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Factual evidence and TRUTH about Aliens and our Evolution.

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posted on Jul, 6 2012 @ 09:46 AM
If there is any connection between us humans and greys it is that 'greys' probably started out quite similar to us a few million years ago. What we are most likely seeing is the greys at the end of evolutionary development and them being a little bothered about it. That they want some interaction with us isn't surprising but I doubt it is to our advantage, and I think it highly unlikely that we will have any meaningful exchange until... we... look... like... them... If they have had space travel for any length of time it is also likely that their home worlds are virtually depleted of mineral resources and that is probably where we come in. Quid pro quo, they hand us a craft (virtually brand new, only done a few thousand parsecs) we had them 2 tonnes of Tungsten, 50 Kilos of Uranium and 10 kilos of Platinum for example. That's the trouble with mining, its tough, dangerous and dirty whatever race you are. Then we can buzz it around a desert, pull it apart and see what makes it whirr, even try some reverse engineering. Not that it will aid us one jot because the air-headed buffoons in the Pentagon are forgetting that not only is the craft 750,000 years ahead of what we can make, the grey's manufacturing base is also 3/4 of a millions years ahead too! Want to jiggle the controls and hover a few metres off the ground? Not a problem. Want to make 250grammes of Ununpentium? Not a chance.

posted on Jul, 6 2012 @ 10:42 AM

Originally posted by Ophiuchus 13
reply to post by The GUT

The GUT do you feel the extradimensionals are humans who have passed from this side or other beings that have passed from this side or both. I sometimes wonder how the interdimensional aspects works like were they once here but passed and didnt except what their next ascension phase was?

Hiya Ophiuchus 13!

I've been away from ATS for awhile so it's good to "see" you again.

In answer to your reply, my personal feeling and study has suggested to me that they are a totally separate entity from us.

It's that age-old fight between light and darkness and we have historical--and modern for that matter--documents that detail their interactions with us.

Further; I would even posit that what we deem as "ghosts" of those that have passed over are really these same entities in disguise.

If you haven't seen the following documentary I think you will find it fascinateing. The evidence for the existence of "beings" beyond the veil so-to-speak is fairly clear and the experiment documented in the film is pretty impressve.

However, I disagree with their conclusion of what these entities are exactly.

If you watch that and appreciate it, then maybe you'll watch the following series too. I find it equally as fascianating as the first and is more simpatico with where my own personal search has taken me in regards the extradimensional world.

More detail on The Scole Experiment
There's a picture section in the above link that is especially interesting.

One last link from the late-great Ufologist Gordon Creighton:

A Brief Account Of The True Nature Of The 'UFO Entities'

See you around, friend!

posted on Jul, 6 2012 @ 11:21 AM
reply to post by The GUT

Thanks The GUT, for responding. In disguise seems pto make sense. I ahve had trouble accepting the whole ghost situaiton not disbelief in the afterlife but I feel those from each life sector who cross over to what is called death remain in certain locaitons until a mass of the group has grown or matured. So to say they may be indisguise as those many may feel are ghost of past family members/friends makes sense. GOTTA LOVE THAT BATTLE BETWEEN LIGHT AND DARK FORCES. Take care myfriend

posted on Jul, 6 2012 @ 12:54 PM
reply to post by ASeer

what negativity prompted the need for intelligent life to evolve on earth......

posted on Jul, 6 2012 @ 01:32 PM
reply to post by ASeer

Call me crazy, but lately I've been fancying the idea of aliens actually being human from here, from a long time in our future. Surviving the effects of our (current) on-going (nuclear) fuku-rad-party.

They are us when we evolve, and if they can disable our nuclear capabilities, they may not look that way (inhuman) in real-time...

I wonder if greys/grays (sp?) have an ego, anymore?

posted on Jul, 6 2012 @ 02:10 PM

Originally posted by Cinnamon
If there is any connection between us humans and greys it is that 'greys' probably started out quite similar to us a few million years ago. What we are most likely seeing is the greys at the end of evolutionary development and them being a little bothered about it. That they want some interaction with us isn't surprising but I doubt it is to our advantage, and I think it highly unlikely that we will have any meaningful exchange until....

As explained to me by a close friend and former contactee is that the grays are actually at a critical stage in their evolution where they could have fallen completely out of favor with the natural order. They can only survive with the aid of their technology - they cannot process sunlight nor can they reproduce naturally. If the power were to "go out" they would perish - fortunately for them long ago they have discovered and unlimited supply of "energy" which allows them to survive. My understanding is the grays are being allowed to exchange with us in an attempt to not only salvage their genetic lineage but also to help retrieve and maintain our very own DNA in case we don't survive beyond this elementary stage we are still in.

