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Lack Of Openness

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posted on Aug, 23 2012 @ 12:27 PM

Originally posted by trekwebmaster
reply to post by LordD

Okay here's where I come-in with the "Ye of little faith remark." Ain't that quaint of me?

But, you can decide if you have faith in truth or not.

There is the faith as small as a mustard seed and that can move MOUNTAINS.

I "previsualize" people being able to learn how to see truth by knowledge.

I previsualize the frequency changing to where they can resonate with the truth.

What folks do not realize is there is a big difference between "Christ" and Jesus, but combined he did save the world, and when you apply the literal+parabolic=3rd Interpretation to studying those "quaint" sayings, it jumps out at you. You cannot deny it. And those quaint literally around sayings take on a whole new meaning. And to this end I like to think of it as a Living Word.

Why would we want a bi-partisan belief system when we can have a unitary one?

Why do you insist on putting everyone as a whole. Why does their have to be one truth. If their was one truth then their would have to be one source. I'm not very fond of that idea. Christ/ Jesus has no validity. Even if he was you should have realized hes only here for certain people not all.144,000

posted on Aug, 23 2012 @ 12:33 PM

Originally posted by trekwebmaster
reply to post by LordD

Don't worry the truth is the truth, it is what it is.

Like the air is the air, there's no difference in air in the north as in the south or in the east as the west. It is the air.

It's universal, no matter which way you turn it.

The truth will set you free...

Theirs several kind of air, its not universal even if you didn't turn it. Even your air could have different properties. Different properties means different perceptions which means different truth. A truth can set you free...

posted on Aug, 23 2012 @ 12:42 PM
reply to post by LordD

What so ironic about the pyramid is that we've got two headstones or cornerstones with is the Father, Holy Spirit, but which one do you think is missing?

The Sons of G_d, The Image of G_d, -or- The sons of man, the anti-christ?

We either "resurrect" ourselves, see there's the literal + parable = 3rd interpretation, or we "condemn" ourselves by seeing or not seeing the truth, respectively.

The difference here is which one do you think can complete the Pyramid? Become the capstone the builders rejected is now the head cornerstone? Which one do you think could conceivably do this?

777 or 666?

21 or 18?

3 or 9


There's the 3rd interpretation again. Trinity. Do you see the literal parable living as Truth?

It's sublime and ridiculous isn't it?

It's like a photon of light traveling from the sun to the brain...seen on its side the photon appears as a waveform with a peak and trough. up down up down up down in analog fashion. Digitally it is up zero up zero up zero like a square nothing square nothing, but if you turn and see "down the photon from straight on, you'll see the photon goes up and down around and around in a spiral orbit through time and space. Then we've got the quantum entanglement thing but that's another ball of wax but it's related every other thing is related. We are so used to seeing things as 2-D, when we are really 5-D. up down x and y add a z and you have three, add time and you have 4d, add the perspective of being aware of all this and you have 5D, and it could go up and up....I'm still learning here so bear with

I wanted all religions to work and reconcile with each other, and if we take the truth from all of them, I think we have the it's like a fractal like that pyramid in the earlier post...they are all smaller fractal images of the larger one....and when you starting seeing things in this fashion, everything will jump out at you that all things were created...they have to be, the numbers are everywhere like fibonacci seriers, phi pi, golden ratio CHI RHO, isn't that ironic and sublime...?

Alpha and Omega the beginning and the end and everything in between...there is the 3 or 3rd

1+1=2 2+1=3 2+3=5 3+5=8 8+5=13 8+13=21 It's all there...thats the fibonacci series...the nautilus shell, the ear of a human...trajectory of a spacecraft launched from earth the arc....
edit on 23-8-2012 by trekwebmaster because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 23 2012 @ 12:59 PM
reply to post by LordD

You're arguing over the atoms not the air. The air cares not about it's parts, it is the air.

If your eye "sins" and offends thee, pluck it out. Refine it. Take the literal and apply a parabolic approach so you don't take a knife and literally carve your eye out of your skill, but have sense with a third reasoning that it's not your eye which is offensive, it's how thinking literally is offensive in clouding your mind and soul into seeing only one perspective which isn't true and biasing yourself against another perspective which may be truth, but you cannot see it due to having your eye carved out.

