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We Live in A Computer Simulation!!!? Code of Reality Found, Same as Used in your PC!

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posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 04:48 PM
The universe is holographic. This allows us to construct a final model of the universe:

The emergence model

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 05:02 PM
So there has to be CHEAT CODES! Lets find em and get the f$ck outta here, this game sucks!!

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 05:06 PM
So we basically live in Sim City.
I played that once, it was fun until my cities grew to large and the economy collapsed, it was at that point i pushed the "Off" button.
Our cities are overpopulated and the economy is tanking

Everyone might want to look out for a giant finger.

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 06:05 PM

Originally posted by severdsoul
While i still have to watch the video's....

my thoughts are....

psss buddy pass that this way....

because im thinkin you are smoking something real strong.

It is actually very possible..

This paper argues that at least one of the following propositions is true:
(1) the human species is very likely to go extinct before reaching a “posthuman” stage;
(2) any posthuman civilization is extremely unlikely to run a significant number of simulations of their evolutionary history (or variations thereof);
(3) we are almost certainly living in a computer simulation. It follows that the belief that there is a significant chance that we will one day become posthumans who run ancestor-simulations is false, unless we are currently living in a simulation.
A number of other consequences of this result are also discussed.

edit on 23-12-2012 by Donkey_Dean because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 06:59 PM
reply to post by Morrel

Love the video! Epic!

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 07:05 PM

Originally posted by JohnLake
reply to post by korathin

I am not gonna start a debate with you, Mr.Knowledge but you should study more about european history.Don't assume you know more than the others "little grasshopper".Besides, your logic is flawed.
edit on 23-12-2012 by JohnLake because: (no reason given)

It is not flawed or you would be able to say how it is flawed. More likely, it is something beyond your comprehension therefore it seems "illogical" because you can't understand it and you lack a historical world view to understand how different civilizations evolve.

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 07:09 PM
reply to post by DarwinVsJesus

No, I haven't read his books (yet), but I have seen him around.

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 07:18 PM
reply to post by 0zzymand0s

Yes, I agree (mostly). I don't know why people always get hung up on the battery thing and the plot-line of the Matrix movie, it's stupid. I like what you had to say and the way your last three pictures blended together. We are absolutely (well not all of "us") "translators" or transceiver or perceivers who are built especially well for building ideas into creations and possibly for the purpose of further growth and advancement of life .Anyway. thanks for the input that was output outside this thread.

edit on 23-12-2012 by NJoyZ because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 07:22 PM
reply to post by Donkey_Dean


posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 07:24 PM

Originally posted by Morg234
We live in a mathematical universe; our mathematical formulae derived from it became the foundation of computer logic. Our artificial innovations are in a small way mimicking a facet of the universe... not the other way round.

The one thing that gives me a headache when thinking about a simulated Universe, is the data potential. Or rather what I am trying to say is: The sheer amount of data that can be in existence. The problem with the simulated universe is, that the farther down in the simulated Universes(simulation within a simulation), I find it hard to imagine that the data created wouldn't create problems for the original program system.

It is like 2 to the thousands power x 2 to the thousands power, and so on. The sheer amount of data that could be created is mind boggling. Suppose you have the Alpha simulated universe, the first simulation; then within that simulation they make their own simulations. Depending on how large the availability potential for simulations is(is there just one simulation or is it possible for the creation of millions of simulations by personnel consumers within the Alpha simulation?), the exponential growth makes my brain bleed. I think the word exponential is inadequate to describe the chain reaction of data created.

It is one thing to have computers advanced enough to simulate a Universe, it is another to simulate ten, twenty or a hundred million Universes within the main program and not experience problems because of it. It is like the theory of expansion and contraction of the Universe. It can only expand so far before it crashes. How far depends on a few factors like technology that went into building the simulation, but in the end it will never be enough. Or rather I can't imagine how all the data could be stored. Granted many of the simulated worlds will be lost, as the simulations within the simulations will reach a point of collapse first(but that depends how the program was written to).

I just can't get over the sheer volume/amount/depth/everything of how much data could be involved.
edit on 23-12-2012 by korathin because: spelling error

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 07:29 PM

Originally posted by Tdeflo
The universe is holographic. This allows us to construct a final model of the universe:
The emergence model

Parts of it sound good; other parts of it are not entirely making sense to me on reading it. .

