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Ahmadinejad and Pierce Morgan on CNN, I agree 90% with Ahmadinejad

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posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 03:19 AM
reply to post by Augustine62

So would you prefer a "Protocal of Sion=Synogogue of Satan which fiat paper currencies indebt the sovereign nations of the world for the ultimate goal of collapsing those currencies for the ultimate goal of a one world currency whereby "Give me control over a nations currency and I care not who makes it's laws" prevails and all nations of the world are enslaved to the idea that there is a chosen few out there that some 'wise men' the king of Israel had put together via 'human lingual verses' of both talmudic and torah origin rule the earth. The rest are to be as dogs/pigs in the eyes of their new masters? Yeshua/Jesus was beloved for a reason and the king of Israel never could out-debate him; hence all the trouble at the tower. Yeshua only wrote with symbols in the sand for a reason as the truth can only be seen for what it is, then one may attempt to write/speak it to a neighbor. Long story, see other posts for more if your blood temperature seems out of wack with reality. Jews and Arabs got along fine before Rothschild central banker extraoridinare's state of Israel was established to set up shop/base in the middle eastern theatre at the expense of.....everyone else. 90% of Israel's population is of Eastern European Ashkenazi Morovingian jews (converted) 100s of years after the Sephardic version.

Shhh, just read it, then.....again if necessary:
Timeline of the Rothschilds.

I don't believe that will work out as planned. It wasn't meant to. The Golden Rule, Hypocratic Oath, respect for one's neighbors works well and need not be 'written' though understood for what it is, just as any other unseen natural law. Agenda 21, PNAC, AIPAC, Rex 86, digital fiat currency, FEMA camps, technological control grid, toxic pharmaceuticals, toxic flouridated/calcified/hormonized public water supplies, chemtrails, haarp, morgellons disease, nanobots, nano-neural-wires, elf mind control, false flag attacks, 9/11mossad/cia (rogue) coop, codex alimentarious, etc,
Sounds more like the work of Satan than that of the Creator. No? Now there are atheists involved as well though the zionist led NWO crowd are quite aware of that situation. Hard to imagine 'things' got this far though when zionists manage to use fiat currency to install their people in the most influential positions in countries around the world and write the laws to benefit their 'cause' it shouldn't be so hard to fathom.

edit on 26-9-2012 by Bluemoonsine because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 03:23 AM
reply to post by Sly1one

How does ANY of the bleeding-heart nonsense justify Israel's foreign policy and even their less than human domestic policy?? How does Iranian Hippocracy justify Israeli hippocracy? They don't and it doesn't..

You must be under the impression that everywhere can be as safe as your parents house in the suburbs.

This is about Ahmaginejad and his comments, his trust worthiness, and Iran.

You guys make it about Palestine because it might have been a point in Ahmaginejad's speech.

But none of you bleeding hearts have the balls to technically dismantle his speech to see if the guy is even reliable and trust worthy to listen to.

And then you claim I'm the one bringing in non-sense. The guy is not a representative of Israel, he's a representative of the Islamic regime. The Islamic regime brutally oppresses people. What don't you bleeding hearts get?

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 03:25 AM
Please, watch this video of Uri Avnery being interviewed by RT on the situation between Israel and Iran. Pretty informative and his views are realistic.

Uri Avnery is an Israeli writer and founder of the Gush Shalom peace movement. A member of the Irgun as a teenager, Avnery sat in the Knesset from 1965–74 and 1979–81. Wikipedia

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 03:30 AM
reply to post by Sly1one

Tethering people who disagree with Israel's treatment of other human beings together as "Iranian" supporters is a very common method to try and dismiss whatever those "disagreements" may be...A sort of if you aren't with us you are against us type of nonsense...

Actually, they are Iran supporters because they are speaking in defense of Ahmaginejad's speech. Which is very anti-Semitic and the only reason he says Zionists and not Jewish people is because otherwise every delegation would walk out. Can your brain grasp that?

Fact is you cannot come up with anything to dismiss the reality of Israel's treatment of the Palestinians and how its less than acceptable for a country that presumes themselves to be the best thing since sliced bread...You have to ignore an awful lot of your own behavior as a country to condemn any other country without looking like a hypocrite of epic proportions...

