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The mother conspiracy that created conspiracies

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posted on Dec, 30 2012 @ 12:55 AM
reply to post by LoveisanArt

The All-Seeing Eye, is the third eye or pineal gland.

Freemason Dr. Buck (1838-1916) gave a physical description of the Third Eye and connected its “mastery” to Freemasonry’s third degree of “Master Mason”: “It has been called “The Third Eye.” The Ancient Hindus called it the Eye of Siva, and it should be borne in mind that Siva is the third person in the Hindu Trinity…It is atrophied, and therefore dormant in the average individual…The Eye of Siva is, in fact, an All-Seeing-Eye; for it practically annuls Space and Time as concepts on the physical plane… A real Master [Mason], then, has the Eye of Siva; the pineal gland, dormant in others, is active in him…”

This is why they put out so much disinformation. Although I can not confirm it through personal experience, I am close to a few masons who have described their raising to the 'third degree' as a life changing experience.

When people attack Freemasonry, they are essentially attacking the spirituality of the 'Third Eye' and that is simply a matter that I won't tolerate. We have enough trouble not knowing what it is as a collective community of humans as it is; we don't need all this disinformation adding to that confusion.

If you have good information to add, please do. You have a lot to say about it obviously; so you probably have a lot of knowledge on the subject. Could be why it seems "sensitive" to you?

Yep, you guessed it.
edit on 30-12-2012 by VeritasAequitas because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 30 2012 @ 12:55 AM

Originally posted by CosmicCitizen
reply to post by LoveisanArt

a) because they feel it is their duty,
b) because they want to,
c) because they can.

b) and c) are insignificant until we understand the primary motif to take on such a "duty" in the first place.. IMO they are not good at their "duty"

posted on Dec, 30 2012 @ 01:02 AM

Originally posted by VeritasAequitas
reply to post by LoveisanArt

The All-Seeing Eye, is the third eye or pineal gland.

Freemason Dr. Buck (1838-1916) gave a physical description of the Third Eye and connected its “mastery” to Freemasonry’s third degree of “Master Mason”: “It has been called “The Third Eye.” The Ancient Hindus called it the Eye of Siva, and it should be borne in mind that Siva is the third person in the Hindu Trinity…It is atrophied, and therefore dormant in the average individual…The Eye of Siva is, in fact, an All-Seeing-Eye; for it practically annuls Space and Time as concepts on the physical plane… A real Master [Mason], then, has the Eye of Siva; the pineal gland, dormant in others, is active in him…”

This is why they put out so much disinformation. Although I can not confirm it through personal experience, I am close to a few masons who have described their raising to the 'third degree' as a life changing experience.

When people attack Freemasonry, they are essentially attacking the spirituality of the 'Third Eye' and that is simply a matter that I won't tolerate. We have enough trouble not knowing what it is as a collective community of humans as it is; we don't need all this disinformation adding to that confusion.

This is where you look silly... you are ignorantly assuming that I have no knowledge or understanding of the NATURAL third eye

I have percieved through the third eye, I have travelled within the mind's eye. You do not have to be a Freemason or be part of any (oc)cult to awaken your third eye. Obviously you belive you have more information on this third eye thing then myself because you - ignorantly assume I dont know anything - and you talk to freemason friends.

To myself it is evident that I have more knowledge and practise with the third eye then yourself. You are being defensive to something you have limited knowledge of. Something I have true knowledge and experience of.

If you have anything valuable to add to the thread please do so. I would love to know some truths and facts you have about Freemasonry and the elites.

posted on Dec, 30 2012 @ 01:04 AM
The third eye is the seat of the soul. This is the area of your brain that releases melatonin, the hormone that causes you to dream. When you are seeing in your dreams, even though your eyes are naturally closed, you are seeing with your third eye.

When your eye is open, you have better intuition and understand of the things around you. Your brain reacts better, you feel better. Most entheogenic 'drugs' actually interact with this part of your brain which causes the altered state of consciousness. This is how you can astral project and remote view, among other things.

