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My Dear American Friends, what is wrong with the USA?

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posted on Jan, 5 2013 @ 09:52 AM
reply to post by Komodo

I agree 100%--however we do not need a movie from hollywood to know the truth,the internet is the PEOPLES COURT until someone rips it away from humanity.

I watch literally hundreds of human beings i trust telling their truth as they near death,and many at incredible risk to themselves and their familys as they expose the truths we all need to learn on Youtube and all over the internet.

I watch technology expose lies and treachery beyond any doubt,we ALL SEE THE SAME THINGS GLOBALLY,this is a global court.

I listen to Military men and women,to CIA people to FBI people to Doctors and every other manner of professional and I BELIEVE THEM,I see very smart people outlining the facts and showing us all how we were lied to and suppressed in an organised fashion and on a monumental scale,globally.I see the Peoples Court immediatly doing what other courts cannot---exposing the unadultered truth with no right hand on any bible and no threats or promises,just clear unadultered truth from the mouths of the people.

No one believes the coverups any more,we are all in on the scene today,we know names of people and organisations and exactly how they have been operating,the entire world has this data now.There is no place to hide,the worm is turning.

The hunt is beginning globally for anti-humanitarian influences and they are slowly but surely being routed out and held to public scritiny.

Anyone who tries to preserve or protect the old ways is simply protecting very old and soon to be dead anti-humanitarian people,there is no dishonor in exposing these people in todays world and great danger in allowing them to die without being held accountable.This is their only true goal,to beat us all down and be allowed to live out their lives without being held accountable,to them this makes them right.We all have an obligaton to seek out these people and expose them before they pass away and we also need to destroy the legacys within history of the dead people who are also connected to the wrongs we are all trying to right today.

The proper place to start healing is where the break in continuity is,and we all know that break occurred in Dallas the day the coup de tat was actioned.

All we need is the right person,someone with no family who has a terminal illness and wants to clear their conscience before their maker,needs to go into a courtroom in Dallas and re-visit this murder and catalyse the domino effect.Someone with nothing to lose and everything to gain,a person unafraid of reprisals to themselves and with no family to hold over their heads.Yes I believe one American has ALWAYS been the difference,and I believe ONE person can catalyse a nation with the right action that is integrity driven.

There are many ways to renew this cold case.And many irreversable legal actions that can be initiated to start the ball rolling.I believe that this issue alone would get a new president voted in quickly,if he or she could survive that long.And once in office I believe a complete purge is possible because I believe 99% of Americans want the right things done.

The new generation is not beholdin to the old one anymore,multiple generations have come and gone and the time for resolution is here,the true patriots who have tirelessly sought the truth their entire lives and who are now dieing DESERVE this truth be found,they have EARNED this truth,and now it needs to be delivered by a new generation of Americans who are braver then the last,and they are braver then the last as we are seeing.

For gods sakes I have watched so many 60 to 80 year old men break down crying on Youtube when they tell their truths--their burdens have been monstrous,they have paid the toll for the liars and decietfull ones,as have their familys.

What kind of Americans can watch this and not rise up in force and in unison.What kind of respect are we giving these men and women who are giving us the data we need to repair a nation many of them in deathbed or near death confessons.

This will take strong patriots willing to turn in old friends and church members and political allys and business associates,this is a true test of character and integrity.It is only fitting that America live or die by the sword of truth and the sheild of integrity.And that is what is being determined today,Americas very fate.

Its simple,these Youtube videos should be promoted relentlessly,already many many millions of Americans and hundreds of millions of Global citizens have seen the truths coming out.People need to organise Youtube partys and meet together and watch these fellow Americans sharing their truths,we ALL RECOGNISE TRUTH WHEN WE SEE IT ,and in a group we always fing it together.

People need to look into each others eyes and admit the truth together to make it become reality,share the responsibility in person.

posted on Jan, 5 2013 @ 10:47 AM
reply to post by NewAgeMan

What's the problem with the USA??

