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David Icke's 1st Real Strike Against Him

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posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 11:10 AM
reply to post by projectvxn

I never even mentioned that you had too little exposure to his works! I did mention the avatar though and it seems others understand what I mean. Work it out.

don't get too het up, this is only a discussion forum.

posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 11:14 AM
In the UK businesses that are registered as a limited company have to file accounts - anyone can see these for a few dollars ....

David Icke Books LTD

That way you would be able to find out at least what is being shown to the taxman - there is of course a chance that he has multiple businesses.

Thought it might help though

posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 11:20 AM

Originally posted by JibbyJedi

Does anyone else feel like he's caring more about profit than the message he presents lately?

I worked for a metaphysical publishing house. I met many well known authors/lecturers.

They are ALL - - about the money.

That doesn't mean they don't believe in what they promote - - - most do. And most try to live life as they promote.

But why should they do it for free? I don't get that mentality. Do religious leaders do it for free?

No one forces anyone to financially support these author/lecturers. You do it by choice.

posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 11:22 AM
reply to post by Kellys

That's very useful thank you. Maybe he has got a good accountant but it does speak reams.
Should answer a few members' questions here to some degree.

posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 11:23 AM

Originally posted by JibbyJedi
reply to post by Theflyingweldsman

I'm the last person to discount all of Icke's works... I'm just saying, $2 mil per year, he can afford to give his info away for free online and still make a profit. A lot of people 40+ don't know what's beyond AOL, he'll do just fine not deleting his content online.

Live At Wembley Arena is one of his best presentations... to remove it online does an injustice to himself IMHO. He should offer all his projects for free, forget the 2 weeks waiting period.

edit on 16-11-2012 by JibbyJedi because: (no reason given)

This exactly why I have left these guys behind.. All of them... I remember one of the first strange things that happened to me when I started meditating was that I randomly listened to am radio in the middle of the night. Low and behold some guy is talking about aliens. Then he says he has a book. Then he says it's free. I took em up on that offer, and sure enough my book came free in the mail even shipping...

In any case the info wasn't tainted by the motive for money. Ickes whole message seems to be that we need to evolve psychically/spiritually.. I agreed with him about that, but then it's not a very enlightened thing to charge for online viewing now is it? Just keep selling books instead.. I almost spent money on those, i'm sure many do.

If he wants me to get his info he can find me on youtube..

This is coming from someone who is also unemployed, and minus the girl nag and the job search, I am also an insomniac as well. I've probably watched every david icke video on youtube.

Thing is Ickes material can't be getting any better on the psychic evolution front, seeing as how he is sinking into physical comforts above the spread of info. Really after you have gotten his message and understood what YOU must do to help the good side, his info is done..

Meditation brings on the rest. The best paths are not through one man's evolution, but the spiderweb of weird thoughts, hunches, youtube chains, and google searches, that seem to magically lay the next step on your journey like a feather at your feet to be picked up, on your way to flight.. The flight of light is easy it's so light...

Oddly enough my journey truly began in much the same way that Ickes did.. I didn't have to go to peru, to get bitten by the snake.. Thankfully I put that beast to rest until I have the strength to go further than before. When people are Really on the Right Track their lives get harder, not easier.. He was on the right track in the beginning don't get me wrong, but like me he has put on the breaks. I know he has put on the breaks because it's past time for him to be talking if he is serious about what he is saying..

I still like the guy. Least I like him a lot more than Alex or Jesse haha..

Question, Intent, Nothing, Meditation, Eternal, Answer...
edit on 11/16/2012 by Dustytoad because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 11:46 AM
I think Icke has some good information, his reptilian theory is just a tiny small part of what he lectures about.

And as far as what he earns, who cares? No is forced to buy his books or videos, people want that information and apparently they are willing to pay for it. We all have to live and earn money. He never said anything about trying to live without it.

Jesse Ventura and Alex Jones preach fear constantly. Icke is the only one who offers a solution. It may not be for everyone but at least he offers one instead of crying "be scared, be scared" all the time.

My 2 cents...

posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 11:55 AM
Why do people feel that others who teach about spirituality should not charge money for what they do? I have never understood this.

Should every book, lecture, CD, etc from Deepak Chopra or Eckhart Tolle and others also be free?

How in the world are people supposed to support themselves otherwise?

If you are a follower of this spiritual information and put the teachings into practice are you then supposed to quite your job and give away all of your belongings? Should you start working for free?

Seriously, just because someone believes we should love and take care of each other doesn't mean they don't need to eat and pay rent.

posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 12:04 PM

Originally posted by wrdwzrd
Why do people feel that others who teach about spirituality should not charge money for what they do? I have never understood this.

Should every book, lecture, CD, etc from Deepak Chopra or Eckhart Tolle and others also be free?

I don't understand it either. This is a physical needs and monetary society. Be real.

LOL Chopra. He's managed by a New York "shark" lawyer. He doesn't deal with monetary stuff himself - - - he hired someone for that.

posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 12:42 PM
reply to post by Dustytoad

Very well said friend.

Low and behold some guy is talking about aliens. Then he says he has a book. Then he says it's free. I took em up on that offer, and sure enough my book came free in the mail even shipping...

Would that be George Green's Handbook For The New Paradigm?
He does send out those to anyone for free, that holds a lot of credibility to me when it comes to this "freeing humanity" message many preach.

Alex & David I feel are the top 2 dogs in this fight on the "out of the box-wake up humanity" agenda. I have never paid a cent to Alex or David and I've seen every video they've produced. I don't believe they should "work for free", but they can sell their stuff and also offer it for free online and they'll still make a killing IMO.

posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 12:50 PM

Originally posted by Xaphan
reply to post by JibbyJedi

David Icke is worth $2M, and he lives in a small apartment? Seems odd to me.

