posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 03:11 PM
This thread is about ufos in relation to the New World Order, not the phenomenon and ufology.
I have a strong suspicion that a promotion of 'ufo aliens', the investigation of them, (the 'ology) is being attempted to be used to -very gently-
get people to see that we need to become a global village, like a Star Trek Federation planet, perhaps. (In reality, globalism.) But I was doing
research in the search engine into what people such as our US founding fathers, and other statesmen from years back, knew of, thought of, the attempts
for monarchies to consolidate control over the many, and I learned, that it's a very old trick, and it ultimately (globalism) (and control over it)
doesn't work. There is this one popular important ufo authority who I listened to, say recently, that nationalism causes wars. But ever since the
Soviet Union fell, we've seen endless constant military campaigns based on lies and false flags around the globe, under Democrats, Republicans, and
Europe's NATO.
The Rockefellers jumped into ufo-ing back in the 1990's, (that we can see publicly) with hosting ufologists, planetary scientists, and Hillary
Clinton and Dick Cheney. Both of who'm have hinted at ufo knowledge. I knew an important ufologist years back, who was friendly with Germany's
Leichtenseins. There is a thread here called Leichtenstein and the super secret global elite.
I've been wondering if there have been meetings to (either persuade, influence, collude with,) ufologists to try and help the globalist elite, very
carefully, influence the minds of (younger) Americans to see that "borders language culture" (as coined by conservative Michael Savage) are relics
of the past that need to be discarded, if we are to move forward into a new age.
But the problem is, this kind of new age is a very old kind of age. That is my warning to you.