Baby Boomers, mostly.

posted on Jan, 5 2013 @ 11:08 AM
Agree with this thread. The people run the government, not the government running the people.

posted on Jan, 5 2013 @ 01:03 PM
It no longer represents the values it is supposed to embody. That's what's wrong with it.

posted on Jan, 5 2013 @ 01:29 PM
Nice original idea, OP, S&F.

It's the human condition, my friend. What's wrong with all of these mysogynistic cultures throughtout the Middle East and India/Pakistan? What's wrong with the corruption and collusion of governments and drug cartels in South America and Mexico? What's wrong with the multitude of Human Rights abuses throughout China?
Israel/Palestine? Europe? Indonesia? Justin Bieber - WHY and HOW does that guy exist???

We tend to air our dirty laundry a bit more publically than a lot of other cultures do, so it may appear that we're going to Hell in a hand basket quicker than anyone else, but globally speaking, we're all on the same boat ride.

The short answer is, ( IMHO ), that the entire system as it exists is unsustainable - the equitable distribution of energy, food, textiles, technology, access to healthcare...the list goes on. The divide between the Have's and the rest of us is growing much wider and faster than ever before. The fabric is being stretched too thin, and the edges are starting to fray and unravel, and those of us who are paying attention are starting to notice.

Surely there are potential game-changers just over the horizon - 3D printing technology, renewable energy resources and tech, the further dismantling of corrupt regimes, economic collapses, UFO disclosure, ELE meteor strikes, you know, that type of thing.
My advice is to hold on and prepare for a wild ride, cause it isn't going to get any easier any time soon.

Oh yeah, and what's up with those RCMP uniforms anyway?
When are you guys going to do something about that???

posted on Jan, 5 2013 @ 01:45 PM
reply to post by poundpuppy

And how sad it is too when God is hijacked by a failing political party who've co-opted God, that to me is a crying shame what's happened to the remnants of American Christendom, for the most part.

edit on 5-1-2013 by NewAgeMan because: typo

posted on Jan, 5 2013 @ 01:50 PM

Originally posted by moonzoo7
Human Rights abuses throughout China?
Israel/Palestine? Europe? Indonesia? Justin Bieber - WHY and HOW does that guy exist???

Oh yeah, and what's up with those RCMP uniforms anyway?
When are you guys going to do something about that???

Bieber's Canadian. (sorry..?!)

There's nothing to be done with the Mountie uniforms, I don't know why they stick out half way down the pantleg don't ask me what it means.

edit on 5-1-2013 by NewAgeMan because: edit to add "sorry" for Bieber.

posted on Jan, 5 2013 @ 02:33 PM
Its not a question of what is wrong with the USA, its more of what the USA has done wrong, and why do they continue doing things wrong...Seriously I wish I had a simple answer, but unfortunately when you have idiot leaders, and idiot followers it makes it quite difficult to come to a solution...
edit on 5-1-2013 by KonquestAbySS because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 5 2013 @ 03:34 PM
To the op, imo whats REALLY wrong with America, the main root problem, as to why it seems we all cant just get along, is racism. We are a great nation, with a diverse people, but those people would rather do it on their own, then try to come together. Why? Cause one doesnt like blacks, blacks dont like whites, etc etc. I.e. The popular line. "America's first black president." Ive seen every different nation of people on here use that. Not one has said, besides myself on a few occasions what he actually is. The first mixed president. But that alone shows you what Im talking about. Once we break down the color barrier, THEN you will see the nation come together and grow like it should. Btw, Im half white and black myself, and it gets rather annoying always having to be conformed, or seeing others conformed to a certain race, when Im, we, are neither.

posted on Jan, 5 2013 @ 04:48 PM
reply to post by NewAgeMan

Thanks for the cheer. We need it. Seriously, we have lost our identity and don't know who we are particularly with the conservatives of our country. I think we are depressed. The shootings, the no good! I personally think we will come out of it, but it will take a while this time. Although we have always been a force to reckon with, we are not to be taken for granted in the area of strength. I know for years now, we on the side of 'character counts' have been fighting a losing battle. Part of character is long-suffering. It is the least popular quality but perhaps the most needed attribute at this time.

