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What is a LIberal? What is a Conservative?

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posted on Jul, 25 2012 @ 12:40 PM
A Liberal is someone who educates theirself by going to college to learn a wide spectrum of knowledge so that they can not only be a better service to the company that they are employed with but also a better service to theirself in being able to do many more things that will keep them employed.

A Conservative is someone who only studies one area of knowledge and assumes that because they are the best or most knowledgeable in the area that they will have a job forever at a company as long as they gather information about others with multi-tasking skills out because they fear such people with knownledge because the Conservative cannot say that God gave them the gift that they have or that such knowledge was passed onto them through DNA.

Conservatives hate those who are college educated because they cannot preach to them to try and make tax free money off of them.

Ask a Conservative how many job skills they are able to employ to benefit theirself and their families?

Then ask a LIberal the same question.

LIberals are better for the country because Liberals can do many different jobs that Conservatives cannot or will not because such jobs would belittle their single job mind.

Conservatives can only do one job because they are scared of being labeled a Liberal and being able to perform many more jobs based upon the skills that they learned.

Conservatives also hate Liberals because they cannot manage their thoughts like a Conservative thoughts can be managed where everything about a Consverative revolves around their single job where anything different than what their job entails scares them to death because they fear that they are being changed.

posted on Jul, 25 2012 @ 12:46 PM
Liberals want to ban guns today.

Conservatives want to ban guns tomorrow.

posted on Jul, 25 2012 @ 12:47 PM
Labels are divisive. And they suck!

posted on Jul, 25 2012 @ 12:55 PM
reply to post by Dryson
Well, THAT surely doesn't sound like some quite ignorant over-generalization now, does it?

How about realizing that even within just those two monikers, there are quite a lot of different types of people with different views, and that what you've posted here is quite nauseating in its shortsighted - and frankly daft - assumptions.

posted on Jul, 25 2012 @ 01:05 PM
reply to post by Dryson

Lol@yourignolrance. I am a conservative, I have enough different skills to build an entire home or business from the ground to the gutters, and that is only from 10 years in the trades. This doesn't even include my college or military experience.

You sir are the stupidist person I have ever even heard of.

Oh ya forgot to mention. Exactly what are these many skills liberals have? You mean staying unemployed on my tax dollars sucking the benefits nipple?or you must mean the many skill sets displayed by the occupy losers?oh I get it, you mean all the liberal college types who never do anuthing but go to school for liberal arts?
edit on 25-7-2012 by inverslyproportional because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 25 2012 @ 01:06 PM
Oh lord, look a label pissing match. ATS is violently right wing, prepare to get flamed.

posted on Jul, 25 2012 @ 01:14 PM
reply to post by Dryson

Liberals are sunshine and unicorns. They are butterflys and happiness. They are sweet and kind and tolerant and wonderful.

Conservatives drink the blood of newborns from the skull of Richard Nixon and dance hoochy-koochy with Sarah Palin. Then they swat kittens with spatulas with Dick Cheney and do jello shots off the stomachs of the FOX News babes.


Thought I'd help you out.

posted on Jul, 25 2012 @ 01:16 PM
We can argue these points all day but the truth remains,...

Liberals are made up of very many segregated groups (blacks, Hispanics, gays, lesbians, women,..) within their party. This makes it much easier for their leaders to pander to them on a segregated group by segregated group basis, based on the situation at hand.
Ex: "Vote for me, and I promise I will do this for [insert_segregated_group]"
Translation: "You CAN'T do it on your own because it's tough"

Of course you still have blacks, hispanics, gays, lesbians and women Conservatives to a lesser degree, but they are addressed as individuals, and not as segregated groups.
Translation: "It will be tough, but you CAN do it on your own."

Which explains why Liberals alway reject the truth when hey don't want to hear it.

posted on Jul, 25 2012 @ 01:22 PM

Originally posted by beezzer
reply to post by Dryson

...and do jello shots off the stomachs of the FOX News babes.

