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Red Brain, Blue Brain: Republicans and Democrats Process Risk Differently, Research Finds

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posted on Feb, 14 2013 @ 08:36 PM

Originally posted by FyreByrd

Originally posted by 11235813213455

Originally posted by FyreByrd

Originally posted by 11235813213455
So blue brains have a tendency to group think and have a lack of inidividuality.... Makes sense

Group think is another phenomenon entirely. Blue brains, as you put it, think in terms of their place in a greater whole rather then their place alone without regard to the world around them.
edit on 14-2-2013 by FyreByrd because: spelling

Exactly...they "know their place" No individualisim.

You can be an individual and still part of a group. All of us perform this trick everyday, in many different ways.

The idea that you will lose yourself if you are connected with others and the world is silly and is one of the ways that one's self-ish ego purpetuates it'self.

I think you are afraid of becoming a drone, as in a hive, and are afriad of losing yourself. My limited group/psychic type experiences (we don't really have terms for this) show how false and misleading that limited idea of connection is.

Have you ever experienced FLOW or a PEAK EXPERIENCE? Most likely playing sports with others, or music or another group indeavor. An experience that was easy wherein you were at your best, clear minded but plugged into something greater and you received from this 'greater' and it cycled into your performance? Maybe it was a time that you did something - a presentation or speech or a simple walk, where you stepped out of time and became more? There is no loss of self involved, in fact I would argue that you true self was exposed and made more by it. That's the type of group conscienceness that we are evolving towards. It's not a loss of self but an enhanced self - enhanced by all we open ourselves to. And it is fear that keeps this truth from our awareness.

But all that is off the core topic. Which is simply that blue brains and red brains function and perceive the world differently.

Oh...I get it.

I have to experience "tantric" individualism through collectivism. That makes much more sense..

posted on Feb, 14 2013 @ 09:09 PM
Risk taking? Does starting a business involve risk taking? I say this because I know a lot of successful business owners who are conservative.

I know plenty of liberals and conservatives and what I have learned, is that tunnel vision knows no party division, plenty of people with blinders on from both parties. There are pluses and minuses with each ideology.

posted on Feb, 14 2013 @ 09:38 PM

Originally posted by spqrenki
It's a simple question of do you support the constitution and the ideas that this nation was founded on or do you not. There is no red and blue, left or right, liberal or conservative. The fact is, democrats in large care absolutely nothing for this country or what she was founded on - most would be happy to see the President crowned as King. Issues like race, abortion, gay rights, etc. are more important to Liberals than things like personal liberty and justice.

Does that mean Republicans are perfect? Absolutely not. But given the choice between your average Conservative and your average Liberal? Again, do you support the constitution or are you voting simply on race and/or party?

Abortion and gay rights don't fall under personal liberty and justice?
edit on 14-2-2013 by mahatche because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 14 2013 @ 09:42 PM

Originally posted by antonia
reply to post by tovenar

Those behaviors have more to do with impulse control. These are uncalculated risks you are discussing and it's not what the study is referencing. We are not talking about the impulse to take risk rather how one approaches it.

Ex: The conservative would think "Will this hurt me"?
The liberal "Will this hurt us"?
See the difference there? Has nothing to do with impulsive behavior.

And in my case it is generally "Need more data" lol

Haha I read the article and went through the data and the first thing I thought of was how well do these individuals know what is and/or isn't a risk to them/ the group they associate with?

I also got a good laugh how the researcher goes on trying to say that humans are evolving towards political and socialization . . .

Every philosopher worth the 'left overs' knows politicians are at the core of all societies problems. Them and lawyers.

His inclusion of politics makes me seriously doubt his mental integrity!

Honestly every intelligent person I have met thinks politicians are idiots, so what does that say about our future?

posted on Feb, 14 2013 @ 09:50 PM
Sorry, but I don't buy it. If liberals and conservatives have differently structured brains, then why is it possible for some people to do a complete 180° on their views & opinions within their lifetime? Some conservatives have changed their ideals and become liberals, and vice versa. It's not uncommon for people to denounce their political opinions; just like some people denounce their own religion.

Also, what about the people who aren't really right or left? Some people (like me) share opinions with both sides. For example, I'm primarily a leftist, but I also agree with gun ownership.