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 08:00 PM

Originally posted by jonnywhite

Originally posted by kudegras
I have always thought it interesting that when the spirit leaves the body the body immediately begins to rapidly break down. No doubt the spirit is the internal mechanism that keeps it all together and helps the blood pump and allowing life and movement.

I'm not a medical student or someone that specializes in that, but what you say is all mushy. Think I'll pass. You know our mind is in our brain and when the body can't pump enough blood or some critical function of the body is disabled, the whole maintenance system starts to fail until the whole thing shuts down. And with it goes the mind too. All of our memories and experiences, gone. There's no magic here, just a lot of science stuff. It's above both our heads, but at least I'm honest.

Occams Razor says to accept the explanation with the least assumptions. My explanation is that it's all physical and that our mind is physical too. By adding a magical element called soul or eternal spirit or whatever, you add an additional assumption and a layer of extra unnecessary complexity.

I don't WANT to believe we're physical. I want to believe there's an after-life. I want to believe that all this pain and suffering is not real after all and that when we die it's all nicely wrapped up. But science and the desire for objectivity encourages me not to pin my hopes on hocus pocus. If we're going to do well, we'll have to do well on our own and can't depend on supernatural forces. This means that when a friend dies of a terrible disease, it's irrevocable. There's no God on the other side to save his soul. There's no angel that will appear and cure him. We have to cure him ourselves.
edit on 21-12-2012 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

you are a coincidence theorist, I am not, each to their own

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 08:07 PM

Originally posted by korathin

Originally posted by Morg234
We live in a mathematical universe; our mathematical formulae derived from it became the foundation of computer logic. Our artificial innovations are in a small way mimicking a facet of the universe... not the other way round.

The one thing that gives me a headache when thinking about a simulated Universe, is the data potential. Or rather what I am trying to say is: The sheer amount of data that can be in existence. The problem with the simulated universe is, that the farther down in the simulated Universes(simulation within a simulation), I find it hard to imagine that the data created wouldn't create problems for the original program system.

It is like 2 to the thousands power x 2 to the thousands power, and so on. The sheer amount of data that could be created is mind boggling. Suppose you have the Alpha simulated universe, the first simulation; then within that simulation they make their own simulations. Depending on how large the availability potential for simulations is(is there just one simulation or is it possible for the creation of millions of simulations by personnel consumers within the Alpha simulation?), the exponential growth makes my brain bleed. I think the word exponential is inadequate to describe the chain reaction of data created.

It is one thing to have computers advanced enough to simulate a Universe, it is another to simulate ten, twenty or a hundred million Universes within the main program and not experience problems because of it. It is like the theory of expansion and contraction of the Universe. It can only expand so far before it crashes. How far depends on a few factors like technology that went into building the simulation, but in the end it will never be enough. Or rather I can't imagine how all the data could be stored. Granted many of the simulated worlds will be lost, as the simulations within the simulations will reach a point of collapse first(but that depends how the program was written to).

I just can't get over the sheer volume/amount/depth/everything of how much data could be involved.

For all we know, we are only one layer away from the actual reality. For all we know the "fuzzy pixels" referred to by our friend above could be part of the simulation's data-limitations (or perhaps they are projection limitations) (if they are real at all).
Also, the ability for computing these things may not need to be thought of as in a device created by anything like us, or even created. It might just be the nature of the universe to function in a computational way, all data is itself stored at its location in time and space as itself, no storage of data, other than itself being there, is necessary. The sub-levels of the universe and macro-levels of the universe could certainly give rise to the simulation effect on their own.

Just stare at the video below and ponder the natural crystal like growth of a universal fractal computer that computes itself and grows into every dimension, on all levels of depth (universally and subatomic): the universe as a crystal made of energetic waves that grows in all ways, is its own creator, all thing in all places are the computer, they are actively computing all the time (for a molecule to react to the molecules next to it it must be in some form or another, computing.
-- for a molecule to be pulled by gravity (even though the pull is weak) by other molecules across the known universe, they must all be computing the placement and movements of each-other alll the time!). THIS INSTANT COMPUTATIONAL ABILITY FOR DISTANT MOLECULES TO REACT HAS BEEN PROVEN SCIENTIFICALLY TO BE "INSTANTANEOUS" FASTER THAN LIGHT, FASTER THAN SPEEDS OF ANY SORT WE ARE ABLE TO MEASURE, SIMPLY.. INSTANT.