posted on Jan, 5 2013 @ 04:48 PM
reply to post by NewAgeMan

Thanks for the cheer. We need it. Seriously, we have lost our identity and don't know who we are particularly with the conservatives of our country. I think we are depressed. The shootings, the no good! I personally think we will come out of it, but it will take a while this time. Although we have always been a force to reckon with, we are not to be taken for granted in the area of strength. I know for years now, we on the side of 'character counts' have been fighting a losing battle. Part of character is long-suffering. It is the least popular quality but perhaps the most needed attribute at this time.

posted on Jan, 5 2013 @ 05:14 PM
what is wrong....
one hundred years of progressives attempting to create a manmade utopia combined with one hundred years fascism trying to build the perfect corporatacracy, all using public education, bernays, tavistock and consumerism to create a misdirected, dumbed down, morally relativistic society incapable of independant thought or action. putty in the hands of the central planning elite.

posted on Jan, 5 2013 @ 05:27 PM
I want to move to Canada, and get out of here. This country is going down in a fiery wreck. There's little hope of saving it.

How much would a very small cabin in the woods somewhere in a very low populated area of Canada cost me?

Respect from your North American brother.

posted on Jan, 5 2013 @ 05:51 PM

Originally posted by NewAgeMan

Originally posted by moonzoo7
Human Rights abuses throughout China?
Israel/Palestine? Europe? Indonesia? Justin Bieber - WHY and HOW does that guy exist???

Oh yeah, and what's up with those RCMP uniforms anyway?
When are you guys going to do something about that???

Bieber's Canadian. (sorry..?!)

There's nothing to be done with the Mountie uniforms, I don't know why they stick out half way down the pantleg don't ask me what it means.

edit on 5-1-2013 by NewAgeMan because: edit to add "sorry" for Bieber.

Please don't be sorry - I'm glad to know that Bieber is an import an not an export!
See, Canada DOES share some responsibility for the breakdown of Western Civilization!

posted on Jan, 5 2013 @ 06:58 PM
United States is a corporation. That's what's wrong. United States is not a country. It is a foreign-owned, bankrupt(1933) corporation and US citizen/persons, and all they own, have been pledged as collateral for the Corp US debt.

posted on Jan, 5 2013 @ 07:02 PM
There is the strong possibility that America's spiraling demise is the Judgment of God.

posted on Jan, 5 2013 @ 07:03 PM
Ironic that you think Jesus will somehow save us. Especially in lieu of the fact that many other people need saving much more than Americans. I guess it makes sense if you're Mormon.

The biggest problem facing America is undoubtably the fact that religious fanatisicm is steadily rising - and is doing so unchecked. (Yes, I know many atheist/femenist/humanist movements are fighting against it. Regardless, no official action is being taken to keep us secular) Both people and government are beginning to make the mistake of valuing belief and personal opionion over science and reason. If you tell someone that fact holds more sway than opinion in the US these days, they get upset about it - as if you're personally attacking them.

That is America's most turbulent problem - and many of the issues it faces today stem from that.

It all starts with government officials bowing to whatever the nutbags want because it will get them more votes.

By the way, Jesus helps those who help themselves.

posted on Jan, 5 2013 @ 07:05 PM

Originally posted by JuniorBeauchamp
There is the strong possibility that America's spiraling demise is the Judgment of God.

If by "strong possibility" you mean "my own random interpretation based upon 0 empirical evidence" then I whole-heartedly agree.

But since you don't mean that, I disagree.

posted on Jan, 5 2013 @ 07:11 PM
If it had to be one word concept, ARROGANCE.

Ironically, even Barry himself has labeled america overly arrogant:

posted on Jan, 5 2013 @ 07:17 PM

Originally posted by Nola213
I want to move to Canada, and get out of here. This country is going down in a fiery wreck. There's little hope of saving it.

How much would a very small cabin in the woods somewhere in a very low populated area of Canada cost me?

Respect from your North American brother.

All of Canada's land is low in population expect Toronto.

Population, Canada (2011) - 34,482,779
Population, California (2011) - 37,691,912

While I can't argue your sentiment of feeling like you'd be a little better off in Canada, I would like to inform you that they have nutbags of the exactly same calibur - they're just more spread out.

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