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Store associates--do your job, please!

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posted on Jul, 3 2012 @ 02:47 AM

Originally posted by NarcolepticBuddha
reply to post by nightstalker78

Oh yeah, I tried to woo her with my trivial knowledge of Ted Danson's career. Right. I was telling a story. Usually when one tells a story, they try to use details for emphasis. Did you see the part where I admitted that it is a poor example of the case I was trying to illustrate? It's like people aren't even reading all of my post.

If your retail employees act like nihilist zombies--if this is acceptable behavior to you..then it's a wonder you're still a manager at all.

And I was so determined not to let this thread get sidetracked too.

You can have the last word if you really must.

edit on 3-7-2012 by NarcolepticBuddha because: (no reason given)

edit on 3-7-2012 by NarcolepticBuddha because: (no reason given)

My point about Ted Danson were being an ass about it.Just like you were in the rest of your op.

Probably trolling now too.BUT I do agree with you about the zombie thing.Sometimes employees get bored.That's bad management.When I was the boss oh man,they hated and respected me at the same time.Time is money.Money is time.I'm not in the retail business anymore and I don't miss it.But my point is this,you're coming across as that smug asshole who thinks they know more than the person behind the counter..

edit on 3-7-2012 by nightstalker78 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 3 2012 @ 02:48 AM
reply to post by AssiduousSpook

I really appreciate your post--excellent contribution to my thread! And I think your experiences are pretty much standard for everywhere you look. I certainly went through the same bit while attending college.

I guess I'm just left wondering how this "customer service" nation can sustain itself while we cannot even grasp the basic tenets of common courtesy and good fellowship with our co-workers and acquaintances in our lives.

(I'll restate, the purpose of this thread is not exactly about the corporate machine--it is more about putting effort into what you do. Now I see that there are reasons that cause the incentive for effort to suffer).

posted on Jul, 3 2012 @ 02:52 AM
reply to post by nightstalker78

Yeah, I sometimes do know more than the person behind the counter--this is because I made an effort to know my job when I was behind the counter myself. If this is smug behavior, then dang. So be it.

Maybe I am putting some of these people down while ranting in my thread. But it is the attitude that I'm trying to put down. Certainly not trying to be a snob (even if I come off that way, so be it). But the one thing I didn't do, and never would, is try to make those people behind the counter feel bad. I never would start an argument and try to embarrass anybody.

Like I said, I've been there and had customers do just those things to me. It's not a good feeling and I wouldn't try to do that to anybody. Even if inside I'm losing patience, I can still stay calm and cool.

By the by, star for you. Thanks for your posts.
edit on 3-7-2012 by NarcolepticBuddha because: (no reason given)

edit on 3-7-2012 by NarcolepticBuddha because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 3 2012 @ 03:00 AM

Originally posted by NarcolepticBuddha
reply to post by nightstalker78

Yeah, I sometimes do know more than the person behind the counter--this is because I made an effort to know my job when I was behind the counter myself. If this is smug behavior, then dang. So be it.

Maybe I am putting some of these people down while ranting in my thread. But it is the attitude that I'm trying to put down. Certainly not trying to be a snob (even if I come off that way, so be it). But the one thing I didn't do, and never would, is try to make those people behind the counter feel bad. I never would start an argument and try to embarrass anybody.

Like I said, I've been there and had customers do just those things to me. It's not a good feeling and I wouldn't try to do that to anybody. Even if inside I'm losing patience, I can still stay calm and cool.