It also allows you to contact higher density spirits, what people would term as 'Angels', although without the proper training, precautions, and understanding, you can attract negative spirits or again as people would term them, 'Demons', which is why a lot of people who don't prepare get scared away by it. This also allows you to see aura's and you can know by such a person's true intents. You can even know if they are lying to you.

There is more to this, and the benefits of learning your third eye. If you truly want to understand this more, that is where you will need to start. Afterwards, once you know the true meanings, it becomes clear why they don't want us meddling in this stuff.

They can't control us anymore.

Read the first thread in my link: The third eye spirituality was the 'global religion' of the Mother Civilization, whether you want to call it Eden, Atlantis, or whatever else floats your boat. They all practiced this form of spirituality.

However, when all that was long gone, the remnants who still remembered preserved it through mystery schools, which eventually descended down into Freemasonry.

I have percieved through the third eye, I have travelled within the mind's eye. You do not have to be a Freemason or be part of any (oc)cult to awaken your third eye.

I never said you had to be a Freemason to open your third eye; but that is what their teachings will do for you. Their teachings were handed down and preserved so that people wouldn't forget.

Master Masons have a certain way of 'knowing' other Master masons even if they have never met them before.

Obviously you belive you have more information on this third eye thing then myself because you - ignorantly assume I dont know anything - and you talk to freemason friends.

I didn't assume anything. What I am saying is you are ignorant of Freemasonry's true purpose regarding the 'Eye', not the 'Eye' itself.

The 'All-Seeing Eye' symbol is a SYMBOL of the 'Third Eye' this was how it was conveyed between initiates who knew the meaning.
edit on 30-12-2012 by VeritasAequitas because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 30 2012 @ 03:46 AM
reply to post by onthedownlow

That is what I used to believe most of my life. Then I found out about so-called secret societies. This in itself proves that there is an ongoing stream of conspiracies. Powerful people obviously do not join and waste their time on something that is not productive. If they were playing cards they would not need to do so in secrecy.

I am not saying the members are bad people. I believe they want what is ultimately good. But maybe I do not want to marry a person my parents picked for me, even if they mean well. And those who belong to secret societies may be willing to sacrifice me for the benefit of somebody else. I want to be free to choose for myself – and I do not have that when somebody in a secret society is given power over me.

Who belongs to secret societies? President Bush, for example. You may not believe in a 9/11 conspiracy but this belief would not be based on knowledge - you do not know their secrets. The name of his secret society is “Skull and Bones”. That seems to imply that the members must be willing to kill and/or be killed. But since it is secret we do not know whether that is what it means. However,, do you feel comfortable with a President,Republican or Democrat, who belongs to that secret society?

posted on Dec, 30 2012 @ 04:41 AM
reply to post by ThinkingHuman

Skull and Bones refers to qabbalistic and gematria of the human body. For instance, the skull and cranium contains 22 bones. There are 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet, 22 paths on the tree of life, 22 major arcana in the tarot, and so forth. They use powerful symbols because it allows them to communicate between each other, and none of you are the wiser as to what is going on except thinking some kind of satanic messages are being passed...

posted on Dec, 30 2012 @ 05:10 AM
There are only two possibilities, Captain.

A) your premise is true

B) your premise is not true

Your suggestion is to take coordinated ATS action and research this premise in a search for the "truth."

If A, your premise is true, then it' s a colossal waste of time because TPTB are too powerful, and too all encompassing to allow members of ATS to reveal them. In fact, they will have plants here to derail any attempt you make, and anybody who is close to the truth may mysteriously disappear, or at least be banned. In fact, they probably created ATS just to draw in all the most likely trouble makers who might be inclined to expose them if they are as all powerful and all reaching as you say they are.

If B is true, then it's an even more colossal waste of time.