Sorry science, but it isn't this easy to categorize people into neat & tidy little piles, as much as you'd love it to be.
edit on 14-2-2013 by Xaphan because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 14 2013 @ 09:53 PM

Originally posted by FriedBabelBroccoli

Originally posted by antonia
reply to post by tovenar

Those behaviors have more to do with impulse control. These are uncalculated risks you are discussing and it's not what the study is referencing. We are not talking about the impulse to take risk rather how one approaches it.

Ex: The conservative would think "Will this hurt me"?
The liberal "Will this hurt us"?
See the difference there? Has nothing to do with impulsive behavior.

And in my case it is generally "Need more data" lol

Haha I read the article and went through the data and the first thing I thought of was how well do these individuals know what is and/or isn't a risk to them/ the group they associate with?

I also got a good laugh how the researcher goes on trying to say that humans are evolving towards political and socialization . . .

Every philosopher worth the 'left overs' knows politicians are at the core of all societies problems. Them and lawyers.

His inclusion of politics makes me seriously doubt his mental integrity!

Honestly every intelligent person I have met thinks politicians are idiots, so what does that say about our future?

Thank you for your opinion - do you have anything other than "every intelligentperson I have met" to support any of your conclusions?

posted on Feb, 14 2013 @ 09:55 PM

Originally posted by Xaphan
Sorry, but I don't buy it. If liberals and conservatives have differently structured brains, then why is it possible for some people to do a complete 180° on their views & opinions within their lifetime? Some conservatives have changed their ideals and become liberals, and vice versa. It's not uncommon for people to denounce their political opinions; just like some people denounce their own religion.

Also, what about the people who aren't really right or left? Some people (like me) share opinions with both sides. For example, I'm primarily a leftist, but I also agree with gun ownership.

Sorry science, but it isn't this easy to categorize people into neat & tidy little piles, as much as you'd love it to be.
edit on 14-2-2013 by Xaphan because: (no reason given)

I don't necessarily say this cause I'm buying this, but one possibility for change would be the fact that some families indoctrinate & brainwash their kids, so their kids grow up thinking they should see things one way, then when they start to think for themselves things change.

posted on Feb, 14 2013 @ 09:58 PM

Originally posted by abeverage

They are both messed up! Using one side or the other of their brains instead of both!

This is exactly why I am an Independent with some libertarian leanings

Don't be so sure of yourself; no offense intended, but no individual: I repeat, NO INDIVIDUAL, can use both sides of their brain simultaneously.

posted on Feb, 14 2013 @ 10:02 PM

Originally posted by BobbyTarass
82 people, Seriously ? When even under 1000 it'd be considered as a non-representative sample

Prove it.


posted on Feb, 14 2013 @ 10:02 PM

Originally posted by Xaphan
Sorry, but I don't buy it. If liberals and conservatives have differently structured brains, then why is it possible for some people to do a complete 180° on their views & opinions within their lifetime? Some conservatives have changed their ideals and become liberals, and vice versa. It's not uncommon for people to denounce their political opinions; just like some people denounce their own religion.

Also, what about the people who aren't really right or left? Some people (like me) share opinions with both sides. For example, I'm primarily a leftist, but I also agree with gun ownership.

Sorry science, but it isn't this easy to categorize people into neat & tidy little piles, as much as you'd love it to be.
edit on 14-2-2013 by Xaphan because: (no reason given)

Again a limited perspective. The Brain is maleable and changes over time. To use the record groove analogy - grooves that get played a lot are stronger then grooves that aren't. It is possible to even fill in old grooves and make completely new ones. It's called Brain Plasiticity - google it. Most people don't bother to change their minds if they are even aware of their biases and habits of thought at all.

And to an earlier poster, complaining about risk. In this sense risk would be defined in very general terms not life/death ones.

Again the fact of seeking why something is wrong/bad/irrelevant is a trait of the conservative mind. The liberal mind would tend towards considering the possiblities while acknowledging the limitations of the study.

An interesting fact I discovered in one of the other links is that conversatives tend to be happier then liberals. I personally don't like that fact, it's inconvenient in a discussion, but I don't dismiss it nor do I call it wrong or irrelevant- I try to understand it and fit it into my current/ever changing worldview.

posted on Feb, 14 2013 @ 10:07 PM
Upon reflecting on this there are flaws with both methods of mental process (if any of these conclusions can be considered legit).

1) Blue Brain
Thinking first of the group can be and has been used to push genocide in most all cases of its occurrences. Take Rwanda for example the Hutus blaming all their problems on another group of peoples and begin slaughtering based on the idea that elimination of their enemies would be best for the group.

