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Drinking Human Milk! The Cure for Cancer and HIV

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posted on Jun, 15 2012 @ 05:03 AM
Research has proven that people with cancer have far less Antineoplastons in their system compared to healthy people. I think it's possible that the Antineoplastons in healthy breast milk is what prevents the cancer...

Doctor Cures Cancer – Gets Charged By The FDA 5 Different Times For Regulation Violations

posted on Jun, 15 2012 @ 07:59 AM
reply to post by Shadow Herder

There may be many positive health benefits but .........really...........eeeuuuuuuwwwww

Have you ever tasted human milk? I will admit to trying the mrs breast milk for our first child - never again! Tastes worse than foreign milk on your cornflakes on holiday!

posted on Jun, 15 2012 @ 08:02 AM

Dairy milk could be the hidden cause of many cancers and diseases in the world today and genetically modified cows and foods are accelerating this.

You know I am so *(*(*(*()*() sick and tired of all the things that "might" be the cause for cancer etc etc!!!!!!

Now its dairy products! OMG

Is there nothing anymore that DOESN'T cause cancer!!!

edit on 15-6-2012 by VreemdeVlieendeVoorwep because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 15 2012 @ 10:06 AM
cows away.... replaced by woman.....

posted on Jun, 15 2012 @ 10:12 AM

Originally posted by CoherentlyConfused
I know...if it's good enough for our babies, why is it not good enough for us? It is rather sweet.

Besides being the perfect food for babies, as long as you have a breastfeeding mom in the house, no one will starve.
I always used to joke about that with my ex when I breastfed my oldest son. If we ever got stranded somewhere or put in a survival situation, at least we wouldn't starve.

In a survival situation, It all depends on what your calorie intake is to produce the milk. No intake, no milk unless you're the sole consumer of the food and feed the milk to the rest. My wife used to joke about it during nursing our eldest back in time whenever she had extra milk to use it for my coffee

posted on Jun, 15 2012 @ 10:16 AM

Originally posted by Flavian
reply to post by Shadow Herder

Have you ever tasted human milk? I will admit to trying the mrs breast milk for our first child - never again! Tastes worse than foreign milk on your cornflakes on holiday!

It all depends on your Mrs's Diet while she was breast feeding. Many cultures around the world provide specific diet for new moms just to ensure there is adequate supply of milk for the babies.

This was in the news 2 years ago for those who forgot


posted on Jun, 15 2012 @ 10:40 AM
When will people learn that Birth is terminal?

Seriously you want human milk farms? We have been drinking cow milk and goats milk for 1000's yes THOUSANDS of years doubt you will gain anything by quiting it.

OH OH OH and I have family that is allergic to dairy guess cancer...EXPLAIN THAT!!!!

posted on Jun, 15 2012 @ 11:55 AM
lol, i dont think it's as simple as "milk causes cancer". People gets their panties bunched up over the silliest things. Obviously its a generalization.

As someone who is currently not only nursing a (almost) 3 year old but a 9 month old also I can tell you that compared to their peers they are both healthier, smarter and best of all more socially aware (they are compassionate and caring, they share, they are respectful - well the 3 year old. And tantrums are EXTREMELY few and far terrible 2's here!). Not just my kids, but the other kids I know who's parents are still nursing them. The benefits of nursing have been shown time and time again - and yet those who *choose* (yes there are people who need to use formula for any given reason - I think anybody ( 99.9%) can nurse given the right environment (support, diet etc) to use formula claim there is no difference.

I am not surprised that breastmilk has health benefits far into adulthood. I recently read an article about a woman who gave her father breastmilk and it kept his cancer in remission for years. Not sure what the outcome of that was...

Anyways, people need to get over their awkwardness regarding breastfeeding and start accepting it as it's one of the few things left that has the possibility of advancing humanity.

posted on Jun, 15 2012 @ 12:07 PM
If the breast milk can transmit hiv, I really am having a hard time seeing how it would help. I see it as possible, but I don't understand.

Here's how I see it. Would you go suck on a cow's udders? No. Then why would you drink cow's milk just because it comes in a carton?

In trying to figure out what is healthy, you have to ask yourself what you'd do in the wild, without tools. THAT is what you should be doing, even with them.