And neither can you bleeding hearts drown out the voices of many people that are suffering by shouting "Palestine" as loud as you can. You're the one who is minimizing and dismissing the reality of how the Islamic regime treats it people. Because as it is, you are taking the words of a dictator at face value. You're giving Ahmaginejad a platform, a pedestal to speak from to all delusional conspiracy theorists.

Ow and by the way, this reply from you to someone else;

even the ~70 million total WWII casualty number is some how less than that oh so important ~6 million Jews....

70? Go wash out your mouth and study history. You just minimized the deaths of over 30 million people by claiming it's only about 70. You see, kid, you aren't properly educated. All you do is use emotional arguments. Get LOST.

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 03:38 AM
reply to post by ClicheCalvicade

Could you, please, give me your views on the Iran and Israel situation, as well as a separate view on the Israel-Palestine conflict?

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 03:44 AM
reply to post by roblot

It's very complicated and long. I would be doing myself a disservice because 9/10 people here won't understand a paragraph.

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 03:50 AM
reply to post by ClicheCalvicade

No problem, mate. Sorry, I know it was a broad question.

Do you think that war is imminent? I ask this because it seems that most people on ATS keep reiterating nuclear war, world war 3, blah blah. Realistically, it seems more like a publicity stunts by Iran and Israel.

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 04:08 AM
reply to post by roblot

Do you think that war is imminent?

War between Israel and Iran? Well, no. However, Iran has all the cards to mess it up.

I ask this because it seems that most people on ATS keep reiterating nuclear war, world war 3, blah blah.

In trying to be as realistic as possible, you have to view most people on ATS as the counterpart to television zombies; internet zombies. Considering that most of them also dabble in the realm of aliens and other incredibly far fetched stories(not taking away from the people that do post accurate information), I would say most posters cannot be relied on for accurate information.

WW3 is not likely until certain criteria are met. Besides, people are growing ever tired of war. Mentally and physically tired of war. Ideologies that pit people against people such as religions are on a decline in the civilized world and have been for a good few decades. Sadly, the world is not entirely civilized.

Realistically, it seems more like a publicity stunts by Iran and Israel.

For the Islamic regime it is a possible publicity stunt; they get admiration from dumbass Muslims internationally, if they're in an election year it increases their popularity amongst their target group(religious dumbasses). Moreover, the Islamic regime thus profiles itself as the last truly Islamic country in opposition to American/Israeli/British/French/(the usual "devils") hegemony in the region.

For Israel it is a matter of survival completely. Seeing as how they are surrounded it is essential for their survival(and for the greater good of the direct and somewhat less direct regions) to maintain a strong everything, including image.

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 04:39 AM

Originally posted by LostPassword
I just watched whole interview with Ahmadinejad and Pierce Morgan on CNN

I agree with good 90% of what Ahmadinejad was saying.

Even if you assume he lied just to make himself look good and civilized,

The fact is, Iran is not an empire with bases and wars around the world. And if
they help freedom fighters "terrorists" in Occupied Palestine and occupied
Afghanistan and Occupied Iraq.

I for one can't even blame them for it, because they know they are targeted next.

DISCLAIMER: I am not muslim.
I am not persian.
edit on 25-9-2012 by LostPassword because: (no reason given)

Is it you or Pierce Morgan that's agreeing? There's a big difference.
edit on 26-9-2012 by hotbread because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 05:05 AM

Originally posted by Augustine62
Support of "Palestine" is impossible without supporting the entirety of the islamic milieu, all of the Arab countries included, as well as Persian (not Arab, though still islamic) Iran. Why? Palestine simply doesn't exist in actuality and its proposal as such is ENTIRELY islamic/pan-Arab. There was never a legitimate Palestinian people. It was a British Protectorate most recently and now is just... made up. This also plays into the coming war with Iran that Israel faces, and in all likelihood, we will see take place in various degrees on formerly U.S. soil (you do realize the Republic is deader than dead, right?).

Your post/comment is specious. You say there never were a Palestine people and that they are made up? That is just a lie. So Palestine was a British protectorate, well India, Pakistan and the US are all formerly British colonies, so they aren't legitimate countries either by this standard of yours.

Moreover, the Palestinians aren't all Muslim; some are Christian as well as others of other faiths, so what does statehood for them have to do with pan-Arabism and/or Islam? Yes, the Palestinians are predominantly Muslim and Arabic, so what? These people have lived in the same lands for hundreds of years, if not more.

