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North Korea await final order / Communication hotline severed

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posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 03:33 PM
I think KIM is just looking for a little respect.

edit on 11-3-2013 by rockymcgilicutty because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 03:45 PM
reply to post by Zaphod58
yeah took me a while to find the complete list but there were a few surprises on the list that caught me by suprise. some of the more odd ones i found were as follows

Ethiopia,Thailand,south Africa,Luxembourg,Colombia in combat and in medical support India Norway and Sweden participated. so it would seem that if things hit it off again that it will not just be a usa/nato mission but a global one

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 03:47 PM

Just to clarify some of what you have quoted are not my words but from another members post. I'd appreciate if you could clarify that.

Done. Sorry about that, missed a quote....

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 03:54 PM

Originally posted by DarthMuerte
The hell with them! They want a nuke? Let's send them 4 or 5. 30 minutes delivery or they are free. I am sure we have a few neutron bombs gathering dust on the shelf somewhere. Maybe after that we can get to more important stuff like ending all foreign aid and getting the UN the heck out of our country.

HAHAH! Sorry.... that's funny. and true.

Look North Korea, just say you will "Blow the world up" and get all your lame threats on the table.. We are sick of you trying to make news like a child screams and cries for attention. stop. it looks BAD, and you have no idea how bad we would pound your Country.. we never pulled out our next gen weapons for Iraq and Afghanistan.. You did see a sneak preview by accident with the Helo in the Osama's raid. That's just the tip of the spear..

"Operation Red Freedom" will be over fast.

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 03:55 PM
I have noticed several military helicopters flying over where I live today. At least one Chinook. This isn't completely out of the ordinary as there are 2 major military bases within a 50 mile radius of here, but it's been awhile since I've seen Chinooks. Moving some troops and equipment around for sure. Of course it's probably all routine. But when I read this story it made me think...

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 03:56 PM
This little lost post wandered into the wrong forum. I will take him home now.

edit on 2013/3/11 by heyitsok because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 04:06 PM

Originally posted by godlover25
We must stop with the "kill our enemies" mentality and start thinking of loving our enemies.

Why must "we" stop thinking about killing our enemies, are you a resident North Korea right now?
It's not WE who made threats about a pre-emptive nuclear strike, it is THEM. (Respective their nuthouse leadership).

Why don't you look at their crazy newspaper or whatever, get informed how crazy those people really are?
You know, otherwise I would say too, "Let's just grant them official peace with SK, stop the sanctions, give them foreign aid etc."...and everything would be peace and easter bunnies for anyone involved.

PROBLEM...I dont think this will work! I personally think (and dont have any reason to believe otherwise) that their leadership will pursue their weapons programs SO OR SO - it's their insanity/pride this is all about to be seen "equal" to the US and other countries and they will do EVERYTHING to get there.

Kim/NK leadership is the same type of insane leadership as we had in the former Eastern/communist countries, to the extreme. I personally do NOT trust them, I personally think they (Kim) are entirely whack in their head like most similar regimes. "Rationality" and diplomacy will not work, IMHO...the Earth will be a better place WITHOUT them. Just look over their official paper/site to see how mentally crazy those people are.

edit on 11-3-2013 by flexy123 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 04:21 PM
Let us always remember that it is not North Korea as a whole, nor the fault of their people but merely the selfishness of a few individuals that has led their people astray. How could the citizens of North Korea be at fault when all they are taught and all they know are lies, when their living conditions are so terrible that a choice between immoral action or imprisonment must be made.

I say these things because one day that may be us, let future generations look back at us and feel that it was the selfish few who destroyed and tarnished the name of the good many.

My heart goes out to them, as North Korea is on Americas target list right next to Iran, and if Iraq was any indication of whats to come then God have mercy on their souls cause the American government will not.


posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 04:43 PM

Originally posted by RalagaNarHallas
wasent the last Korean war a UN action not just a usa invasion? so would that not mean that if hostilities start up again it would be under the UN banner like last time? also of note is the fact that the biggest threat from nk does not come from nukes perse but the huge ammount of artillery pointed at south koreas capital and the civllians that will be shelled at the start of any conflict

Ok... timeline for korean war

1. korea divided into 2 - soviet and us occupations (45)

2. us turns power to south korea (48)

3. north korea wants unification - invades south korea (50)

4. un demands end of aggression

5. korea not a single f was given that day

6. un goes crying to members saying that nk didnt listen and wants help for sk

7. us says "WE'LL GO" (because you know... cowboys) - next day bombs the crap out of nk troops in han river

china takes nk side, takes over seoul, yadda yadda... and 3 years later the war was over.

in 1970 a tv show called m*a*s*h with donald sutherland and robert duvall shows that after all we got it wrong and it was all a lot of fun including but not limited to getting drunk inside a field hospital and korean hookers

EDIT: oh yea I forgot - and meanwhile almost 3 million civilians died... in 3 years. good game.
edit on 11-3-2013 by FraternitasSaturni because: (no reason given)

edit on 11-3-2013 by FraternitasSaturni because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 05:33 PM
North Korea can wipe the South pretty easily if it would'nt be for the UN presence. It's a huge military with a LOT of firepower, and yes, at least a few devastating nukes.

Let's hope whatever happens, this doesn't turn into a larger nuclear exchange.

No let's not hope. Let's pray.

