posted on May, 9 2003 @ 10:01 PM
Its a very good question.
In a nutshell, one might say zionism is an extreme form of Judeism that borders on Nazi ideals. It basically believes the interests of the state and
jewish people supercede all other concerns in the world, and there is nothing too dirty, to crude, to evil, too underhanded that can be done in the
support and defense of the Zionist state. It is a belief that israel is the holy state, that Jews are entitled by whatever measn necessary to take
thier state and secure, and to use whoever and whatever nation they can to ensure its security and properity. It stems from and extremely racist form
of Judeism from the Talmud, which states that only jews are human, all gentiles are cattle meant ot serve the jewish people, and that all that
gentiles own belongs to the jews. It has some prety sick and twisted # in it. the Talmud is basically the first five books of the bible, the torah,
emballeished with the interpretations and views of historic Rabbis and schollars.
Not all jews are Zionist. many jews dont support it, think its a backwards philosphy, some even outright rail against it. Zionism is pretty much the
elitist jewish fascism, and Zionists will even bring harm and death to thier own people to further thier goals.
Two very famous Jewish rebels exposed the evils of Zionism: Ben Friedman, who converted to christianity and felt that Christians should know about the
dangers of Zion, and Israel Shahek, an Israeli survivor of the Bergen belsen concentration camp, who felt that Zionism, if allowed to grow and
propogate, could bring another massive backlash of anti semetism against jews that would dwarf the holocaust.
Here is a link to a pretty good site that gives quotes and examples from the Talmud of why its controversial and offensive: