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Astrology and Zodiac Signs

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posted on May, 23 2012 @ 01:39 AM
So I was doing some research into the 13 month calendar versus 12 month, and was thinking how that effects zodiac signs. Some people say that the sidereal system is the one that is true, but why is it that in western astrology I'm a Gemini and in Sidereal I'm a Taurus, but I have no Taurus characteristics and exude Gemini traits. Is it possibly because they alternate and I got born in a western cycle or what?

Note: If you are going to post something along the lines of Astrology is BS, please don't bother posting lol.

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 08:37 AM

Originally posted by VeritasAequitas
So I was doing some research into the 13 month calendar versus 12 month, and was thinking how that effects zodiac signs. Some people say that the sidereal system is the one that is true, but why is it that in western astrology I'm a Gemini and in Sidereal I'm a Taurus, but I have no Taurus characteristics and exude Gemini traits. Is it possibly because they alternate and I got born in a western cycle or what?

Note: If you are going to post something along the lines of Astrology is BS, please don't bother posting lol.

I look forward to reading the replies on this post because I've often wondered myself. I'm a Taurus in the 12 month and Aries in 13. I certainly exude the traits of a Taurus almost to a T so, it is a bit confusing. When I read my horoscope though, I just go ahead a read both signs just for the sake of covering all bases.

I know there are several members here that are really knowledgeable in all things Astrology related so, I hope they will shed some light for both of us.

Thanks for starting this thread!

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 08:45 AM
I have heard that the 13 month calendar only applies to people born after a certain year so those of us who are old enough to post here probably still have the 12 month characteristics.

This is what I have heard. I am interested to hear other replies.

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 09:01 AM
reply to post by ThinkingMe

hmm, I haven't heard that. But, I think I will look into it real quick and see if I can find the cut off date. Thanks!

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 09:03 AM

Originally posted by VeritasAequitas
So I was doing some research into the 13 month calendar versus 12 month, and was thinking how that effects zodiac signs. Some people say that the sidereal system is the one that is true, but why is it that in western astrology I'm a Gemini and in Sidereal I'm a Taurus, but I have no Taurus characteristics and exude Gemini traits. Is it possibly because they alternate and I got born in a western cycle or what?

Note: If you are going to post something along the lines of Astrology is BS, please don't bother posting lol.

My impressions:

1. The 13 month Lunar calendar concept is based on the moon (28 days * 13 = 364 days)

2. Zodiac is based on precession of the ages and star alignments (sumarian Mayan, etc) as well as how the tilt of the earth pints in the direction of that star-system - and thus it maps onto the solar (Gregorian) calendar. See Zodiac_Calendar_History, and for the date-matching: Zodiac (wiki)

3. The Modern calandar (Gregorian) is a mix of pagan, solar, and catholic. Gregorian Calandar

Month Latin Origin
January Januarius Named after the god Janus.
February Februarius Named after Februa, the purification festival.
March Martius Named after the god Mars.
April Aprilis Named either after the goddess Aphrodite or the Latin word aperire, to open.
May Maius Probably named after the goddess Maia.
June Junius Probably named after the goddess Juno.
July Julius Named after Julius Caesar in 44 B.C.E. Prior to that time its name was Quintilis from the word quintus, fifth, because it was the 5th month in the old Roman calendar.
August Augustus Named after emperor Augustus in 8 B.C.E. Prior to that time the name was Sextilis from the word sextus, sixth, because it was the 6th month in the old Roman calendar.
September September From the word septem, seven, because it was the 7th month in the old Roman calendar.
October October From the word octo, eight, because it was the 8th month in the old Roman calendar.
November November From the word novem, nine, because it was the 9th month in the old Roman calendar.
December December From the word decem, ten, because it was the 10th month in the old Roman calendar.

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 12:42 PM
reply to post by reitze

Apparently from what I read, the Gregorian calendar is a sham, and we are supposed to be using the 13 month calendar based off of the Lunar cycles ;due to the feminine aspects of nature. The site I was reading on said that the Gregorian calendar was made to get us out of harmony with nature, removing our bond, and in some ways it is supposed to suppress our ESP-type abilities.

Some good information here though

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 02:46 PM
posting to make sure I come back later and check out the replies.

I am on the cusp of 2 signs so I already have to check out 2 signs for my horoscope, I hope I don't have to look at a 3rd

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 05:29 PM
reply to post by froglegs79

I was born in 1992, and as I said I exude Gemini traits, just like my sister does with Taurus. We were born 1 year and 20 days apart. I read somewhere that we didn't shift to the 13 signs, with Ophiucus. Now that I think about it, maybe because we aren't on the correct 13 month calendar system, is why the dates don't line up. Something to do with the month representing the sign, and those born into that month are such sign. Since because we are on a 12 month imperfect calendar, that'd be why the dates range from the 20th of this month to the 22 of this month etc.

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