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Quitting smoking. Christmas Eve. Day ZERO

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posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 10:55 AM
reply to post by Nanocyte

That is WHY they ban them, they want people to suffer. They make a fortune off of taxes on smokes, they bankrupt poor families, but on the other hand, it keeps depression and anxiety at bay, so most poor will not give them up, or they'd be suicidal. The governments work for big pharma, and they make a fortune off of cancer.

They also stopped allowing a person to buy single smokes. That would help alot too. When you desperately wanted on, after a week, you buy 2 and indulge.

I've thought of ways around that, but they'd try to make that illegal too. That is have quit smoking clubs, and donate money, pass the hat, and then have single smokes to hand out. It's illegal if you sell them, but for people to get together so they've bought the pack, the government would have no right to get involved.

But they have no right anyway, its obscene what they are doing.


I would buy esmokes anyway, but refuse to do black market at high prices. You can buy the set up, but the cartridges have no nicotine in them here in Canada, so I looked into making them yourself but its dangerous. Don't want to do that.

And if someone is selling it black market, its expensive and the whole point of quitting is to get off overpriced items like that.
edit on 26-12-2012 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 11:06 AM
reply to post by NewThor7

Good mornin' baby: I hope you are feeling well this morning. Clear lungs and non smelly clothing are two perks you can look forward to enjoying.
I am an ex smoker. I smoked a pack a day for over 35 years. Last New Years day I had my last cigarette at two oclock in the afternoon I finally finished my last pack and I have not had one cigarette since.
Take it one day at a time and when you crave just remind yourself that you are doing something good for yourselv instead of thinking that you are being deprived think that you are actually getting something for it because in reality you are.

posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 11:34 AM
I've decided to try one of the E-Cigs. They're easier to purchase here now. Actually selling them at convenient stores and Walgreens. Good luck. Hope to do it myself.

posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 12:04 PM
I'm holding off till New Years :-P

posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 08:06 PM
I had to try 5 times: one year on, one year off. For ten years.
Always cold turkey. My main tool was to actually fake it: I pretended to take my non-existent cig pack out of my pocket, open it, take a non-existent cigarette, put it to my mouth, lite it, and take a loooong, good puff from it. And smoked it all. All faked, and almost as satisfying as if real. And I made it all the time, in front of people, alone, always.
It takes a week, you suddenly realize you fake it less and less...
I always started to smoke again with one cigar, "just for fun."
Another good tool is "tapping" or EFT. Google it, it works.

I am smoke free since my little baby girl, now six years old.
Keep away from nicotine, ...and keep weed tobaco free.

To all smokers, this is a fake satisfaction. Just try to fake it!

edit on 26-12-2012 by lovizall because: Forgot to tell you to smoke all your fake cigarette. And that EFT works.

posted on Dec, 27 2012 @ 01:54 AM
reply to post by NewThor7

Quitting smoking has nothing to do with willpower. Nicotine as a drug leaves your body for 99% within three weeks once you stop putting that filthy, disgusting object in your mouth. Ever wonder why smokers fail to stop? They are afraid they will suffer terrible nicotine pangs, but the reality is that they are so mild - they don't even wake you ap at night. The biggest addiction - is brainwashing and that can last for years if you don't have a proper mindset and don't know the truth about smoking business.

As an ex smoker, i would suggest everyone to read or get an audio book - Alan Carr's Easyway To Stop Smoking.

posted on Dec, 28 2012 @ 03:06 AM

Originally posted by beer
reply to post by NewThor7

Quitting smoking has nothing to do with willpower. Nicotine as a drug leaves your body for 99% within three weeks once you stop putting that filthy, disgusting object in your mouth. Ever wonder why smokers fail to stop? They are afraid they will suffer terrible nicotine pangs, but the reality is that they are so mild - they don't even wake you ap at night. The biggest addiction - is brainwashing and that can last for years if you don't have a proper mindset and don't know the truth about smoking business.

As an ex smoker, i would suggest everyone to read or get an audio book - Alan Carr's Easyway To Stop Smoking.

OK. ive had nightmares for 2 days and punched a hole through the wall,
but i think the worst is over.

...but the last 2 days were pretty bad. ugh.

thanks for the support, ats rules

posted on Dec, 29 2012 @ 01:51 PM
reply to post by NewThor7

Seriously, even if you have stopped, please read the book, or better yet - listen to the audio book - it will take an hour of your life, but you will understand that there is absolutely NOTHING positive in a cigarette and will teach you proper mindset to counter attack that little nicotine monster in your stomach and more importantly that big brainwashing monster in your brain.

So no stress, willpower, holes in the walls. Just plain joy and satisfaction of how easy it is to stop and be free.

At the end of the day - it's all in the head, really.

posted on Jan, 1 2013 @ 02:31 PM

Originally posted by Aleister
You either do it or you don't, and you don't gripe about it but love the fact that you've decided to not be stupid. I've read that almost everyone who stops smoking does it cold turkey, and doesn't "wean" themselves off it. You finally realize that the stove is hot, and don't touch it anymore. As for the "I'll quit in six days" poster, if you want to quit and really mean it you just do it, and happily. People will crave the nicotine until the body adjusts to its absence and heals itself - then food tastes better, the air smells cleaner, and dogs will like you again. You've given yourself a great Christmas gift - congratulations.

Six days later, I's been a rough couple of hours so far and I don't understand why people feel the need to tell people how to go about quitting. If you're that special and smart, write a book about it and make millions. All I can do is take it hour by hour, then day by day, etc...

posted on Jan, 1 2013 @ 02:33 PM
reply to post by NewThor7

Good on you! Stay strong! I already want to kill anyone that feels the need to ask me how I'm doing on an hourly basis. haha

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