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Wow! Ancient Mars Could Have Supported Primitive Life, NASA Says

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posted on Mar, 13 2013 @ 03:29 AM
For as long as I've been on this forum I've seen people say you should never believe anything NASA ever says. So does this mean there is really zero chance that mars ever had life?

posted on Mar, 13 2013 @ 03:40 AM

Originally posted by mahatche
For as long as I've been on this forum I've seen people say you should never believe anything NASA ever says. So does this mean there is really zero chance that mars ever had life?

NASA = Never A Straight Answer

They can't tell the truth to save their lives.

Love your background image. Very classy.

posted on Mar, 13 2013 @ 04:02 AM
Richard C. Hoagland ( years ago told us: just follow the data, and that information will lead you to only one conclusion, "We are not alone" , Mars had people on it. And he was just using old data. Everything Nasa has been telling us about Mars over the last decade, Mr Hoagland already told us. The First OutPost on Mars should be named after Richard Hoagland!

posted on Mar, 13 2013 @ 07:49 AM
I am not a fan of Project Camelot by any means i think they have lost the plot on their conclusions, but once in a while they threw up a little gem for consideration.
Long ago they did an interview with a young Russian boy called Boriska, an interview they first heard from a Russian scientist which was published in Pravda. According to the boys mum, young Boriska started talking about Mars when he was around 5 years old. Boriska said he was a pilot of a fighter space ship and lived on Mars, he said he wanted to go back home to be with his family.
Later while on a school camping trip he began talking of this past life and the science teacher began recording him, he told of his past life and went into great detail about the ship he drove and how it was powered by some form of anti gravity. He said there were wars on Mars and he was killed and the planet destroyed, the teachers were amazed at his knowledge about propulsion systems and the planetary bodies in our solar system. It is quite a fascinating read and makes you wonder how this young boy was able to speak of such things, could he actually be recounting a past life?

Project Camelot went to Russia and did a follow up on him some years after the Pravda interview, he had forgotten a lot of things or simply did not want to talk about these things anymore. What he did say though was that Earth will be enveloped in a huge flood in the future, and even his homeland will be covered in water. There is a link for Boriska on camelot website and i think there is a link to the full Pravda interview which is worth reading if your into reincarnation stories like me.

posted on Mar, 13 2013 @ 09:49 AM

Originally posted by zilebeliveunknown
WOW could you believe that, rover found minerals that NASA knew were there.
C'mon NASA, we want meat, in large ammounts!!!

I know I was going to say the same thing. NASA doesn't seem very forth coming do they? Considering all the expensive tinker toys they sent there. I mean come on it took them 2 years to analyze dirt??? ROFL! That don't even sound right.

posted on Mar, 13 2013 @ 09:53 AM

Originally posted by Druscilla

....We've only had life on this rock for about 300 million years.
That's not much time at all on the cosmic scale of things...

posted on Mar, 13 2013 @ 11:46 AM
And so the indocrination process begins. Wonder how long before they disclose the next tidbit of info?

posted on Mar, 13 2013 @ 12:22 PM
reply to post by neoholographic

I AM IN AGREEMENT. people are stubborn and ignorant of their surroundings. life exists elsewhere out there 100% if not. what a waste of space.. i bet there is other human civilizations that think the way we do. or have grown into a universal consciousness and started to colonize and enslave some other lifeform that is not as techsavvy. anything is possible in this universal dimension. i can understand if they keep it from us about life elsewhere depending on the way you look at it. if the life is not violent then they tell us off there is noone else out there so they feel Superior. but if they are violent i want to know about it, just so i can prepare to survive. think about it like earth is not the only life sustaining planet out there. you start to feel a little expendable to the universe. one day a race could warn us of a converting race that is on its way to deliver one message. convert or die. knowing how the US OF A handles matters like this we will shoot first and ask later towards the peaceful race. i think iv made my point in the first two sentances sorry if iv gone off topic of seemed that way just my
2 cents. peace.

posted on Mar, 13 2013 @ 12:24 PM

Originally posted by Druscilla

It's not surprising as far as a possibility goes.

Then again, there's a difference between possibility and probability.

We've only had life on this rock for about 300 million years.
That's not much time at all on the cosmic scale of things.

And don't forget plausibility

posted on Mar, 13 2013 @ 01:07 PM
reply to post by neoholographic

This is the original webpage:

posted on Mar, 13 2013 @ 01:18 PM
It cracks me up how NASA pretends to only be looking on a nano scale for life when all they have to do is turn around, look up, and see all the buildings, pyramids, and the many other interesting things that have been photographed by them on Mars! Who do they think they're kidding?

NASA now has no other option but to start releasing the: "WE JUST FOUND WATER, LIFE,BLAH BLAH BLAH" because so many other countries are sending their own sattellites, rovers there. LOL. I've stufdied many pohotos from NASA and have no doubts that there are artificial structures there, and the moon, for that matter!