To the op - good luck with the attachments. Couple of things to keep in mind most of this stuff is controlled by your thoughts - in reality it's a battle for your thoughts. Forget any quick remedies.. you have to raise your merkaba with a clearing of your mind through things like meditation, exercise, and also psychedelics. Also listen to uplifting music and surround yourself with good art.
edit on 6-7-2012 by lordaqua because: typo

posted on Jul, 6 2012 @ 02:58 PM

Originally posted by ASeer

Originally posted by Village Idiot
What doesn't kill you, only makes you stronger

Interesting thoughts as I myself am a believer of evolution on many levels, not just biological, it makes sense.
My question to you is, why do the greys have any interest in us in the first place?

p.s you'll never see a smile bigger than that of a poor Negro child in South Africa


The Grays as we call them have been around for some time. But they once rose from the wild just as we have. There society had to overcome problems just as ours has because thats evolution and were once at the same level of technology as we are today. So who is to say that once ago when there species was our age another species didn't influence there evolution. That is more probable then them not being guided. It is better to get to a society of higher being faster then slower. The Grays have contact with higher dimensional beings that influence evolution as well for communicating with the Grays for this to be. There interest with us along with other things is that in certain ways its there responsibility to guide us. A job the cosmos placed in there hands.

Until I'm convinced otherwise...I do not believe in the existence of extradimensional or higher dimensional beings.The vast variety of creatures in the universe are possibly in the same boat as Earthlings --- who deal with survival on a day to day basis.

If the greys do exist...they could be of the dinosauroid family tree of species. That could explain why they are highly evolved and adaptable creatures of the universe.

Any hint of extradimensional creatures --- could possibly be overrided by the possibility that the other-worlder's who visit our planet --- use laser hologram imagery, so as too make them appear to be extradimensional; but in reality they are not.


edit on 6-7-2012 by Erno86 because: typo

edit on 6-7-2012 by Erno86 because: added a few words

edit on 6-7-2012 by Erno86 because: added a word

posted on Jul, 6 2012 @ 08:24 PM

Originally posted by Ophiuchus 13
reply to post by ASeer

I think I understand what your saying here. Its like if a species started in water but the water began to get too hot say from a high temp asteroid hitting the water (changing the water temp) discomforting the animal life in the water with what the the water animal ancient life may of felt is/are negative activities from a asteroid high heated warming the POST ICE AGE WATERS. This in turn WOULD drive CERTAIN animal sea life away from the heated waters closer to the land or beaches maybe to catch cooler waters in shallow where the wind effects the reeze on the water. ALLOW a few of those animals of the sea that went near land a few more years and they then began to interact with the sand and water more maybe swimming/climbing closer up the sand banks and THEN EVENTUALLY EVOLVING FROM FIN LIKE LIMBS TO SWIM TO HAND AND FEET TYPE LIMBS TO CLIMB OUT THE SAND to catch a breeze or to find food (this is 1 hypothetical circumstance that could of forced the sea life in my example out to land). This whole process wouldn't of happened as far as the animal sea life even noticing the land and sand IF THERE WAS NOT A NEGATIVE(not evol) IMPACT ON THEIR NATURAL HABITAT.... I see what your saying OP, even if I don't want to.

The GREY I have always felt they had some bond to humans like at first I used to think that they were part of humans and somehow had to bond either genetically or spiritually with humans to MAKE a new SPECIES or advanced species. I was not sure if they were to BOND like WATCHERS with genetic mating or morphing. Or if somehow when their SPIRITS/INTERNAL ENERGIES met would a process occur causing them to bond and make again a new advanced species in flesh and SPIRIT. Still I get different feelings from them when I concentrate on them. The feeling is like how a human would feel if they were on a wildlife preserve observing the wild life inside a protected jeep. The human may have rifles and guns on board as well as first aid & meds if something went wrong. And some of the Grey are like specialist on the wildlife reserve who carry specific responsibilities that when interacting with the wild life would be equivalent to a human trapping and tagging a shark and setting it free or studying it for scientific purposes(uncomfy).