I am afraid the truth isn't very kind to propaganda or untruths. you'll find no argument from me in that respect.

All I can suggest is try to maintain an open mind about all things. Learn how to spot propaganda and cognitive dissonance. When in doubt, question everything and ask the diety of your choice or Whomever and However you conceive G_d to be for answers sincerely and over and over, when it doesn't make sense. Don't give up, the road to enlightenment is hard and crooked and different for each person, but if they reach it, enlightenment is enlightenment. The truth is the truth. It's constant as the precession of the zodiac, it turns and turns but no matter what, it always goes back to where it started.

posted on Aug, 23 2012 @ 01:07 PM
reply to post by LordD

The Christ / Jesus combination is a literal / parabolic metaphor which connects you to the truth.

Father, Son, And Holy Spirit.

G_d, Son (Anyone can hook-up to G_d and be "Christed" and this term is different in every religion, but it's the same.) and the Holy Spirit is the connection or channel. You can dial-up and go slow or you can use broadband when you open your mind and spirit to the Divine. Why you think they call it "DIVINITY?" The prefix DIV means divide - separate. There's where I like to think of all as one. There's only one, take the truth from all and you still have one matter how deep truth is embedded the different religions, good is good and truth is truth, it doesn't matter how you arrived at the truth, but only that you do. Then once you get there, that's the next step. But I cannot explain that to anyone, because if they don't know the destination, how can they understand where it is? Not having seen it for themselves?

Some churches worship the Holy Spirit, but I see this as worshipping the telephone if G_d is calling. The other churches worship Jesus and put G_d in a back-seat, but this is where I refer to Jesus saying he kept them in his name save a fail-safe. Some churches go half-way and drink milk, but I like to think of the perception here as eating "meat." Able to discern the good and bad in full age rightly dividing that which isnt and that which is. The True Oracles of G_d. Taken literally, the Bible seem ancient and not fitting in w/ today's needs or problems but if you see things another way, they do. And they make sense....

So anyway you turn the world's problems the only way to solve them is with truth...there's really no other way than seeing it as either on or off, truth or untruth, alive or dead. You can split hairs here, but when we do this, we usually are not seeing things properly, and eliminated fallacy or error before we got to this step in the solution....there's the silversmith reference analogy again. We are seeing a three part equation and only operating on one side of the equal sign and using one of those as the answer in reality we have another step and must see from a parabolic approach to solve it correctly like 1+1=2, we are using duality to rule one extreme out and keeping another one that we are more comfortable with as the answer, it's not. We should add those together keeping the truth on both sides of the equal sign 3=3 , or 2+1=3 and there can be more than 2 parts sometime it's often more...which usually confounds us in multiple areas...

edit on 23-8-2012 by trekwebmaster because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 23 2012 @ 01:38 PM

Originally posted by trekwebmaster
reply to post by LordD

What so ironic about the pyramid is that we've got two headstones or cornerstones with is the Father, Holy Spirit, but which one do you think is missing?

The Sons of G_d, The Image of G_d, -or- The sons of man, the anti-christ?

We either "resurrect" ourselves, see there's the literal + parable = 3rd interpretation, or we "condemn" ourselves by seeing or not seeing the truth, respectively.

The difference here is which one do you think can complete the Pyramid? Become the capstone the builders rejected is now the head cornerstone? Which one do you think could conceivably do this?

777 or 666?

21 or 18?

3 or 9


There's the 3rd interpretation again. Trinity. Do you see the literal parable living as Truth?

It's sublime and ridiculous isn't it?

It's like a photon of light traveling from the sun to the brain...seen on its side the photon appears as a waveform with a peak and trough. up down up down up down in analog fashion. Digitally it is up zero up zero up zero like a square nothing square nothing, but if you turn and see "down the photon from straight on, you'll see the photon goes up and down around and around in a spiral orbit through time and space. Then we've got the quantum entanglement thing but that's another ball of wax but it's related every other thing is related. We are so used to seeing things as 2-D, when we are really 5-D. up down x and y add a z and you have three, add time and you have 4d, add the perspective of being aware of all this and you have 5D, and it could go up and up....I'm still learning here so bear with

I wanted all religions to work and reconcile with each other, and if we take the truth from all of them, I think we have the it's like a fractal like that pyramid in the earlier post...they are all smaller fractal images of the larger one....and when you starting seeing things in this fashion, everything will jump out at you that all things were created...they have to be, the numbers are everywhere like fibonacci seriers, phi pi, golden ratio CHI RHO, isn't that ironic and sublime...?