By the by, star for you. Thanks for your posts.
edit on 3-7-2012 by NarcolepticBuddha because: (no reason given)

edit on 3-7-2012 by NarcolepticBuddha because: (no reason given)

Look at it like this..they may be new.And they might get over whelmed because it's busy and they don't know as much as they should.You start asking questions and they start to panic.It happens,I've seen it quite a few times.

posted on Jul, 3 2012 @ 08:22 PM
reply to post by NarcolepticBuddha

Um honestly who the $&@? is Ted Danson, you need to remember that not everybody watches the same things as you, or are even old enough to remember those shows. Also as a person who has worked in food service for four years management, and cooking why should I care what you think. We get to work minimum eight hour shifts, never get to sit down, are screamed at by rude customers and management officials who are intentionally trying to fire you so they don't have to pay you more than minimum wage. Also most retail stores intentionally understaff every shift. That's not even getting into all of the stuff we have to do besides helping you people. Have you ever been five minutes from going home and had to make twelve orders, ya probably not. Do you know what you want before you order if so, thank you, if not your wasting our $&@?!%\ time.

posted on Jul, 4 2012 @ 09:27 AM
reply to post by NarcolepticBuddha

Go off on these people.

Talk to the manager.

Stop tipping!

posted on Jul, 4 2012 @ 01:12 PM
reply to post by KwisatzHaderach

Did you miss the part where I said I've done this kind of work before? And yeah, I wasn't exactly ticked that she didn't know who/what I was talking about. It's an obscure made-for-tv-movie anyway starring an obscure B-list celebrity.

It was all in her attitude (the topic of this thread). I guess I failed to interpret her attitude through the medium of text.

And yeah, I can't say I envy you for working in food service. I also applaud you for it because it's ridiculously stressful work. I've stewarded in kitchens and it was very hectic. There is no reward in food service except knowing you did the best you could...and what I'm trying to say is, that doing the best you can at your job is a great seize it!

A lot of people are in the dumps (I know it's depressing and usually difficult work)...but I'm saying it all starts with one's own attitude and it's time to raise the bar. If I can do it in my own depressing retail job (which I don't even have anymore!) then believe me, the rest of humanity ought to be able to.

Thanks for your post! Your input is much appreciated.
edit on 4-7-2012 by NarcolepticBuddha because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 4 2012 @ 01:16 PM
reply to post by rtyfx

Star for you for telling it like it is and how it ought to be! I don't agree with "going off" on anybody--and it's probably too late to teach these kids some basic manners and good fellowship. But, yeah, I'm just not going in there anymore. I'm making my own sandwiches from now on (yes, I was always capable of doing this haha) and I do it with tastes better when made like this

If they don't want to make sandwiches--trust me, it won't be long before they lose their customer base and won't have to make sandwiches anymore. Stay thy course, kiddies!
edit on 4-7-2012 by NarcolepticBuddha because: (no reason given)

edit on 4-7-2012 by NarcolepticBuddha because: (no reason given)

edit on 4-7-2012 by NarcolepticBuddha because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 4 2012 @ 05:54 PM
reply to post by NarcolepticBuddha

These kids don't understand anything but violence. Look how they grew up - video games and "Ah-nold".

I say get a little loud with them. People notice.

posted on Jul, 4 2012 @ 07:58 PM
I have found that most people today in various forms of retail/customer service are LAZY and are there to collect a pay check. Customer service is dead.

I go to the Dollar Tree often for various things that are more of a bargain there than grocery stores. There was one employee who ALWAYS gave me a hard time when I asked her to double bag my items and to not bag them heavy. She always huffed and sighed. I asked her nicely again and she said., "it's not my job to bag groceries." I looked at her and said you work in a grocery type store so yes as a cashier it is your job to bag groceries. She then wanted to argue that they didn't teach her. I told her I found that to be ridiculous and that bagging groceries was common sense...Keep in mind this woman was in her 50s or 60s. I went in another time and she was there yet again and again she gave me attitude. I complained to management and left. Well my next visit after that this women MOCKED me for calling and complaining about her. I asked her yet again to not over bag my items because I lived up stairs and the bags always broke while walking up them. You don't put 10 cans in one bag that is thin as paper. She would shove all boxed items in one and in the process it would tear the sides so when I got to my car the bags were falling apart. Well her response when I told her i lived up stairs was, "it's not my fault you live up stairs." I couldn't believe it!! I told her that I was going to contact corporate this time because she should not be working there if she can't do basic customer service and appreciate the fact she has a job. The manager apparently over heard the conversation and followed me outside and gave me corporates number. He apologized and said he heard the conversation. I told him that he should hire someone who would appreciate working and do it with a smile instead of an attitude all the time. I did contact corporate and from what I found out recently she and 3 others were fired. The lady I had the other day was super pleasant and didn't even argue when I asked her to double bag the items. She even said the bags were thin and she understood.

