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Why can't I drink milk anymore?

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posted on Mar, 8 2013 @ 04:57 PM
From when I was a kid up to I was about 30 yo I drank 1 liter (1/3 US gallon) of milk each day, I used to love the stuff. Then in my mid 30s I started to get a very hard feces and digestive problems, it was hell. Over many years I figured out that it probably was diary products that caused it by painstakingly removing certain foods and drinks from my daily intake. I went to my doctor with these findings but he completly ignored them saying that if I had problems digesting milk I would get the diarreah and not hard feces. He gave me some advice that did not work, now six months later I have completly removed diary products from my diet and I'm much more healthy now - my doctor won't be happy but this is the only thing that works. Why can't I drink milk anymore?
edit on 8-3-2013 by MerkabaMeditation because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 8 2013 @ 05:00 PM
Not sure what your doctor is talking about, issues digesting dairy often cause constipation, not the runs.

My amateur thought is that your colon is overloaded. If it were me (and I am in NO WAY giving you any medical advice whatsoever, only stating what I would do), I would do a colon cleanse and see if that helps.

posted on Mar, 8 2013 @ 05:08 PM
reply to post by MerkabaMeditation

Most likely it is because of drinking "sterilized milk". You know the stuff that our government says is safe for us to drink?

If you by chance have access to raw milk where you live, give it a try and see if that changes anything.

Just be careful though, you might have a SWAT team break your doors in for trying to eat healthy!

posted on Mar, 8 2013 @ 05:09 PM
reply to post by MerkabaMeditation

well a quick search and I found this

Nevertheless, sometimes constipation can be the only symptom of cow’s milk intolerance.

Read this one here..

I can't read the page it is weird text on my screen. Sometimes I think we have to rely on ourselves.

I was having bladder infections and other women problems over and over when it had never happened before.

I had to use our second bathroom for a week while the other was being fixed and walla no more problems.

I went back to using the other B-room and wham sick in pain, burning :-( and over time I found it was the recycled toilet paper! it has stuff they use to remove dyes and inks and I would assume for me that is a problem.

I read so many women have the very same problem and I wonder how many are being affected by recycled TP like I was all those months and months of pain so sad! Dr just says ...I don't know what causes it.

posted on Mar, 8 2013 @ 05:10 PM
reply to post by MerkabaMeditation

You left out the important detail: Did stopping your intake of dairy products HELP?

Because I'm guessing they did.

It sounds like you have one of "those" doctors.
I'd get a new one.

One that understands what a colon actually is and how it functions.

If you want to start drinkign and eating dairy products again, I suggest researching colon cleansing supplements.

I recently went through a full detox, and I feel ten years younger.
This was after 2 years of doctors, unable to diagnose my illness.

edit on 8-3-2013 by ThinkingCap because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 8 2013 @ 05:11 PM

Originally posted by seeker1963
reply to post by MerkabaMeditation

Most likely it is because of drinking "sterilized milk". You know the stuff that our government says is safe for us to drink?

If you by chance have access to raw milk where you live, give it a try and see if that changes anything.

Just be careful though, you might have a SWAT team break your doors in for trying to eat healthy!

Remember hte recent thread about aspartame and not labeling on milk.

I don't use milk am vegetarian, you can be healthy without it.

posted on Mar, 8 2013 @ 05:14 PM

Originally posted by ThinkingCap
reply to post by MerkabaMeditation

You left out the important detail: Did stopping your intake of dairy products HELP?

Yes it does. I've tried flax seeds and prunes, and cutting out other kinds of foods. Seems the only thing that works for me is avoiding diary products alltogether.

posted on Mar, 8 2013 @ 05:16 PM

Originally posted by captaintyinknots
I would do a colon cleanse and see if that helps.

I will look into this, thanks.

posted on Mar, 8 2013 @ 05:19 PM

Originally posted by Char-Lee
reply to post by MerkabaMeditation

well a quick search and I found this

Nevertheless, sometimes constipation can be the only symptom of cow’s milk intolerance.

So, my doctor is clearly not well-informed enough about constipation and diary products.

posted on Mar, 8 2013 @ 05:35 PM
reply to post by MerkabaMeditation

because you found out

its half puss?

posted on Mar, 8 2013 @ 08:36 PM
I bet it's a bummer if you were used to drinking it all the time and then all of a sudden became lactose intolerant but honestly man, there are sooo many tastier, better alternatives to milk out there without the hormones, puss, awful treatment of the animals, etc

Try Almond milk (so tasty) or rice milk, hemp milk, coconut milk..
I wouldn't trust the GMO soy though.

posted on Mar, 8 2013 @ 10:30 PM
Maybe because you're not a newborn calf.

Imagining somebody drinking milk grosses me out. It's such a weird habit, and is totally built on industry propaganda and memories of "what mom gave me when I was a child."

Get as far away from that haibt as possible, is my advice. But who am I to say that, you might ask? Not a newborn calf, that's who.

posted on Mar, 9 2013 @ 11:57 AM
Youve not heard of developing a lactose intollerence? There are a myriad of products out now for those who are intolerant or have become l.i. Soy milk etc...

Lactose intolerence can develop at any age and after a lifetime of no problems with dairy whatsoever. Its quite common for one do get that way after having no problems.

posted on Mar, 9 2013 @ 04:02 PM

Originally posted by mysterioustranger
Lactose intolerence can develop at any age and after a lifetime of no problems with dairy whatsoever. Its quite common for one do get that way after having no problems.

I had no idea one can suddenly become lactose intollerant, thanks.

posted on Mar, 10 2013 @ 11:29 AM
reply to post by MerkabaMeditation
[moreHello my friend....I used to be as a child...only soy and goats milk.....and for the rest of my life after....I can ingest dairy in any quantity and multiple products at once.

I believe its moreso the way its produced and the additives and methods....that after can just develop an allergy or adverse reaction to the additives, production methods and chemicals used in storage. It can happen to any of us at matter how long we've successfully digested these products.

PS Go to the store. There are products you can take...and can still drink milk and eat dairy.
edit on 06-10-2010 by mysterioustranger because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 10 2013 @ 12:37 PM
! don't think humans were really meant to consume cows milk but we do. So you are of those that react negative to it. Sounds like it began when your metabolism slowed down.

Trust me I'm a Doctor !

posted on Mar, 19 2013 @ 01:15 AM
Animals (which include humans) were not meant to drink milk after a certain age, called weaning. If you stop drinking milk for any length of time, typically just a week or two, you lose the ability to produce the enzyme required to digest it. The milk sugars (lactase) are then digested instead by bacteria in your gut which happily produce lots of gas as a by-product. In your case, there may be something else going on but either way, milk is the last thing an adult needs to consume, advertising regardless. Just do some research on calcium sources and make sure you get enough vitamin D whether by sun exposure or food containing D, or supplements, or a combination of all those depending on how far north you live and what time of year it is.

Mammary glands are modified sweat glands. Why do you want to drink cow sweat? And as pointed out above, even with pasteurization, which is NOT sterilization, there's millions of pus cells and bacteria cells in commercial milk supplies. Every gallon of milk is a combination of thousands of different animals, all put together in the same tank-load. If even one of those cows was sick...

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