Alpha and Omega the beginning and the end and everything in between...there is the 3 or 3rd

1+1=2 2+1=3 2+3=5 3+5=8 8+5=13 8+13=21 It's all there...thats the fibonacci series...the nautilus shell, the ear of a human...trajectory of a spacecraft launched from earth the arc....
edit on 23-8-2012 by trekwebmaster because: (no reason given)

Do you understand that your so focused on that being the truth you're perpetuating that 'truth'. The thing is we see thing as 3d cause were third dimensional beings. the 5d is where we strive to go not what we are. everything is ironic or sublime if you make it.

444or 555
12or 15
4or 5
9 key to everything truth
anything can be made up if that's what you want to believe. 999 27 2+7 9 . your blowing it highly out of proportion start at ground zero and build back up. From every perspective not the ill take the trinity and use the little bit of everything else to make it work. And why would they middle be one thing i didn't know the middle of time happened to be one thing its not a sandwich. Just re-think a little.

posted on Aug, 23 2012 @ 01:47 PM

Originally posted by trekwebmaster
reply to post by LordD

You're arguing over the atoms not the air. The air cares not about it's parts, it is the air.

If your eye "sins" and offends thee, pluck it out. Refine it. Take the literal and apply a parabolic approach so you don't take a knife and literally carve your eye out of your skill, but have sense with a third reasoning that it's not your eye which is offensive, it's how thinking literally is offensive in clouding your mind and soul into seeing only one perspective which isn't true and biasing yourself against another perspective which may be truth, but you cannot see it due to having your eye carved out.

I am afraid the truth isn't very kind to propaganda or untruths. you'll find no argument from me in that respect.

All I can suggest is try to maintain an open mind about all things. Learn how to spot propaganda and cognitive dissonance. When in doubt, question everything and ask the diety of your choice or Whomever and However you conceive G_d to be for answers sincerely and over and over, when it doesn't make sense. Don't give up, the road to enlightenment is hard and crooked and different for each person, but if they reach it, enlightenment is enlightenment. The truth is the truth. It's constant as the precession of the zodiac, it turns and turns but no matter what, it always goes back to where it started.

Even air changes in different environments. Why is everything a third to you why cant it be a fourth reasoning?? Where you gone wrong the only deity you should be praying for to the truth is yourself every deity has his own perspective. Have you reached enlightenment?? If so enlightenment for me does not have to be the same for you. The law of attraction that's a Universal truth no matter the perspective. I think you should call yourself a Taoist and call it a day.

posted on Aug, 23 2012 @ 01:59 PM

Do you understand that your so focused on that being the truth you're perpetuating that 'truth'. The thing is we see thing as 3d cause were third dimensional beings.

the 5d is where we strive to go not what we are. everything is ironic or sublime if you make it. 444or 555 12or 15 4or 5 9 key to everything truth anything can be made up if that's what you want to believe.
999 27 2+7 9 . your blowing it highly out of proportion start at ground zero and build back up.

From every perspective not the ill take the trinity and use the little bit of everything else to make it work. And why would they middle be one thing i didn't know the middle of time happened to be one thing its not a sandwich. Just re-think a little.

Actually, we're not 3-D. 3-D is an X,Y,Z, unmoving static. 4-D is X,Y,Z, moving in frames of time, here is where it get's interesting. Being aware of it and the possibilities of higher dimensions elevate us to 5-D. You can see 4-D as an object in space moving from point A to point B in so many minutes or seconds, but it's still 4-D unless it can actually be aware of itself, which it isn't so it stays 4-D. The inference here is human beings are self-aware, some may not be and stuck, but those that are and see glints of higher dimension are 5-D.