Guess the income is not the important t part it is what do you do with it.

posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 12:55 PM

This accurate?

posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 01:05 PM

Originally posted by khimbar

This accurate?

Total Current Assets: £329,150
The sum of Stocks, Trade Debtors, Cash and Miscellaneous Current Assets in 2011

I guess that business isn't doing as well as it could. That's just 1 of his sources of income. Jesse broke it down in episode 1 of CT, his total income is about $2mil/yr from all sources like books, tours, radio/TV appearances, etc.

It's a double edged sword. He has to make a living, and at the same time he bashes capitalism and the economic system. I don't feel he's a hypocrite though, but at this point in his economic status, he can afford to post his 8 hour lectures for free on YT and still live very well. That's my only gripe here.

posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 01:38 PM

Originally posted by JibbyJedi
reply to post by ALF88

The OPs assumptions are also NOT based on facts! It is pure speculation!

Apart from that even David Icke has to pay his bills, believe it or not.

My assumptions are based on his recent tirade of removing large videos of his recent presentation. He leaves the 15 minute mixed up clips but the 2+ hour videos are removed within 48 hours.

That leads me to believe my initial assumption that his profits outweigh the importance of his message. If I made $2 million in 1 year, I'd be set for life, I wouldn't need to squeeze an extra $5,000 or so by eliminating Youtube free clips of the presentation. That's a high estimate of the results of his YT squeezing.

Yes, but it's not like he gets some lifelong pension check from the David Icke foundation. The figure you have for his income is probably directly tied to royalties from sales of his books, videos, etc. So if people stop buying the stuff, he has no income, I would imagine.

However, I agree that his actions do seem somewhat conflicted with his words, in this particular regard.

posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 01:47 PM

Originally posted by madjetxe
One solution is to understand where your soul goes,this is what
they do not want you to know.Where you go after death and what to
know to direct your spirit to the right place.

When you speak of your soul and your spirit it sounds as if you are addressing your comments to a carnal body that is in possession of these spiritual faculties. Is this intended as a practical insight? Or are you offering us the common and usual mis-direction that tends to trap people and prevent acquiring actual awareness?

There are many unknowns regarding spirit, soul, afterlife, etc., whether any of these exist, what their qualities may be and other such considerations; these are all widely conjectured and largely unproven. For many who have spiritual thoughts and/or awarenesses most seem to assume we are spiritual beings in possession of a carnal body as a temporary vessel. In that case it makes no sense to address beings as bodies and refer to soul as another of their possessions. That is the oldest soul-trap in the book and widely used to keep humans tied to the carnal experiences sans spiritual awareness and development.

If you consider this carnal existence as the be-all and end-all of our ultimate experience or that it may perpetuate with further physical incarnations then you are going in the right direction if you feel that is the right place. Say hi to the slavers for me on your next go-around. Thanks.

edit on 16-11-2012 by Erongaricuaro because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 02:00 PM
I was lucky enough to catch it first time round on YT, and did start a thread about it but the video was removed almost as soon as the thread opened. The subscription for the event live stream runs out on the 26th, and viewing prices have already dropped heaps as appose ti the original fee. If this event is not free on YouTube soon after I would be surprised, and dissapointed by mr Icke.

I liked the overall message portrayed in the event, can't say I agree with every word, but he actually touches on a lot of the stuff many many members here do, so I also find such a hostile reception here puzzling. I know he uses half truths and adds abit to make things fit etc, but tell me, where can I find the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth?......

Don't say court. Lol

posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 02:46 PM
I happily paid 23 dollars to watch the live feed! I also know that if I had waited a month I could have watched it for free. I believe people should be compensated for their hard work, with that being said I have watched a lot of David's stuff for free. I find it amusing that people give him a hard time for making money, obviously the people saying those things are not entrepreneur's. Have you not noticed that David's shows get bigger and bigger, the venues get bigger and bigger? How do you think he pays to reserve Wembley Stadium, how do you think he pays his staff, and the cost of production? Is it so horrible that he would want to make money, so that his message will reach the masses?

Another poster has the video of his small apartment, it's not like he is living a lavish lifestyle.

posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 03:27 PM
reply to post by JibbyJedi

So much for him wanting people to "wake up". If he actually cared then he would leave this videos up even if it is means a bit loss of profits.
So I guess this proves that he like everyone else is in it only for money...

posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 03:30 PM

Originally posted by Annee

Originally posted by JibbyJedi

Does anyone else feel like he's caring more about profit than the message he presents lately?

I worked for a metaphysical publishing house. I met many well known authors/lecturers.

They are ALL - - about the money.

That doesn't mean they don't believe in what they promote - - - most do. And most try to live life as they promote.

But why should they do it for free? I don't get that mentality. Do religious leaders do it for free?

No one forces anyone to financially support these author/lecturers. You do it by choice.

The problem is that he claims himself that it is not about money, but about waking people up. If that was the case then he should have left these videos up as that would wake up more people which should be more important than earning a few extra bucks.

posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 03:51 PM
He released numerous videos and books detailing things that cannot be proven, and does those long speeches where people pay good money for a ticket. Would something like this surprise you?

Anyone who knows a great truth and wants to go about giving it to others wouldn't charge you for it (i.e. You won't be paying bills to Jesus or Buddha anytime soon, despite what televangelists want you to believe).

posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 03:54 PM
reply to post by JibbyJedi

Sorry Jibby, my Ickeism rant was directed at Sonny1, not at you.
I like your posts and often agree with you.
I only advised you to be patient.
As I learned during my padawan training, this is THE most important quality of a true Jedi.
All things come to those who wait.
Even free David Icke videos.

edit on 16/11/2012 by Theflyingweldsman because: spelling

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