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CNN Admits Ron Paul Might Be The Man America Needs!!!

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posted on Jun, 3 2012 @ 12:31 PM

Im surprise the producers of CNN approved this message
It took them long enought to realise that RP is the most competent man alive to be the next President
everyone including themself would be better under Ron Paul
and he is the only one who can really do something about the economy
and nothing will improve under Romney and Obama if they are elected

2012 will be a historic year for changes

Ron Paul Destroys the Entire Establishment
edit on 6/3/2012 by Ben81 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 3 2012 @ 12:32 PM
reply to post by Ben81

That crazy old ron paul

Isn't it amazing how this crazy old loon ever got anywhere with the PTB.

To bad ignorant people just never seem to see the light on the real subjects, just the economy alone should have this in the bag for him.

Love his message and ideas.

crazy is what we need.
edit on 3-6-2012 by Doalrite because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 3 2012 @ 12:36 PM

Originally posted by Doalrite
reply to post by Ben81

That crazy old ron paul

Ron Paul is crazy ... you think that ?? even in the good way.. the term is really inapropriate
he is the most down man on earth
always thinking straight and only the truth about everything
yes is his crazy to go full train ahead against the elites .. they have killed before
anyone who oppose them .. RP will never be scared and they know that
and they know they touch him .. like dying in a accident .. riots will happen

RonPaul wants only the best for everyone
He is a doctor in first place .. he knows how to take good care of people
he will certainly take good care of the hundreds of million of americans and do his best
edit on 6/3/2012 by Ben81 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 3 2012 @ 12:40 PM
I saw that more as a hit piece on him personally. That was not actually very flattering and at the end she says RP supporters think he is what the country needs.

posted on Jun, 3 2012 @ 12:41 PM

Originally posted by Ben81

Originally posted by Doalrite
reply to post by Ben81

That crazy old ron paul

Ron Paul is crazy ... you think that ??

maybe you can explain why and not just insult a great man for nothing
that want only the best for everyone
He is a doctor in first place .. he knows how to take good care of people
he will certainly take good care of the hundreds of million of americans and do his best

Actually I do believe he is a bit crazy.

You would have to be to take on the Establishment that way. By doing so he is endangering himself and his family. I fully support him though.

The generation that is waking now will be the leaders tomarrow if those days ever come. I have the feeling that there will be massive war first and all the young leaders will be drafted and sent to die... not for a real cause, only a thinning of the herd.

When those old fools become scared of us they will undoubtley take action and they have no problems letting you or me die for no more of a reason that they feel they have the power.

posted on Jun, 3 2012 @ 12:42 PM
reply to post by Ben81

Too little too late CNN...
Isn't it Romney Vs Barry or is there still a glimmer of hope for the good Doctor?

posted on Jun, 3 2012 @ 12:42 PM
I feel that this segment distorted what he wants to accomplish. Also, I don't think it was heartfelt.

You can't contain what he has planned in a 2 minute segment.

posted on Jun, 3 2012 @ 12:43 PM

Originally posted by Domo1
I saw that more as a hit piece on him personally. That was not actually very flattering and at the end she says RP supporters think he is what the country needs.

Well it was more flattering then any other article i have hear about him
did they change something finally ? because they know he have a chances to win with the delegates

The only time i see good stuff on him is when RP opens his mouth on CNN

posted on Jun, 3 2012 @ 12:44 PM

Originally posted by Ben81

Originally posted by Domo1
I saw that more as a hit piece on him personally. That was not actually very flattering and at the end she says RP supporters think he is what the country needs.

Well it was more flattering then any other article i have hear about him
did they change something finally ? because they know he have a chances to win with the delegates

The only time i see good stuff on him is when RP opens his mouth on CNN

More than less flattering is still not flattering.
edit on 3-6-2012 by satron because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 3 2012 @ 12:45 PM
reply to post by Ben81

Well it was more flattering then any other article i have hear about him

I'll give you that. To me it sounded as though they were painting him as a kook and a radical. I don't want Paul to be president but I found them to be a little condescending.

posted on Jun, 3 2012 @ 12:45 PM
Incorrect assessment, she is saying what supporters are saying, not what she, or CNN is saying. This is a neutral cliffnotes report.

Problem is, when they do the same piece on Obama or Romney, they will say then what supporters also are saying..that doesn't mean they flipped 3 means they are simply reporting what is being said in the various camps.

The difference between CNN and say, Fox is that CNN doesn't give their official endorsement. So fox viewers become confused by this and think anyone reporting for any side they don't agree with suddenly means they are in the tank for that view or politician.

As far as what this clip was actually about...
Ron Paul: We are slowly climbing out of a recession...what is your plan?
Answer....kill 1.5 million jobs, end minimum wage, and give corporations even more breaks (so they can outsource more..yay).

Ya, not sold on his economic vision..he puts a teaspoon of sugar and a teaspoon of rat poison in the drink.

posted on Jun, 3 2012 @ 12:46 PM

Originally posted by Domo1
reply to post by Ben81

Well it was more flattering then any other article i have hear about him

I'll give you that. To me it sounded as though they were painting him as a kook and a radical. I don't want Paul to be president but I found them to be a little condescending.

Which part of the reporting is untrue? That is his economic stances (actually, the truely kooky stuff they didn't even mention...again, ending the minimum wage...)

posted on Jun, 3 2012 @ 12:48 PM
reply to post by Ben81

If you and a friend were falling out of a plane at critical velocity without a parachute, the best one could do is maybe say a prayer and hope the ground rushing up at you provides a quick death. I am hoping the situation with the economy is not that far gone, however, I am worried that it might be that bad.

