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US Marine recall? New war coming soon? NK?

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posted on Mar, 23 2013 @ 11:52 PM

Originally posted by tkwasny
Recalls back into active duty can happen with the stroke of a pen if you are military retiree, for life. That military retirement pay is a retainer fee, not just a retirement pay.

While the first part of your statement is true - retirees are subject to recall; it is not for life.

Commissioned Officers are subject to recall till age 65. However, they hardly if ever recall anyone after 5 years of retirement since the service tends to change so rapidly that Officers and especially NCOs are behind the times in terms of tactics and techniques at that point. So while in theory it could happen - it would take a WWIII scenario. These recalled Officers and Senior NCO's would also not be sent to combat but backfill non-combat positions in training and staff operations positions CONUS so that those younger could be freed for such purpose.

Also, they send out like with Desert Storm "requests" and usually they get more than enough volunteers and never have to involuntarily activate people. This is with regard to retirees only - some younger IRR folks E4/5 were involuntarily recalled.

Originally posted by tkwasny
If not a retiree, nearly every service member upon honorable discharge is placed on a period of inactive reserve. During that period of inactive reserve, stroke of a pen and your back in active duty for as long as needed. Just getting a discharge from the service can be refused and your obligation extended past the enlistment period if it is in the best interest of the country or it is deemed a damaging loss if you are lost to the civilian field.

Many don't realize what they've signed on to when they enlist or take a commission.

I don't really get what you are saying here in all cases any enlistment documents clearly specify and 8 year obligation in any combination of active, reserve or IRR is the terms to which one commits. Everyone knows what they are signing.

Same with a Commission - a Reserve Commission is for a specified period of time in some combination of active, reserve, or IRR. A Regular Army Commission (which I am not even sure they give out any more) is pretty much an open ended commitment at the will of the service or you resign.

Regarding a Regular Army Commission they used to be limited to West Point Cadets and the top 10% of ROTC Cadets for a given year group. Also, all Officers at the rank of Major (on active duty) are given an RA Commission. Reserve Officers in that rank still have a USAR Commission.

The only real advantage of an RA Commission is that if there is ever a reduction in force (RIF) all RA Officers are the last to be purged from a year group.

Also, something the general public may or may not know is that Officers are Commissioned with a permanent rank of Second Lieutenant (or the Ensign in he Navy). They are promoted of course but serve entirely based on the needs of the service and at any time may be reduced to the grade of 2LT but not below.

Which is how General Custer was a Major General in the Union Army and then a Lieutenant Colonel later...

When we had a huge Army in the Civil War he was promoted becasue of need then after the war was over and we needed no more Major Generals in the cavalry he was given the opportunity to stay at a lower rank.

Same happened to Officers all up and down the chain. One day you are a Colonel next day a Captain… When one retires however - they retire at the highest rank held.

Same happened to a lot of Officers given battle field Commissions (which happened in WWII, Korea and Vietnam but not after) – after the wars they are offered the opportunity to stay on at their enlisted grade (and promoted of course) but when they retire they will retire at the highest grade held.

posted on Mar, 24 2013 @ 12:01 AM

Originally posted by Sevnuvnine
I worked for a scrap metal recycling yard in Riverside WV until January of this year. For the past two years, the team at the tunnel complex had a contract with the scrap yard to purchase scrap vehicles for their training. They would come in with a large low boy, about 3 to 4 times within a couple of months, and take several cars back to the tunnel for whatever it is they do there. I never saw the vehicles once they were finished. Wish I had though, now that I know more about what they were doing with them.

Can this statement be verified? This sounds like preparation for Urban Tactics & Protocols.

I was driving up the 405n in orange county and saw a caravan of Army vehicles with fatigues behind the wheel heading south. Odd, as I've only ever seen this once in my 30 years of residence in OC. This also reminds me of the open movement of military vehicles through the rail system that we recently had.

Another point that might tie into this is that N Korea has been categorically aggressive for decades, yet has been recently hyped up in the MSM. The last time this happened we invaded Iraq to depose a dictator under the premise of dirty weapons.

Regardless of his current public military status, the individual could have been a highly trained specialist whose intelligence was needed, potentially even alphabet agency operations.

Perhaps N Korea is another Golf of Tonkin to push a Corporate branded Military State, funded by Walmart & Starbuck? Obviously this is an outlandish concept, yet can we deny the bearings that we have so allowed to be set for us.

posted on Mar, 24 2013 @ 01:04 AM

Originally posted by larphillips
OK, strange bit of info came my way today... and perhaps those in the know can shake me from my "conspiratorial, something is coming" way of thinking.