By your standards, Israel certainly shouldn't be a state either. It wasn't even a British protectorate, and most of its people have come from Europe or throughout the Middle East.

Not going to bother responding the rest of your typical Zionist propaganda. The Palestinians have been displaced from land on which they have lived for generations. Israel has waged a long-term ethnic cleansing campaign against them, and has continued to illegally occupy their lands and oppress them. That is historical and current fact.

And what are you talking about -- the former USA? What is that? And how does the right of the Palestinians to have their own country and self rule in any way affect the US? And you quote one PLO ideologue as being the united voice of the the Palestinians. I could quote one extreme Israeli or American to make the point that the Israel and the US are dangerous. Better than that, however, I could just point to actions by the US and Israel to show that they are very belligerent and aggressive nations that scoff at the rule of law.

As for the Arab Spring, how is that a death sentence for "self" and culture? These countries have been under oppressive, secular governments that allowed no secular opposition. The only opposition possible was through the main religion, Islam. The US supported these dictators. It overthrew a democratic, socialist government in Iran in 1953 and installed the despotic Shah. And what if, because of such circumstances, these Arab/Middle East countries choose Islamic governments? That's their business. Israel is a hybrid of a democracy/theocracy with a racial component to it. Arabs there don't have all the rights of Jews, and the government makes laws regarding religion, including who can be considered a legitimate Jew and which Jewish sects have certain rights and responsibilities. I don't see you complaining about that.

Clearly you have a double standard and an agenda. Good day -- and by that I mean what the state department spokesperson meant when he spoke to CNN regarding Ambassador Steven's diary.

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 05:16 AM

Originally posted by Augustine62

Originally posted by abdel
I think Ahmadinejad backed off too much regarding the Holocaust merely citing the difficulty of independent investigation instead of challenging the figures.
I believe the Holocaust happened but the figures have been grossly inflated and many of the non-Jewish victims such as gays, disabled, homeless, union activists and other trouble makers are completely forgotten about, where are the Holocaust monuments remembering the dead gypsies?.
edit on 25-9-2012 by abdel because: spelt Gypsies wrong in my haste

Being a non-Jew myself, I'd have to surmise that 1) the Gypsies have no made an effort to keep this understanding front and center as the Jewish people have; the Jews were also front and center in Nazi rhetoric 2) where do you get off calling victims of the Holocaust "trouble makers"?

Uh, the non-Jews who were victimized by the Nazis didn't have the massive political, media and financial support of the diaspora in England, the US and other countries. The commentor you quote also failed to mention the Slavs as victms of the Nazis. About three times as man Slavs died at the hands of the Nazis as did Jews.

And yes, the Jews won't let anybody forget about their holocaust -- The Holocaust to them. That is part of their very effective PR effort to use this as an excuse for anything they want to do, including building nuclear weapons and ethnically cleanse another people -- not to mention threatening a war against yet another nation because it may, too, want nuclear weapons. It doesn't, however, give it any moral justification of its thuggish policies. Any people that go about developing nuclear weapons clandestinely and against international prohibitions and who commit ethnic cleansing and continue to illegally occupy and oppress a people for over 50 years and now are threatening war against another nation that has not waged an aggressive war in hundreds of years (Iran) are definitely trouble makers in my book. Like I said, I don't care that they previously suffered during WWII. A lot of people suffered. I care about the here and now.

People who continue to use the holocaust as an excuse for Israel's illegal and immoral actions need to rethink their sense of morality and entitlement for Israel. Just about the rest of the world has had enough of it already.

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 05:17 AM

Originally posted by TTAA2012

Originally posted by Sly1one

Originally posted by TTAA2012

Originally posted by Sly1one
One of the issues that people have with the "Jewish" mind set is the narcissistic "god favors us" nonsense

Just thought I'd set you straight on something. "Chosen" doesn't mean that they are better than anyone else; they were chosen as the instrument through which God works His will. Many Jews wish they weren't chosen, because if you haven't noticed, being the "Chosen Ones" hasn't been all butterfies and Pixis dust for the Jews.

As a group they have suffered more than any nation on the face of the Earth, for much longer. The only reason that the Jews haven't been consigned to the dustbin of history like the Assyrians, Akkadians, Caananites, et al., is because they have been protected from annihilation by God, brought back into the land of the Promise just as the Bible foretells in Isaiah.

