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Land Of The Free No Longer

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posted on Jun, 6 2012 @ 12:09 PM
reply to post by Asktheanimals

I considered writing a similar piece very recently.

Well it seems I beat you to it. I'm sure you would have done a brilliant job too. I would still like to see you attempt something like this actually, it'll be interesting to read your take on all this.

Once the proposed fleet of drones are put in American skies it's game over. Any last illusions of freedom will be dropped and the true face of the New World Order will be plain for all to see.

Yes that certainly is going to be one large step for their agenda. I cannot even believe they are already trying it...

Hell, we don't even have a clear idea of who is actually in control. Multiple layers isolate the elites from the rest of us - local police, state national guard, intelligence services, Homeland security and then the US military, UN and NATO forces.

That's a good point too actually, I didn't mention that. It's all very obscure and hard to pin point where the real problem lays. They have designed a very elaborate system which is almost impossible to dismantle, especially when they do everything in their power to ensure the people are so complacent... as I said I don't have any solutions or answers, I'm just writing it out like I see. I hope we can find a way out of this nightmare.

posted on Jun, 6 2012 @ 12:12 PM

Most people are cowards and fools ......

Just as in the Colonies the Sons Of Liberty will drag the screaming cowards into the fray .

The few will decide the future because the majority are incapable action because they are paralyzed with fear .

Sad but probably as true today as it was in the past .

Oh well......


posted on Jun, 6 2012 @ 12:28 PM

Originally posted by superballs
i went 2 nice restaraunt last night had a good meal. came home to my air conditioned house.and watched my cable tv tell 3 in the morning

getting ready to go golfin now and when i get home im gonna barbecue steaks and burgers in my yard..

i gotta tell ya i feel pretty damm free

Yep.... I took my kid. School then to chucky cheese for lunch( last day of school 4 pre-k) at home now, took out some ribs for the grill later on. Thinking about drinking some ice cold beer before hand. Mighy havemmy neighbors come over ( white, black, and hispanic) and partake also.

Im thinking " good times!"

Whats so wrong about this day? Along with anyother. I can freely do what i want so long as i dont break the law.

Ehhhh what am i missing here?

posted on Jun, 6 2012 @ 12:33 PM
reply to post by ChaoticOrder
Are you free?

If so, how does your freedom differ from American's?

Serious question.

posted on Jun, 6 2012 @ 12:43 PM
reply to post by beezzer

I don't feel free. I would feel free if I could travel whereever I wanted to travel, without permission or molestation to get there.

I don't feel free. I don't have insurance or a lot of money, and can't legally grow many medicines I might grow IF I needed them, which I am lucky I don't, because if I did, I couldn't.

I can't decide to be the master of my own consciousness. I can't open many businesses without getting an inspection or license. I can't make my own ethanol without an inspection and license.

For me, though, here is the BIG thing. I cannot add 3 feet onto my front porch so I can set up a telescope with the view of the one sky that I have that's clear without a 500.00 permit.

It ain't free - are you kidding? FREEDOM is FREE. Everything cost an arm and a leg and you have to get permission from someone in America to do SO much stupid little mundane things - sell a fresh egg to a neighbor, sell a tomato plant to a neighbor, sell some cucumbers you grew to a neighbor.

That ain't freedom. America is legislated, regulated, constipated, and feedom, not freedom.
edit on 6-6-2012 by hadriana because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 6 2012 @ 01:06 PM
reply to post by hadriana
So freedom, to you, is the ability to do things that you currently can't.

Those things that you mentioned can be done. It depends on where you live, but of course, that in itself is a freedom of choice.

Though I agree, in part, that there are restrictions/laws that have been imposed upon us that restrict certain freedoms.

Our choices define our freedoms.
In elections.
In life decisions.
In every day activities.

We narrow or expand our freedoms by our choices. Freedom, to me, is an individual approach. We can make it as large or as small as we want.

posted on Jun, 6 2012 @ 01:09 PM
reply to post by PLASIFISK

Ehhhh what am i missing here?

Apparently everything.

posted on Jun, 6 2012 @ 01:33 PM
reply to post by beezzer

Here are some things which I would consider important freedoms which we all have a right to. Most of these points do apply to me living in Australia however it's clearly worse in America at the moment.

* the freedom to have innocence maintained until proven guilty
* the freedom to have my voice heard in public protests
* the freedom to have unbiased uncensored truthful news
* the freedom to have my wealth maintained and not stolen
* the freedom to have my privacy maintained and not invaded
* the freedom to have fair government representation
* the freedom to have an open and neutral internet
* the freedom to have an untainted water supply
* the freedom to have an untainted food supply
* etc, etc, etc