Dang, that doesn't sound like a bad idea.
Trouble is, there are just too many of them to stay sober.

posted on Jul, 25 2012 @ 01:24 PM

Originally posted by Alxandro

Originally posted by beezzer
reply to post by Dryson

...and do jello shots off the stomachs of the FOX News babes.

Dang, that doesn't sound like a bad idea.
Trouble is, there are just too many of them to stay sober.

Tell me about it. That night when John Stossel showed up. . . . . ahhhh, good times. Good times.

posted on Jul, 25 2012 @ 01:26 PM
reply to post by beezzer

Lol thanks beezer you just gave away all my conservative family secrets. We were saving the Nixon skull for my 12year olds graduation party.

Sarah will be over for orphan stew on Sunday.

posted on Jul, 25 2012 @ 01:32 PM

Originally posted by Dryson
A Liberal is someone who educates theirself by going to college to learn a wide spectrum of knowledge so that they can not only be a better service to the company that they are employed with but also a better service to theirself in being able to do many more things that will keep them employed.

A Conservative is someone who only studies one area of knowledge and assumes that because they are the best or most knowledgeable in the area that they will have a job forever at a company as long as they gather information about others with multi-tasking skills out because they fear such people with knownledge because the Conservative cannot say that God gave them the gift that they have or that such knowledge was passed onto them through DNA.

Conservatives hate those who are college educated because they cannot preach to them to try and make tax free money off of them.

Ask a Conservative how many job skills they are able to employ to benefit theirself and their families?

Then ask a LIberal the same question.

LIberals are better for the country because Liberals can do many different jobs that Conservatives cannot or will not because such jobs would belittle their single job mind.

Conservatives can only do one job because they are scared of being labeled a Liberal and being able to perform many more jobs based upon the skills that they learned.

Conservatives also hate Liberals because they cannot manage their thoughts like a Conservative thoughts can be managed where everything about a Consverative revolves around their single job where anything different than what their job entails scares them to death because they fear that they are being changed.

Bias much?

The real difference between a conservative and a liberal is the value one places on either freedom (conservative) or equality (liberal) at the expense of the other ideal.

The further "right" you go the more you value freedom at the expense of equality; i.e. I earned this I should be able to choose where it goes and how to use it, I don't care about who else needs it.

The further "left" you go the more you value equality at the expense of freedom. i.e. It is not fair for the rich to be that rich and everyone else to suffer, therefore I think the state should force the rich to help the poor.

Both freedom and equality are important in any social environement, and therefore both views have value if balanced.

I have a Master's Degree. I have been in IT and currently work as a Business Analyist. I am educated and have a wide variety of job skills to help many people. According to your opinion I must be a liberal. But I value both freedom and equality, I am neither and both. Your logic uses a biased slant to project an unsound opinion on one group to make you feel beeter about the one you claim as your own.

Freedom is not less important then equality and the same goes for the other side.

This whole partisan debate is a ruse as neither side is more right then the other ever, but always used to divide the masses by using two things we all agree are good (freedom and equality), yet one cannot happen if the other is too present; you can never be free if you are forced to be equal; you can never be equal if you are fully free, because we are selfish beings by nature and with freedom comes the freedom to choose to be selfish.

God Bless,

posted on Jul, 25 2012 @ 01:35 PM

Originally posted by inverslyproportional
reply to post by beezzer

Lol thanks beezer you just gave away all my conservative family secrets. We were saving the Nixon skull for my 12year olds graduation party.

Sarah will be over for orphan stew on Sunday.

It's okay.
I didn't mention the parties where we make crank phone calls to Michael Moore. . -

posted on Jul, 25 2012 @ 01:42 PM
Here is my generalized list from a moderate.

Liberals tend to think they can legislate healthy laws for your betterment.

Conservatives think you have the right to choose for yourself.

