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Indigo Children For Real???

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posted on Jul, 24 2007 @ 09:59 AM
no offense fatty, but i think the whole idea of indigos/crystallines/violates/etc is just unbased mysticism. wheres any shred of any evidence in any way to classify kids? wheres the criteria? im fairly certain the reason they were designated "indigo children" is due to the aura these children emit, and on that subject HOW DO YOU DETECT AURA COLORS? its all just imagination going hog wild for me.

posted on Jul, 24 2007 @ 10:44 AM

Originally posted by Averysmallfoxx

You can see auras if you believe...and follow these simple steps:


posted on Jul, 24 2007 @ 05:14 PM
yeah but you get what im saying right? there isnt any deffinitively scientific method of detecting auras. which basically leaves the interpertation of information to the respective individual and their view,what if one gentleman looks at me and says he sees alot of green in my aura yet another man says he sees no green at all and infact much more of a baby blue?

posted on Jul, 24 2007 @ 05:21 PM
There is something called Kirlian photography.


Kirlian photography refers to a form of contact print photography, theoretically associated with high-voltage. It is named after Semyon Kirlian, who in 1939 accidentally discovered that if an object on a photographic plate is connected to a source of high voltage, small corona discharges (created by the strong electric field at the edges of the object) create an image on the plate.
Kirlian's work, from 1939 onward, involved an independent rediscovery of a phenomenon and technique variously called "electrography," "electrophotography," and "corona discharge photography." The underlying physics (which makes xerographic copying possible) was explored as early as 1777 by Georg Christoph Lichtenberg (see Lichtenberg figures). Later workers in the field included Nikola Tesla; various other individuals explored the effect in the later 19th and early 20th centuries. Yet Kirlian took the development of the effect further than any of his predecessors.

Skeptic - kirlian

Aura Photography

Kirlian cameras

Corona discharge

Kirlian photography


I have had a similar procedure done when I was in Sedona, Arizona. I put my hand on a metal sensor which read my 'aura.' It is basically a biofeedback monitor that picks up your energy field.

posted on Jul, 24 2007 @ 07:06 PM
okay lets say you can measurably discern ones aura, i ask this then, why are people on this thread saying that indigo and crystalline children arent named after their aura? what else could it be and how praytell do you know you are an indigo child even if your aura has respective coloring?
people ive seen in this thread and others about stuff on the fringe of scientific confirmation will just start elaboration on their opinions without any way for their to be a way to disprove them, in some way maybe distorting the facts they know to fit their claims.
ive seen it its the only reason i say it. some people believe they can read minds or say they can but how do the rest of us know thats fact as oppose to your opinion? the same goes for all the other supposed tell-tale indications of I/C children in terms of the physical or mental requirements

posted on Jul, 24 2007 @ 07:18 PM
Hi Aether,

You are by far the right one but i have to add that the Indigo and the Chrystaline childrens are born/created in different universes. They come with out boundries and they can see with out boundries. This are the childrens for the time after the 2012 changes.

posted on Jul, 24 2007 @ 07:29 PM
see? like in order for any of this stuff to be taken seriously you need proof.
how do you expect to gain favor among fence sitters? how do you expect you views to be taken seriously, all of you (on this thread i mean) if you cant add some scientifical fact to the "prophecies" you see coming? i know the mayans believed 2012 was a time of the final cycle, you could probably tie that in somehow if you wanted and if you researched it for important the leg work and prove your views to be worthy of the time it takes a person to read it and i garauntee youll get way more posts on this thread.

posted on Jul, 24 2007 @ 07:41 PM
I have the answer for you Averysmallfoxx. Explain to me the existense of GOD... is it also misticism???? If is all so mistic for you then how do you explain that at the reverse of every coin and bill there is a frase called (IN GOD WE TRUST). Do you believe in GOD at all? let me tell you something, even Albert Einstain belive in it. But then again we can not blame you, it is the level where you are, hopefully you can advance spirituallt... hopefully soon...

posted on Jul, 25 2007 @ 07:44 AM
oh no you didnt just....

man, god has NOTHING to do with determining the realistic qualities one would need to measure themselves against to determine if they were I/C children, if the term could really even hold water to begin with.
God has a bible and some history in different cultures around the time when it was allegedly created, lending validity to its existence and influence.
wheres your holy book that talks about indigo and crystalline children?? show me something conclusive and ill believe but faith and spirit and all that is just a way to circumvent having to prove your points deffinitively.
I say you work on your research and scientific principles if you expect any momentum to aid your opinions in gaining popularity.
and just so you get it, forums like this need critiques to minimize the b.s. people try to perpetuate in threads like this.
if you want people to boast about having faith go to some religious forum, this is ATS and in ATS we deny ignorance.
and ignorance friend is when you dont bother to consider how factual your claims and theories are, ignorance is not subjecting your views to peer reveiw like i am reviewing yours right now. its how we trim the fat and if you dont like it i suggest you start finding somewhere else to babble about spirituality. youll get criticism because that is how we measure the constitution of any claim.

posted on Jul, 25 2007 @ 07:44 AM
some of you people must think just coming up with stories and claims is ok without sources...i suggest you reconsider. in any situation where you are debating the issues of realistic or unrealistic you HAVE GOT TO lay down evidence...otherwise what seperates you from those who try to run interference and confuse?