That said, I drink non-homogenized milk, hoping it might offer some benefit to me. I have heard great things about raw milk too. I would never think of drinking human milk. That just seems gross unless it's from someone who knew and trusted who didn't eat all kinds of junk and or take medications that would affect you. Cows are probably better nourished than we are. ha ha ha. (Some people eat well. I'm just joking.)

posted on Jun, 15 2012 @ 12:16 PM
Breast Milk blocks HIV - Does not transmit

(never added a link before so not sure if it will hyperlink)

"New Research Shows Breast Milk Blocks HIV, Does Not Transmit The Virus Contrary To Previous Assumptions"

posted on Jun, 15 2012 @ 12:47 PM
reply to post by Shadow Herder

I believe this. I don't think it is new information - I think it is well hidden and covered up to sell infant formula and who knows what other diabolical agenda is behind that simple one?

When I was young I was very sick and my mom took me to the doctor. She was nursing my sister and the doctor told her to feed me breast milk. I was all of 6 or 7 years old at the time. She says the breast milk cured whatever it was I was sick with right away.

posted on Jun, 15 2012 @ 12:47 PM
reply to post by daynight42

I think what they are saying is that breast milk CAN transmit HIV, but they have always been stumped on why only 10% of the babies catch it from the infected mothers.

And now they are finding that the breast milk of the other 90% already includes neutralizing antibodies that prevent the HIV from getting to the baby, or that the antibodies may be inducing a natural immunity in the baby.

Evolution? Are the babies immune to HIV now? Do they establish their own community of B-cells that will always produce effective antibodies to HIV? Or is it that only the mother's milk prevents it, and later in life they will not acquire natural immunity? Or are these antibodies ONLY effective if administered before an infection is established (i.e the baby has already acquired a T-cell infection, with dormant memory T-cells that prevent the B-cell antibodies from working to eliminate the virus)?

Questions, questions....

posted on Jun, 15 2012 @ 01:30 PM
There are complete populations of people who cannot digest cow's milk, simply because adults are not made to drink milk. Or at least not the milk of cows. Most mammals stop drinking milk from their mothers at a young age, and I never really thought of any benefits that could be gained by continuing the practice. I think this has to do with the fact that mothers may stop producing milk when the offspring reach a certain age.

And the biggest question I have is where in the world does human milk come from? There aren't huge plants where they milk women like cows. If there were, I would already be working there. I highly doubt this substance could be re-created in the lab, due to its complexity and the fact that it contains quite a lot of, as you said, aliveness...Oh wow, apparently that is a word, lol.

Actually, people that can drink cows' milk have actually evolved to be able to do so. It's really neat when you think about it. Our bodies evolve in direct response to a cultural choice made by humans.

posted on Jun, 15 2012 @ 01:51 PM
It has been recently discovered through scientific study that these exact compounds that are found in the marijuana plant and conversely THC are found in human breast milk!! It has been well documented- just not highly published due to the current war on drugs. These same cannabinoids are found in human breast milk to encourage suckling by that of the newborn- eating is a new feat to a small being who has been fed via umbilical cord for 9 months. They have done significant studies where the receptors have been artificially blocked in infant mice, and the mice wither away in size and lose all interest in eating. It seems that these compounds play a critical role in the survival rate of newborns. Not only are these cannabinoids found in breast milk, but the placenta as well- they play once again a critical role in pre-natal forming in the uterus.

I will probably get a warning for writing this, I dont understand why as this is a Conspiracy theory forum, yet the truth is not liked by many.


posted on Jun, 15 2012 @ 02:35 PM
reply to post by Shadow Herder

Thank you for bringing this topic up. Although many may react immaturely as a result of the information, I am confident that discussion in this realm is warranted and justified.

I personally believe that you are onto something, although I concede that the exact details could be on the table for debate until we have conclusive evidence. However when approached from a scientific and knowledgeable point of view, these claims could have merit and are worth investigating vigorously.

I don't really have much to add to the subject as you have done a fair job at exposing people to the varied facets of the topic. Also Google is a friend when it comes to following up on the search.

