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When there was a real threat to destroy the pyramids

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posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 01:22 AM
Religious Fanatics of ANY RELIGION are just plain NUTS! I get so sick of reading about some Fanatical Islamist who is vowing to Blow Up this or well as some Ultra-Right Wing Christian who shoots or attempts to shoot a Doctor at a Planned Parenthood Clinic.

Zealots are available in all sizes, colors and Religions. The World would be a much better place without them!
Split Infinity

posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 01:27 AM
reply to post by SplitInfinity

Well things are a bit better we don't have century long wars of religion between the nations! So we're getting better

posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 01:27 AM
reply to post by Hanslune

Nope, from Africa, got a lot of Iraqi's, Iranians, Indians etc, but no Saudis in my country. I know my fair share, of their mentality, only issue with them is they dont let you bang their women, but they love a good African sexy time. Other than that they are great, didn't even notice them in school and some where my best friends, how you can't see that a curly haired Arab with the last name Hassan is not African is crazy. The only real difference is they went to a different church which I later found out was a mosque where they took their shoes off, lol we used to go and pad lock their sandals.

posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 01:32 AM
reply to post by Hanslune

We are getting better as the recent Middle East Awakenings have shown. But we have people right here in the U.S. that are just plain CRAZY as they protest everything and anything they do not agree with at a Violent Level.

Protesting is fine but when a Church Group goes to the Funeral of a Fallen Soldier and harasses the Family and carries signs saying...Your Son is DEAD because GOD is Punishing our Country because of GAY MARRIAGE!

Good thing I was not there as that sign would find a new place in which it would be buried!

Split Infinity

posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 10:53 AM
reply to post by chishuppu

Lots of Arabs have Black blood from the extensive slave trade run for many centuries on the East Coast of Africa.

Oman is a good place to visit not as dull as must gulf Arab lands. More colourful and exciting due to the African influence and the softer touch of their sect of Islam

posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 10:55 AM
reply to post by SplitInfinity

But again a tiny minority, they had their crazies in ancient times too. Its why the 'moderates' must always keep the loons on both sides undercontrol

posted on Nov, 15 2012 @ 11:41 AM
Pasha Muhammed Ali probably came to his senses, realizing that the stones that make up the Great Pyramids and the Sphinx are pretty much worthless. The value of these World Wonders rest in the sum of the parts. Simple stones made impressive edifices.

Kind of like when the Berlin Wall came down. People were buying $50 pieces; which are nothing more than chunks of cement with a certificate of authenticity. The only value is in the perception of its importance.

Also, I have never heard of a single person who has worshipped the pyramids. I have heard of crazy people building their own copper tube pyramid to meditate under/inside. I don't think that had as much to do with the pyramid as it did having a "special" place designated for meditation, which like any discipline a dedicated space helps one be more productive.

I do think the fanatical Imams and Muslim Brotherhood leaders are far more motivated to destroy the ancient pyramids and sphinx as they are motivated out of (ignorance and blindness to truth) religious zealotry. It is a shame to see how these monuments to how civilization can work together to build something bigger than themselves and accomplish other significant huge things has endured all kinds of strife and political upheavals, yet a bunch of religiously motivated ignorant fools could very well destroy them. Shows how stupid the Imams and Muslim Brotherhood can be.

Where is moderation? It is simply not allowed according to the most important verses in the Koran that overweigh the pretty-feel-good-and-get-along verses. There is an element of this extremism that is like a virus injected into humanity. We've endured other viruses. Let's hope the health of humanity is resilient enough to recover from this one - and return to a community of love, harmony, and peace (despite displaying many different facets of personality, of beliefs, and of ways of life, that all point to the same ultimate God).

posted on Nov, 15 2012 @ 04:59 PM
reply to post by Hanslune

I wish more Moderates would speak out against the evils of Extremists. People of this nature are blind to all the issues involved in a subject and they see in terms of Black and White.

Life is very GREY....VERY GREY indeed. Split Infinity

posted on Nov, 15 2012 @ 06:07 PM
reply to post by twoandthree

You that I think of it...Let the Islamic Extremists TRY to destroy the Pyramids. The Great Pyramid one of three that line up with Orion's Belt in Giza has by itself over a MILLION Multi-Ton Blocks.

Perhaps if these Extremists spent all their time which would be in terms of DECADES...trying to tear these Pyramids down...they would have LITTLE TIME LEFT TO DO SOME OF THE OTHER INSANE THINGS THAT THEY ARE WELL KNOWN TO DO!

I see them trying at first then giving up a week later as they all cry...THIS IS HARD! LOL! Split Infinity

posted on Nov, 15 2012 @ 06:32 PM
reply to post by SplitInfinity

Well with modern explosives the limestone blocks could be shattered and scattered but it would still be a large exercise in 'quarrying ' that and the other 117 pyramids although many of those are mere mud brick mounds, that all the tens of thousands of mastabas and rock cut tombs would keep them busy for quite awhile

posted on Nov, 15 2012 @ 07:14 PM
reply to post by Hanslune

Even so...It would take them DECADES to do this and like you said...there would see be a large pile of rubble. LOL!
Split Infinity

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