Mr. Spock

Ps logic is more your friend than google.

posted on Dec, 30 2012 @ 06:01 AM
reply to post by LoveisanArt

Yes I did pay attention to your post, I read the entire thing. I did not respond in haste, I refer you to your posting time and my response time. Nothing hasty about that time gap. You quoting yourself about your limited knowledge has nothing to do with my question, so I will ask it again.

Do you have ANY proof of any of this or is it just your OPINION?

posted on Dec, 30 2012 @ 11:16 AM
reply to post by VeritasAequitas

You may be correct about your conclusion but I find the number 22 by itself to be insufficient to support your argument.

posted on Dec, 30 2012 @ 02:44 PM

Originally posted by Carreau
reply to post by LoveisanArt

Yes I did pay attention to your post, I read the entire thing. I did not respond in haste, I refer you to your posting time and my response time. Nothing hasty about that time gap. You quoting yourself about your limited knowledge has nothing to do with my question, so I will ask it again.

Do you have ANY proof of any of this or is it just your OPINION?

You dont deserve another response after this one... clearly you do not understand what- limited knowledge and speculation is, based on breif research on conspiracies and limited knowledge of.

If you have something to add or share that is beneficial to the OP or my opinion on the state of the world, please present your information

posted on Dec, 30 2012 @ 02:51 PM
reply to post by VeritasAequitas

Its clear you are not a practitioner of your own mind, or this is a really bad judgement call on my part. You referencing things you have picked up from the internet and freemason friends; rather your personal experience of the spiritual insight a.k.a "third eye", eye of horus, minds eye..

My partners spiritual eye is WIDE open, she percieves the alter realities with her mind's eye. I too have practised and perceived through my third eye; so I truely dont know where your going with this.

If your saying Freemasonry is all secrecy about the power and potential of the human spirit and insight (third eye) then please present the referencing or valid information of this matter.

Opening your third eye isnt as secret and hard as you think it is.. its very basic and real. To myself its nothing "occult, mystic, secret.." .. it just is a part of the human spirit that is dormant in the collective today - thanks to those in power who want this knowledge to themselves.

Its not really a secret when millions of people already understand and perceive with the third eye.. you seem to be amazed by the topic and have strong feelings about freemasonry.. you mentioned you are not a mason yourself; why is this so sensitive to you?

Your repetition of explaining the third eye and its purpose to the FMs is sillly; when I KNOW WHAT IT IS AND HOW IT WORKS.

"If you have something important or constructive to add to this thread, PLEASE do."

Otherwise your wasting your own time and clogging up this thread with your limited knowledge of the third eye.. the internet does not open ones third eye. Meditation and mental/spiritual exericises do.

posted on Dec, 30 2012 @ 02:54 PM
reply to post by LoveisanArt

limited knowledge and speculation is, based on breif research on conspiracies and limited knowledge of.

That is the problem though friend. We shouldn't speculate on 'brief research & limited knowledge', especially leveling accusations like you have. It comes off as deceptive even if you aren't trying to be. Too many people have fallen for this 'Masons are Demons' crap as it is. We don't need more people following this stuff, than there already is. What we do need is people doing legitimate research on these subjects before accusing an entire fraternity that they know very little about, of things that aren't even connected to them.

Sure, you can practice meditation, astral projection, etc. Freemasonry rites and ceremonies are designed in a way to make the moral and spiritual applications really stick.

posted on Dec, 30 2012 @ 04:00 PM

Originally posted by VeritasAequitas
reply to post by LoveisanArt

limited knowledge and speculation is, based on breif research on conspiracies and limited knowledge of.

That is the problem though friend. We shouldn't speculate on 'brief research & limited knowledge', especially leveling accusations like you have. It comes off as deceptive even if you aren't trying to be. Too many people have fallen for this 'Masons are Demons' crap as it is. We don't need more people following this stuff, than there already is. What we do need is people doing legitimate research on these subjects before accusing an entire fraternity that they know very little about, of things that aren't even connected to them.