Most Relevant video (and best for entertainment and visualization of concepts) >>>
^ Haha Algo-rhythm ^

Most Scientific video (recently released) Deepest Zoom of Mandelbrot Set Ever. >>>
The deeper you go the more cool looking it gets, give it a bit of time!.

Example of fractal universe growing and expands into all dimensions (imagine this growth occurring on all levels of reality) (not saying it is, just saying imagine that's how it works, let the imagery help you imagine it). >>>

this is not photo-shopped this is how it grows! They sell them at the grocery store (now image that if this can grow like that, the universe itself growing into all spacious voids of nonexistence (or if it IS existence, growing into every bit of itself over and over), with every part of its being acting as an element of computation!) --THat my friends, is reality.

edit on 23-12-2012 by NJoyZ because: posted the wrong videos

edit on 23-12-2012 by NJoyZ because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 09:32 PM

Originally posted by HUMBLEONE
So there has to be CHEAT CODES! Lets find em and get the f$ck outta here, this game sucks!!

Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up, L1, L2, R1, R2

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 09:37 PM
Ok as a novice I would ask some questions that I am not sure would make a difference if we are in a simulation or not, atleast a highly powerful simulation anyways.

As posed in the OP's videos our eyes actually filter out everything except a small amount of the "sea of electromagnetic waves", so if we were to remove all of our sensory organs could the brain still receive and be affected by these waves of energy?

As I understand things energy cannot be destroyed, only changed or converted, so when a person dies the brain quits working but the energy that they are, if you follow that, is still in the sea of energy?, or does it convert to something else?

If you or your energy that is you, because the brain is just a construct to allow your energy to effect changes in the sim or analog world, what is your energy doing when the brain is off in the simulation?

I think the fact we can ask ourselves these questions proves that anyone inside the simulation, given enough programming and computational power could in fact detect or discover it.

I really love that we are able to discuss these concepts because even if its not a sim it directly relates to what we are and the attempt to discover what we are not. I have been thinking for along time about the ways to build a device that could measure and allow us to "see" if you will this sea of electromagnetic waves that is the actual reality.

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 11:17 PM
TAW I think theyre referring to a simulation where the brain is just part of the simulation. the idea of energy is just part of the simulation. everything you can ever know, you can only know because it is being simulated along with you. we have zero idea what the universe in which the simulation is being run looks or acts like. Although we could say, there's a certain likelyhood our simulation is based on their universe.

posted on Dec, 24 2012 @ 05:57 AM
if this is a computer simulation.

Imagine that everything that you know, all of your memories, all of your feelings and all of your dreams and hopes are just code in the machine.

That would mean that everything that happened before what you know as your existence did not really ever happen but is just a bit of code telling you that it did.

There has never Been dinosaurs, Egyptians or Romans. There has never been a world war 1 or a world war 2.

There has never been a stone age nor an iron age or a bronze age, there has only ever been the age you are in now. what ever existed before you is only code on a chip telling you that it existed.

Everything you are and everything you know, have ever known or will ever know will be gone when your program is terminated.

Now imagine, everything you have just read I have programed into your memory banks and it will stay there until you are terminated.

posted on Dec, 24 2012 @ 06:25 AM
reply to post by NJoyZ

I really like the description in OP's original post: "Everything exists everywhere else"


I just checked Bing and the only hit for those exact words are this thread. This combination of words not used before on the net? OP, you may have summed up the universe!
edit on 24-12-2012 by Aleister because: edit after Bing check

posted on Dec, 24 2012 @ 08:05 AM
There wouldn't have to be that many files. As I said earlier in the thread, there'd be one file for every element in the periodic table.

Everyone with knowledge of a particular subject would draw from the same file, say or

I think a simulated universe is doable if you think in broad terms, then small terms for how something is executed. Condense information into as few files as possible. One file for weather and one detailed file to determine how weather will behave and so on.

posted on Dec, 24 2012 @ 09:34 AM

Originally posted by Morg234
We live in a mathematical universe; our mathematical formulae derived from it became the foundation of computer logic. Our artificial innovations are in a small way mimicking a facet of the universe... not the other way round.

I wanted to bump this post from Morg234 .. as most of you are not paying attention. This is correct.

Funny how we came from an unimaginable small point of infinity .. now we are in an unimaginable large Verse. Call it Universe/Infinite ..

I would agree that the nature of our universe ( from our perspective ) is/should be in only be for Us. Not something that the Cosmos can reveal.


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