Liberals tend to believe in freedom of speech.

Conservative tend to believe in freedom of speech only if they agree with what you say.

Liberals tend to believe in the Justice system.

Conservatives don't believe in the US court system so they created idefinite detention and gitmo, and the patriot act, and torture.

Liberals tend to believe in the rule of law.

Conservative don't and they got rid of habeas corpus and posse comitatus.

Liberal believe in the right to peacefully assemble.

Conservatives believe in free speech zones.

Liberals believe in equality.

Conservative believe in equality for those that believe and think like they do.

Liberals believe in the seperation of church and state.

Conservatives believe in a theocratic USA.

Liberals believe the US is a better place if its a melting pot of many different people.

Conservatives believe that Latinos make us a lesser nation.

Liberals were the Sons of Liberty.

Conservatives were Torys.

Liberals look at the facts and make up there own minds.

Conservatives listen to there preacher, or Rush, or Fox news and let them make up there minds.

Liberals vote for there best interests.

Conservatives vote against there best interests.

Liberal states have the best education.

Conservatives states have the worst education.

Liberal states have the best roads and bridges and other public works.

Conservative states have the worst bridges and roads and other public works.

Liberal states have the best sex education and low teen birth rates.

Conservative states teach religion based abstinence only sex education and have the highest teen birth rates.

Liberal states have lower arrest and incarseration rates.

Conservative states have higher arrest and incarceration rates.

Liberal states pay more taxes into the federal government and recieve less in federal tax money.

Conservative states pay less taxes into the federal government but recieve more in federal tax money.

Liberals believe in science, critical thinking and higher education.

Conservatives don't believe in science, critical thinking, or higher education.

Liberals believe in protecting the environment for current and future generations.

Conservative believe in profit for the wealthy corporations at all costs.

Liberals believe in regulation banks and corporations.

Conservatives don't believe in regulations, every major crash of the economy happened under conservative administrations.

Liberals believe in fair tax codes.

Conservatives believe in tax codes that benifit the wealthy.

Liberals believe that people do bad things.

Conservative believe god makes bad things happen.

posted on Jul, 25 2012 @ 01:43 PM
The saddest part of this is that I think the OP truly believes all of this. I'll just add my 2c "What a load of crap" and then move on so I don't get sucked in to wasting anymore time on this.

We can do without all of this.

You are either for liberty and freedom from oppression or you are not.

posted on Jul, 25 2012 @ 01:49 PM
reply to post by LDragonFire

FYI you don't sound like a moderate at all. You may claim to be one but if you re-read your post you'll see you are a closet liberal.

posted on Jul, 25 2012 @ 01:59 PM
For me it all boils down to this:

Conservatism says you can make your own choices on what to eat, drink, purchase or not purchase, how to invest or spend your own earned income, your medical care, religion, career, etc.

Liberalism says you are not capable of making those choices so give us all your income, health, time, speech, and free thinking to us and we'll make all the decisions for you. And if anyone disagrees with us they are racist and/or ignorant.

posted on Jul, 25 2012 @ 02:04 PM
All I know is that Liberals disgust me and will be the ultimate downfall of this country

posted on Jul, 25 2012 @ 02:11 PM

Originally posted by jjkenobi
For me it all boils down to this:

Conservatism says you can make your own choices on what to eat, drink, purchase or not purchase, how to invest or spend your own earned income, your medical care, religion, career, etc.

Liberalism says you are not capable of making those choices so give us all your income, health, time, speech, and free thinking to us and we'll make all the decisions for you. And if anyone disagrees with us they are racist and/or ignorant.

Correct to a point.

Freedom at the expense of Equality = Conservatism
Equality at the expense of Freedom = Liberalism

Both have value, the debate is staged.

God Bless,

posted on Jul, 25 2012 @ 02:20 PM
Conservatives. Equal oppourtunity.

Liberals. Equal outcome.

(oooh, I'm so naughty

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