Wonder what NASA will "find" in the coming months??? hahaha

These liars need no more tax money. We need a civilian space agency who work for the people, who are not religiously/politically influenced, who will disclose all information and findings upon discovery. Not keep it hidden uintil they can figure out how to exploit it or advance the military. These are the types of evil people who need to go bye bye. Why don't I have a right to know if an advanced race of beings live on the moon or mars?
edit on 13-3-2013 by Fylgje because: typo

posted on Mar, 13 2013 @ 01:31 PM
Well I certainly hope it is not another 30 years before then announce there is life on Mars...

posted on Mar, 13 2013 @ 01:38 PM
reply to post by neoholographic

I hope that all is not some new The War of The Worlds

posted on Mar, 13 2013 @ 02:15 PM
I'm sorry, with all the revealed mars anomalies "wow" isn't the right word anymore.

It truly isn't. An a true verified image IS worth a 1000 words. . .

Nasa IS revealing mars anomalies even though it is a drip method of course.

And apparently the way for them to go is:

Reveal and Conceal.

Reveal the image (online:malin, Jpl, nasa etc.) and then conceal that it is what they photographed.

1964 is the year they took the first photograph and I believe it is the year that the underground martians
did a tour of the western hemisphere. First revealing publicly to Gary Wilcox a farmer in NY in the morning of 1964 April 24th. Then latter that day going to New Mexico (the Lonnie Zamora sighting). Then on to Holloman AFB with a meting with our military. (think Twlight Zone leak, think Linda Moulton Howe, think Kirkland AFB, think Richard Doty - the military tie in. Don't think 1971 because that was a front as well as the beings that were portrayed in the twilight zone movie on that famous incident. But I do think the craft that came down in that movie was real. The white shinny oval craft that Lonnie saw fits that pattern in the legit Hollowman movie. Though distant it is.

It is almost like looking at a baseball game and not realizing they are playing baseball until the baseball hits you on the head and knocks you out. Some people get it and understand that it is baseball being played. Others have to experience it just like the players, the real thing. j

From a stand point of advancing our understanding of the ground we live on of course there is an importance of learning just like the two martians with trays that wanting to know about growing things because they have a tough time on their planet (mars) (Gary Wilcox - 10 am April 24th 1964) New Castle NY on 300 acre farm, oval craft, two little men in uniforms from head to toe, just like Lonnie Zamora the same day in New Mexico !

posted on Mar, 13 2013 @ 02:16 PM
I read this article yesterday in NASA website along with this pic need your input on the pic notice the red circle it looks to me like some kind of coin or metal what do you guys think? maybe aliens were using coins? lololo

Sorry do not know how to upload picture from paint see if you can find the coin

posted on Mar, 13 2013 @ 03:28 PM
It has always been my opinion that we(scientists, etc) are very close-minded in the essence that life needs to have identical conditions on another planet for there to be any kind of life on them. let me explain; Earths life evolved and adapted to conditions of an oxygen and water rich environment with suitable temperatures.

My argument is as follows: is it so inconcievable that life in the universe couldnt have adapted and evolved into a different means of surviving in conditions harsher this? For example, say a planet was rich in carbon dioxide with either less than or higher temperatures than found on earth. Couldnt the life of THAT planet have adapted the same way our species and organisms adapted to life here? Couldnt we jus believe for a second that our view that life has to have identical conditions to thrive be wrong?

Granted, I am not knowledgable in the tests and expiriments we have undertaken to come to this conclusion so, maybe i should research this to gain some insight on my opinion, just thought maybe it was something to think

Furthermore, even if it has to be 100% identical to Earth the universe is so massive that there HAS to be plenty of other galaxies that contain planet(s) that have the same distance, oxygen levels, flowing water, etc as we do.

edit on 3/13/2013 by xXKaoticXx because: added further argument

posted on Mar, 13 2013 @ 06:07 PM
Baby steps people baby-steps we are being cuddled over by NASA... in little tiny UN-mature bits we are being told by the scientists mind that life is everywhere around us....
edit on 13-3-2013 by 0bserver1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 13 2013 @ 06:12 PM
well life or not, at least nasa's billions have given us lots of lovely pictures of a red and barren landscape. and rocks. so many cool rocks. yay nasa!

posted on Mar, 13 2013 @ 06:49 PM

Originally posted by 123143
Why is everyone so fascinated by Mars? Could have doesn't mean did. The place is a dead rock. It's time to move on. There's nothing there.

This melodrama, drummed up by NASA, is designed to keep the funding coming in so they don't dry up and blow away. They are becoming less and less relevant.

I'm fascinated with learning about the universe in general. Not just Mars. Even so, I'd like to learn what's inside of Mars and its history, along with all other planets in our solar system, and beyond.

posted on Mar, 13 2013 @ 06:52 PM

Originally posted by 0bserver1
Baby steps people baby-steps we are being cuddled over by NASA... in little tiny UN-mature bits we are being told by the scientists mind that life is everywhere around us....
edit on 13-3-2013 by 0bserver1 because: (no reason given)

I wouldn't go that far. Life isn't necessarily everywhere around us, but it could be much more abundant than we think. Who knows what kind of lifeforms can exist. I mean, we have single celled organisms feeding off of the Earth's hot sulfur vents. And we have life surviving here in places that were once deemed uninhabitable. I think that certainly opens up some doors about where life can be sustained.

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