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According to the telegraph Ufologie is dying!

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posted on Nov, 5 2012 @ 01:49 PM
reply to post by Lone12

...tell me... - im the only one one on whole ATS...who is afraid of the false light coming ?

Nothings coming .

....dont tell me ATS s just as blinded as the sheeple they accuse ?

Nope just seen past the whole 2012 fear porn hype , nothing will happen the 22nd will be pretty much like the 21st and Christmas will happen same as last year same as next , then no doubt sometime soon we will be given a new date to fear .

posted on Nov, 5 2012 @ 02:16 PM
I was recently giving deep thought to the ufology and ufo phenomenon of the 1960's, compared to present times. Something is --drastically-- different. I was also straining to remember the formation of ufos I saw back in 1979. I was only 19. I keep asking myself, "did I really see that? Per my current memory?" How much influence did movies and repetition have on the minds of people from 1950-to-1980? The Day The Earth Stood Still and Close Encounters Of The third Kind. Why did actual "flying saucers" actually land and burn people (Falcon Lake landing and evidence, 1967 Canada) but they don't now?
I think todays experts/authorities in Ufology need to take a close look at that. I feel it's important, somehow.

Every night I look out my highrise apt window, and a couple of times a saw a strange light, but nothing is like (for me anyway) decades ago.

posted on Nov, 5 2012 @ 02:37 PM
Havent fully read it yet, but id agree with it...

Although rather than say its dying, id say its gotten to the point where its mental condition has deteriorated so far that old uncle Ufologie has to go that special retirement place up in the hills where they have nice padded cells. he aint dead but for all intensive purposes he is to the rest of the world.

His moments of lucidity are just way to few and far between these days, and hes becoming a danger to himself.

Hey ive read, followed and believed (and once or twice possible seen) UFO's for over 30 years but the current set and ideas of the field are verging on the loony, and so many believers are becoming even worse.

Hence why ive more or less given up on the field over the last few years. Better to be a tempered independent believer than caught up in the current UFO paradigm.
edit on 5-11-2012 by BigfootNZ because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 5 2012 @ 03:26 PM
reply to post by BigfootNZ

'Uncle Ufologie' reminds me of something I had thought of alot over time. a phenomenon all by it'self within this phenomenon, of a "credible" guy with an 'important' background who gets the ufo bug, and becomes increasingly the stereotypical sandals-wearing unkempt-hairdo and crystal-wearing spiritual-seeker. Him a representation of this subject.
I listened to Richard Dolan describe his reaction of being amongst old conservative ufology in (I think it was> Norway, then going straight from there to Los Angeles, to a conference that was more the chakras and crystals crowd.

posted on Nov, 5 2012 @ 03:37 PM
reply to post by 0bserver1

I have to admit, three years of ATS has kinda killed my interest in general. The only saving grace of the UFO phenomenon for me is that I have seen UFOs. If it wasn't for that then ATS would have destroyed my beliefs years ago...

posted on Nov, 5 2012 @ 03:38 PM
I am not sure what Ufology is anymore or what it is really meant to achieve. If it is simply studying lights in the sky then we have been doing so for over 60 years with no real results.

However the 1950s were probably when interest in the topic peaked. The US, UK, and many other Air Forces and civilian airlines were having real problems with 'something' in the skies. Surely not everything was weather balloons, temperature inversions, dodgy radar returns and swamp gas? Alongside that though were the growth of contactee movements all proclaiming that human like beings were warning us of our impending doom for abusing nuclear power. After that came the New Age religions with the same primitive ideals of the old age ones but with a science fiction wrapper that just gets in the way of proper studies of the phenomenon.

There were many stories of contact with humanoid aliens who all used technology that seemed maybe a a decade or two ahead of our own and often came from the planets of the Solar System or even the moon. As the mid-1970s came and Close Encounters hit the big screen those human like beings changed to little grey guys who had invaded bedrooms and transported people away for evil genetic experiments.

But we also found out that no one lives (at least on the surface) of any of our neighbouring planets. What a bummer for all those who thought they'd met a Venusian. Those spiritual humanoids were obviously lying or existed in their imaginations.

As the era of camcorder and digital technology advanced into the late 1990s the last really big UFO story was possibly the Phoenix lights in 1997. When was the last real "alien" meeting story?

You could speculate that with the end of the Cold War, and the nuclear threat has faded, that interest from 'out there' has cooled. Perhaps we can now defend ourselves from incursions into our atmosphere? Or maybe we have been placed in quarantine.

Now we have HD mobile cameras in our phones it hasn't improved anything at all. There are now no really good meaty UFO stories, especially involving alien occupants, because if people capture something on camera then the evidence is no longer down to their perception and testimony. What would Lonnie Zamora's patrol car have captured on a dashboard camera had our technology have been 30 years ahead of it's time? Would the guys stomping around Rendlesham have had such an exciting tale if everything had been captured on their personal helmet camera? Would the crew of loggers accompanying Travis Walton have had amazing, separate footage on their mobile cell phones?