I cannot "tell" you how to believe, it is of your own free will. But, those numbers and logic are totally dissimilar to what I've presented. There is an order of operations as above as below, and what you've said above has no bearing in what is presented, I think perhaps that NOT THINKING as a LINEAR LINE would help?

Oftentimes, it's not that cut and dried. I see a lot of preconception and bias in your comments which automatically narrow perspective and minds. You're not under attack on any belief you might have, so let me assure you of that now. I am not questioning your beliefs, only you can do that.

I doubt I'm blowing things out of proportion, I'm just looking at many things at different resolutions. There is a lot more than just black and white. We have 255 different ones to choose in between and that's just the grays, raise it into color and you have millions. Entertain multiple ways of seeing things at the same time, and make them gel together, without preconceptions or pretense of polarity. It's dipolar, not bipolar. You can draw a triangle around a circle. a square doesn't work so we'll use a pentagon, then an octagon

It's in mathematics, the universe, everything.


Trigonometric functions relating phi (Φ) and pi (Π)

Divide a 360° circle into 5 sections of 72° each and you get the five points of a pentagon, whose dimensions are all based on phi relationships.

Accordingly, it shouldn’t be too surprising that phi, pi and 5 (a Fibonacci number) can be related through trigonometry:
Phi, the golden ratio, expressed in trigonometric terms

Or, a much simpler way involving, contributed by Dale Lohr:

Pi = 5 arccos (.5 Phi)

Note: The angle of .5 Phi is 36 degrees, of which there are 10 in a circle or 5 of in pi radians.

posted on Aug, 23 2012 @ 02:01 PM

Originally posted by trekwebmaster
reply to post by LordD

The Christ / Jesus combination is a literal / parabolic metaphor which connects you to the truth.

Father, Son, And Holy Spirit.

G_d, Son (Anyone can hook-up to G_d and be "Christed" and this term is different in every religion, but it's the same.) and the Holy Spirit is the connection or channel. You can dial-up and go slow or you can use broadband when you open your mind and spirit to the Divine. Why you think they call it "DIVINITY?" The prefix DIV means divide - separate. There's where I like to think of all as one. There's only one, take the truth from all and you still have one matter how deep truth is embedded the different religions, good is good and truth is truth, it doesn't matter how you arrived at the truth, but only that you do. Then once you get there, that's the next step. But I cannot explain that to anyone, because if they don't know the destination, how can they understand where it is? Not having seen it for themselves?

Some churches worship the Holy Spirit, but I see this as worshipping the telephone if G_d is calling. The other churches worship Jesus and put G_d in a back-seat, but this is where I refer to Jesus saying he kept them in his name save a fail-safe. Some churches go half-way and drink milk, but I like to think of the perception here as eating "meat." Able to discern the good and bad in full age rightly dividing that which isnt and that which is. The True Oracles of G_d. Taken literally, the Bible seem ancient and not fitting in w/ today's needs or problems but if you see things another way, they do. And they make sense....

So anyway you turn the world's problems the only way to solve them is with truth...there's really no other way than seeing it as either on or off, truth or untruth, alive or dead. You can split hairs here, but when we do this, we usually are not seeing things properly, and eliminated fallacy or error before we got to this step in the solution....there's the silversmith reference analogy again. We are seeing a three part equation and only operating on one side of the equal sign and using one of those as the answer in reality we have another step and must see from a parabolic approach to solve it correctly like 1+1=2, we are using duality to rule one extreme out and keeping another one that we are more comfortable with as the answer, it's not. We should add those together keeping the truth on both sides of the equal sign 3=3 , or 2+1=3 and there can be more than 2 parts sometime it's often more...which usually confounds us in multiple areas...

edit on 23-8-2012 by trekwebmaster because: (no reason given)

Good is not good . good is perspective. Why is everything three to you why not a four part equation. Buddha said it best,"The word chariot does not indicate a simple single reality; it is merely a descriptive term applied to a number of constituent part place in certain relation to another and just as no part of this aggregate can be separated and called a chariot no part of the human creature can be set apart and called "I". same thing with truth.
DIVINITY is the characteristic, unifying, and co-ordinating quality of Deity
Divinity is creature comprehensible as truth, beauty, and goodness; correlated in personality as love, mercy, and ministry; disclosed on impersonal levels as justice, power, and sovereignty.
Urantia book check it out

posted on Aug, 23 2012 @ 02:06 PM
Here's a fun one:

