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Violent video games and movies are conditioning people "Pavlov style" to massacre and murder as

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posted on Jan, 5 2013 @ 02:03 PM
Thank you so much to the original poster for bringing up this important subject again.

There will always be loads of clueless parents who don't realize that using violent video games as a "babysitter" and letting their child commit tens of thousands of simulated murders before they reach the age of 18 has a horrifically degrading effect not just on that person's ability to concentrate and focus for large periods of time (attention deficit disorder, anyone?) but also has a degrading affect on their energy field/i.e their overall soul energy.

Clairvoyants like me see a LOT of weird crap in kids and young people who have been playing the more violent types of video games (where you're shooting or killing humans in the game) for years. First there are holes in the auric "egg," which is the egg-shaped energy field all humans possess. It has an outer shell that can be penetrated, cracked, fractured. Usually this only happens when that person suffers from physical trauma or emotional trauma. But it turns out that video games, especially ones where you're playing super soldier and killing other humans, also create holes and cracks in the auric field.

From there, it's a matter of time before emotional problems (depression, concentration issues, lethargy) and then physical problems enter in.

People like me who have worked with lots of people attempting TO HEAL their children and younger loved ones from these problems will continue to shout about this from the rooftops. It doesn't matter if posters here want to say, "I HAVE HAPPILY PARTICIPATED IN THE SIMULATED MURDERS OF TENS OF THOUSANDS OF VIRTUAL HUMANS FOR YEARS AND I'M JUST FINE!"

Because, really, such posters pretty much make my point.

posted on Jan, 5 2013 @ 02:23 PM

Originally posted by LipstickMystic
Thank you so much to the original poster for bringing up this important subject again.

There will always be loads of clueless parents who don't realize that using violent video games as a "babysitter" and letting their child commit tens of thousands of simulated murders before they reach the age of 18 has a horrifically degrading effect not just on that person's ability to concentrate and focus for large periods of time (attention deficit disorder, anyone?) but also has a degrading affect on their energy field/i.e their overall soul energy.

Clairvoyants like me see a LOT of weird crap in kids and young people who have been playing the more violent types of video games (where you're shooting or killing humans in the game) for years. First there are holes in the auric "egg," which is the egg-shaped energy field all humans possess. It has an outer shell that can be penetrated, cracked, fractured. Usually this only happens when that person suffers from physical trauma or emotional trauma. But it turns out that video games, especially ones where you're playing super soldier and killing other humans, also create holes and cracks in the auric field.

From there, it's a matter of time before emotional problems (depression, concentration issues, lethargy) and then physical problems enter in.

People like me who have worked with lots of people attempting TO HEAL their children and younger loved ones from these problems will continue to shout about this from the rooftops. It doesn't matter if posters here want to say, "I HAVE HAPPILY PARTICIPATED IN THE SIMULATED MURDERS OF TENS OF THOUSANDS OF VIRTUAL HUMANS FOR YEARS AND I'M JUST FINE!"

Because, really, such posters pretty much make my point.

It's pretty much impossible to totally shelter your kids completely from "violent" media these days, it could be a number of different things causing what you describe. Video games, violent or otherwise, are a way I keep in touch with some of my family members and friends, and a fun way at that.

posted on Jan, 5 2013 @ 02:43 PM
So I just killed an 8ft tall Elite and now because I wanna be just like Master Chief I'm gonna go on a killing a spree

posted on Jan, 5 2013 @ 03:03 PM
reply to post by grandmakdw

See Lt. Col. (Ret) Dave Grossman's "On Killing" (it's a book).

Here is a short bibliography:

On Killing: The Psychological Cost of Learning to Kill in War and Society (1995) (ISBN 0-316-33000-0), an analysis of the psychology of killing both in the military and in civilian society, which he calls killology.
Stop Teaching Our Kids to Kill: A Call to Action Against TV, Movie and Video Game Violence (1999) (ISBN 0-609-60613-1)
On Combat: The Psychology and Physiology of Deadly Conflict in War and in Peace (2004) (ISBN 0-9649205-1-4)

I read Lt. Col (Ret) Grossman's article "Stop Teaching Our Kids to Kill..." when it came out and it changed my whole viewpoint on this subject. It really isn't about individuals (each of us is way different in how we react and internalize 'stuff) but it is very relevant on a collective basis.