And you would deny them this spit of land that is only 6 miles across at its narrowest point. Shame on you.

lol yes shame on me for not "favoring the Jews" this is where the anti-semite mind set comes into play which only validates the claim they think they are better than everyone as "gods chosen"....They even have a special term for people who aren't like them...those gentiles (non-Jews) that were given to the Jews by the imaginary character to "use" as they will...and so out of the "chosen people" mindset came the concept of "usury"....

And there you go claiming "victim-hood" of the Jews as if they are the ONLY people on earth to have ever of suffered then veil the implied narcissism of the "gods chosen people" in a farce of "some of us wish we weren't gods chosen people" because of the above sensationalized victim-hood that leads you to believe yet once again you are so special, so different, so above and beyond that you have suffered MORE than any other people....

I bet you believe more Jews died than anyone in WW2 don't you....what sensational cannot even have a rational discussion on those premises. You probably believe the entirety of WW2 was over the Jews as well...the other casualties pale in comparison to the better not be challenged 6 million Jew deaths...even the ~70 million total WWII casualty number is some how less than that oh so important ~6 million Jews....

shame on me....shame on me for thinking outside the propaganda...shame on me for putting things in to perspective, and shame on me for challenging the "Jewish" suffering as being the most important damned thing to ever grace this imaginary mans earth...


Your whole argument was based on me being Jewish. I'm a Baptist. The rest of your rant was based on your assumptions, none of which are accurate. For example, I'm well aware that the Jews only accounted for about 10% of the deaths during WWII's total of 60 million or so.

Think about that if you have the capability to absorb the info. 10% of ALL of the dead during WWII were Jews - 10%! Hitler's gas chambers killed more than HALF of the world's Jewry. Out of 9 million Jews in pre-war Europe, only three and a half million survived.

I'd count that as a pretty good reason for the Jews to feel, and act, a bit defensive.

You fail. Again.
edit on 9/25/2012 by TTAA2012 because: (no reason given)

27 million Russians!

I guess that gives them the right to Texas, hand it over!

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 05:18 AM

Originally posted by ClicheCalvicade

Originally posted by LostPassword

Originally posted by Augustine62
...and this isn't even scratching the surface really!

you know what Augustine62

I defeat all your posts with a single picture

try not to soil yourself

Bleeding heart hypocrite argument. A link without context, just a picture. Nothing more needs to be said.

I think that was his point..... 'Nothing more needs to be said'


Note: You infer this image is inaccurate, so please provide your own proof via link (with context!), or you are guilty of preciesly that which you accuse LostPassword of.

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 05:20 AM

Originally posted by ClicheCalvicade

Originally posted by LostPassword

Originally posted by Augustine62
...and this isn't even scratching the surface really!

you know what Augustine62

I defeat all your posts with a single picture

try not to soil yourself

No, it shows how Israel has taken land from the Palestinians. What else needs to be said? Why is this a bleeding heart argument? I guess, according to you, bleeding heart arguments are based in facts.

Try refuting the argument made by this picture, i.e. the time-lapse maps of Israeli vs. Palestinian territory, rather than just a snarky comment.
Bleeding heart hypocrite argument. A link without context, just a picture. Nothing more needs to be said.

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 05:25 AM

Originally posted by penninja
reply to post by LostPassword

The fact is, Iran is not an empire with bases and wars around the world.

It isn't?

It is a Theocracy. It is a Theocracy of the Islamic faith

Riddle me this: Are there more Mosques or us Military bases in the world?

If you have never played the game "Civilization" you should try it one day, global conquest can be achieved by a variety of mechanics, war and culture topping the list of course (i'll tell you a secret before you play "The cultural victory is cheaper and easier")

I really don't intend to pick an argument with you, but you do keep making odd statements.

In 'Empire' stakes surely you should compare mosques with Christian churches, rather than with Military bases!

As you quoted, "The cultural victory is cheaper and easier", and the Christians and Catholics have probably made just as good, if not better a fist of their cultural vanguard than Islam.

And when you talk about cultural influence leading to empirical domination, US cinema, TV and advertising are untouchable as WMDs of 'cultural victory'.

edit on 26-9-2012 by McGinty because: confusing typo

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 05:34 AM

Originally posted by penninja
reply to post by LostPassword

The fact is, Iran is not an empire with bases and wars around the world.

