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ATS Is Only As Reliable As The Knowledge Of The Members It Contains

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posted on Oct, 3 2012 @ 09:32 AM
No one person is perfect, I understand that, but it seems as time goes on, more and more immature people keep popping up on this site, though it won't shake us, the ones who are mature, and can admit when we are wrong, to come together to find the truth.

The people who run this site are only human too. That needs to be remembered. It's sad. I see a lot of post replies to the ones who run this site, and stars given, over the dumbest, and most simple post. They are people just like you, and me. Just because they say, or believe something, doesn't make it true, or right. Don't idolize these people. This site is just as corrupt as the next. I won't go into detail, because I believe that is not necessary.

I joined this site to better understand a paranormal event that happened to me early in life, but after posting a thread about it, It left me just as lost as when I started. It just means the answer is yet to be found on the matter. It doesn't mean the answer isn't out there, It just means the ones who saw my thread, didn't have the answers for me, at least not any that answer the questions I have about it. ATS is only as reliable as the knowledge of the members.

The overall point I want to make, which comes as common sense to most, Is that just because a member makes a claim, or accusation, doesn't mean there is any truth to it. A lot of people on this site like starting arguments, and making their opinions heard. A small amount provide credentials to support their words. That needs to change. To make a dream come true, the immature, and hateful people on this site would be weeded out, but I know that is not going to happen. The ones that really care about the truth, and bringing it to the light, we need to keep our heads up. Let the hate rain, and just bring your umbrella. The truth always comes to light at some point. The ones that make accusations, who are negative, and just look to fight, without having any support, or credentials to what they say, should be ignored. Why waste time arguing with someone who knows nothing of the subject discussed?

This is my way to attempt to make a change with where this site is going. To a site dedicated to denying ignorance, it has an awfully lot of ignorance hidden in the cracks. No one is perfect, I know this just as well as the next level headed person, but if you are wrong, admit it, learn the truth, and move on. Lying just to prove a point leaves a person stuck where they are, concerning the knowledge whatever subject they are lying about. If these people want to be ignorant, or naive, that is there choice. Who am I to tell them they can't live in ignorance. If that is their life choice, so be it.

I hope some can hear the message in this thread. I do like this site, and I want it to be what it was created to be. Not run down by a bunch of angry, naive, and hateful people. Godspeed.

posted on Oct, 3 2012 @ 09:42 AM

This is my way to attempt to make a change with where this site is going. To a site dedicated to denying ignorance, it has an awfully lot of ignorance hidden in the cracks.

Good luck with that. A good place to start would be to replace all the mods.

posted on Oct, 3 2012 @ 09:44 AM

ATS Is Only As Reliable As The Knowledge Of The Members It Contains

In that case, no one can be relied on to know anything. Not even ourselves. If you take
solipsism into account (and it is a very arguable theory) then this premise is a really helpful way to look at the world.


Let me make myself a little clearer. I'm not saying this is a ridiculous idea - it's actually a pretty defendable assertion - I'm saying that it does nothing to help any of us retain our sanity. If nothing can be relied on here because of this certain aspect, let's not stop there: let's apply it EVERYWHERE that aspect comes into play, which is EVERYWHERE. And solipsism only exacerbates the issue.

edit on 3-10-2012 by AfterInfinity because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 3 2012 @ 09:44 AM
reply to post by TheBeatMasta

Very well said my friend!

I've noticed as well more and more ignorant posts as well, and I don't understand!

Some people even comment that they just joined this site to have a good laugh! And it's almost like-um u didn't have to join-you can still read the comments without being a member-then I think oh they joined to mock and be a troll!

Which is silly to me.
I love this site! And I learn a lot-and I question everything and try and find the truth. And I don't believe everything I read. Have a wonderful day.

Increase the peace!

posted on Oct, 3 2012 @ 09:50 AM
Computer, define "the immature, and hateful people on this site".

Everyone have belief and their belief belong to themselves until its proven they are wrong. They will fight for their belief. Something interesting arise when 2 set of belief clash. To make things worse, there are plethora of belief level and point of view regarding even single subject.

No one is perfect, I know this just as well as the next level headed person, but if you are wrong, admit it, learn the truth, and move on.

Yes, however there will be another person with a different understanding level who will brought new ideas to the discussion and things will start over. The real winner is the reader.

The glass is neither full or empty.

posted on Oct, 3 2012 @ 10:34 AM
reply to post by NullVoid

The glass is always full. It's just that nobody cares about the air, because it can't be seen with the physical eye or touched with the physical finger. It doesn't stimulate our physical self, so we only care about the liquid or whatever fills the other half, because it does.

Sound familiar?
edit on 3-10-2012 by AfterInfinity because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 3 2012 @ 12:41 PM
reply to post by AfterInfinity

Not trying to be rude, but read my first post again, if you read it at all. The key word you need to be looking for, is credentials. I need not say more. This is a post/reply to your first reply.

posted on Oct, 3 2012 @ 12:54 PM
reply to post by TheBeatMasta

Then put that in your title. Regardless of your post, my response still applies. How do you know we're not all just brains in jars, being scrutinized and stimulated by an alien playing mad scientist?

That means that everyone who has been earned their "credentials" has simply absorbed and regurgitated everything the speculative 'alien mad scientist' gave them because they don't have the awareness or tools to discover the true predicament we might all possibly share.

Which means we can only take this world with a large handful of salt that many people call "faith": faith that this world is indeed real, and not simply a figment of our collective imaginations. Of course, it still might be - we just have to do the best we can with that possibility.

The spin I took from your title still relates to your post. You may not have seen it coming, but it's still worth considering, I think. If that's not how you look at it, at least allow the other members the privilege of taking this perspective into consideration - with a grain of salt, of course.

edit on 3-10-2012 by AfterInfinity because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 3 2012 @ 12:57 PM
If we are to believe
We are a tree
Is it with any kind of certainty?
If we were to be symmetrical in our symmetry
If could be taken as some form of whimsy

Any single belief can be as a flea
But as it jumps it can fly over a black sea
Locked away under the dark degree
It can be unlocked with the church key

Everything is symmetrical
With its symmetry
A simple kind of geometry
Within its singularity

That is a tree
A single mote of infinity
I think of this as I drink herbal tea
And fly around the dream of a shining sea

edit on 3-10-2012 by EvilSadamClone because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 3 2012 @ 03:45 PM
reply to post by AfterInfinity

I'm not even going to read your text anymore. It's a waste of my time. I got a few words into your latest post, and realized you were just going to stray off of the point, and say whatever you have to so you don't look like you're wrong. Next.

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