Ron Paul is the man that was needed when Bush Sr got into office. He could have clarified and restructured the laws to prevent criminal senates, congress and future US presidents from occupying an office which they do not deserve.

Cheers - Dave

posted on Jun, 3 2012 @ 12:48 PM
reply to post by Ben81

Coincidentally they are experiencing their worst ratings in their history.
This, to me, is an obvious attempt to gain some following and boost some ratings by pandering to this hugely sucessful Ron Paul movement.

Don't get me wrong, this is a great thing.
It shows that the MSM will go where the money is (as if we didn't know that)
and the money is with the people.
The people are with Ron Paul.

Ron Paul is with freedom.

This is getting interesting.

posted on Jun, 3 2012 @ 12:49 PM

Originally posted by SaturnFX
Incorrect assessment, she is saying what supporters are saying, not what she, or CNN is saying. This is a neutral cliffnotes report.

That's not what viewers are to expect, they expect an unbiased version of what he wants and how he wants it. Not plagiarizing off any supporter they choose. Not much journalistic research there.
edit on 3-6-2012 by satron because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 3 2012 @ 01:29 PM
He wants to remove income taxes, good! I am tired of virtually working for the gov for 3.5 months each year with no pay.

posted on Jun, 3 2012 @ 01:33 PM
reply to post by Ben81
Haha thinks straight? The things he talks about are great but it's what he doesn't talk abou that's crazy my friend. He's against the eliets? Under his preferred system of government the eliets Would rule stronger than ever.

posted on Jun, 3 2012 @ 01:48 PM
Seemed like a hit piece to me.

Also, she references Economists regarding the Job Losses that would happen the first year so again CNN isnt in the business of opinions, Fair and Balanced news is where its at. LOL.

If we would of elected him in 2008, cut the budget back than, got rid of the Fed, Dept. Education, IRS, etc. how would our Country look in 2012??

I think it might be like the 50's all over again. Major economic boom to our Country and respect (maybe) throughout the World again.

posted on Jun, 3 2012 @ 01:49 PM
I know Ron Paul has many followers and fans, mostly because of what he says.

Can somebody please enlighten me what, as a career politician, he has ever done that might have made my life better?

posted on Jun, 3 2012 @ 01:50 PM
I was asked what I thought of santorum.

Why do you not like him?

It's one of those things you can viscerally discern, and my disliking of him was well founded. I dislike the man so greatly that I won't even learn about him, I just know. Finally I spouted off that he is 'damaged goods'. He is going to hurt a lot of people. He is mussolini, in the bud.

I watched as his entire family cried when he lost in the last presidential farce.

I listened as he approved 'subduing the Earth', aka, fracking.

I listened as he endorsed government issue walkie talkies as being 'awesome', and a gift from God.

I shuddered as he forged 'conservative values' to mean an interest as to what you do in your bedroom.

You cannot even get a glass of drinkable water in his state, thanks to anarchocapitalism. The water tables there are ruined, perhaps forever. Gloria copeland says 'if there's cancer in your body, talk to it'. Indeed, there are enough things wrong to 'talk to' that the switchboard is saturated. I notice that the copelands never say: if there's proprietary carcinogens in your well water, talk to it'. No no no. Jesus appears to be in direct competition with clean water. Give them clean water, and he'll have less victims coming to The Lord.

Then I saw a RP ad, wherein the nails were put in the coffins of the supposed conservatives RP is running against.

It was a thing of beauty, but it is so much like a beautiful dream we awaken from, only to find we cannot sustain the reality thereof, since we are conditioned to expect abuse.

Unless you're watching 'Burn Notice', if your television set is plugged in, you are being emotionally abused.

The media will see to it that this man loses. The things they are marketing, at this moment, are designed to wheel in a new round of armor, fascistic, fear based, wrongfully judgmental, and full of intent to bring about another round of Bush, whether it is in blackface, or wearing magic underwear. They know these men are controllable. Barry smoked pot. No matter who wins, aside from RP, we lose. mitt enjoys re-upping the 'patriot act'. It's a hell of a buzz. The awesome cell phones, etc., are a thing that we should be FORCED to wear, but it's a well known carnie quote that the marks have got to pay for it. The flesh eaters are there to show, subliminally, how and why we need a strong, centralized, federal force. I believe their hopes for one world anything are dashed, unless it's war.

So, CNN is simply trying to garner a LOT of loose change. They win the viewers that were left wandering, disenfranchised, after the mock election. There are loads of them. FOX did the exact same thing, immediately after rahm strode from the subways, into daylight for the first time in decades, as a 'powerful man to make powerful changes', and they hired crony after crony to explain to us what went wrong, after FOX made sure that it was safe to come out and play. FOX gave us obama. FOX gave us bush. FOX gave us kenneth starr and monicagate (it was ram's handiwork). Then FOX exclusively went after obama. I remember glenn beck blubbering about how ashamed we should all heard it.

CNN knows that it is too late for RP, and they are coming out to play. They'll make a fortune doing this, and FOX will directly compete, as soon as they are sure RP is done.

RP is like a savior, in a way, because he hands us the seed of true liberty and asks us to plant it in our hearts and minds. It is understood that he, personally, is not the issue. It is us, and what we do with our conscious awareness.

Even if they bury him alive, we still win. He isn't what we need. It's what he gave us.

So, now they're shooting down drones in texas. Maybe they like oppression, because, I must ask....why did they shoot him down, as well?
edit on 3-6-2012 by davidmann because: (no reason given)

edit on 3-6-2012 by davidmann because: a word or two added

edit on 3-6-2012 by davidmann because: (no reason given)

edit on 3-6-2012 by davidmann because: (no reason given)

edit on 3-6-2012 by davidmann because: (no reason given)

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