Some sources:
Network Analysis Reveals ‘Super Entity’ of Global Corporate Control
Congressmen Seek To Lift Propaganda Ban
Almost Everything Is A Crime In America Now
Internet Users Have Been Defamed by the Anti-Defamation League
The Fed Audit ($16 Trillion in Secret Loans)
Man Loses $22,000 In New 'Policing For Profit' Case
I think I may be on to something.......HUGE!!!
ACLU sues Obama administration over premeditated murder lists of Americans.
Journalist Sues Obama Over Indefinite Detention Law
FBI: Paying Cash For a Cup of Coffee a 'Potential Indicator of Terrorist Activity'
FBI Linked to Yet Another Domestic Terrorism Plot
FDA Deletes 1 Million Signatures for GMO Labeling Campaign
Blatant Corruption Exposed as EU Blocks France's Ban on Monsanto's GMO Maize
5 Million Farmers Sue Monsanto for $7.7 Billion
A brief look at water fluoridation and the insanity of it
Citibank physically drag women into bank (video)
The Truth About Syria & The Truth About Libya
The Supreme Court handed down a unanimous decision but, that's not good enough for Obama

And this is clearly just the tip of the iceberg... do the research yourself and open your eyes.
edit on 6-6-2012 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 6 2012 @ 01:36 PM
Both forces of tyranny and freedom or rights vs. privilege don't exist, for the same reason a God might not exist that controls all of reality or the false notion that no God exists, just dualities like democrats vs. republicans. Most of these beliefs are merely that, nothing more, no scientific basis for most of these sacred cows, once you strip away the fact how our rights don't exist it makes sense why most people want to live in some kind of fantasy that the MSM cares about them and that rights exist, but even the MSM really doesn't exist but nothing more than a collective hunch, just a funky patchwork of guesses and possibilities or probabilities, just as we theorize how the dinosaurs disappeared we could one day wake up and find all we believe in gone, we live in a spaceship that goes through massive changes over vast amounts of time and will eventually die when the sun dies. Rights seems kind of funny when you confront yourself and others with the vast wasteland of spacetime and the massive destruction and disruptions that can occur off in the vast distance, do galaxies have rights to exist, black holes, sharks, tigers, etc.? I could carry on but I would recommend you pick up some books by Robert Anton Wilson or Howard Bloom to bring you a perspective that makes mincemeat of our collective notions of "reality".

posted on Jun, 6 2012 @ 01:37 PM
reply to post by ChaoticOrder

But you didn't answer my question.

Are YOU free?

And if so, how does that differ?

Edit to add; a simple yes or no would suffice.

edit on 6-6-2012 by beezzer because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 6 2012 @ 01:42 PM
reply to post by beezzer

On the first page of this thread I said:

No I am most certainly not free.

Anyway, I'll have to continue this conversation later because it's rather late here and I need a bit of sleep. I'll check back on this thread later.

posted on Jun, 6 2012 @ 01:44 PM

Originally posted by ChaoticOrder
reply to post by beezzer

On the first page of this thread I said:

No I am most certainly not free.

Anyway, I'll have to continue this conversation later because it's rather late here and I need a bit of sleep. I'll check back on this thread later.

Apologies, I must have missed that.

Will have to re-organise a proper response.


posted on Jun, 6 2012 @ 05:42 PM
reply to post by ChaoticOrder

This is a special treat for those of you who feel that just because you can go golfing and enjoy your BBQ's and bring your smug attitudes to a very serious thread.............ENJOY your so called freedoms while they last!

posted on Jun, 6 2012 @ 05:58 PM
reply to post by ChaoticOrder

Wow nice post and very well said! Right on the money too S&F! Yes most of us Americans are stupid brain dead sheeple strung out on fluoride big pharma drugs and brain function killing vaccines along with the rest of the western nations. The answer is obvious people need to rise up and stand for freedom and liberty. The question is do we have the collective will to do it? Not at the moment but mindsets are slowly changing I just hope it is not to little to late...

edit on 6-6-2012 by hawkiye because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 6 2012 @ 06:11 PM

Originally posted by superballs
i went 2 nice restaraunt last night had a good meal. came home to my air conditioned house.and watched my cable tv tell 3 in the morning

getting ready to go golfin now and when i get home im gonna barbecue steaks and burgers in my yard..

i gotta tell ya i feel pretty damm free

Ah the illusion of freedom.. So you got in your car that you had to get permission from government to drive and pay them some of the fruits of your labor to get them to grant you such permission, and then paid the government in the way of gas tax to drive on that road to the restaurant that has to pay government for permission to be able to exist and serve you a meal, and then went home to the house you must pay government to be able to occupy in the way of property tax that the builder had to pay for permission from government to build, threw some steaks on the barbecue that the rancher had to pay government for permissions to grow and then sell to you, and now getting ready to go golfin at the course the owner had to pay government for permission to exist, so you could get in your car you had to pay government for permission to drive and even to buy it in the way of taxes and licenses etc. etc etc. Aint freedom great....

edit on 6-6-2012 by hawkiye because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 6 2012 @ 06:48 PM
reply to post by ChaoticOrder

After a well written opening statement and a considerable number of links validating your initial post. I'd no longer waste my time on the TWO individuals who define freedoms with the consumption of burgers, movies and watching television. Nothing infuriates me more then overt nurtured ignorance. Just my 2cents ChaoticOrder. You have made your case !!!!!!!!

posted on Jun, 6 2012 @ 06:56 PM
Here's the can say "YOu are free, just don't break the laws and you can do what you want!"