Whereas once I was genuinely excited by the topic now I think that most UFO tales of the past were simply mistakes, exaggerations or full blown hoaxes and so any genuine visits from an ET source are very rare. But it only takes ONE to be from another world and history will be change forever.
edit on 5/11/12 by mirageman because: Bad English

posted on Nov, 5 2012 @ 03:40 PM
reply to post by mirageman

New Age beliefs have been around at least a century before the 1950s. I will add a link when I remember where it was.

posted on Nov, 5 2012 @ 03:44 PM
are you talking about false flag UFO's or alien planets, because what i can see is that we are on the brinks of finding habitable planets, if they were to find life on Mars it would make a whole new breakthrough in the centuries to come.
Well but it all depends on the person aswell, like me for example; I will always be facinated with Astronomy and Alien planets, so therefor UFO's will still be popular for me and my own interest because thats what i like.

On the other hand there are people who dont care about finding life on other planets and who dont care about the universe itself. Those people would rather watch Kim Kardashian cry on MTV then to watch the first man landing on Mars
edit on 5-11-2012 by BacknTime because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 5 2012 @ 03:45 PM
I agree about CGI ruining UFO studies. Is it the end? Heavens no! Not by far.
If you are SERIOUS about studying UFOs you can goto countries like China where there are universities
Offer classes on it. I believe there are classes in Russia as well.

Leave it up to western powers to muddy the waters so bad everyone turns a blind eye to it.....

posted on Nov, 5 2012 @ 03:49 PM

Originally posted by Wide-Eyes
reply to post by mirageman

New Age beliefs have been around at least a century before the 1950s. I will add a link when I remember where it was.

That makes an oxymoron of the term "New Age" then

edit on 5/11/12 by mirageman because: Superfluous word

posted on Nov, 5 2012 @ 03:52 PM
This UFO issue has its up and downs.

posted on Nov, 5 2012 @ 04:03 PM
Ufology today is not worse off or better than it was, say, 70 years ago in the 1940.

If anything, Ufology is one of those "sciences" which stagnates and where there are no real developments for MANY decades. This is not different today. Ufology is a field with high chances there will simply never be answers, or at least not simple ones.

At first, i was inclined to disagree with the cited article - but then i read it and i HAVE TO agree with what it says. I see it on myself: I am "hanging out" on UFO forums, in my past i read countless books and watched movies and documentaries, i attended UFO related chats and newsgroups. I am not a single inch closer to an "answer", actually i got way, way more skeptical than I was in the early days.

What did all that interest and research produce? NOTHING!

We're at the same level "Ufology" was 60 or 70 years ago. If you deny this, you are simply blind.

But then, I do not believe that Ufology is "dying", simply because it is not any different a subject today then it was way back in the past. There might even be a chance that newly discovered exoplanets etc. revive a new interest or that other people with new ideas come along.
edit on 5-11-2012 by flexy123 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 5 2012 @ 05:02 PM

Originally posted by flexy123
Ufology today is not worse off or better than it was, say, 70 years ago in the 1940.

If anything, Ufology is one of those "sciences" which stagnates and where there are no real developments for MANY decades. This is not different today. Ufology is a field with high chances there will simply never be answers, or at least not simple ones.

At first, i was inclined to disagree with the cited article - but then i read it and i HAVE TO agree with what it says. I see it on myself: I am "hanging out" on UFO forums, in my past i read countless books and watched movies and documentaries, i attended UFO related chats and newsgroups. I am not a single inch closer to an "answer", actually i got way, way more skeptical than I was in the early days.

What did all that interest and research produce? NOTHING!

We're at the same level "Ufology" was 60 or 70 years ago. If you deny this, you are simply blind.

But then, I do not believe that Ufology is "dying", simply because it is not any different a subject today then it was way back in the past. There might even be a chance that newly discovered exoplanets etc. revive a new interest or that other people with new ideas come along.
edit on 5-11-2012 by flexy123 because: (no reason given)

As long as the phenomenon of "sightings" persists (it does- & if anything, it is increasing-I've had many, many sightings), the field of study will persist.

The problem is several:

1)The extreme strangeness of it means that we have no point of reference to even begin to really understand what is happening (& something is happening I can assure you). It is like lacking the prerequesites for taking any particular university course- you would get there, & just have no idea what is going on. Of course, in university, you would not even be there w/out the prerquesites, but in the ufo phenomenon, here we are, & we just need to figure it out gradually. It is insisting upon itself, & no amount of denial or stonewalling will stop the process.

2)The military industrial complex, & intelligence community feels extremely threatened by what is happenning. The level of detail & cleverness that goes into psychological warfare is amazing- entire generations have spent there entire careers, every day, for decades upon decades, in the pursuit of slanting public opinion, propoganda so clever that we don't even recongnize it for what it is.