Nazi's convincing their people that elimination of the Jews would benefit the group because they were genetically inferior and in the way of the Aryan race of supermen.

Communist countries eliminating private property rights and placing people in the fields who don't know a thing about proper agricultural techniques resulting in tens upon tens of millions of deaths from starvation. Toss in people not fitting in the group being perceived as a threat to the group and thus being eliminated.

2) Red Brain
Self centered thought has led to those in power falling victim to their greed and employing slavery as evidenced in many cultures throughout history such as Rome, Confederate America, Liberia upon return of the former American slaves, and so on and so on.

Self centered individuals engaging in usury such as the lending industry even when evidence shows that debt is ridiculous after a certain a point and is in fact a major drag on economic productivity.

Infidelity in relationships shows this self centered focus and usually results in severe anguish mentally and emotionally by the party whom it was perpetrated on.

In conclusion the different thought processes result in different forms of tragedies and neither are superior to the other. The focus on self allows people to recognize how a situation will affect them personally (potentially at the expense of the group) and focus on the group allows one to identify how something may benefit the group (though possibly at the expense of the self).
edit on 14-2-2013 by FriedBabelBroccoli because: 101

posted on Feb, 14 2013 @ 10:08 PM

Originally posted by 11235813213455

Originally posted by FyreByrd

Originally posted by 11235813213455
So blue brains have a tendency to group think and have a lack of inidividuality.... Makes sense

Group think is another phenomenon entirely. Blue brains, as you put it, think in terms of their place in a greater whole rather then their place alone without regard to the world around them.
edit on 14-2-2013 by FyreByrd because: spelling

Exactly...they "know their place" No individualisim.

Liberals really have no individuals? You sure about that?

Every time I meet weird way out there people who defy social norms, they seem to be very liberal. While both sides defiantly have their issues they are intolerant toward, In my experience liberals have always seemed more accepting of people who are different and more eccentric.

When I hear people talk about gay rights, liberals say "who cares everyone lives their own lives", while conservatives say "they aren't normal! stop trying to make gay seem normal! accepting them will ruin the structure of our society as we know it"

It was hippies rejecting conformity while the straight laced clean cut conservatives hated them for not falling in line.

Seeing yourself as part of a big picture doesn't necessarily mean you sacrifice individualism. I'm all for being part of a society that works together, but if you try to impede on who I am or what I believe, I'm gonna tell you to # off.

posted on Feb, 14 2013 @ 10:27 PM

Originally posted by FyreByrd
Again the fact of seeking why something is wrong/bad/irrelevant is a trait of the conservative mind. The liberal mind would tend towards considering the possiblities while acknowledging the limitations of the study.

This is complete BS.

Provide your data suggesting the conclusion you have made about the two is valid.

Especially your definition of the liberal mind. I have read studies indicating some validity towards your view of conservative mind but as to your concept of the liberal mind . . . a complete fabrication.

The definition you give better suits scientific pursuit rather than liberal. There is a strong current of conservatism among the scientific community in regards to towing the line that has been established and fighting new interpretations of material phenomenon and their source.

posted on Feb, 14 2013 @ 10:38 PM
reply to post by mahatche

They are minor issues compared to the corruption within the out of control government, endless spending, double-digit unemployment, a failing education system, the world's largest prison population (mostly caused by the failed war on drugs), the patriot act, the NDAA, endless wars and conflict, poverty, foreign aid, etc. etc. etc.

The point is, there are more important issues that people need to be concerned about. And see, everything I've listed above are things that Liberals think are fine. But you take intelligent people that could be making a difference out of the conversation when they're more concerned about race, gay rights or abortion.

posted on Feb, 14 2013 @ 10:54 PM

Originally posted by spqrenki
reply to post by mahatche

They are minor issues compared to the corruption within the out of control government, endless spending, double-digit unemployment, a failing education system, the world's largest prison population (mostly caused by the failed war on drugs), the patriot act, the NDAA, endless wars and conflict, poverty, foreign aid, etc. etc. etc.

The point is, there are more important issues that people need to be concerned about. And see, everything I've listed above are things that Liberals think are fine. But you take intelligent people that could be making a difference out of the conversation when they're more concerned about race, gay rights or abortion.

