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What is Zionism

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posted on May, 9 2003 @ 12:18 PM
I just want to know if it is an organization or an ideology. Any thoughts/ links/ideas ..�

posted on May, 9 2003 @ 10:01 PM
Its a very good question.

In a nutshell, one might say zionism is an extreme form of Judeism that borders on Nazi ideals. It basically believes the interests of the state and jewish people supercede all other concerns in the world, and there is nothing too dirty, to crude, to evil, too underhanded that can be done in the support and defense of the Zionist state. It is a belief that israel is the holy state, that Jews are entitled by whatever measn necessary to take thier state and secure, and to use whoever and whatever nation they can to ensure its security and properity. It stems from and extremely racist form of Judeism from the Talmud, which states that only jews are human, all gentiles are cattle meant ot serve the jewish people, and that all that gentiles own belongs to the jews. It has some prety sick and twisted # in it. the Talmud is basically the first five books of the bible, the torah, emballeished with the interpretations and views of historic Rabbis and schollars.

Not all jews are Zionist. many jews dont support it, think its a backwards philosphy, some even outright rail against it. Zionism is pretty much the elitist jewish fascism, and Zionists will even bring harm and death to thier own people to further thier goals.

Two very famous Jewish rebels exposed the evils of Zionism: Ben Friedman, who converted to christianity and felt that Christians should know about the dangers of Zion, and Israel Shahek, an Israeli survivor of the Bergen belsen concentration camp, who felt that Zionism, if allowed to grow and propogate, could bring another massive backlash of anti semetism against jews that would dwarf the holocaust.

Here is a link to a pretty good site that gives quotes and examples from the Talmud of why its controversial and offensive:

posted on May, 10 2003 @ 11:05 AM
This might be a part of the "plan" of the illumaniti

posted on May, 10 2003 @ 11:13 AM
The Talmud also says all colored people are a cursed people.

[Edited on 5-10-2003 by Illmatic67]

posted on May, 10 2003 @ 07:14 PM

Originally posted by Illmatic67
The Talmud also says all colored people are a cursed people.

[Edited on 5-10-2003 by Illmatic67]

well "SNIP" them

Please Do Not Evade Automatic Censors

[edit on 9/22/2007 by benevolent tyrant]

posted on May, 10 2003 @ 07:20 PM
The only cursed people on this planet will be those on the other side of my barrel. So look out Illiminati, Zionist, Taxadermist anybody who tries to suppress individuality. Serious Taxadermists freak me out. What are they doing makeing a hobby playing with dead animals, they are about as bad as coroners.

posted on May, 11 2003 @ 02:53 AM
Zionism from what I know is not derived from the Talmud. Zionism is the belief in the natural right of return to Zion. Those that are Jews have 'rights' to live in the land of Zion. That is the ideal of Zionism. Zionism doesn't neccasarly mean hatred and and bigotism. Zionist are people who crave Zion. That is all.

History lesson:

Quoting David Icke's "The Biggest Secret"-0-9526147-6-6:

"There are two main sub divisions of those who call themselves Jewish, the Sephardim and the Ashkenazim. The Sephardim are the descendants of those who lived in Spain from antiquity until the 15th century when they were expelled. The Ashkenazim are the ancestors the Khazars. In the 1960's the Sephardim were estimated to number some half a million, but the Ashkenazim numbered about eleven million. These eleven million have absolutely no historical connection with Israel whatsoever, but they are the ones who invaded Palestine and created the State of Israel with the justification that 'God' promised them that land in the Old Testament. Who wrote the Old Testament? Their priests, the Levites! And who wrote the New Testament which created Christianity? People controlled by the same force which controlled the Levites, the Babylonian Brotherhood."

This whole Zionist ideal is nothing more then another way to alienate the Jewish people. Zionism is just a cover for the real term, "Sionism". Sionism is a religious pagan sun cult of Satanic roots, with Babylonian Brotherhood strings attached to it. The Zionist cause is a grand conspiracy against the world. That is why the Jews are treated the worst by the masses. That is why we are the minority of all minorities. Jews are the ones the are being framed by the elitists. For was not what happened in Germany, Egypt, Palestine, and Russia enough proof so???

[Edited on 11-5-2003 by Abraham Virtue]

posted on May, 11 2003 @ 02:43 PM
Jews have been persecuted mainly because of the non sense of the Talmud. It seems thier elites follow it to the T. The distrubing things the Talmud says are pretty much the reason people have flipped out over the years. Remeber Martin Luther? He once felt it necessary to learn Hebrew so he could read the holy books, and when he read the Talmud, turned 180 into a foaming anti semite. The garbage in the Talmud is worse than the insanity that was Mein Kampf.

Its like the situation today: When a peoples leaders follow a certain doctrine that is vile, thier masses, thier underlimgs, pay the price in blame. Like in America, we get blamed for what the prez does, we get slammed for this and that. When the Talmudic leaders of the Jews practiced thier Talmudic doctrine, all jews got blamed, regardless if they followed it or not. Thus, its not so much scapegoatism, but misplaced blame.

The Mormons once thought that black people were marked because god cursed them as the children of Cain. IT wasnt until about the mid 70's that Mormons realized they had to lift this doctrine and allow other races in thier church or be renounced asd a racist cult.

Mormons.....theres another pretty scary bunch. The wealthiest church in the US with assets out the gazoo, and members in powerful places. And its worth remembering that Joseph Smith was a Freemason. They are certainly worth some study.

posted on May, 13 2003 @ 04:50 PM

Originally posted by ADVISOR
The only cursed people on this planet will be those on the other side of my barrel. So look out Illiminati, Zionist, Taxadermist anybody who tries to suppress individuality. Serious Taxadermists freak me out. What are they doing makeing a hobby playing with dead animals, they are about as bad as coroners.

posted on Sep, 4 2003 @ 01:41 PM
In short!