I have an employee, on the job for nearly a year, and a former US Marine. Moved to the location of the new job, bought a house, and got married within this year. Honorably discharged from his service. Now, the details of a Marine's discharge are something I know nothing about... not sure how long he served, what his "job" was in the service, and what a Corps contract contains.

At any rate, he just put in his notice that he'll be soon leaving the job. He's been recalled by the Corps and has to report to West Virginia (???) in May for 6 weeks of training before shipping out of the country. He either doesn't know or won't tell where he is headed after training.

NOW.... here's my thoughts. The last time I saw something like this in a civilian back to millitary life recall was during Desert Storm (or at least it was the last time it impacted anyone I knew.) So to me, it appears that there may be a very massive run-up to a very massive millitary campaign. I don't know of any bases or training areas in WV (didn't Google either... lazy) but I wonder if WV is chosen for terrain-based training, or there are some other specialized facilities there. The only terrain matches that immediately come to mind in the "hot spots" of the world is North Korea.

So... has anyone else encountered or heard of any recalls like this? Anyone have any thoughts or anything to add? Am I out of my mind and this is completely normal for veterans of the Corps?

Thanks, look forward to hearing something from the gang here (even the disinfo agents who will shout "nothing to see here, move on").

My Dad was a young OCS officer during WWII was demobilized and called back after a couple of years. It wasn't anything truly sinister - just he was good at what he did (82nd Airborne) and they needed him in Germany as part of the occupation. My Dad stayed in the Army until retirement and had a nice career there - he never saw direct combat again - did recon and then admin.

Once you sign up - they can always call you back - that's my understanding any way.

posted on Mar, 24 2013 @ 02:10 AM
Well, Quantico is the likely location that he is travelling to. It is a large base, and there are a plethora of different agencies that train there. I know the DEA does stuff there, as well as the FBI, DIA, the military, and who knows what else...They also do research and development there as well. It really is not a specialized place, although it has strong ties to intel groups. I am not positive but I believe this is also a place where marines and other military personnel receive varied training before deploying overseas, which is obviously the case if this is where this particular man is headed for training.

I was in the Air Force, and I believe that no matter how many years you sign up for, you must do a minimum of 8 years. So if you enlisted for 4 years, and then were discharged, you are placed on IRR for 4 more years of active duty, meaning you can be recalled to active duty. The worst part though is that if you retire from the military and receive a pension, you can be recalled to active duty for life. I do not know if that has ever been done, but it is in the enlistment contract. Just an FYI as well, if the military breaks your contract while you are serving, you can be discharged at your will. Most people do not know this, and think that you are obligated once you sign up, and that is true as long as the military obliges their part of the enlistment contract.

For instance, if you first enlist with a guaranteed MOS or AFSC, and for some reason they decide that you cannot pursue that job, the contract is breached and you can request a discharge. I do not think they will tell you this of course, but they cannot do anything about it legally. And they cannot dishonorably discharge you either I don't think. I remember a guy who failed out of tech school in the USAF, and instead of picking another AFSC, or job, he chose to separate from the military. I do not know what kind of discharge he got, but I know it was not dishonorable or bad or anything. Not really related to our discussion, but I figured I would mention that since we were talking about military contracts and enlistment, etc.

Personally, my guess is that they are going to send this marine to a country in the Middle East where we already have troops stationed. They rotate these guys in and out and may simply want more troops over there, which is dumb, but ever since Bush started this crap it has been dumb. Or maybe since tensions are escalating, the military is preparing for a fight, although they are not planning on starting one. This could be relative to NK, which all of the sudden makes China and Russia relevant to the issue as well. During wars like Vietnam and Korea, both China and the former USSR helped the enemies of the US with many supplies, often times for free, as well as boots on the ground.

So if the US gets into it with NK, at the very least we can expect materiel support from these countries to go to NK, sort of a proxy war, if they do not outright join the fight. I doubt Russia or China would do that at the moment, but things can change abruptly in world affairs. We will see though. I think that if there were a massive recall to active duty, then maybe we should start worrying and wondering, but as of right now we have no clue whether these recalls are more massive than usual. Thanks for mentioning it though, as personal accounts often hold great information regarding the bigger picture.

posted on Mar, 24 2013 @ 02:59 AM
reply to post by larphillips

Maybe they are finally wising up to the real threat of nuclear power plants. maybe marines deploy to shut them down. Why are we worried about Iran and North Korea with our allies like Japan just killing the planet. Why create a new world order just to rule over a bunch of mutant people slobbering over themselves and counting the ever changing numbers of toes on the children's feet? If that's what the plan is, no wonder they spread depleted nuclear plutonium all over the place in wars. What are we fighting at all for, anyway? If North Korea shoots us with a nuke or two at least that should be a clean burn of atoms, not this agonizing poison death of the planet that is the Fukushima circus. What is the use in worrying about this Axis of Evil stuff? If we "win" or they "win" it doesn't look like it matters much anymore. When we bomb an "enemy" nuclear plant, are we not causing another toxic oozing pile of modern technology? Not trying to change the topic or be off topic, but I get tired of this ooh look the boogy man is over there. It seems like a firefight within one elevator. Everyone says it s a small world now so we need global governance. Well, guys maybe the NWO needs to take the firefright to outer space, please, go somewhere else. Starship troopers, go get them, marines. On another planet, please.

posted on Mar, 24 2013 @ 06:27 AM
I got out of the marines almost 2 years ago. I was aviation ordnance. We were in iraq in 2010 shipping gear out to the states mostly and getting ready to pull out. We weren't building much ordnance, and we had a corporal who got recalled to come out. He even got promoted to sergeant. It is probably nothing more than just needing another body for something already going on. Just my opinion

posted on Mar, 24 2013 @ 07:57 AM
I have seen far to many times discharged folks get bored with the real world and go back.
I would not be suprised to find out he hated Civi life and re-enlisted.

When you enlisted as a non-comm say for 4 years, you do 4 active duty years and 2 years in active.
This "2 years" reserves the military the right to recall you for up to 2 years after discharge if need be.
After your 2 years are up, then you may still be recalled, but things have got to be so bad that it would all most not matter as end times would be here.

My guess he is a nice guy and did not want to tell you how he really feels about his job.

Dog out .................................

edit on 24-3-2013 by DogMeat because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 24 2013 @ 08:15 AM

Originally posted by ahybrid

Originally posted by Sevnuvnine
I worked for a scrap metal recycling yard in Riverside WV until January of this year. For the past two years, the team at the tunnel complex had a contract with the scrap yard to purchase scrap vehicles for their training. They would come in with a large low boy, about 3 to 4 times within a couple of months, and take several cars back to the tunnel for whatever it is they do there. I never saw the vehicles once they were finished. Wish I had though, now that I know more about what they were doing with them.

Can this statement be verified? This sounds like preparation for Urban Tactics & Protocols.

I was driving up the 405n in orange county and saw a caravan of Army vehicles with fatigues behind the wheel heading south. Odd, as I've only ever seen this once in my 30 years of residence in OC. This also reminds me of the open movement of military vehicles through the rail system that we recently had.

Another point that might tie into this is that N Korea has been categorically aggressive for decades, yet has been recently hyped up in the MSM. The last time this happened we invaded Iraq to depose a dictator under the premise of dirty weapons.

Regardless of his current public military status, the individual could have been a highly trained specialist whose intelligence was needed, potentially even alphabet agency operations.

Perhaps N Korea is another Golf of Tonkin to push a Corporate branded Military State, funded by Walmart & Starbuck? Obviously this is an outlandish concept, yet can we deny the bearings that we have so allowed to be set for us.

I can only verify it now since I no longer work there by saying that I was the scale operator, and I weighed them in and out of the facility every time they came.

posted on Mar, 24 2013 @ 10:15 AM
reply to post by larphillips

Because the Masses are getting real fed-up with the system, I can see another War disrupting our relations we have garnered over the Net!!

But in all honesty , we dont want or need a Nuclear War, so it would be best to avoid this one as best we can.

posted on Mar, 24 2013 @ 10:46 AM
reply to post by larphillips

posted on Mar, 24 2013 @ 10:48 AM
Lets hope and pray that another war is not coming. However I had a question in my head big time over the past few days. We live about 40 miles from fort brag located in Fayetteville NC, and It use to be when we first moved here that we would about once a year here the booms there from their exercises and bombing. However over the past couple of years I have noticed how it has changed from a couple of times a year to about once a month. This year is a big exception. In fact it happens all day and almost every single night. Its so loud that even my dishes are rattling. I had my window in the bathroom crack the other night from the shaking that happened from them blowing stuff up. Makes me wonder how anyone can sleep if they live closer to the place. But why are they doing it so often? Are they getting ready for something? It sure makes me wonder. It never use to be that much and it was something I could live with, now its just becoming a bother even trying to sleep most nights knowing I will be woke up by the booms, and the shaking. Maybe they are getting prepared for something, whatever it is none of us will ever know.

posted on Mar, 24 2013 @ 11:09 AM
Yep.. and they're getting people ready for it with propaganda.. No one takes the NK threats seriously but after Red Dawn, and after watching spoiler alter Olympus has Fallen last night spoiler alert I bet many Americans will take NK's "wipe the U.S. from the map" threats seriously.

posted on Mar, 24 2013 @ 11:20 AM
Everything has been in place to hit Iran for years. They've moved ample supplies and militia into Syria now. It only makes sense that they're going to beat that ass sooner than later. NK should just shut their mouths before they get carpet bombed and tactical nuked into the stone age, but they won't and it's going to be quick and painful for them. Just a speed bump on the way to the real goal.

posted on Mar, 24 2013 @ 11:27 AM

Originally posted by nownow
reply to post by larphillips
Why are we worried about Iran and North Korea with our allies like Japan just killing the planet.