Fibonacci Number Numeric reduction by adding digits
1st Level 2nd Level Final Level
Example: 2,584 2+5+8+4=19 1+9=10 1+0=1
0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3
5 5 5 5
8 8 8 8
13 4 4 4
21 3 3 3
34 7 7 7
55 10 1 1
89 17 8 8
144 9 9 9
233 8 8 8
377 17 8 8
610 7 7 7
987 24 6 6
1,597 22 4 4
2,584 19 10 1
4,181 14 5 5
6,765 24 6 6
10,946 20 2 2
17,711 17 8 8
28,657 28 10 1
46,368 27 9 9
75,025 19 10 1
121,393 19 10 1
196,418 29 11 2
317,811 21 3 3
514,229 23 5 5
832,040 17 8 8
1,346,269 31 4 4
2,178,309 30 3 3
3,524,578 34 7 7
5,702,887 37 10 1
9,227,465 35 8 8
14,930,352 27 9 9
24,157,817 35 8 8
39,088,169 44 8 8
63,245,986 43 7 7
102,334,155 24 6 6
165,580,141 31 4 4
267,914,296 46 10 1
433,494,437 41 5 5
701,408,733 33 6 6
1,134,903,170 29 11 2
1,836,311,903 35 8 8
2,971,215,073 37 10 1
4,807,526,976 54 9 9
7,778,742,049 55 10 1
12,586,269,025 46 10 1
20,365,011,074 29 11 2
32,951,280,099 48 12 3
53,316,291,173 41 5 5
86,267,571,272 53 8 8
139,583,862,445 58 13 4
225,851,433,717 48 12 3
365,435,296,162 52 7 7
591,286,729,879 73 10 1
956,722,026,041 44 8 8
1,548,008,755,920 54 9 9
2,504,730,781,961 53 8 8
4,052,739,537,881 62 8 8
6,557,470,319,842 61 7 7
10,610,209,857,723 51 6 6
17,167,680,177,565 67 13 4
27,777,890,035,288 73 10 1
44,945,570,212,853 59 14 5
72,723,460,248,141 51 6 6
117,669,030,460,994 65 11 2
190,392,490,709,135 62 8 8
308,061,521,170,129 46 10 1
498,454,011,879,264 72 9 9

The Fibonacci series has a pattern that repeats every 24 numbers

Numeric reduction is a technique used in analysis of numbers in which all the digits of a number are added together until only one digit remains. As an example, the numeric reduction of 256 is 4 because 2+5+6=13 and 1+3=4.

Applying numeric reduction to the Fibonacci series produces an infinite series of 24 repeating digits:

1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 4, 3, 7, 1, 8, 9, 8, 8, 7, 6, 4, 1, 5, 6, 2, 8, 1, 9

If you take the first 12 digits and add them to the second twelve digits and apply numeric reduction to the result, you find that they all have a value of 9.

posted on Aug, 23 2012 @ 02:12 PM

Originally posted by trekwebmaster

Actually, we're not 3-D. 3-D is an X,Y,Z, unmoving static. 4-D is X,Y,Z, moving in frames of time, here is where it get's interesting. Being aware of it and the possibilities of higher dimensions elevate us to 5-D. You can see 4-D as an object in space moving from point A to point B in so many minutes or seconds, but it's still 4-D unless it can actually be aware of itself, which it isn't so it stays 4-D. The inference here is human beings are self-aware, some may not be and stuck, but those that are and see glints of higher dimension are 5-D.

I cannot "tell" you how to believe, it is of your own free will. But, those numbers and logic are totally dissimilar to what I've presented. There is an order of operations as above as below, and what you've said above has no bearing in what is presented, I think perhaps that NOT THINKING as a LINEAR LINE would help?

Oftentimes, it's not that cut and dried. I see a lot of preconception and bias in your comments which automatically narrow perspective and minds. You're not under attack on any belief you might have, so let me assure you of that now. I am not questioning your beliefs, only you can do that.