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 05:46 PM
reply to post by mr-lizard

They said " we will no longer honor the joint declaration for the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula." on March 8th and I had to laugh. When did they ever honor it. I'm getting sick and tired of this little fat bastard trying to tell everybody what to do. I think is he isst arting to believe his own propganda about being some kind of God and is destined to rule. These people are such a joke. They can't be blamed though because daddy told them all what to believe and they know no better. I was hoping that being educated in another country would have helped the kid to see how wrong they have been treating these people this way, but no such luck. He is going to continue his BS until he goes to far and see's what a real industrialized country is capable of. I for one spent a year on that border and I hate to see anybody else have to do it. Lets just finish him off and be done with this little Hitler.

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 05:53 PM
well he cannot back down now...

I guess the sky in his world is Purple or something...

This kid truly has no idea, I am sure he has watched transformers he knows what kind of military force is coming the second he gives that final idiotic order...

Yep Once again I must lower my standards for mankind...

It will be this easy to kill millions of living things.. A dumb ass kid with a red button...

Welcome to our screwed up life we call Earth.
edit on 11-3-2013 by Bicent76 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 06:00 PM
reply to post by Catch_a_Fire
This is off topic .....................but thanks for the laugh. That was truly funny.

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 06:05 PM
I am sorry but if the leader of North Korea wants to die that much, he might as well put a gun to his head. They might be able to do some damage, but it will be short lived. They dont have enough aviation or diesel fuel to fight for more than a few hours, not that they will need it, a few minutes after they make their move, Hell will be unleashed on them. I dont believe they want that, its just rhetoric.

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 06:07 PM

Originally posted by Echtelion
North Korea can wipe the South pretty easily if it would'nt be for the UN presence. It's a huge military with a LOT of firepower, and yes, at least a few devastating nukes.

Let's hope whatever happens, this doesn't turn into a larger nuclear exchange.

No let's not hope. Let's pray.

You obviously have never been to South Korea. Strength in numbers is no match for technology. The North can only hope to attack during the Winter when the rice paddies freeze over. In the Summer they can't come across because all of there equipment will get stuck in the mud. In the Winter we have these exercises so we are always ready if they come down as a horde. I also just want to mention that in the US military inventory we have ADM (Atomic Demolition Mines) which can be placed to deny an enemy an avenue of approach. With all that said I am sure there is no danger in the North launching a suicide attack on the South. It doesn't matter how many troops they have. I will be expecting a border skirmish and then they will be hoping somebody stops it diplomatically and then give them some rice. That's all I'm going to say.


posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 06:09 PM
North Korea wouldn't dare make a move, they are still using cold war equipment aren't they?. Nothing to worry about.

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 06:12 PM

Originally posted by Zerschmetterling
The 'poem' was just translated, it's quite long, but I'll post it here:

"Right Now Is the Hour!"
by Kim Nam Ho

One heart
One will
Tens of thousands fiercely arise as one in this land
To pulverize the aggressor bunch
Who are rounding up the fiery clouds of nuclear war
In cooperative fields and zones of iron
Thousands of miles of defense lines cry out:
Now is the time
To pulverize the aggressor bunch
Who are rounding up the fiery clouds of nuclear war

Right now is the time
To press our missile launch button
Targeting Washington, the bulwark of US imperialism,
Which has left generations-long hatred in this land!

For generations,
Not one arrowhead or stone was thrown
At the United States across the Pacific Ocean
For over a hundred years and into the new century
We have overcome perilous peaks of trials
And made bullets for the ultimate settlement of accounts

With this sworn enemy, US imperialists
Who have forced misfortune and suffering on our nation
We have awaited nuclear weapons

As the powerful national strength which has a grasp on nukes
The pride of a space-conquering, powerful state
Is fiercely racing through our blood vessels
So that the conviction in sure victory
That overcomes tens of thousands of enemies in one breath
Rises to touch heaven.

Now is the hour
When hatred and rage can no longer be contained
And erupts like a volcano
To relieve hearts knotted up with vengeance
So the entire nation embraces one another as one

Each mountain will be a launch pad for
Burning the US imperialists' fortress down to its foundational roots
The seas will rise up in whoa-whoa raging waves
To overwhelm the bands of aggression
Freezing fields and forests will cause
The enemies to faint standing

The land which cries for an ultimate settlement with US imperialists
With its tens of thousands of soldiers rising as a mountain range
The iron hammer for the demise and destruction of US imperialists held high
With the sky-high determination to wipe out the enemy
This country is swelled up as one huge, fiery ball of revenge
Let us blow up the base camp of war without even leaving ashes
For the ultimate victory of the Mt Paektu great nation

The time to establish the fatherland reunification work
Can no longer be put off It is not tomorrow, but now!
Right now is the hour!

Well, this surely beats John Keats... Forget Greek vases and imperialist bull#.
Thanks for translating, whoever did it...
The motif of the "iron hammer" and the term "fatherland" is artfully subtle, and there is a decidedly de-constructionist streak in the "one, huge fiery ball of revenge", coupled with "the volcano of hatred"

No one should accuse this artist of mincing his words...

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 06:25 PM
weren't they supposed to nuke us today ? did I miss it ?

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 06:26 PM

Just to give some people an inside view of what its really like there. Its absolutely terrible!

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 06:28 PM
ohk i did that wrong... just search for "Inside North Korea" on You Tube. Its a national geographic documentary. Its insane!

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