will bring food and water?

Will they do anything they are told at that point?

posted on Mar, 25 2013 @ 06:43 PM

Originally posted by evictiongnostic
reply to post by DelMarvel

I agree they wouldn't replace all of our law enforcement, but there does seem to be a growing number of them out patrolling our roads recently. You can find a decent number of people on here and other sites reporting seeing them doing basic traffic work.

Considering that the TSA spent $50 million on new uniforms for their molester brigade and Federal agencies are buying billions of bullets I don't think they're too concerned about federal budgets. The only belt tightening is going to happen to teachers, Medicare and other benefits for the little guy. Security, Defense and Legislatures will continue to be funded, though I'm sure they'll cut pay for the troops themselves if need be.

Remember we have seen the military training with local law enforcement also.

posted on Mar, 25 2013 @ 06:46 PM

Originally posted by kobewan69
reply to post by smurfy

so all these people that "suffer" now, why did they accept all the black money in Europe in their country, why some of them were working ond fronting the Cyprus off-shores? Do you know tha you need a cypriot to start your Cyprus off-shore? Do you know how many people were doing that for the extra cash? I'm not saying all the people in Cyprus were bad, it's just that it had to be fixed somehow. And if the people there were not doing anything them I'm glad the EU and IMF did it.

Your problem is that the Russian Mafia are present there, they are in say, Tenerife and just about everywhere else. Nobody wants the mobsters, it doesn't matter where they hail from. That the problem may or may not be that the Cyprus banks fell, or may fall victim to what is happening in Greece.
You may also have a problem with Belarus and Chernobyl, and by feck, so do I. So, where do you wanna go?
edit on 25-3-2013 by smurfy because: Text.

posted on Mar, 25 2013 @ 06:59 PM
I do not doubt what is coming or that it has started. What I think you are forgetting is that Americans by nature are tough, and will fight. Also the military will break away from the goverment if the goverment is not careful. The mitlitary has traditionally been other side of the Illuminati, and they will only put up with so much. The second amendment may actually be put to use,"the right to own arms to defend against foriegn and DOMESTIC enemies".

posted on Mar, 25 2013 @ 07:28 PM

Originally posted by ANOK

Originally posted by Cosmic911

This is a load of nonsense.

A communist economy would be one whereby the workers owned and controlled industry, and that is not happening.

The plan is a world global capitalist economy. Capitalism is the private ownership of the means of production, and the top industrial leaders are the ones controlling politics through their economic power.

Incorrect use of the term communism, based on its demonisation from the cold war. A term that has been twisted and all sort of evil attached to it, simply because some state systems (USSR) lied to their people to gain power, and some used the term to demonise a system that would benefit all of us, except those who exploit us to make themselves wealthy.

Capitalism is the real enemy, not communism/socialism. You have just been conditioned to passively except your own slavery through fear of something worse. Russian communism was everything but communism, the Bolsheviks simply lied to gain support, and take state power for themselves.

All governments lie, because they are all about power and control. They will claim anything to gain power. The USSR calling themselves communism was no different to a politician lying to gain votes. The US demonising communism, based on the USSR etc., is no different than what they're doing now to demonise Muslims. Government needs an enemy to rally against in order to justify their power and control, and thus are quite happy to create enemies, and fight wars, to further the agendas of the top industrial capitalists.

edit on 3/24/2013 by ANOK because: (no reason given)

Hi there, I really like the way you explain this. I was wondering if you had say for example of couple of news article links, or maybe some basic authors who can continue the same dialogue that you have presented above:

I'm interested in following the same line of thinking, with same back-up points. Thanks for your time,
edit on 25-3-2013 by tony9802 because: (no reason given)

edit on 25-3-2013 by tony9802 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2013 @ 07:38 PM
I can tell you where I live, on the NY/Canada border, that there have been Border Patrol agents spending 6 to 8 hours a day parked (sleeping)? in our storage unit and across the road in an unoccupied lot.

Lots of presence and not much action.

I must add that it is not so prevalent since the furloughs and budget cuts.

My opinion only.

posted on Mar, 25 2013 @ 07:47 PM
oh go on.... you love scaremongering.....

And no, nothing is happening. You'll be just another name with a failed prediction on here.

posted on Mar, 25 2013 @ 07:48 PM
reply to post by Cosmic911

I disagree and feel that the US and Global economy are on the brink of the longest sustained period of economic growth in modern history due to two main factors, technological innovation and globalization (where the pain of this process has already been absorbed).

It will be a 20 year period of slow, gradual growth.

I've always been right with these predictions in the past. Take it or leave it it's up to you.

posted on Mar, 25 2013 @ 07:53 PM

Originally posted by NewAgeMan
US and Global economy
It will be a 20 year period of slow, gradual growth.