I don't feel bad at all for her being fired, she didn't deserve the job. She was just plain nasty and rude to people. She acted like you were inconveniencing her! It was her job and she refused to do it so why keep someone like that?!

I also had a time where I asked a girl at the bookstore if they had any Buffy books and she said no without even looking or directing me to where they would be. I asked if she could check and she rolled her eyes! She checked and they had 3 books and I bought all three books...Now was it so hard for her to do her job?!

I don't get people today in the service business. They act like it's a burden and people complain about the wages well people today are spoiled. They need to learn to live on a budget and quit whining! I loved working retail and customer service. I always went above and beyond for the customer, isn't that what you are there for anyway? I never had a problem with helping a customer and if I couldn't I always felt bad like I didn't do my job. Customer service today is nothing compared to what it was 10yrs ago.

posted on Jul, 4 2012 @ 08:41 PM
reply to post by mblahnikluver

Thanks so much for your great post! This is the kind of meaty discussion ATS should always have. I don't mind dissenting opinions and altering viewpoints, but so few have actually agreed with me on this thread..belittling my problem with what is so obviously wrong with customer service today. I really appreciate the personal experiences--it lets me know I'm not a crazy lunatic and that there really is a social pathogen floating around.

Baggin' groceries was my first job. I have heard some rather silly requests like double paper in a plastic bag etc. I wouldn't have dreamed of complaining or giving them grief for this request. I've even had people in better shape than me ask to carry out their 1 whole bag of light groceries just because we were required to offer carry-out service. I did this gladly. It was NOT my place to give grief but to honor the request! This is how I "earned" that paycheck. Why is this so difficult for others to understand?

After grocery I did retail for 4 years at the same location. I did my job well and I couldn't even count the number of return customers we had just because we were "more helpful" and "friendlier" than other stores and locations. Even when I moved into assist management, I did my best to keep my coworkers in good spirits and it really was not so difficult. Why? Because I set the example and always wore a sincere smile with people.

It's really a shame that my job folded up. I was in line for management and I loved my job. I went to college but was absolutely ready to stay with retail because I enjoyed working with customers who appreciated a job well done. There were a few I could never please. I've been yelled at by plenty of people. One lady in particular let me have it really good one night and stormed out of the store. She threatened to call corporate and say she wouldn't shop in the store until I was removed (fired, terminated, whatever). She came back 2 weeks later like nothing ever happened and was pleasant as pie to me as I had always been to her.

Thanks for your insightful contribution. It's really a shame more people don't care about doing a good job..especially when it's their, you know..job. Some people are just rebels without a cause

(By the by, great avatar!)
edit on 4-7-2012 by NarcolepticBuddha because: (no reason given)

edit on 4-7-2012 by NarcolepticBuddha because: (no reason given)

edit on 4-7-2012 by NarcolepticBuddha because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 4 2012 @ 09:42 PM
How about this? i totally agree with you. I worked at a walmart for 8 months. Most people at my store were exactly as you describe. I did my job to the absolute best of my ability, but i was often scheduled as the only person in the entire grocery side of the store 7 to 10 (i worked 2 to 10, rest of the department left at 7). Sometimes i wouldnt get hardly anything done as i was helping customers. Is it not part of my job? Am i supposed to get rid of them? I got written up for "wandering around the store", "low productivity". I left with no notice about a month later. Walmart can kiss my ass.