The argument that "I play these violent games/I watch this violence every day and don't want to kill people" is an invalid response to this thesis in two ways: 1) you haven't done so yet (people snap) and 2) it is about the collective rise in violence and tolerance of violence not an individual and how an individual acts (it's about our collective acts over time).

I suggest Lt. Col. (Ret) Grossman's work to all - it's very reasoned, grounded in history and psychology and is used by Private Security Firms and Anti-Gun forces to promote their work - how can you beat that???

posted on Jan, 5 2013 @ 03:20 PM

Originally posted by ElijahWan

Jinx! Posted what's below at the same exact time.

As an avid video game player, I have to disagree. I've played video games since the Sega Genesis, so like the age of 7-8? I'm also -not- diagnosed with autism or asperger's syndrome, although I'm not very good in social situations nonetheless. I spend 6+ hours a day, some days, role-playing a "Werewolf/Demon/Vampire/etc" in a "virtual reality" like game called Second Life. Trust me, I've never gone out on a full moon with the idea of biting some people. Hell, I've never even been in a physical fight in my short 22 years of life. And trust me, I've played just about every violent game under the sun. At least, the main stream ones.

Now, if you wanna discuss giving people with mental illness the access to play these same games, I'm all for it, but I find it stupid to call for a full on ban of violent video games to everyone. What's next? "Hey Junior, No playing imaginary army men with your friends. I'm banning your GI Joes too!"
edit on 1/5/13 by ElijahWan because: (no reason given)

By your own admission you are not comfortable in social situations and spend a large part of your free time playing video (violent or not) games. You are 22 years old.

Most people are uncomfortable to some degree with social situations. Getting comfortable requires practise which you are not getting because you live a large part of your life virtually.

In my opinion, the violence of video games and other media, is less a problem then the influence of the media itself on developing and mature minds.

You could very well become the middle aged man who 'goes postal' someday. None of us are immune to violent outbursts under the right circumstances and cronic exposure to violence and violent acts/weapons can exacerbate any 'breakdown' into a deadly confrontation.

I worry about young people that HIDE in video games/televsision/drugs - because I've done it and it's hard to get back.

Here's a link to the "Killology" site:

It's worth noting that this guys whole bag is teaching TPTB how to get people to kill others. That's how he makes his living. However, he is the first to state that Violence in Media is a perfect way to train killers. IMHO that makes his work all the more powerfull.

edit on 5-1-2013 by FyreByrd because: Wanted to add link

posted on Jan, 5 2013 @ 04:16 PM
reply to post by FyreByrd

Research shows playing solo increases violence in whereas playing along with another increases cooperation. research links video games and violence

Yesterday at Chuck-E - Cheeze with my kid I saw a boy shoot a gun on a game for 2 solid hours, desparate to kill the opponent, he was about 9, he was alone, he appearred to have special needs, he was EXTREMELY emotional and into it, these are the ones I really worry about. There is more research that violent video games are linked to violence.


posted on Jan, 5 2013 @ 04:22 PM
I once watched "Jesus of Nazareth".... Brilliant Bible epic with Robert Powell....

Now all I can do is run around healing sick people, ressurecting the dead and making the blind see again, it's the movies fault

posted on Jan, 5 2013 @ 04:49 PM

Originally posted by bloodreviara
Been playing violent video games since wolfenstein 3d, been watching violent movies
since i was about 8-10ish, chuck norris, van damn, the a team, between shows and
movies i could honestly list at least 100 by name, not to mention cartoons, as an adult
i have never had a violent outburst at anything animate or alive, have never been charged
with any crime for that matter, action movies are by far my favorite genre of movie, but
you know what? my mother made it a point when i was a child to explain that these things
were fantasy, not reality, that seemed to work out just fine.

I am tired of all these prohibition everyone seems convinced will fix the world, make
sure everyone does things the way a select few seem to believe, without evidence
mind you, works and it will all be A ok, well i hate to tell ya, it wouldn't fix anything,
some folks will be violent no matter what we do, that is just the truth.