I will state that I am pro-human milk especially for nursing babies for entirely scientific reasons, which are readily available to anyone willing to investigate through our friendly search engine. Humans have not developed anything as powerful and effective as human milk via artificial means, all of our "replacements" are crass or crude. They lack the antibodies and vast plethora of other important constituent materials.
edit on 15-6-2012 by muzzleflash because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 15 2012 @ 02:41 PM
reply to post by blaenau2000

Although you did mention that which cannot be mentioned, the context is very important.

You were discussing it from a scientific and biochemical point of view, and keeping the discussion relevant and informative.

I suppose the mods could correct me if I am mistaken here, but I am under the impression that a strictly academic discussion of the unnamed subject avoiding all illicit references is within the T+C (within reason of course).

A similar discussion with similar implications is the bio-oil / plastics subject. (Google Henry Ford and George Washington Carver).

posted on Jun, 15 2012 @ 02:47 PM

Originally posted by daynight42
If the breast milk can transmit hiv, I really am having a hard time seeing how it would help. I see it as possible, but I don't understand.

I will explain the theory/hypothesis behind the insinuations.

Essentially the primary method of which diseases gain influence and cause damage within the body is due to a lack of proper nutrition which gives the bodies cells the chemical materials it needs to combat the disease's activity.

The immune system is quite powerful if provided adequate materials to conduct it's operations.

Human milk specifically is loaded with antibodies particularly, of which promote the passing of resistances from one individual to the next. The mother's milk (if she is healthy and well nourished), is going to offer all sorts of developed and capable antibiotic/antiviral capabilities to those who do not yet been exposed to them.

posted on Jun, 15 2012 @ 02:51 PM
Here is a document created by an accredited physician (and associates) in relation to the benefits of human breast milk in relation to health and the ability for a child to gain resistance and combat various diseases.

How breastmilk protects newborns

It is important to note that women who have poor dietary habits can have "dirty" milk which is not suitable. Also included are medications that the mother takes, nearly all of these negative chemicals will find their way into the milk itself, in some form or another.

A very simple example is that when my wife was feeding our children, her diet was a very important aspect of the babies mood. If she ate greasy foods like french fries, the babies would get really bloated and cry a lot. However when she would eat good healthy foods, the children would be disposed to being more happy and content.

This is an incredibly complex and dense subject and I highly suggest looking around with some documented sources so that you can investigate the citations in depth on your own when time is available.

posted on Jun, 15 2012 @ 03:21 PM

Originally posted by muzzleflash

Originally posted by daynight42
If the breast milk can transmit hiv, I really am having a hard time seeing how it would help. I see it as possible, but I don't understand.

I will explain the theory/hypothesis behind the insinuations.

Essentially the primary method of which diseases gain influence and cause damage within the body is due to a lack of proper nutrition which gives the bodies cells the chemical materials it needs to combat the disease's activity.

The immune system is quite powerful if provided adequate materials to conduct it's operations.

Human milk specifically is loaded with antibodies particularly, of which promote the passing of resistances from one individual to the next. The mother's milk (if she is healthy and well nourished), is going to offer all sorts of developed and capable antibiotic/antiviral capabilities to those who do not yet been exposed to them.
okay, great, cant argue the necessity of mothers milk, and anyone who has done the research knows it benefits. As a child I was breast fed, but here is the problem. Its not on the market where I can buy it. Or is it?
Will their be a black market for mothers milk?

posted on Jun, 15 2012 @ 08:28 PM
reply to post by All Seeing Eye

Having a little trouble finding a good google search term phrase, but here is something interesting from

If I am not mistaken, I think they said 30oz of human milk (if clean) sells for up to 20,000 $.

If you are thinking about it, I highly suggest you first check your local laws to make sure it's legal or not. Secondly, I highly suggest you screen your source and attempt to discern accurate medical information (history of source).

I personally would opt to wait longer for further developments in the realm of this topic prior to indulging, cmon 20,000 for 30oz? Once the practice is investigated deeper and if it becomes legitimate and commonplace, than the price and availability of such a product would be much more reasonable.

If done correctly, very good specimen women with strong constitutions and impeccable nutrition could in theory provide us with a very powerful boost to biological functioning and disease resistance.

I highly stress that we exercise caution and restraint here as we explore the potential medical benefits of such material, because it is a very dangerous subject when we are discussing consuming human fluids.
Again screening the source is imperative.
And checking your local laws is a must.

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