I've always been right with these predictions in the past. Take it or leave it it's up to you.
Ill leave it.
The last time the US had this Low amount of Manufactoring was in 1975.
You said because of Technology , there will be growth.
How many Cell Phones were made in the US in the last few Years ?
There will be Growth Globally, while the US will slide into a 2nd world Status.

posted on Mar, 25 2013 @ 08:04 PM
reply to post by Tw0Sides

Contrary to popular belief in spite of the recent slide and sluggish economy, the USA is still the engine of gobal economic growth with Asia coming on strong and set to double in size in the next eight years.

The worst is OVER.

The time is ripe to start a new business and really get cracking.

edit on 25-3-2013 by NewAgeMan because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2013 @ 08:11 PM

Originally posted by NewAgeMan

The worst is OVER.
I dont know my friend.
China is set to pass us as the biggest economy, and India wont far to unseat us from 2nd.
We at the present are a Global Engine, no doubt, and we will Always be a Major Player.
But Empires rise , and fall, ask our British friends , who at One time had a Global Empire.

posted on Mar, 25 2013 @ 08:11 PM

Originally posted by Carreau
reply to post by HIWATT

OMG I can't stop laughing. OK the "cop cars" in your first 2 pics are Federal Protective Service. They are not new they have been protecting federal buildings for decades, offices, and properties. The last pic is the southern border at Cali/Mex outbound/south bound lanes during the manhunt for the nutbar cop killer.

Jesus next time at least photo-shop something better than this.

Laughing with you. Just shows why things like this get all blown out because people make # up and everyone falls in the barrel with them. If most of the youngsters of today were to grow up in the 60's, they would really understand what scary really was. This is a picnic compared to those days of Selective Service (with a lottery draft), Civil Unrest, and a cold war that almost killed us all. Get a friggin grip on yourselves and understand that you have probably never been safer.

edit on 25-3-2013 by charlyv because: content

posted on Mar, 25 2013 @ 08:19 PM
OP is it possible to edit and give links to sources for the many quotes you list in the beginning?


posted on Mar, 25 2013 @ 08:21 PM
reply to post by Cosmic911

Gubbmint got caught being greedy....making excuses again:

The Department of Homeland Security has been hoarding ammunition, leaving local police departments scrambling to find bullets.

Meanwhile, Rep. Timothy Huelskamp (R-Kansas) says the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has failed to respond to multiple members of Congress asking why DHS bought more than 1.6 billion rounds in the past year.

Arthur says he is waiting on an order placed last October and that many departments have begun to trade and barter with each other because of the high demand.

posted on Mar, 25 2013 @ 08:21 PM
reply to post by cybro

I try not to force my opinion on others. I slip in current events that people aren't aware of during conversations to watch their reaction and feedback. I live in a very large city and I can tell you that I've not met one person worried about TSA, DHS, Obama, Syria, Iran, North Korea, China, Russia, or anything else. They simply don't care and sometimes I wish I could just zone out with them. I had a pretty crappy childhood and was raised by smugglers and dealers in the south before moving up north for high school. I witnessed corruption first hand and was taught never to trust the police. Then I moved into a rather sheltered life of Catholic school and a proper upbringing. All the while I shut my mouth and kept my eyes open. I observed the system and when the internet was introduced to me way back in the day on win 3.1 I had a substantial thirst for knowledge which only this outlet fulfilled. I am very happy to have found like minded people online and those willing to expand this thirst. Now I'm all grown up and raising a child myself. I choose to withhold this type of information from my child that I was introduced to so young. I know that I can't change it. There are not enough of us. It appears that there are online where wisdom rules the roost, but out there in the real world... they don't want to be changed. They don't want to be impacted. They want to be left alone. We are... screwed, and soon the internet will change too. All of the power tripping moderators will be given badges and free reign over speech. I don't see things coming to a head as in action. What I see is the end of our outlet taking form and then we'll just be trapped alone in our minds as it was before this wild west was given life.

posted on Mar, 25 2013 @ 08:21 PM
reply to post by Tw0Sides

It's all about education from here on in. If the US populace on the whole dumbs down any dumber then it's all over, but, if a "smartening up" process begins to occur with better education at all levels, then there's still hope.

Back in the days of Bush/Cheney a different type of crisis should have been hailed, with a moon-shot type effort at laying down the modern infrastructure (at all levels including human capital development) by which the US would hold it's economic supremacy for the 21st century, but they wanted to go another route, so they in effect authorized the murder of 3000 of their own constituents and blew the bank on war efforts while opening up the treasury with the deregulation of Wallstreet for the biggest bank heist in the history of the world where the (allegorical) sounds of pigs feeding at the trough could probably be detected on the far side of the galaxy.

It was an absolute disgrace and abuse of power and misuse of authority, and it has all but brought the USA to it's knees.

Imagine what could have been done with even 5 TRILLION dollars....

But they wanted no-bid contracts to truck gas into Iraq amid all manner of death and destruction and utter depravity.