Thanks for this blood. I couldn't have said it better myself. I am much like you in that I have also been playing games since I was very young. About 3 years old. Started with the Atari. Same goes with t.v. I have been exposed to so much throughout my life. I Posted earlier about this actually.

Whenever debates like these come up, it's always the same old song and dance. I get tired of those that want to blame the tool instead of the individual. A few isolated cases end up being seen as an epidemic.

I turned out fine. I used to have a lot of social issues but I don't attribute it to games or t.v. I eventually overcame those issues on my own.

posted on Jan, 5 2013 @ 05:49 PM

Originally posted by grandmakdw
Through classical and operant conditioning violent video games and are training the population to reduce itself through pre-conditioned massacre.

Through "precognitive loading" we have trained youngsters and people to react with massacre on unconscious levels.

Hollywood is making propaganda movies teaching our population that massacre can be justified.

I saw on TV a NCIS LA where the main characters stood over a pile of dead bodies and joked with each other. How sick!

You may say, I play them and nothing has happened, I'm a good guy. Well when I was a kid I was never in a car seat and never wore a seat belt and nothing happened.
Can't we learn from experience?

Are TPTB encouraging violent movies, tv and video games to reduce the surplus population?

been to war, a few times, came back. been playing video games since i was a teenager BEFORE i went to war. never committed a violent crime in my life (please, no debates on the legality of war, murder during wartime, etc). play first person shooters almost exclusively. own guns. and never, ever, once considered piling all my guns into my vehicle to go shoot up a mall, liqour store, or school. i was shocked, saddened, and deeply upset by the newtown shooting.

as for making jokes in the vicinity of human remains, trying spending an entire career seeing and dealing with that stuff, then tell me you've never made a joke while there were remains present. yes, it loses its shock value after a while. just like a sanitation worker tells you he stops smelling the trash after a few months on the job. it happens. its human nature to adapt.

posted on Jan, 5 2013 @ 06:00 PM

Originally posted by grandmakdw
Through classical and operant conditioning violent video games and are training the population to reduce itself through pre-conditioned massacre.

Through "precognitive loading" we have trained youngsters and people to react with massacre on unconscious levels.

Hollywood is making propaganda movies teaching our population that massacre can be justified.

I saw on TV a NCIS LA where the main characters stood over a pile of dead bodies and joked with each other. How sick!

You may say, I play them and nothing has happened, I'm a good guy. Well when I was a kid I was never in a car seat and never wore a seat belt and nothing happened.
Can't we learn from experience?

Are TPTB encouraging violent movies, tv and video games to reduce the surplus population?

the problem with your idea,as far as i know, is that countries outside the US have much stronger restrictions on their games. your idea only works if the plan is simply to rot the USA. however, i would agree that video games play apart in the frequency of shootings and other crimes but are not the actual cause. i think the actual cause is a society is decay. the USA over glorifys violence, has a lack of consistent morals and excessive diversity in the sense of too much ideological/cultural/religious BS with the noticeable lack of a overarching unifier (typically a role fulfilled, unfortunately, by a external foe. i.e. the USSR). such violence typically happens less in socities that focus more on collectivism rather than individualism. people are expected to see each other as threats and thus dehumanize other people. its practically a institutionalized siege mentality.

think of it like blaming candy for you getting fat. the candy dident make you fat, you made you fat (this is assuming you have no medical conditions that may promote obesity). had the rest of your diet been healthy and you exercised, you likely would not be in your bloated state.
edit on 5-1-2013 by david99118 because: i can

posted on Jan, 5 2013 @ 06:43 PM
reply to post by grandmakdw

No they are not. Study after study makes that clear. Having prosecuted for 30 years, the violent are drawn to violence. Video games make no one violent.

Idiocy to believe otherwise.

posted on Jan, 5 2013 @ 07:09 PM
Its always baffled me completely as to why anyone would want to play a video game simulating war (e.g call of duty) Thousands of people are being innocently killed in wars every year. I fail to see how can a game based on a war be fun?

I don't necessarily think these games create violent monsters but I do believe staring at a bright square screen for hours at a time might do some crazy # to your brain.
I think maybe if you.'ve got a screw loose anyway these games could have a bad affect on you.