I doubt I'm blowing things out of proportion, I'm just looking at many things at different resolutions. There is a lot more than just black and white. We have 255 different ones to choose in between and that's just the grays, raise it into color and you have millions. Entertain multiple ways of seeing things at the same time, and make them gel together, without preconceptions or pretense of polarity. It's dipolar, not bipolar. You can draw a triangle around a circle. a square doesn't work so we'll use a pentagon, then an octagon

It's in mathematics, the universe, everything.


Trigonometric functions relating phi (Φ) and pi (Π)

Divide a 360° circle into 5 sections of 72° each and you get the five points of a pentagon, whose dimensions are all based on phi relationships.

Accordingly, it shouldn’t be too surprising that phi, pi and 5 (a Fibonacci number) can be related through trigonometry:
Phi, the golden ratio, expressed in trigonometric terms

Or, a much simpler way involving, contributed by Dale Lohr:

Pi = 5 arccos (.5 Phi)

Note: The angle of .5 Phi is 36 degrees, of which there are 10 in a circle or 5 of in pi radians.

I'm no longer getting your point or perspective. I'm aware of my self (i think) i don't see any hints of the 5th dimension
edit on 23-8-2012 by LordD because: quote

posted on Aug, 23 2012 @ 02:14 PM
In Fibonacci,

We have zero plus one equals one, then take one and one and get two, then take two and one and get three, then take three and two and get five...and so on.

The first step is getting three, where a one and a one doesn't produce a duality which cancels itself becoming one again. That creates nothing.

Keep going and add one and two and you get three, and that carries the whole to infinity.

It's metaphorical, it's literal, it's metaphorically parabolic to get to three or a third interpretation which yields all that follows...truth = infinity and it doesn't matter if it's negative infinity or positive infinity because you got past the three and didn't revert back to one or no progress. Does that make sense?

The Fibonacci series has a pattern that repeats every 24 numbers Numeric reduction is a technique used in analysis of numbers in which all the digits of a number are added together until only one digit remains.

As an example, the numeric reduction of 256 is 4 because 2+5+6=13 and 1+3=4.

Applying numeric reduction to the Fibonacci series produces an infinite series of 24 repeating digits: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 4, 3, 7, 1, 8, 9, 8, 8, 7, 6, 4, 1, 5, 6, 2, 8, 1, 9

If you take the first 12 digits and add them to the second twelve digits and apply numeric reduction to the result, you find that they all have a value of 9.

Think of binary math, the kind computers use 0-255=256 8 bits to a byte, we use 7 with a parity bit = 8.

There are 4 octets (8) in an IP address composed of 3,

Have you ever seen you have no connection when your IP is

Binary math is related to this too...2^0=1, 2^1=2, 2^2=4, 2^3=8, 16, 32, 64, 128 and so one until you get to 256 which is 128 plus 128

and you have powers of 2,3,4,5,6 and so on.

This is what I mean by thinking in many resolutions on different dimensions
edit on 23-8-2012 by trekwebmaster because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 23 2012 @ 02:30 PM

Originally posted by trekwebmaster
In Fibonacci,

We have zero plus one equals one, then take one and one and get two, then take two and one and get three, then take three and two and get five...and so on.

The first step is getting three, where a one and a one doesn't produce a duality which cancels itself becoming one again. That creates nothing.

Keep going and add one and two and you get three, and that carries the whole to infinity.

It's metaphorical, it's literal, it's metaphorically parabolic to get to three or a third interpretation which yields all that follows...truth = infinity and it doesn't matter if it's negative infinity or positive infinity because you got past the three and didn't revert back to one or no progress. Does that make sense?

The Fibonacci series has a pattern that repeats every 24 numbers Numeric reduction is a technique used in analysis of numbers in which all the digits of a number are added together until only one digit remains.

As an example, the numeric reduction of 256 is 4 because 2+5+6=13 and 1+3=4.

Applying numeric reduction to the Fibonacci series produces an infinite series of 24 repeating digits: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 4, 3, 7, 1, 8, 9, 8, 8, 7, 6, 4, 1, 5, 6, 2, 8, 1, 9

If you take the first 12 digits and add them to the second twelve digits and apply numeric reduction to the result, you find that they all have a value of 9.

