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CDC sounds alarm on deadly, untreatable superbugs

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posted on Mar, 7 2013 @ 05:27 PM

Originally posted by davjan4

Good post, Wrabbit...But I will go further and suggest these industries stop jamming livestock into tiny spaces where they don't even have room to move. Let them pasture feed. Maybe they won't get sick so much!

Indeed. Here's a link showing that e-coli loves grain fed cattle, and doesn't like grass fed cattle. This is just another reason I havn't eaten grovery store meat in 5 years, with the exceptio of eating out once a month, if I even have beef...

Scroll down to the e-coli part, but don't forget the other parts...

When you feed your food what it's supposed to have, it's helthier ans so are you. One thing that always cracks me up is the eggs that say "from vegitarian fed hens". That isn't a natural diet for a hen. I've seen chickens tear into a baby mice nest like nobody's business. Chickens will eat baby mice, lizards, and of course lots of bugs. Vegitarian inded! That's why grocery store eggs have the bright yellow yolk. A egg from a free ranging hen eating what hens naturally eat has a dark orange yolk that is higher in nutrients.

And yeah, don't use antibacterial soap. You end up killing the beneficial flora on your hands that crowds out the bad stuff. That's basic nursing school 101 stuff. Warm water and soap is all you need.

Oh, and I never use sunscreen. When you're vitamin D relpeat, you burn far slower. But i just put ashirt on and/or get out of the sun. Take a look at this. Scroll down to the second graph.

Scary eh? Remember that transdermal is a great way to absorb meds... and other chemicals too.

edit on 7-3-2013 by davjan4 because: added content

Good article. I agree with you about this. I don't ever get sick, don't have any diseases or disorders, don't take any prescription drugs, never broke a bone or had a sprain. I wonder if this comes from growing up on a farm..

posted on Mar, 7 2013 @ 08:14 PM

Originally posted by JrDavis

Colloidal silver will work too.

posted on Mar, 7 2013 @ 09:41 PM

Originally posted by mahatche

Originally posted by JrDavis

Colloidal silver will work too.

Good job you posted a video of someone who create Ionic Colloidal Silver. Not True Colloidal Silver.

Also for the love of the debate, We don't know how he created his CS. When I saw the stuff he was drinking, It was cloudy, Which means he probably added sodium to it. Which is why it binded to his cells.

This is a scare tactic. Whether you like to believe it or not it is.

Creating CS that has a low particle size and true Colloidal not Ionic will not cause you Argyria.

The human body can metabolize 2 metals. Gold and Silver. When you make your Silver particles too big, They get stuck in your cells.

I use CS and many others do. We make it ourselves and don't buy it off the web. There's Chemistry behind it. As long as you follow the rules you don't endup blue.

posted on Mar, 7 2013 @ 10:18 PM

Originally posted by Druscilla

I just run around barefoots everywhere.

No need or requirement for any hoo-doo alt 'medicines' that are for the most part placebos.

Natural resistance built up from the ground up, literally, does a body good.

Rain, shine, winter, summer, spring, inside, outside, shopping, driving, dirt, grass, sidewalks, streets, supermarkets, malls, and everywhere always bare feets, except where professionally unacceptable.

Can you show us a picture of your feets?

That would be interesting to see.

I don't think barefoot theory really makes anyone less or more resistant to superbugs. Your right about alernative medicenes being placebo in most cases.

posted on Mar, 8 2013 @ 04:33 AM
reply to post by Fimbulvetr

I'm not shocked that this is happening, if true. Doctors spent the 90's over medicating too many people with broad spectrum antibiotics for every little thing. Broad spectrum antibiotics destroys the immune system.

We also need to stop using hand sanitizers for everything. We got to stop using it on shopping carts, on our hands, in our homes.... and go back to the old school scrubbing with warm water, regular soap, and a good vigorous scrub and a rinse.

posted on Mar, 9 2013 @ 12:45 PM
Antibiotics are used to heal and grow animal for food are one problem. The other problem is, that you have to go through an antibiotics treatment as it is supposed to be. Take all pills and only use them if it is really necesarry. We don't do any of that.

Kill the Bacteria and go ahead. Those resistant Bacteria which are growing are there, because of our lack of caring about the mechanics of the problem.

I'd really enjoy non treated animals, which grow up like they supposed to. It will be more expensive to buy meat, but it will serve a greater good, our health.