Sure, you can practice meditation, astral projection, etc. Freemasonry rites and ceremonies are designed in a way to make the moral and spiritual applications really stick.

My spiriutality and practises are working great, helping me develop further. Im 20 years old.. have broken free from the programming, "re-programmed' my own mind and conncted with y higher consciousness. I dont need sacrfices or rituals, or intitiates of FM to show me how to activate and use my third eye.

Your response right now is completely insignificant to anything you have been saying; your now going around the fact you dont know much of what your talking about. .. you sure as hell do not practise mind exercises and spiritual work.

Ive notice you doing the same thing on Ats in MANY threads - you act as if you understand and know so much.. but you cant present a true experience or reference valid information on the things you say. Maybe you should stop talking so much *snip* and apply these practises to your own life, for your own personal experience and development, to satisfy your own truth of Life.

Ive been and AM doing my work in this hectic human body and reality. I understand what my mind, spirit, emotions and thoughts can do. So I dont need breif repetitions of your views on the matter...

PRESENT information or stop trolling.

You clearly didnt even READ my entire OP - I have stated many times now to you and the other guy who offers no valid input - that I have limited knowledge on WHO AND WHY our society and RACE is controlled. That IS WHY I brought it AtS - in seek of help and other peoples information on the matter.

If your only skimming through posts and think you have a quick answer to give - dont bother, this thread was an honest attempt to get others including myself to dig more truth about this society and those who constructed it.

posted on Dec, 30 2012 @ 06:18 PM
reply to post by LoveisanArt

You say I assume...Let's set something straight here, mkay? You don't know anything about me, my spiritual experiences, or WHAT I practice. Once again you shot yourself in the foot, because I never said you HAVE to be a Freemason to do these things, and nor do they offer sacrifices...

You say I talk 'snip', although we both know what the word is? You haven't even got a clue, do you? Sure, anybody can experience visions, astral projection, third eye, and so forth through hard work. However, Freemasonry is simply another alternative to that path...

Don't ever assume again, that you know the capacity or extent of my knowledge regarding these matters? Okay?

Sure, you may know things about the third eye, but you still don't know a damn thing about Freemasonry, and that is the Veritas.

I haven't presented any real information on what I say?

I guess quoting a real Freemason in regards to the true purpose of the order, isn't presenting real information is it?

I will state this, one last time..

You do not have to be a Freemason to open your third eye, that is simply a perk of the lessons and allegories that you are taught in Freemasonry. The rites aren't designed around sacrificing bodies, sex orgies, or any of the other stupid nonsense, people are equating with the fraternity. They are designed around teaching you moral and spiritual lessons in a way that sticks to you. Most people try and listen to some binaural beats, guided meditations, and learn nothing. It's not the same thing. Again, you wouldn't really understand the subject properly, because all you have is 'limited misinformation', and no that isn't a misquote.

I am trying to help you see the errors of your statements, but no you want to act like a nasty wench, about it.
edit on 30-12-2012 by VeritasAequitas because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 30 2012 @ 06:22 PM
reply to post by VeritasAequitas

I told you everything you already needed to know about Freemasonry. It is connected to the third eye. Or are you blind? You are the one who has nothing substantial to add other than trying to presume you know everything about the organization while at the same time maintaining the 'limited knowledge' plea.

Give me a break. You can't even rebut my first statements about your misquoting of Albert Pike, or starting with the first step of admitting you truly know nothing about Freemasonry. Instead, when I try to point out what you are doing is wrong, and way off base. You tell me that I haven't added anything...No sir, you haven't added anything other than asking people to share more disinformation..

posted on Dec, 30 2012 @ 07:04 PM
reply to post by VeritasAequitas

Let's see if I can put this into perspective for you..