This is probably why a lot of retail workers are pieces of crap

Oh yeah, lets say someone asks me for help in.....the infants dept, immediately next to my department. Or maybe they want help two departments down. What am i supposed to do? i could page someone in that dept or call a manager or manually find the person in that dept. Well, no one was remotely helpful. Then what? Well, i atleast helped people in the baby food aisle. It is food afterall, which was sort of what i was knowledgable about.

I ofren had to tell people i didnt work at the store when i was on break or if i was shopping on my day off.

Hell a few times i was shopping and they freakin paged me. Wtf?

The best part though....any time id go to any store in the area people thought i worked there and asked me for help. Id be like...dude i work at walmart!!

I did quite a few retail store deliveries as a trucker too. Of course when you pop out on the store floor from the back room, people start asking you for help. id just tell em that im a trucker making a delivery, i dont work hwre but ill find you someone who can help. Hehe. I always made a bathroom pitstop before hitting the road.

I drive a tanker now, just have to deal with my customers imploding my truck now.
edit on 4-7-2012 by phroziac because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 8 2012 @ 07:27 PM
I didn't read all the comments, just the OP and felt I had to chime in about that version Gulliver's Travels (One of my absolute favorite movies). I spent well over a couple of months searching for it on dvd a while back when finally I had to order it online. I still watch it every week or so, something is comforting in it, aside from waking up to that dvd menu theme playing over and over haha. I had the same experience as you trying to find it, no one seemed to know what I was talking about since the new blasphemous version came out with Jack Black (which was a real slap in the face to the Danson version)

Ok just to add about a recent employment experience I had. I decided to pick up a minimum paying job at a sandwich shop that was just opening, I had in my younger years actually managed a similar shop with great results. I kind of missed having a job doing something, that if done correctly really showed and thought this would be a great chance to prove myself. During the orientation I realized a couple of things, first being I was at least 12 years older than anyone else, np I thought. Then while the owner was discussing policies and basic duties I realized I was the only one not texting or snickering. As the day went on I witnessed these disrespectful kids already starting drama and insults to each other. Their "thug" attitude was just insulting. I decided that this was not going to work out and pulled the owner to the side stating that I was just not a fit for this place and wished him the best of luck. He said he understood and could see my point, and to come and check back with him in the future. I could see the concern on his face about them as well.
edit on 8-7-2012 by Thescripter because: (no reason given)

edit on 8-7-2012 by Thescripter because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 8 2012 @ 08:21 PM
Good customer service is hard to find... create... and maintain.

I am an asst. mngr at a farm supply store with many outlets across the country. Management will tell you up front when applying that pay is minimal and the work is hard.

The corporate office folks want as much work as they can get with as little pay as they can get.

With 23 years experience, I know how to merchandise and sell. With a farm, I am pretty knowledgable.

HQ doesn't want me to think... just follow the program and build the displays they want built and how they want them... so independent thinking and initiative are shot down from the get go.

"Flavor of the week"... whatever is important that week iswhat everybody should be concerned with. Next week, a 180 will occur and it will bhe something totally different.

ManHours... we want 101 things done, but cut payroll by 5%. So... Saturday morning we hav a cashier... me... and one other fllow running around like a chicken with no head... doing loadouts on fencing, getting dog wormer, loading little old ladies dog food... and answering questions like..."How long is an 8' gate?"

Customers... many are reasonable and intelligent people. Many are just plain stupid. We had a guy bring a big barrel fan back... this is a free standing round fan that can throw a lot of air for barns...workshops...industry. He said the blades were turning the wrong way...really? Yes he air was coming out the front... and he anted us to check all of the others to see if they were turning the wrong way.

I told him with a straight face that we had gotten a wrong shipment of fans... the ones we got were intended for Australia and S America as they turn in the opposite direction... like the flush. He looked for the label.

I have people that are looking for ower blades... for a mower they have had for years. "What kind of mower is it?"

A riding mower..."I know that, what brand?".... I don't know... it's red, though.

OK...that's a start.

We go in with the best of intentions, but after 8 hours of a 10 hour shift... the stupidity gets old.