Think of binary math, the kind computers use 0-255=256 8 bits to a byte, we use 7 with a parity bit = 8.

There are 4 octets (8) in an IP address composed of 3,

Have you ever seen you have no connection when your IP is

Binary math is related to this too...2^0=1, 2^1=2, 2^2=4, 2^3=8, 16, 32, 64, 128 and so one until you get to 256 which is 128 plus 128

and you have powers of 2,3,4,5,6 and so on.

This is what I mean by thinking in many resolutions on different dimensions
edit on 23-8-2012 by trekwebmaster because: (no reason given)

I get what your saying but why three

posted on Aug, 23 2012 @ 02:44 PM
Would you rather be a Republican, a Democrat, or have a third choice, say Independent?

Two Parents produces a child or 3

The all-seeing eye on the dollar bill is divided from the body of the pyramid? It's not so mysterious now is it? When you're connected or connecting it to the body?

Everything is connected with three...look at your index finger. See how you have 3 joints or sections, now put your thumb to the joint closest to your palm and see you have 1/3 and 2/3 which equals a finger. Keep your thumb there and put the end of it on top of your nose, is it not the same distance? It fits as if it was designed that way?

Our two eyes would not be much good w/out a brain to interpret them would it? Your legs would be of no use if you didn't have a body to be carried by them would it?

So why is using 2/3rds of something every going to be complete? Step up to 3 and equal infinity... in TV we had black and white, then color, now HD and 3D

there are so many similarities everywhere, but until we start w/ 3 we'll never see anything but a duality yes or no or right or left or this or that and never anything in

Rationality and Logic plus Faith = TOTALLY VALID

It validates ourselves and it validates our beliefs where 2 wouldn't why do you think they called it Trine or Trinary or Tinity. 1 is part of it so is 2, but 3 now that's where everything special starts...

Just look at the earth...if we stopped at 2, we'd have nothing alive w/out three H2O 2 of hydrogen and 1 of water and that is 3


posted on Aug, 23 2012 @ 02:49 PM
See why I say it's sublime and ridiculous? LOL The capstone the builders rejected is now the head cornerstone...

posted on Aug, 23 2012 @ 03:04 PM
reply to post by trekwebmaster

Like the abortion argument. ProLife vs ProChoice

That's a duality with no answer. When...

In reality life begins when sperm and egg unite, from then it equals a third person from father and mother. From that point to inhibit life, would be a horrible thing.

The only way ethically and morally, and we can rule this out with more advanced medicine, is when the life of the mother is in danger of not continuing a "life as ours," should abortion ever be considered.

The crux of the matter in which we burn is facing the real solution if we stressed and taught young ones to be responsible with their actions to avoid or take proactive steps to prevent or enable them to not put themselves in a position to have an abortion. But if they do find themselves in a situation due to circumstance, a life is a life as is the air is the air. We just need to be honest and face it with reason. To be good in this case is to respect life, all life, if we don't we turn those lives into objects with no potential to be self-aware as a 3-D object traveling in space with no potential, but an unborn life does have potential to be and have a future "like ours."

See the "violinist argument" in philosophy to see why I think how I do. And to see this any other way is wasting time and resources. And leaves us all incomplete as 2 does....when if we had a third way of seeing it, would give us comfort in being able to see a better way.

If we did this first w/out polarity, we wouldn't need to even think of abortions because we'd have eliminated the problem by knowing beforehand, not after the fact. People seem to be acting impulsively out of a need for gratification, which is only half of how we should be...incomplete, wastes the potential we have to better ourselves and humanity. As with the racial issues, if we stopped dividing into classes and groups we'd find we were one race, the Human Race...isn't that a noble endeavor, to be united? A sense of one-ness a sense of belonging to what's good instead of being divided by polarities to be only half-content and desiring more?

Sour Grapes, build a ladder....Narrow-mindedness, open it. Seek and find. 1+1=2+1=3 because 1+1 does not equal 2+1 continue one more step and it does...

posted on Aug, 23 2012 @ 03:09 PM

Originally posted by trekwebmaster
Would you rather be a Republican, a Democrat, or have a third choice, say Independent?