As far as this comment:

-Since the Omniverse gives us life doesn't that make it "god" since "god" gave us life? They are one of the same.-

TO 1, every CREATOR CREATION can- may and will interpret GOD objectively, BUT WHAT IS SUBJECTIVE IS THE GIFT GIVEN OR LIFE AS YOU CALL IT ASeer OR AS I TEND TO OBJECTIVELY SEE IT ALL OF US BEING CREATED. SO YES THE OMNIVERSE TO 1 COULD - WOULD BE GOD IN THE WAY YOU LAID OUT IN YOUR DESCRIPTION ASeer. And isn't being given life or being created a GIFT obtained or something GOOD/positive to be appreciated? Thanks for your time I enjoyed the read it makes sense.


edit on 7/6/12 by Ophiuchus 13 because: (no reason given)

Yea that is one great example of negativity speeding up evolution.
Now the Omniverse is not only the universe but also every dimension of existence. It naturally carries out functions that creates the universe to evolve and expand. So one could look as life as a gift and should very much appreciate it. But personally I believe in ultimate freedom. I believe each person chooses how fast they want to evolve. If you choose to evolve very fast you will have a lot of negativity in your lifetimes. If you choose to evolve slower you will have a more positive life but will not transcend as fast. There is nothing wrong with choosing either path. But I don't believe its god that decides our lifetimes. That is highly illogical. When ever I know someone really well I can usually tell that they would have wanted to evolve as slow or fast deep as they are deep down in there core. You can only handle as much as you can take.

posted on Jul, 6 2012 @ 08:38 PM

Originally posted by kalisdad
reply to post by ASeer

ok, my 1st attempt failed for some reason so just some quick points I have to make...

beavers create dams, making you statement about humans being the only creators wrong
Rh negative blood type and fused chromosomes lead me to believe that humans are not even naturally from Earth
I've had my share of attachments and was glad to have them removed.

Why do you make claim that it is the greys that are manilpulating us, when there could be many other aliens causing this?
where exactly is this factual evidence?

For one I never said that we are the only species that can create. I said the only species born of earth that can create like we create. Of course other species can create but not how we do.

Yea attachments suck.
The Grays are the ones influencing us the most. There are other advanced species that have been to earth. Pledians, Lizard monsters etc. Its not these other species responsibility to influence us its the Grays. I believe the Pledians where once influenced by the Grays just as they are doing to us. Most likely also did the same to the lizard monsters and thousands of other advanced species on thousands of different planets.

posted on Jul, 6 2012 @ 08:49 PM
The "Grays", particularly the smaller ones, are working with humanity and for the ultimate good of humanity and their own species. Good and Evil exists amongst the Gray race, just as it does within the Human race and most other intelligently evolved species.

posted on Jul, 6 2012 @ 08:52 PM

Originally posted by The GUT

Originally posted by ASeer
reply to post by ASeer

Okay now at the same time I have been dealing with negative spirits and some are attachments which are spirits who go into your energy field and attach themselves to actually take your energy. And I have stubbled upon a rather large network of them. Now this isn't my first incarnation that I have dealt with these spirits before. And what I mean by that is I have dealt with them in past lives. But anyways they negatively effect me in different ways so I have had to evolve to be able to overcome them and learn to control my environment along with many other things. Now like I said its a network with hundreds of negative spirits. I myself have seen multiple different dragon spirit species, pudgy face morphing spirits floating around my room etc, etc and Gray alien spirits walking along my floor...

I think you should rethink your first post and concentrate on this second aspect. You talk about cosmic evolution in the first one and then your "spirit" experiences with Grays in the second.

Therein, imo, lies a big clue for you: They aren't E.T., they're extradimensional. And I don't think they are as friendly as you assume.

I do basically believe you though in that you have "attachments." Hope you can shake 'em.

Of course they are extra dimensional like I said they are spirits but some were also Grays. I don't think they are friendly at all they are attachments? So I don't know where you got that impression but they aren't friendly. But at the same time I have evolved from those experiences so it was all worth it. There is some correlation between these attachments and the E.Ts but nothing to significant.
Now as far as the Grays influencing our earth we perceive them as being worse then they are because of the unknown. But there overall objective is to help us evolve. But by doing that sometimes influence negative events.

posted on Jul, 6 2012 @ 09:28 PM

Originally posted by Ophiuchus 13
reply to post by The GUT

The GUT do you feel the extradimensionals are humans who have passed from this side or other beings that have passed from this side or both. I sometimes wonder how the interdimensional aspects works like were they once here but passed and didnt except what their next ascension phase was?