See this? It's called the Masonic tracing board. It can teach you things about the human body. Now, the Pineal gland, is situated directly between the two hemispheres of the brain, which are embodied with the concept of "Law of Opposites". One side of the brain is more artistic and creative, while the other is scientific and logical. This is embodied in the two towers, one capped with the Sun, and the other capped with the Moon; hence the Law of Opposites.

Now when you take that into account and apply it to the human body, it would make sense that the All-Seeing Eye, would be situated directly between the Towers of the Sun & Moon, just like your Pineal gland, or Third Eye, is situated between the two opposite brain hemispheres.

Your whole body is like this.

The building of King Solomon's temple, which is the name of the Sun in three languages, is an allegory to some about the 'Temple of Man'.

The 'Eye' was to be equated with the 'Holy of Holies' from what I am aware.

This will be the second to last picture of this post. Just maybe it will put things into perspective for you.

See, the little chakras? Another correlation would be the 7 chakras, and 7 stars of Pleiades, just like the tracing board.

105) Jesus said, "He who knows the father and the mother will be called the son of a harlot." (106) Jesus said, "When you make the two one, you will become the sons of man, and when you say, 'Mountain, move away,' it will move away."

From the Gospel of Thomas, the father and the mother, are not talking about your literal father and mother, but your heavenly ones; Sun & Moon. Note the little quote : "When you make the two one", this is the symbolism behind the double headed eagle, and also this last sign which I am sure you are aware of.

Now I am almost done, so bare with me....You have heard of Aum/Om right? Of course, you have with all your spiritual enlightenment over me, you must have. It's the mystical sound which has origins in Sanskrit and Hinduism... Have you ever seen the symbol, though? No matter, here it is for you.

See the big number 3, with the Sun inside of the Crescent Moon? Well, gee, what do ya know?!?! This is the same sound produced by monks during meditation, because the vibration of 'Aum/Om' stimulates the Pineal Gland..

Now, what else is a symbol of Sanskrit/Hindu origins? The swastika, which is another symbol combining two opposites, to form the unity.

Now just a few more moments of your time, and I will be done. Have you ever seen the Masonic square and compass? Possibly? Well, it's the same thing. Leonardo da Vinci drew the Vitruvian man inside a squared circle which is the goal of many masons, "Squaring the circle."

The square represents the finite and limited human body, while the soul represents the higher self, the soul, and it's limitless potential as a part of the unified 'whole' of God.

Now just maybe, when you can form a now educated response to this, we can have a reasonable discussion without all of the unneeded ad hominem attacks, what do you say?
edit on 30-12-2012 by VeritasAequitas because: (no reason given)

edit on 30-12-2012 by VeritasAequitas because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 30 2012 @ 07:19 PM
Actual Christianity, not Catholicism or whatever denomination you want to pick, has everything to do with mind control. But it's not a negative your neighbor, pray for those who would harm you, give from your heart, etc. That's the kind of mind control I can get behind. The human mind needs controlling...left to itself we see what happens. Call it sin, or you can call it human nature...same difference. People left to their own devices are full of murder, pride, ego and lies. Just the way it is.

Many knowledgable people would disagree that there is no Christian God, but that is another argument.

If there is no God, as you suggest...I guess nothing really matters at all.

But to the original post...if we are being controlled through the media, sports, entertainment, etc, basically everything...then OK, take away the Illuminati control, break the cycle, take them all down. What happens when we go back to watching the news, sports, movies? Who will control our thoughts and emotions then? Even if their is no master plan as you suggest, what we really have is a world full of distraction and pleasure, designed to keep us instantly gratified and to keep our eyes off of disease, death, and other unpleasantness.

The problem with the world is people, we bring the issues to the table. Everything else is just noise. If those who believe in secret societies controlling the world actually took down the grand schemers, well...the world would look alot like it does now, I'd guess.
edit on 30-12-2012 by BSFC123 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 31 2012 @ 03:00 AM
reply to post by VeritasAequitas

First of all guy, you brought up the freemasonry and third eye.. which had very little to do with my OP. Its about who and why this world is constructed the way it is, freemasons could be a clue.