[edit on 25-7-2007 by Averysmallfoxx]

posted on Jul, 25 2007 @ 08:14 AM

Originally posted by pleyades
I have the answer for you Averysmallfoxx. Explain to me the existense of GOD... is it also misticism???? If is all so mistic for you then how do you explain that at the reverse of every coin and bill there is a frase called (IN GOD WE TRUST). Do you believe in GOD at all? let me tell you something, even Albert Einstain belive in it. But then again we can not blame you, it is the level where you are, hopefully you can advance spirituallt... hopefully soon...

Thats an easy one. Money and printing rights are owned by the US government and FED respectfully. Money is then distributed throughout the country and is used to purchase goods and exchange for services. It is also a powerful tool for mass control that re-enforces the status quo. Certainly the citizens of the country cannot agitate for political and social reforms if their busy crawling over their neighbour for a quick buck. As such, money is a creation of good (smart) government.

God, as in a religious figure that demands worship and is acreditted to the creation of the Universe, also has this built in control mechanism, this time using fear of spiritual damnnation (instead of matrial damnnation.) As such, "God is a creation of good (smart) government."

It only seems the next logical step to combine the two tools.

posted on Jul, 25 2007 @ 08:36 AM
nice and very clear but we are getting off topic, the mysticism i refer to and i spell it right here for you so you dont make that mistake twice, is due to the lack of founded knowlege and supportive evidence. its mysticism to talk about indigo children and crystalline's because science as of yet cant recognize them or their traits as anything more than a popular belief among some but thats far from factual lets try this again, anyone want to throw some research out here to make the case for the existence of i/c children more a possiblity than a rumor?

posted on Jul, 25 2007 @ 11:55 AM
This sounds like autism to me.

posted on Jul, 25 2007 @ 02:48 PM
lol autism huh? maybe better than trying to explain how they are fated to bring the world a new expanse of freedom...or whatever it is that has been claimed over and over again...without any merit of physical evidence of any sort...just thought i put that last part in for clarity, since sometimes i see a monsterous lack of it in this thread

posted on Jul, 25 2007 @ 02:59 PM
Indigo and Crystalline child/adults rely primarily on faith to prove their points. You either have faith that such people exist or you dont. My mother has faith they do, she also has faith that I am one such Kid turned Adult. Personally, i think its pseudo-spiritual BS. Asking those that ascribe to this belief for evidence of their superiority or their intended purpose on this planet is like asking asking a christian to provide proof that God and Heaven exist, it just wont happen.

posted on Jul, 25 2007 @ 03:08 PM
theres points that i think could be argued to leave the possibility open to such things i feel that there are basic truths that could support a theorhetical hypothesis on the matter but im not inclined to research it because i dont believe it open to considering any evidence people will bring to the table though and so far no one has even tried...

posted on Jul, 25 2007 @ 04:32 PM
If you hadn't noticed, this thread was started in 2004. It is now 2007.

Whether or not the term indigo or crystal refers to a "special" kind of human is irrelevant.

People are people. We are all Spirits in human form. We are all equal in God's eye.

Are some different than others? Sure. We all are given different gifts at birth and most can be achieved through hard work and spiritual labor.

Does this make anyone better or worse than another? NO.

I think you need to read more in between the lines.

No one is asking for blind faith here. Heck, I can't say I believe they exist or not cuz I don't know.

There may not be tangible evidence for anyone to convince a skeptic.

The point is this: If there really are people, children and adult alike, who wish to help humanity out as a whole and bring a new wave of love and light to us all, why stop it?

What could hurt having a generation(s) of people willing to work for the common good of all?

I see no harm in that.

I feel I am here for a reason and one of those it to help all. Does that mean I am an 'indigo' or 'crystal?' I don't think its necessary.

I read one poster who said its not about the aura color. It may not be, more like the inner will of the person than anything visible on the outside.

And for the fox person who thinks seeing auras is relative, try it for yourself. Try all the techniques I have presented and really believe something will happen. If nothing does, so be it. You will have tried something I presented and refuted my claim. You will have attempted to look outside your box.

However, I can guarantee whatever your results are, you will not change my viewpoint.

My personal experience lends me to believe that we are all energy, and energy can be visible to even humans.

We do not see a large percentage of light (infrared to name one). I for one have seen energy off of humans and animals. You will not change my mind. Do not worry about that

Try to see auras. Just try it, for your own benefit!

posted on Jul, 25 2007 @ 06:20 PM
what difference does when it started make? who cares how long this thread has been active. its active right now. in terms of the beliefs, i dont want to sound soundly against the prospect but i need something, and most people do. if you really feel its possible there are these different children out there, show me websites that have actual accounts and more than a few wildly dramatic people, show me something beyond your own opinion. i feel we as people are energy and that our existence as a soul is raw energy, i d be willing to bet our minds could do extraordinary things if we knew how to properly use all of it but we arent there yet and common people are the norm right now, this isnt the world of xmen and i believe the aura detection methods can work i read up on the stuff i saw here i just think the whole concept of taking the aura and concocting a story to support these indigo/crystalline children is a stretch and thats that.
give me reasons to feel interested in this subject to the point of actively researching it myself and i will. iam not against the possibility, im against accepting one possibility over another without proper merit.

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