Thats a great question. Okay so how I understand it is that there is a underworld and the world above it. The underworld is the 4th dimension which is time. So every Insignificant event ever to happen is stored in the fourth dimension in a way that if you were to replay the event in the fourth dimension you could watch it like a movie. Sometimes people mistake imprinted memories of someone or something as a ghost.
So when someone dies they go to the underworld which is the spirit plane layered over earth. If they fulfilled there evolution then they could ascend to the world above which I consider the fifth dimension and also can be considered heaven or nirvana. Now the fourth dimension is fabricated with current time. But time also seems to function different in the fourth dimension then in the 3rd dimension. So when you die and you go to the underworld and you are ready to move on then the light can take you to your next life cycle. If you aren't ready to move on then you have the freedom to stay in the fourth dimension and evolve to your liking. And you have the freedom to effect others negatively or positively if you are aware you are able to. But Angels and beings from the above world can come from the above world to the underworld and back in forth. But you can't go to the world above until you evolved to rightfully ascend. Hell isn't that bad we have all been there before and some great people are there right now.>_

posted on Jul, 6 2012 @ 09:40 PM

Originally posted by Cinnamon
If there is any connection between us humans and greys it is that 'greys' probably started out quite similar to us a few million years ago. What we are most likely seeing is the greys at the end of evolutionary development and them being a little bothered about it. That they want some interaction with us isn't surprising but I doubt it is to our advantage, and I think it highly unlikely that we will have any meaningful exchange until... we... look... like... them... If they have had space travel for any length of time it is also likely that their home worlds are virtually depleted of mineral resources and that is probably where we come in. Quid pro quo, they hand us a craft (virtually brand new, only done a few thousand parsecs) we had them 2 tonnes of Tungsten, 50 Kilos of Uranium and 10 kilos of Platinum for example. That's the trouble with mining, its tough, dangerous and dirty whatever race you are. Then we can buzz it around a desert, pull it apart and see what makes it whirr, even try some reverse engineering. Not that it will aid us one jot because the air-headed buffoons in the Pentagon are forgetting that not only is the craft 750,000 years ahead of what we can make, the grey's manufacturing base is also 3/4 of a millions years ahead too! Want to jiggle the controls and hover a few metres off the ground? Not a problem. Want to make 250grammes of Ununpentium? Not a chance.

I like that scenario you played out but would never happen like that. If they wanted certain resources they would have taken them already. They mastered intergalactic space flight I am pretty sure they can build mining robots. And who is to say that they haven't at one point taken resources but have definitely left us the vast majority. They don't want our resources or else they would have taken them already. If they wanted our planet they wouldn't have let us reshape it like we have. So there is really only one plausible reason why they are here at earth.

posted on Jul, 6 2012 @ 09:54 PM

Originally posted by Village Idiot

My question to you is, why do the greys have any interest in us in the first place?

if anybody has a reason to be interested in us it would be (imho) the people who all the ancient cultures around the world talk about. they were known by different names (and I'll bet greys were around too ala Lloyd Pye's skull) but they all say these people came from the sky and taught them things like science, engineering, medicine, math, astronomy, agriculture, animal husbandry, textiles, systems of justice and did amazing things like flying in crafts and blowing the crap outta each other with crazy weapons. Cultures from all around the world talk about these folk and the times when they walked among them. I hope they come back and set things on a path conducive to our survival and not the alternative just as we are doing on our own with pollution and war. I'll bet they've had emissaries (angels) here for a long time watching and living within our cultures and will give an accounting of our worthiness to continue on. It's sorta like how you would determine if a dog has gone bad or not and can live with a family and get along with the cat.

edit on 6-7-2012 by bottleslingguy because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 6 2012 @ 09:56 PM

Originally posted by The GUT

Originally posted by Ophiuchus 13
reply to post by The GUT

The GUT do you feel the extradimensionals are humans who have passed from this side or other beings that have passed from this side or both. I sometimes wonder how the interdimensional aspects works like were they once here but passed and didnt except what their next ascension phase was?

Hiya Ophiuchus 13!

I've been away from ATS for awhile so it's good to "see" you again.

In answer to your reply, my personal feeling and study has suggested to me that they are a totally separate entity from us.

It's that age-old fight between light and darkness and we have historical--and modern for that matter--documents that detail their interactions with us.

Further; I would even posit that what we deem as "ghosts" of those that have passed over are really these same entities in disguise.

If you haven't seen the following documentary I think you will find it fascinateing. The evidence for the existence of "beings" beyond the veil so-to-speak is fairly clear and the experiment documented in the film is pretty impressve.

However, I disagree with their conclusion of what these entities are exactly.

I mean no offense by this but no you have been miss informed.
"Further; I would even posit that what we deem as "ghosts" of those that have passed over are really these same entities in disguise."
Read my reply to Ophiuchus 13 I briefly explained ghost in more depth.
edit on 6-7-2012 by ASeer because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 6 2012 @ 10:04 PM

Originally posted by loveguy
reply to post by ASeer

Call me crazy, but lately I've been fancying the idea of aliens actually being human from here, from a long time in our future. Surviving the effects of our (current) on-going (nuclear) fuku-rad-party.