And discounts... I get brand new stuff straight off the truck, and these folks are trying to talk me down like it is a horse with no teeth. Pay the damn price.. I am sorry steel is so high... blame the Chinese. I am not reducing the price 10% just because there is a run in the paint under the fender of a trailer.

Wear your glasses to town. You knew you were going to read labels at the store for chemicals and pesticides when you left the farm... wear your glasses. "They don't make me look good."Well, neither does the mud caked work boots, sweaty shirt from a 1978 Journey concert and the baggy worn jeans... but you wore them... wear the damn glasses.

And no... even though I am an asst manager.... I don't know everything nor do I remember the price of all of the 500,000 items we carry. Want to know about the gestation cycle of pigs and goats...ok. Electric fencing or chainsaws... sure. How about worming my horses or dogs or cats... or the ingredients of "all natural" dog food....gotch covered. But don't get mad if I don't know more than the basics of welding... or if I can't tell you off the top of my head if a 1953 International Farmall C was originally 6 volt or 12 volt.

Most folks now a days are nice... but some are real asses... like the guy that wanted to know where 20 penny nails were. I took and lead him right to the nail section and "here you are, sir." Well, where are the? "Right in front of you, sir." Then he implied that i didn't know what 20 penny naiuls were....pissed me off, but I kept cool. he kept repeating it..."You don't know what 20 penny nails are, do you son?"

So... I played stupid...said here are your nails, thanked him, and walked away before i told him what I did know.

Just so you know...20 penny nails are labeled 20d nails... Old English way that has carried over to the colonies and modern day. I think he didn't know what 20d nails were in fact but he was so arrogant, I let him stew...

Anyway... customer service cuts both ways. We try to be courteous and meet all the demands put upon us.. and the fact that we have customers bring us tomatoes, cakes, eggs, pictures of theiranimals...tells us we succeed... they even give us discounts whe we buy stuff from them like hay.

We try to bend over backwards to help... but I will be damned if I bend over to kiss someone's behind.

posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 12:24 AM
reply to post by Thescripter

Thanks a lot for your excellent post. I appreciate the fact that you actually read my OP and seemed to get what I was going for haha. Not many people did. The thread got derailed pretty quickly, so you didn't miss anything by not reading it.

Yeah, I was thinking of getting the new Gulliver's Travels in a bargain bin at wal-mart the other day. But, it just didn't seem right. I'll stick with the one I grew up with

Thanks for posting your experience in the work place. This is REALLY what I was seeking out in my thread. I was in a management position before my last job folded up. I've been bouncing job to job that last few months still trying to find something that isn't a complete reset for me. But, it looks like it's back to entry-level, minimum wage because in-company seniority counts instead of experience, education, and know-how in other areas.

I enjoyed our conversation in your thread, thanks for adding to my own!

posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 12:36 AM

Originally posted by AlreadyGone

I told him with a straight face that we had gotten a wrong shipment of fans... the ones we got were intended for Australia and S America as they turn in the opposite direction... like the flush. He looked for the label.

Haha nice! Good for you!

Sounds like you take your job very seriously. That's great! And it sounds like you're a big help even though I'm sure corporate/management takes it for do many of the customers.

But your kind of work ethic is exactly what I'm calling for. I'm not declaring war on store associates for having a hard job. I'm encouraging people to care again and put effort forth in their jobs...yes, even--nay, especially!...the entry-level jobs.

I wouldn't expect every store associate to know everything there is to know about everything. Most of the time product changes and displays are moved or re-arranged. But the fact that you do know many things about what you do is exactly what I'm looking for in everybody.

There are too many clueless entry-level associates out there when I can't even seem to get back into that gig with education and plenty of experience to back me up topped off with a world class positive attitude and work ethic.

We need more people like you!

edit on 11-7-2012 by NarcolepticBuddha because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 12 2012 @ 08:13 PM
reply to post by NarcolepticBuddha

I understand and sorry if I sounded angry. I'm normally the guy in back you here telling other people to get their @$$ in gear.

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