It's really a terrible terrible tragedy of the farthest reaching proportion.

I suppose that's the price for the lust for global domination as madmen ran while tripping headlong onto the cornerstone of reason, and international law, for the throne.

Sick sick sick #!

Best Regards,


edit on 25-3-2013 by NewAgeMan because: edit

posted on Mar, 25 2013 @ 08:33 PM
Yeah, I think this is it. Something went wrong with the system. A great deal of it has to do with resource depletion, but I think a large part of it is what I call extreme efficiency. All extraction of resources and wealth became brutally efficient and left the system starved. Is it possible to regenerate a sustainable system? Possible, but not likely. It seems humans have become afraid of sacrifice. There is no tolerance for a committed and deliberate lowering of consumption.

It seems our leaders are at least in some ways men and women of vision. If a jolt of fear hits the economic system, and even a 10% reduction in non-essential spending were to occur, it might bring down what is already a very shaky system. There likely would be a great deal of social unrest, and civil violence that would put a real strain on law enforcement. Homeland Security may be what saves us from each other.

Either way it's a tricky balance. Is the DHS guy on my corner someone I can trust? Or is he the arm of some despot?

I for one hope they keep the creaky thing running.

posted on Mar, 25 2013 @ 09:07 PM
reply to post by okyouwin

The problem is that the government of the United States became nothing but an arm of crony capitalism, and the pigs went to the trough and for a time, even in the midst of war and insecurity among the people, corruption reigned supreme, right to the Supreme Court and the Treasury Department, Justice Department, the works. They left nothing sacred, while abusing their power and the American people and middle class (which was the American people itself as the heart and soul of America and the American dream).

But American people YOU still are the power, yourselves, and if the government fears you a little bit that's not such a bad thing, but there are people who WANT chaos, but yet who don't realize what that means or signifies.

Yes if you feel beaten down you might want to hit back, but in the final analysis, if such a thing were to occur, it's pandemonium not just in the streets but in terms of the fundamental "trust" of the USA, a people's nation. They the government in this instance would be "differentiating themselves" from "We the people", and um, well it just doesn't work, and at that point a system correction could very well end up placing more than a few men in the docket of a courtroom and they can't have that, not a revolution, even a quiet revolution.

But these are revolutions in IDEAS and you are the United States, as an American citizen - don't accept the lie or the illusion on TV - and many many people are rejecting the "meme" on a daily basis, the whole thing's "out of control" and up in the air, and the so-called "keepers of the flame" have dropped the ball.

So you need to come to power in every arena, every domain and walk of life, including the government, and we'll boil them like frogs from the ground up, capturing an entire generation of up-and-comers who know what NOT to do and who will never be corrupted by power and money - a new/old type of American citizen needs to rise up to fill this void of absurdity and nonsense.

That's all - it's time for the American people to "man up" and that doesn't mean rioting in the streets with blood and death and the destruction of everything EVERYONE holds dear.

And if it ever happened it would still be OVER for that particular government, and the whole enchilada in terms of it's corrupt interior, so it fears this type of circumstance more than anyone, in the extreme - so you've got them by the short and curlies and they cannot get away, nor barricade themselves form the rioting hoards and chaos in the streets. That kind of situation would not last indefinitely, and you cannot start rounding people up en mass without warrent. The American people are smarter than to ever allow such a circumstance to occur, and so the abuser, whoever he or she is would end up in the docket you see.

That kind of "world" is both the end of the world and something that's not sustainable in the least - it's so far from what's in "their" best interest that some of them would rather kill themselves than to see America plummet into chaos and government crackdown depravity (it always amounts to that).

Just one generation of up-and-coming people and the END of the MSM (somehow, maybe by Internet TV?) and there it is!

It's still in our grasp, that special thing that makes America great, or I should say YOUR grasp because I'm Canadian eh?

That's funny, I'm not even an American citizen myself but I love your country more than you do, and have a greater heartfelt sense of optimistic idealism of the authentic variety (not just an Obama speech line) towards its as yet unfulfilled destiny as a nation at all levels from the ground up, and as An Idea Whose Time Has Come.

It's still there. It never went away. Just reach out for the ring of power, and grab it! The whole thing is YOU as an American citizen. Don't give it up while listening to the rantings of Alex Jones.

They are the ones that are afraid, remember THAT. It's true.

And it's FUNNY!

So it's a revolution not in military affairs, but in Human affairs.

An Idea Whose Time Has Come.

Godspeed America. Godspeed.

Best Regards, eh?


edit on 25-3-2013 by NewAgeMan because: edit

posted on Mar, 25 2013 @ 09:11 PM
whats the TLDR version of this?

cus ive heard "it has begun" " it is beginning" etc since 2002.
Soo... anything special outlined in this topic I should be alarmed about?
Or is it just the ordinary "they are building fema camps, they are buying guns and ammo, they are preparing for something" kinda stuff?


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