They are us when we evolve, and if they can disable our nuclear capabilities, they may not look that way (inhuman) in real-time...

I wonder if greys/grays (sp?) have an ego, anymore?

Not crazy at all. Its a plausible theory but not as logical.

posted on Jul, 6 2012 @ 10:33 PM

Originally posted by lordaqua

Originally posted by Cinnamon
If there is any connection between us humans and greys it is that 'greys' probably started out quite similar to us a few million years ago. What we are most likely seeing is the greys at the end of evolutionary development and them being a little bothered about it. That they want some interaction with us isn't surprising but I doubt it is to our advantage, and I think it highly unlikely that we will have any meaningful exchange until....

As explained to me by a close friend and former contactee is that the grays are actually at a critical stage in their evolution where they could have fallen completely out of favor with the natural order. They can only survive with the aid of their technology - they cannot process sunlight nor can they reproduce naturally. If the power were to "go out" they would perish - fortunately for them long ago they have discovered and unlimited supply of "energy" which allows them to survive. My understanding is the grays are being allowed to exchange with us in an attempt to not only salvage their genetic lineage but also to help retrieve and maintain our very own DNA in case we don't survive beyond this elementary stage we are still in.

To the op - good luck with the attachments. Couple of things to keep in mind most of this stuff is controlled by your thoughts - in reality it's a battle for your thoughts. Forget any quick remedies.. you have to raise your merkaba with a clearing of your mind through things like meditation, exercise, and also psychedelics. Also listen to uplifting music and surround yourself with good art.
edit on 6-7-2012 by lordaqua because: typo

Its plausible. Sounds like something they should make a movie about. >_<
Thanks for the good luck. Sounds like you have had some experiences yourself. Great advice it is all about perception and controlling your thoughts and the environment around you. Have a peaceful day.

posted on Jul, 6 2012 @ 11:34 PM

Originally posted by Erno86

Originally posted by ASeer

Originally posted by Village Idiot
What doesn't kill you, only makes you stronger

Interesting thoughts as I myself am a believer of evolution on many levels, not just biological, it makes sense.
My question to you is, why do the greys have any interest in us in the first place?

p.s you'll never see a smile bigger than that of a poor Negro child in South Africa


The Grays as we call them have been around for some time. But they once rose from the wild just as we have. There society had to overcome problems just as ours has because thats evolution and were once at the same level of technology as we are today. So who is to say that once ago when there species was our age another species didn't influence there evolution. That is more probable then them not being guided. It is better to get to a society of higher being faster then slower. The Grays have contact with higher dimensional beings that influence evolution as well for communicating with the Grays for this to be. There interest with us along with other things is that in certain ways its there responsibility to guide us. A job the cosmos placed in there hands.

Until I'm convinced otherwise...I do not believe in the existence of extradimensional or higher dimensional beings.The vast variety of creatures in the universe are possibly in the same boat as Earthlings --- who deal with survival on a day to day basis.

If the greys do exist...they could be of the dinosauroid family tree of species. That could explain why they are highly evolved and adaptable creatures of the universe.

Any hint of extradimensional creatures --- could possibly be overrided by the possibility that the other-worlder's who visit our planet --- use laser hologram imagery, so as too make them appear to be extradimensional; but in reality they are not.


edit on 6-7-2012 by Erno86 because: typo

edit on 6-7-2012 by Erno86 because: added a few words

edit on 6-7-2012 by Erno86 because: added a word

Since you have never experienced spirits or aliens the most logical explanation is that neither exist and there is nothing wrong with that at all. But when you do experience those kind of things it becomes logical and then you will make logic out of all you experiences. Ask and you shall receive.

posted on Jul, 6 2012 @ 11:44 PM

Originally posted by ASeer
reply to post by ignorant_ape

The title was made to be a eye catcher to get people to read the content.

So, a blatant lie.

The old bait and switch.

You suck.


posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 12:04 AM

Originally posted by Harte

Originally posted by ASeer
reply to post by ignorant_ape

The title was made to be a eye catcher to get people to read the content.

So, a blatant lie.

The old bait and switch.

You suck.


You are taking what I said out of context. Its not a blatant lie. The post is to get you to understand evolution and once you are able to fully understand evolution, you can easily see all the evidence clearly around you. The post was made to point out the big picture without having to go into ever last detail. For you to get hung up on the title but not take the time to understand the truths I pointed out is simply immature. Shame.

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