I'm a liberal, and I'm not fine with anything you listed. I don't know any liberals who are. It's like you took everything you dislike and blame liberals. Can you really be so partisan to think anyone loves anything you just listed? Conservatives get more blame for some of those than liberals as well. Are liberals really the party of war in your mind? A huge part of our out of control spending is the wars, which liberals constant get demonized for asking for cuts on. war on drugs is a liberal cause? really? Who introduced Patriot Act? opposition to NDAA and Patriot act aren't conservative ideas, both sides oppose it, and both have a minority that support it.

There is always philosophical debates on whose strategies are to blame for poverty and unemployment, each side blames the other, but neither side is ok with it. that's just ridiculous to say.

And who says gay rights and abortion are the only things we care about? I've debated every single subject you've mentioned, as well as gay rights and abortion. It's not to hard to have views on many different issues.

BTW If you happen to be gay, fighting for your rights isn't minor at all.
edit on 14-2-2013 by mahatche because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 14 2013 @ 10:55 PM
reply to post by FyreByrd

It's not hard to see that right wing politics is usually ALWAYS based off fear and paranoia.

posted on Feb, 14 2013 @ 11:01 PM

Originally posted by xedocodex
reply to post by FyreByrd

You could infer from this that the cognitive styles of conversatives diifer from liberals in that self-centered fear motivates the conservative (red) folk

Which would explain why they love guns so much...they live life in a state of fear.

actually liberals live in fear of everything which is why they want to ban everything. Conservatives want to let scary guns be legal. who is really living in fear here??

wawa waaa scary guns ban them !! wasn't there some fraidy cat city board person who ran out because someone had a gun what a wussy

posted on Feb, 14 2013 @ 11:04 PM

Originally posted by spqrenki
reply to post by mahatche

They are minor issues compared to the corruption within the out of control government, endless spending, double-digit unemployment, a failing education system, the world's largest prison population (mostly caused by the failed war on drugs), the patriot act, the NDAA, endless wars and conflict, poverty, foreign aid, etc. etc. etc.

The point is, there are more important issues that people need to be concerned about. And see, everything I've listed above are things that Liberals think are fine. But you take intelligent people that could be making a difference out of the conversation when they're more concerned about race, gay rights or abortion.

Are you politically trolling? Or just sheltered? Cause um..... nearly everything you listed are things that the liberal ( the ordinary politically aware citizens, not "liberal" politicians) are very vocal against.

Liberals constantly diss the huge prison population
Liberals diss private prisons (something a bunch of Republicans love)
Liberals diss the racism in the criminal justice system that is feeding the prison population (something a lot of Republicans deny even exists/ doesn't care about because they are the party of 99% white males)
Liberals favor drug DE-criminalization which would massively cut the prison population

I could go on and on but I'm not a liberal so it's not my fight.

posted on Feb, 14 2013 @ 11:10 PM

Originally posted by votan

Originally posted by xedocodex
reply to post by FyreByrd

You could infer from this that the cognitive styles of conversatives diifer from liberals in that self-centered fear motivates the conservative (red) folk

Which would explain why they love guns so much...they live life in a state of fear.

actually liberals live in fear of everything which is why they want to ban everything. Conservatives want to let scary guns be legal. who is really living in fear here??

wawa waaa scary guns ban them !! wasn't there some fraidy cat city board person who ran out because someone had a gun what a wussy

The majority of liberals I know sure don't wanna ban gun ownership so......... maybe close gun show loopholes or things like that but that's no ban. And I'm not talking about politicians, I'm talking about average day people.

And honestly you could argue the gun fear concept for both groups and both would still have valid points.

posted on Feb, 14 2013 @ 11:13 PM

Originally posted by votan

Originally posted by xedocodex
reply to post by FyreByrd

You could infer from this that the cognitive styles of conversatives diifer from liberals in that self-centered fear motivates the conservative (red) folk

Which would explain why they love guns so much...they live life in a state of fear.

actually liberals live in fear of everything which is why they want to ban everything. Conservatives want to let scary guns be legal. who is really living in fear here??

wawa waaa scary guns ban them !! wasn't there some fraidy cat city board person who ran out because someone had a gun what a wussy

I'm liberal with a nice gun collection.

but I'll give you guns, it's fair to say liberals are more fearful of guns. Liberals are fearful of ruining the planet with pollution as well. Liberals fear climate change, there is a few issues liberals have fear on.

Will you admit that Conservatives use fear more on gays, immigration, drugs, going to war, linking every economic issue to socialism or communism, fear of other religions, etc..

I bet if we listed things each side fears side by side conservatives would have more fear based issues.
edit on 15-2-2013 by mahatche because: (no reason given)

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