Im not against video games I love my xbox just not those types of games!

posted on Jan, 5 2013 @ 07:15 PM
Meh, nonsense. The mentally unstable can be triggered to commit a violent crime through any media, or interaction with other people. The sheer # of people playing video games alone debunks your theory. If it truly conditioned people to commit crimes, there would be a much, MUCH greater violent crime rate.

posted on Jan, 5 2013 @ 07:42 PM

edit on 5-1-2013 by Shaxuul because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 5 2013 @ 07:55 PM

Originally posted by grandmakdw
Through classical and operant conditioning violent video games and are training the population to reduce itself through pre-conditioned massacre.

Through "precognitive loading" we have trained youngsters and people to react with massacre on unconscious levels.

Hollywood is making propaganda movies teaching our population that massacre can be justified.

I saw on TV a NCIS LA where the main characters stood over a pile of dead bodies and joked with each other. How sick!

You may say, I play them and nothing has happened, I'm a good guy. Well when I was a kid I was never in a car seat and never wore a seat belt and nothing happened.
Can't we learn from experience?

Are TPTB encouraging violent movies, tv and video games to reduce the surplus population?

Wrong. Violence is actually down since the release of more violent video games. gun-murders/

There is a another article out there that I cannot find that shows since the release of the video game "POSTAL", which was probably the first shoot em up extremely violent game, there has actually been a significant drop in gun related murders.

posted on Jan, 5 2013 @ 07:59 PM

Originally posted by Shaxuul

edit on 5-1-2013 by Shaxuul because: (no reason given)

Another good point Shaxuul. Violence has been around for as long as we can remember. I'm pretty sure Jack the Ripper wasn't influenced by any video games or t.v for that matter.

posted on Jan, 5 2013 @ 08:26 PM
I learned how to be a ninja by watching Bruce lee, Chuck Norris and Jean Claude Van Damme movies just like this guy Diemon Dave. Don't come around my trailer park and mess with me. There is a saying don't go a ninjin nobody that don't need a ninjin. Peace out

posted on Jan, 5 2013 @ 09:22 PM
Everytime someone remembers Pavlov we get posts and news articles like this, which is a wrong understanding of the experiments Pavlov conducted, this would only make sense if we were bound and and strapped to a chair for starters. The experiments were about behavioral conditioning on a dog, When one of his students reproduced the experiments on children the results were not so cut and dry.

However these experiments were the basis for the MKUltras experiments into creating a Manchurian candidate, which we all know took far more then what Pavlov's experiment entailed, instead it took heavy psychotropic drugs, behavioral conditioning and a healthy amount of psychological torture to achieve this and the results were still unsuccessful in many attempts.

In the military they found that people instinctively hesitate to fire on human beings......even now...meaning the assessment that video games lead to violence based on the results of those experiments results is incorrect, mainly because we are infinitely more complex then a dog.

The human psyche consists of a amazing number of layers built up thru individual human experiences, meaning no one individual is the same, which invalidates any one size fits all method for mind control, NLP(neuron-linguistic programming), hypnosis and subliminal messages.
edit on 5-1-2013 by kobalt7 because: additional info

posted on Jan, 5 2013 @ 09:29 PM
Oh come on, video games causing people to kill people, duno bout that. Ive played video games most of my life, i come home from work, play BF3 and kill people online. Not once have I had the thought of grabbing an M16a3 and blowing people away in real life. I do agree that we have became a harder lot of people over the last few decades but to blame this solely on movies and video games, I doubt it, maybe the gene pool has became haywire in some people and all the vermin are still breeding vermin.

I would say that people use movies and games as a release from the humdrum existance they live everyday. Most people know what entertainment and reality is. The ones that dont are the ones who have mental problems.

It is a shame tho that we have changed as a people and that things like rape and murder have no affect on us anymore.

I remember a Simpsons Episode where Marge banned violent movies and the whole town changed for the good. If only it was that easy aye

posted on Jan, 5 2013 @ 09:43 PM
reply to post by LipstickMystic

And what happens when there are cracks or holes in an auric field?

So videogames cause holes in our soul energy, never heard of such a thing before. Excuse me if I'm a bit skeptical of someone saying something random like this to prove a point with nothing to back it up.
edit on 5-1-2013 by _Phoenix_ because: (no reason given)

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