The only thing that will die is the silly, divisive (& most likely conciously contrived) speculation & assumptions between those who allow themselves to be labeled & categorized as "skeptics" & "believers". No skeptics, no believers- these are unreal things- the only existant thing is ignorance & the perpetuation of ignorance by both parties who insist upon creating a wall between us all, instead of us all just saying "I don't know", & leaving useless speculation & the small minded, visionless circular reasoning of "skeptics" out of it.

posted on Nov, 5 2012 @ 05:43 PM
reply to post by 0bserver1

Countdown to disclosure. Within 10 years Earth will make contact.

posted on Nov, 5 2012 @ 08:05 PM
reply to post by Jchristopher5

Re "We have tons of creditable witnesses, video, pictures, and even physical proof in the form of landing marks, radiation fields, and abductee implants. "

Please tell me you are joking. Landing marks are easily faked as can radiation fields and as for abductee implants, a couple of non distinguishable bits of goo that could well have been from a fall off a pushbike years before and forgoten about All I can say is I have some moon rocks that fell onto my block last week and they're up for sale, I'll sell to you cheap if you like only say $30,000 AU but if you get the money to me by this arvo, I'll give you a 40% discount.
by the way my statement about having moon rocks was a joke. Thought I'd put that in just in case you believe me like you do re the landing marks, radiation and implants

posted on Nov, 5 2012 @ 08:14 PM

I look at it like this, I am getting old now... I have been as a hobby, a theologist, Ufologist, and a passionate baseball fan.. Ufology and theology, have allot in common.. I would have to agree, thou UFOLOGY, is dying or becoming less attractive. We live in a digital age, the World is shrinking becoming smaller and smaller faster and faster each day that passes and new science and technology is developed. At this stage in the game with all the camera's not to mention High definition camera's video camera's and now we are on the cutting edge to ULTRA HD, you would THINK... A UFO, would be clearly video taped for more then 1 min, or 30 secs, that was not shaking around, fuzzy or cgi, or something that was just a conclusive WTF is that.. All the video's and so called evidence personal accounts books etc. etc. After decades of study seem to have one thing in common.....

A person's EGO.....

I have seen some crap I cannot explain in life, but I learned something....

Its not that important...

Life is to short trying to figure that crap out,
before you know it, you'll be old,
dying of cancer and all alone....

Still not knowing...

posted on Nov, 6 2012 @ 02:11 AM

Originally posted by Cybernet
reply to post by 0bserver1

Countdown to disclosure. Within 10 years Earth will make contact.

yes and people where saying that 10 years ago... its comments like this that cause injury to the field. Let it (disclosure) happen when it happens, why throw out a stupidly broad prediction or any prediction at all?

Originally posted by MaurinQuina
I have seen some crap I cannot explain in life, but I learned something....

Its not that important...

Life is to short trying to figure that crap out,
before you know it, you'll be old,
dying of cancer and all alone....

Still not knowing...

Pretty much what im like now myself
Sure ill keep my eye to the sky and read the odd piece of material, but ill hold off any deep thought about it until they finally drop out of the sky one day and say "welcome earth". Since its ONLY then that you honestly can say, theres any real truth to it all... until then, as you say... lifes too short to waste it on trying to prove unprovable suppositions.

And im not even old yet.
edit on 6-11-2012 by BigfootNZ because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 6 2012 @ 05:18 AM

Originally posted by MaurinQuina

I look at it like this, I am getting old now... I have been as a hobby, a theologist, Ufologist, and a passionate baseball fan.. Ufology and theology, have allot in common.. I would have to agree, thou UFOLOGY, is dying or becoming less attractive. We live in a digital age, the World is shrinking becoming smaller and smaller faster and faster each day that passes and new science and technology is developed. At this stage in the game with all the camera's not to mention High definition camera's video camera's and now we are on the cutting edge to ULTRA HD, you would THINK... A UFO, would be clearly video taped for more then 1 min, or 30 secs, that was not shaking around, fuzzy or cgi, or something that was just a conclusive WTF is that.. All the video's and so called evidence personal accounts books etc. etc. After decades of study seem to have one thing in common.....

A person's EGO.....

I have seen some crap I cannot explain in life, but I learned something....

Its not that important...

Thats ego right there in my book...."its not important". By the way there is a good deal of fine UFO film.....its just that the good stuff gets confiscated. Now the large news outlets did show that UFO over the airport a few years back, but let me tell you if it were any better than that it would have been pulled.

Yea I put UFO folks into several groups.....witnesses, believers and non-believers. Or even witnesses and non witnesses.

posted on Nov, 6 2012 @ 06:51 AM
reply to post by Unity_99

So what are the stills at 53/54 seconds supposed to show

Obviously you must have an idea so lets hear it?

posted on Nov, 6 2012 @ 06:57 AM

Originally posted by spiritualarchitect
reply to post by 0bserver1

UFO Sightings Increase 67 Percent In 3 Years

The problem with that is that every spec of light in the night pictured/filmed is claimed as a ufo even when its obvious it's stars aircraft etc so that doesn't really help

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