It isn't?

It is a Theocracy. It is a Theocracy of the Islamic faith

Riddle me this: Are there more Mosques or us Military bases in the world?

If you have never played the game "Civilization" you should try it one day, global conquest can be achieved by a variety of mechanics, war and culture topping the list of course (i'll tell you a secret before you play "The cultural victory is cheaper and easier")

What does your question have to do with anything? How many churches are there in the world? Iran, is a theocracy, so what. It is also primarily of a certain sect of Islam, which isn't worldwide, so all the mosques in the world don't fall under the power of the Iranian mullahs.

And I got news for you: I'd much rather have a mosque in my neighborhood than a US military base. Military bases are horrible environmentally -- ground/air/water/noise-pollution-wise, and their inhabitants often cause crimes, including rape and murder. Moreover, military bases are all about spreading political hegemony by violence or threat of violence. From the tone of your post, I'm guessing that you are a US citizen. How would you like it if the Chinese or Russians had military bases in your state? Probably not like it too much, huh?

To equate mosques and military bases is ridiculous. And if you want to play the "Islam is a religion of violence and hate", well I'll lay down a bunch of trump cards of what violence and hate predominantly Christian US has been responsible for in the last two hundred years, and then go on to point out all the violence and hate perpetrated by Christian Europe over the last 1500 years. So I wouldn't play that card if I were you...

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 05:36 AM
Saddam was an innocent man and they were still able to swing him from a rope.

We developed that new crossdrilling technology and were drilling into Iraq's oil fields from Kuwait, stealing his oil.

Muslims don't like thieves and he went and invaded Kuwait...calling them "dogs"....which is what muslims call thieves. They don't like thieves.

The media was used and they successfully fooled everyone into thinking Saddam was an evil man.

They'll do the same to Ahmadinejad. Dead people don't write history books.

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 05:36 AM

Originally posted by xavi1000
What a double face piece of shiet liar , avoiding questions with childish political rhetoric.

Wow and politicians everywhere and every stripe don't do the same? At least he is not making false claims to start an illegal war.

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 05:47 AM

Originally posted by ClicheCalvicade

Originally posted by intrptr
reply to post by ClicheCalvicade

Bleeding heart hypocrite argument. A link without context, just a picture. Nothing more needs to be said.

I'd say that was the best denial of reality I seen on here all day. Do you plug your ears too when something doesn't suit you?

That picture is the context.

Listen you bleeding heart. You guys are all fakes and liars. You pretend to be someone you are not. Right now you pretend to be someone who cares, whilst in reality, you don't care for reality - you care for arguing, proving that you're better than others, but sadly, you are not - since you seem to lack knowledge on relativism.

Not ONE of you EVER uttered a single word about Kurdistan. Yet you are so keen on jumping to Ahmaginejad's defense to pretend you care about the Palestinians. Just as he pretends to care about the struggles for freedom of a people.You don't care about the Palestinians. You don't care about people's struggles, all you care for is jumping into an argument you think you can have the last say in. What does the Islamic regime say about Kurdistan? About the Kurdish? Have you noticed their insanely hypocritical stance? No? Well then, you have no say in the Palestinian argument either.

Like I said: Bleeding heart argument.

You're the one not paying attention to facts and calling others liars, without substantiating your claims. Who's the real liar and arguer here? We're talking about Iran and Palestine and your bring up the Kurds out of left field. I admit, I don't know a whole lot about the Kurds, but I do know they essentially have an autonomous state within Iraq, and there is also a portion of Turkey with a lot of Kurds, who want some autonomy. There could well be a Kurdish population in Iran; I don't know. Feel free to tell us about it, but don't use it as an argument that others here don't care about suppressed peoples. I'm sure there are many suppressed/oppressed peoples that you don't know about. However, you do evidently know about the Palestinians, but choose to deflect the argument from them when they come up. Why is that? Since you are clearly not for the Palestinians and against Iran, I am going to guess that you are for Israel. And clearly anyone who sides with anyone besides Israel is a "bleeding heart" (whatever that is supposed to mean in your mind) and a liar who just wants to argue.

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 05:58 AM
c'mon already I dont care about Iran Israel the Kurds or Palestine lets get it on already. looks like the mayans were right all along hey!

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