Your taking things a little to far, and Im not judging or underestimating your spiritual practises.. I have no clue where your getting your knowledge, only reference you made was "your freemason friends" - who are real you say - But I have no reference that this friend even exists other then your word of it, thus backing up your claims about masonry practises/crafts..

Im not CLAIMING anything, Im assuming as I have OPENLY ADMITTED many times; I have LIMITED knowledge on who the heck constructed this society/religious complex and WHY. This is AGAIN why I came here, to ask memebrs who HAVE valid information and assist me in my search for facts.

You are just trolling.. if you carefully re read my OP and our sub-conversation since; you will see where you went off into your own grid of ideas (regarding freemasonry and the third eye).. and starting to take a seemingly 'charge' within my thread.

I know what the third eye, I know what chakras are, I have experienced and perceived BOTH. I have a spiritual connection to the Pleaides, I have many synchronicities and connections to them, to confirm this indivudally on a soul level.
The things you keep trying to explain (flounting your knowledge which is based on mentally copying information from the internet, as well as taking other poeples word for such "knowledge", and not experiecing such yourself) to me are already way more understand then you think. I understand and see a lot more then you may think; this is based on individual-spiritual experiences and beliefs. Not the internet references and other people..

The only internet referencing I am using is freemasons controlling society. At least I am pointing out (based on pure speculation of breif evaluation of information on the internet) that the masons had a big hand within the conspire of todays world. THIS IS THE TOPIC. THIS IS THE OP.

You think Im claiming to know things, when I already admitted (without shame) that its based upon assumption. Then you bring in your own faucet of information - this being the FM craft revolving around the third eye - and continue to try and flount your knowledge of here in your recent posts - when I already understand the third eye and have my own interpretations of it.

Your really jsut getting me caught in your own circle; meanwhile my OPoint gets lost among the nonsense. So please for the last time - instead of jumping on every response and things you want me to accept (freemasons, third eye and whatever else your going on about) .. provide valid information that regards the OP, in a civil and un bias manner

posted on Dec, 31 2012 @ 09:38 AM
reply to post by LoveisanArt

Wow..... Just wow.... "I'm trolling?" My information doesn't just come from the Mason friends I do have, although why would I make them up, try reading actual books written by Masons. I'm telling you WHY they are conspiring this way. TPTB don't want us fooling around with the third eye. You could join freemasonry and know absolutely nothing about it, and still have it opened during your Master Mason ceremony. Sure you can practice on your own, but that takes an initiative to find out what it is on your own.

Why do you think they put fluoride in our water and ban entheogens? Not once in any school textbook that I ever opened, did they find it convenient to mention how every ancient civilization in the world, had connections to the 'Eye'.

If you think I'm trolling, by all means call a moderator, but I assure you, that you will be severely disappointed. By the way, didn't you parents ever teach you about assuming things?

Freemasonry is MADE to look evil by the powers in control because that is just another way to keep us in control. I can't tell you how many videos there are on YouTube about how the third eye is evil, mark of Satan etc. People are being forced away from that subject. Fluoride calcifies the pineal, while entheogens boost it from tryptamines, dopamine, and the norepinephrine.

Now do you understand? And by god I wasted 30 minutes on a post you couldn't even constructively comment on or at least rebut if you want to keep your stance.

And I'm telling you the Masons have NOTHING to do with the powers in control. Are some of these people Masons or in other secret societies? Yes, but that is because they know what is in the teachings; metaphysics and the third eye.

edit on 31-12-2012 by VeritasAequitas because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 31 2012 @ 09:44 AM
reply to post by VeritasAequitas

But just so we can clear this up, you complain about 'where I get my information', well where do you get yours friend? Some nameless face on YouTube no doubt claiming to be something he refuses to validate.

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