Zionism - Sionism!

Extreme Jews.

Never heard of ZOG? Zionistic Occupation Goverment

I thought that would be debated alot here on ATS

posted on Sep, 4 2003 @ 01:53 PM
[Edited on 9/9/2003 by SamaraMorgueAnn]

posted on Sep, 4 2003 @ 02:07 PM

I did not make the reflection of mine own opinion.
Just saying what it means for people using it.

I am most sure ZOG is around the boards somewhere.

About minority, Jewish Religion is Huge compared to alot of smaller religions. In my county (Sweden) we have 2 local minority religions. Asatro (What we had before Christianity came) and Sametron (Shamanistic religion of the Sames/Lapps). They are very small compared to Judeism.

posted on Sep, 5 2003 @ 02:08 AM

In a nutshell, one might say zionism is an extreme form of Judeism that borders on Nazi ideals.

As someone said, human stupidity is infinite.

Zionism comes in many forms but the original Zionist movement was promoted by secular Jews and was a great afront to the religious jews. But the religious moderates were quick to hijack the philosphy and then the good'ol christians inventted their own version and then the messianics and so on and so forth.

Basically Zionism is the ideology promoting the existance of a Jewish nation, a SECULAR jewish nation.

Some 80% of all jews in the world are secular and many of them are Zionists. But anyone who claims that Zionism promotes racism in any way is either missinformed, lying on purpose or a racist and anti-semite.

posted on Sep, 5 2003 @ 02:14 AM

Jews have been persecuted mainly because of the non sense of the Talmud.

How pathetic! How do you explain the persecution before the Talmud? or do you not know that the Talmud is not that old?

Jews have been persecuted because the dumb gentiles did not know how to become as successful in business and were jelous of the jewish success wherever they went. That is my take on the whole thing since nothing else makes any sense.

OR it may have been because of the superiority of the god our forefathers invented and worshiped which was claimed to have attributes better than any other god. So in a sense the jewish god was a threat to the other gods since the Jewish god was abetter invention than the other savages' gods.

posted on Sep, 6 2003 @ 08:56 PM
ZOG is a term I am not sure I like, seeing how it was taken from Dr William Pierrice's book, the Turner Diaries. His idea of what ZOG meant is totally different from the Illuminati/Zionist/Techy tripod. Thats where the term came from.

The Turner Diaries are a really #ty book. I read it out of curiosity after the OK city bombings, and was pretty disturbed by it. Spoke of all sorts of crazy white supremecist #. A freaked out world. The day of the rope where all the "muds" and "race traitors" would be hung from ropes and stuff.

Rather interesting tho, that it is a banned book almost, the govornment will monitor your ass liek crazy if you even check it out at a library.

The Zionists aint the only ones in the big picture tho, so its not a ZOG. its a tripod. The Zionists have buddies. They aint alone, and they aint at the top.

posted on Sep, 6 2003 @ 10:48 PM
ok here's a good book to read, "The Lost World of Agharti" by Alec's tells you of the book that was given to Hitler as a lowly private in the army, the book you ask? is "Vril, The Power of the Coming Race" by Sir Edward Bulwer-Lytton. Hitler, apparently, was given the book by a member of the Illuminati, and they continued to use him as a pawn. Members of their "religion" helped bring the young Hitler to power, he was also chosen though because of his natural "people skills". I haven't read the Sir Edward book yet, as it's almost impossible to find! but I DO plan to find it...somewhere...I will be SURE to write up my thoughts on it....well if anyone knows good books to read PLEASE let me know ok? another decent book to Erik von Daniken...anything by him is good.

On that Note; I bid ye Adieu.


posted on May, 29 2004 @ 07:27 AM
Hey I have heard that "Zionism" is "Satanic"!!! HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

P.S. Isn't there a section of the TALMUD that acknowledges that the man called "Jesus/YeHshUah" Existed. It then goes on to call him a
"Vile Magician/Sorcerer"!!!!!!!!

posted on May, 29 2004 @ 08:16 AM
Zionism, the national movement for the return of the Jewish people to their homeland and the resumption of Jewish sovereignty in the Land of Israel, advocated, from its inception, tangible as well as spiritual aims. Jews of all persuasions, left and right, religious and secular, joined to form the Zionist movement and worked together toward these goals. Disagreements led to rifts, but ultimately, the common goal of a Jewish state in its ancient homeland was attained. The term "Zionism" was coined in 1890 by Nathan Birnbaum.

posted on May, 29 2004 @ 08:42 AM
The Only Problem is that "Israel" is not really a Land (Although it was officially turned into a State in 1948). PALESTINE is a Land.
"Israel" & "Judah" are TRIBES. The State of SYRIA is now were the Original land of Israel was - (Modern Israel is the Ancient land of Judah). The Jews & the Muslims Hate each other not because of their Religion (They are quite similar Religiously). The problem seems to be that "God" is in the
REAL ESTATE Business!!!

posted on May, 29 2004 @ 08:55 AM
Zionisn is an idea according to which the the solution to the jewish problem (antisemitism) lies in the constitution of a Jewish nation, not nessecarily in Israel.

All the other things you heard about Zionism are pure BS. Zionsm has nothing to do with nazism or racism. It developed during the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century because of the antisemitism all over europe and the world, and has nothing to do with the Talmud.

I know this because I happen to be a Jew, and I live in Israel. We learn this in schools.

edit: the Jews and the Muslims DON'T hate each other. The origins of the Palestinian problem have little to do with religion, and it basically started during the British mandate in Israel.

[Edited on 29-5-2004 by Transc3ndent]

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