Give those animals a life they can enjoy and us some meat we can enjoy, without creating antibiotic resistant bacteria, thx.

posted on Mar, 9 2013 @ 03:05 PM
Don't underestimate the power of natural foods, one of my ancestors, survived the Spanish flue by eating at least one onion a day, raw and an entire bulb of garlic. And people were literally dropping like flies all around him.
I imagine that combo wouldn't be a good combo for disease to flourish in.

posted on Mar, 9 2013 @ 03:49 PM
Ok, lets look at this from this angle.....Got a girl from bath and bodys works upset, cuz my kid wanted hand sanitizer, and she made the comment that it was good that she wanted to use it, my retort was, "That # is gonna kill everyone someday." She got upset and asked me to explain why, I told her we have germs and microbes on us for a reason.....IMMUNITY. If you kill them, your immunity goes away. And with the big push on antibacterial soaps and things of that nature, well, I really don't think it's a Superbug, it's the stuff thats always been here, but the over use of things has diminished our immunity to such things.

posted on Mar, 10 2013 @ 01:20 PM
Nice find OP. I am a nurse and hadn't heard of this superbug family until recently and that was on a radio show. I have had some patients that have been prescribed Meropenem, one of the antibiotics from the carpapenum family. In fact, I have had quite a few prescribed that "family" over others. I am going to pay more attention to this, especially at work, and investigate the "germs" that are infecting my patients when they're prescribed this.

Regarding these "Super Bugs" popping up, this is nothing new and will continue to develop due to the over prescribing of antibiotics by health care pros. There was another super bug family that was predicted to be a significant threat, ESBL. I have not heard much about it in the news lately, but it is definitely still a threat and much more common than this other one.

The SINGLE MORE IMPORTANT THING ANYONE CAN DO TO PROTECT THEMSELVES IS SIMPLE HAND WASHING! Wash your hands peeps! If you're in the doctors office/hospital/any other health care setting? MAKE DARN SURE WHO EVER IS TOUCHING YOU WASHES THEIR HANDS! I never get offended if someone asks me if I washed my hands, because I have. In my experience it is more the docs, specifically surgeons, that are poor hand washers.

Scary, scary world we live in these days, isn't it?

posted on Mar, 10 2013 @ 08:48 PM

Yeah guys. You should watch all of these. Better understand whats going on.
Welcome to population control and what it really is. The world is changing and people need to wake up to reality and what is really going on. For all of you. Know that genes are both our savior and hell. There are forces who know of the power such engineering has. And we have seen beautiful feats of engineering. Cannabis is one of them. This is a very holy plant as this plant is the closest plant to humans. We infact have genetic material that is coded by this plant. The beautiful thing about it is. It is GMO. And people don't even realize it. How can people hate GMO when you in fact are GMO? seems kinda blasphemous to me.

Why are GMO bad now? well bad people are at the hands of these plants. That's why. They have no interest in increasing the production of vitamin K and D in foods. Nore do they wish to produce more omega fattys. instead they just make it look appealing ( size, color, texture,sweetness) which isn't very nutritious at all. And using genes to make a wax apple and eating it does has an effect on us.

On another note. The GMO out there atm gains and corn. Was not engineered to be eaten by humans. If knew the farm industry instead of just assuming things. You would know that they often struggle with feeding the mass amounts of live stock in and out of slaughter houses. The overproduction is used to make food for them, so they engineered it to grow fast and big. They had over excess in production tho. So in turn they would convert the remaining corn into corn syrup and starches to distribute for extra cash flow. Well coincidentally upping the amount of infections in the human population. Making viral gene therapy more plausible when a rare mutation called a niche occures and people are granted an immunity. Extensive blood tests would be taken after. Doctors will either not know whats going on, Follow procedures, and either willing or unknowingly lie to their patients. Sometimes an infection is present but you are a *carrier* this is the mutation i speak of. And they will hassle you to say yes to their experiments and issue you to go get blood taken often. Some even are stationed in hospitals and radiated to keep the virus from spreading, but has a small chance of mutating further. This is also kind of unprecedented people simply forget this. Chemo is good if you want to mutate viruses and gain new genomes. Chemo is bad if you want to live.

Why would the government do all this? Well they built their bases under ground. They play the illuminati board game in real life just for kicks. Honestly tho, the gov is terrorfied. So they are scrambling to do all of this asap before they run underground and seal the lid. But theres gunna be some weird things going on. Land will be revealed, waters will drain. Crazy things in the sky. Life will be pretty interesting. And you all get to whitness the times of great change. If we pull through, you will have these memories forever as you reincarnate. It will be kind of hilarious because they will be like dreams of Atlantis, only New Atlantis lol. And we will tell stories of a people who cared not for the land, abused their bodies with drugs. Killed for fun and bore the mark of ignorance. We would speak of their advanced technology and so forth. It will be quite hillarious, some people will disbelieve it. Just like they disbelieve Atlantis. Kinda hard to ignore the pyramids off the coast of the Bermuda tho.

posted on Mar, 10 2013 @ 09:01 PM
Hope I didn't get it. I was at the docs about a week ago, and well today, just a few hours ago, I had to leave work early because I felt like I was going to throw up since I got came in and was overwhelmingly fatigued where I was struggling to even walk anymore. It's about 2 hours since I got home today and now my entire body is hurts and I'm freezing cold.. when I was just really warm 2 hours ago. Also have thrown up 3 times since I got home.

As of right now I HOPE it's just a regular flu. Bunch of people at my work had it recently it's going around. That would be best case scenario even though that sounds bad.


posted on Mar, 10 2013 @ 09:07 PM
These are the End of Days.

Astroids, superbugs, the Pope retiring.

St. Malachy says this last Pope will see the destruction of Rome. The Bible says the 10 horns that come to power with the Beast (Obama) who will be Secretary General of the U.N. and the 10 nations he will appoint to the security council, will hate the Whore(Catholic Church) and burn her with fire.

The superbug is just another shoe that will drop and there will be many.

posted on Mar, 10 2013 @ 11:11 PM
you are right in some retrospects. Think of the bibles mention of the false anti-christ as well. There are mention of a few anti-christs rising and near the end of times there will be many *prophets* ( yo i'm not preaching jesus or some unexplainable events plausible within a realistic setting I am being clear like a crystal)

There are mentions of Kings, Obama is what is mentioned there be he is not the anti-christ. The anti-christ will appear after the ( messiah, i want to elaborate on what has to be done but i might draw to much attention)
Basically conquers the 4 nations and shows the way to the kingdom of heaven. If you want to take this in a literal sense. Someone is going to get a hold of Artifacts and a ship. This person, according to legend. Will have a birds beak with a crown of feathers, and breath fire. This is the Story of the birth of Horus. He will lead the people to the underworld. In a literal sense. Osiris is the god of the mountains, death and the underworld. Taken into a literal sense. It would be Yahweh who has the ability to raise mountains and build cities.

We know of these beings as the dark beings. We have viewed them in a negative way for quite some time. The thing is, they test people with fear, if you cannot pass the fear of god you shall not receive blessings. For you will not recognize the wisdom which stands before you. I do not claim to be a messiah. But i am a seer, for i have the ability to see clarity. For i can see symbols in pictures. I can see the trail left behind in texts. And i can decipher them.

Is there really a messiah. We do not know. But he is not our only hope. Yahweh will come in bringing 3 days of darkness. When he leaves. The only hope lies in those who open the doors. For there will be nothing to stop the dragon from taking souls to hell. And burning those who do not co-operate and understand. This is the purification that has been written, this is the cycle that happens every 26,000 years. The center of the galaxy expells a substance that shifts and evolves everything it touches. The wave hit Orion and Pleiades first, this is described as the constellations *waking up* and when they do they begin waring with each other once again. So you see. They wish to come here and remove us. before the wave hits earth. Its to cheat us out of it. They will force us to go underground. So the wave will miss us. We are to do this because we are genetic experiments of sorts.

Such a terrible destiny for man. But the messiah have the possibility of locking away current records of modern man so that our legacy may continue. Despite these greedy beings. They both are moderately evil. How tragic. Who will you go with. The first coming days of darkness? Or the coming of Lucifer? Will the heroes wake up? Will the government grow up and take this all seriously. /facepalm

here is the GMO cannabis i speak of. Its in Egyptian. Now you can imagine, with all the controversy over cannabis. We can clearly see here in this link. That its a very holy plant. Made by Osiris. Just gunna go out and say this.

Isn't it kinda badass our creators are voidish shapeshifters of justice? I love the universe for being so F!@#$'n cool

"Which creature walks on four legs in the morning, two legs in the afternoon, and three legs in the evening?"

A man and his destiny
edit on 11-3-2013 by CrypticSouthpaw because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 16 2013 @ 12:19 PM
I'll stick to playing Plague Inc. on my iPhone while Apple spies on me for the President. I don't think the SUPERBUGS are man-enders just yet.
edit on 16-3-2013 by Croquanna402 because: Posted two different responses...but which one was the right one???

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