I would love to hear a politician say that on television.

posted on Mar, 24 2013 @ 11:35 AM
Well i heard from the horses mouth that America ordered 300 bushmasters from Australia, need a few fellas to drive these babys i suppose.

Although one was spotted being used by Homeland security, why they would need this beauty is beyond me.
New Homeland security armored personnel carrier spotted in Kentucky (photo)

hmm Kentucky ... West Virginia

I wonder if there are any Aussies over there teaching them how to change a flat..pun intended lol

Love and harmony
edit on 24/3/13 by Whateva69 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 24 2013 @ 12:02 PM
reply to post by larphillips

Camp Dawson, WV, is the most likely training area this marine will be ordered to. Many marine reservists train here before deployment. Camp Dawson is in the Cheat River valley and has many very rugged training areas for vehicle and foot land navigation, convoy operations, etc. There is a small airfield on camp that supports both fixed and rotor wing operations, including airborne operations (I jumped many many times in various local drop zones). It supports special operations training, including delta selection (this is all public knowledge). But most marine units that train there are for military police and convoy training. Not a big deal--all the locals know about it. Also has all the usual areas for small weapons qualification, training and physical fitness stuff (obstacle courses, gyms, swimming pool) as well as rollover simulators, etc., and a lot of high tech battle simulations stuff (imagine Halo with a large theater screen and using real weapons systems rigged with compressed air and lasers to simulate real firefights with projected terrain and sound and enemy firing back!) A really good training camp in a beautiful rugged environment. It is run by the West Virginia National Guard, but many millions of federal money has poured into this place in the past ten years.

posted on Mar, 24 2013 @ 12:07 PM
China builds more hardned, underground facilities, per year, than the US has in total...something to think about.

posted on Mar, 24 2013 @ 12:23 PM

Originally posted by ezwip
Everything has been in place to hit Iran for years. They've moved ample supplies and militia into Syria now. It only makes sense that they're going to beat that ass sooner than later. NK should just shut their mouths before they get carpet bombed and tactical nuked into the stone age, but they won't and it's going to be quick and painful for them. Just a speed bump on the way to the real goal.

As long as Nukes aren't used.... they can be defeated without the use of Nukes!!

Nukes would have an impact on all of us, not just those in NK!!

posted on Mar, 24 2013 @ 12:26 PM
reply to post by larphillips

How come a 60 yr old women who served in VN was recalled or even allowed into a combat situation to serve in Iraq?
Once you sign on that dotted line and pledge, you give up something very important.
That is the right of choice. I'm sure that everyone who signs and commits to the Government has sold their soul cause they mean to take it some day anyway.
When you pledge to some other entity other then God, you should expect that entity to expect you to do as they say.
This poor soul never expected to have to fight again whether it be an enemy or a nieghbor.

A few years ago the Government US, gave all Marine recruits a questionair. Near the bottm of the page it asked them Yes/No if they would fire upon an American Citizen.
I know now, as never before that the President doesn't have a problem with that at all nor the DOJ.
It doesn't matter terrorist or not. If they want you dead, your dead.

Just watched a film about the Mexican American War in 1846.
Never mind the Mexicans being cruel, the Americans were even crueler to the Irish Americans who deserted the US Army and fought against them. Why? Cause the Irish abandoned the US Army, cause they were totally not allowed to practice their faith, mistreated and beaten just for being Irish and Catholic.

Where was the True religious freedom or did they lie in that Old document?

After the war, the US hung any Irsih they captured and whipped John Riley 50 lashes and branded his cheek with a "D" and then he watched the Irish hang. He was released after some period of super hard labor and disappeared never to be heard of again into the Mexican Hills.

The US is only right and all others are wrong lest you forget History.

posted on Mar, 24 2013 @ 01:11 PM
As a former Marine, maybe I can clarify.

When you sign on the dotted line, it's usually for four years ACTIVE duty. There are a few MOS' (Avionics and other air wing stuff) that is six years, because of the length of their schooling.

Anyways, if you read the fine print, you serve four years active and four years inactive reserve. Which means you do your time, go back to the civilian world, and if the # hits the fan in the next four years, they can call you back.

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