But that's misleading. You can't really control a free population, you see, so you legislate EVERYTHING, then you say "You are free, just don't break the laws and you can do what you want."

Freedom is a bit more about controlling one's own destiny and person.

The drug war, in particular, and local ordinances gone CRAZY, are really screwing with people's ability to control their own destiny- feed themselves- medicate themselves...

Don't know where YOU live or how aware you are of the restrictions to freedom that are on you- it's really easy to say freedom is just a mindset, but that mindset might run head on into property rights laws around here.

There's an area close to here that has decided- that no matter HOW MUCH LAND YOU OWN, you can't own ANY livestock, because that's not part of the image that the area wants people to have about it.

Yes, you can move. You can keep moving until you are on 1 square inch in the middle of the Sahara dessert trying to get your chicken to lay. Then you can stand there with the sun beating down on you yelling "I am free!"

posted on Jun, 6 2012 @ 07:06 PM
Bang up job, OP!

Only thing is, the word freedom. It can mean so many different things to different people, like some of the posters here thinking that everything's just dandy as long as they have the freedom to have a good time. For others the most important thing they want freedom from is responsibility and accountability.

So I think independence is the most important thing we've lost. Nothing would move without the continued approval of the powers that be. Food, power, water, gas and everything else that keeps us even semi functioning is provided by others. We are utterly dependent and the flip of a few switches would shut us down.

posted on Jun, 6 2012 @ 07:51 PM
reply to post by ChaoticOrder

And now we come to this recent election... again, all us outside observers could see that which was obvious... that there was only one man in the race who represented sustainable small government, who represented an end to the illegal wars, who represented the constitution... who represented liberty and freedom.

The policies and beliefs held by this one man are the closest to any of the founding fathers... I don't need to state who this man is because it's clearly obvious there is only one man who stands for the principles which I have just listed. Anyone with their eyes open could see the world was cheering for this man.

With respect to your most thoughtful and excellent thread, this thought right here is perhaps the heart of what is truly wrong with Americans, not that they didn't support this candidate, and plenty in this site have supported Dr. Paul, the problem is that everyone is looking for an American Messiah to save them from themselves.

Electing Dr. Paul wouldn't amount to a hill of beans if after the election people slapped each other on the backs, high fived each other and then went right back to their dismal lives, doing business with banks that refuse to offer them a reasonable interest rate on their savings, would never ever give them a loan without some sort of collateral, like their homes, but insist that they need to do business with these banks anyway because the banks wouldn't honor the paychecks their employers pay them with - instead of cold hard cash - and would refuse to cash these checks without proof of a bank account.

American's apparently love to be extorted and Dear Dr. Paul could not save such sick people from that kind of illness.

I have long said that the only people who truly understand the American Dream are people from other countries. The American Dream was once predicated on that great American Spirit of non-acquiescence, but the last time Americans collectively engaged in non-acquiescence was during prohibition, and the 18th Amendment that prohibited the manufacture and sale of alcohol was the last example of this non-acquiescence that forced the repeal of the 18th Amendment nearly 13 year later because American juries refused to convict their suppliers. Then the Great Depression, an economic disaster manufactured by the goddamned banks, followed. This gave rise to the great white father who stood up from his wheel chair and promised Americans a hand-out, and hands up were suddenly less attractive as the great white father not only began doling out financial assistance for the destitute, but began doling out "free" money for education to institutions that began indoctrinating the recipients of this "free" money that it was their "civil rights" that mattered. Unalienable rights? What's that? I dunno but it ain't on the test so don't worry about it.

Public schools started offering up "business economics" classes where tax supported teachers would "teach" their students how to file a valid tax return and not a single word was ever mentioned about liability. Liability? What's that? I dunno, but it ain't on the test so don't worry about it.

Yep, Americans love to be extorted and not just from banks but from their elected officials who demand they obtain a license to drive so they can tax them for exchanging their bill of sale for a title of registration - bill of sale? What's that? I dunno but it ain't on the test so don't worry about it - so that they could then ticket them for having the audacity of parking their cars.

Yep, Americans love to be extorted so they conceive of an idea for a new business and they rush to city hall to get their business license so they can be "legitimate" only to discover that city hall will not grant them a business license until they obtain a federal tax I.D. number, and not a soul stops to question this illegal collusion between a municipality and the federal government, hell not a soul even stops to wonder why they would have to have a tax I.D. number for business they haven't even started yet let alone make a profit at, because Americans love to be extorted, and because they have learned to file a valid tax return and hand over 25 to 50% of their income to the federal government, nations across the world have discovered just how much Americans love to be extorted so they stick out their hands and ask for some of that "free" money, of which the federal government is only too happy to oblige, and this is, in a large part, why the rest of the world hates Americans...

...not because of their crass hillbilly ways, but because they love to be extorted and it's hard to like such unseemliness.

edit on 6-6-2012 by Jean Paul Zodeaux because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 6 2012 @ 07:56 PM
I don't have much time to reply right now and I hope I will be able to form a better reply when I return home, but I want to let you know I felt like I was reading something I have been thinking about for a while since I moved from Australia to America, come back and now frequent sites like this one to help open my mind.

Thanks for posting!

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