Two Parents produces a child or 3

The all-seeing eye on the dollar bill is divided from the body of the pyramid? It's not so mysterious now is it? When you're connected or connecting it to the body?

Everything is connected with three...look at your index finger. See how you have 3 joints or sections, now put your thumb to the joint closest to your palm and see you have 1/3 and 2/3 which equals a finger. Keep your thumb there and put the end of it on top of your nose, is it not the same distance? It fits as if it was designed that way?

Our two eyes would not be much good w/out a brain to interpret them would it? Your legs would be of no use if you didn't have a body to be carried by them would it?

So why is using 2/3rds of something every going to be complete? Step up to 3 and equal infinity... in TV we had black and white, then color, now HD and 3D

there are so many similarities everywhere, but until we start w/ 3 we'll never see anything but a duality yes or no or right or left or this or that and never anything in

Rationality and Logic plus Faith = TOTALLY VALID

It validates ourselves and it validates our beliefs where 2 wouldn't why do you think they called it Trine or Trinary or Tinity. 1 is part of it so is 2, but 3 now that's where everything special starts...

Just look at the earth...if we stopped at 2, we'd have nothing alive w/out three H2O 2 of hydrogen and 1 of water and that is 3


why not 13. i still think its a stretch. I still think your looking to validate your answer instead of to try to prove it wrong that's

posted on Aug, 23 2012 @ 03:14 PM

Originally posted by trekwebmaster
reply to post by trekwebmaster

Like the abortion argument. ProLife vs ProChoice

That's a duality with no answer. When...

In reality life begins when sperm and egg unite, from then it equals a third person from father and mother. From that point to inhibit life, would be a horrible thing.

The only way ethically and morally, and we can rule this out with more advanced medicine, is when the life of the mother is in danger of not continuing a "life as ours," should abortion ever be considered.

The crux of the matter in which we burn is facing the real solution if we stressed and taught young ones to be responsible with their actions to avoid or take proactive steps to prevent or enable them to not put themselves in a position to have an abortion. But if they do find themselves in a situation due to circumstance, a life is a life as is the air is the air. We just need to be honest and face it with reason. To be good in this case is to respect life, all life, if we don't we turn those lives into objects with no potential to be self-aware as a 3-D object traveling in space with no potential, but an unborn life does have potential to be and have a future "like ours."

See the "violinist argument" in philosophy to see why I think how I do. And to see this any other way is wasting time and resources. And leaves us all incomplete as 2 does....when if we had a third way of seeing it, would give us comfort in being able to see a better way.

If we did this first w/out polarity, we wouldn't need to even think of abortions because we'd have eliminated the problem by knowing beforehand, not after the fact. People seem to be acting impulsively out of a need for gratification, which is only half of how we should be...incomplete, wastes the potential we have to better ourselves and humanity. As with the racial issues, if we stopped dividing into classes and groups we'd find we were one race, the Human Race...isn't that a noble endeavor, to be united? A sense of one-ness a sense of belonging to what's good instead of being divided by polarities to be only half-content and desiring more?

Sour Grapes, build a ladder....Narrow-mindedness, open it. Seek and find. 1+1=2+1=3 because 1+1 does not equal 2+1 continue one more step and it does...

Should pro-life and pro-choice have a third choice which is correct? lol just poking fun
i actually agree with what your saying a 110% except your philosophy on three

posted on Aug, 23 2012 @ 03:27 PM
Well, okay, I can respect and actually honor your view in proof and reproof.

If it holds up after this, I guess we've refined the silver lol.

Remember those quaint sayings:

Three times charm, three strikes you're out. One and Two plus baby makes three?

The Pineal Gland being a "Third Eye," but one you cannot see physically, but only metaphysically? 2 eyes plus 1 "Third Eye" is three.

Here's some good your own research and if you find what I say as valid, please let me know...

Many Blessings...



The number 3 is ###



The Power of the Three

posted on Aug, 23 2012 @ 03:34 PM
reply to post by trekwebmaster

That link is supposed to make you roll in

Because God has a sense of humor LMAO!

Now isn't that an ironic irony? LOL

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