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Triple Helix DNA?

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posted on Sep, 29 2004 @ 03:54 PM
I was talking with a co-worker and she mentioned hearing about infants being found with triple helix DNA...she didn't have anymore information than that. I was reading a thread a couple days ago that mentioned "Indigo People" of something who have been prophesized by Cayce (I believe) to be somewhat altered humans. In Cayce's prediction they should have started being born by now.

Or could this just be a genetic mutation?

[edit on 29-9-2004 by Howard the Dolphin]

posted on Sep, 29 2004 @ 05:34 PM
whats altered about them?...Explain a smidget....

posted on Sep, 29 2004 @ 06:10 PM
I'm not sure, the information was pretty ambiguous; this is part of the reason for my creating of this new thread. I forget in which thread I read about the indigo people, but if I find it I will post it.

posted on Sep, 29 2004 @ 06:16 PM
I don't think tripple helix DNA is possible. DNA forms when two strands come together to form a ladder like shape. Each strand has a row of nucleotides that match up with the strand on the opposite side. A-T and C-G. They pair. That's how DNA forms, replicates, splits, forms new cells, etc. How would a 3rd strand fit into that equasion? Free floating? RNA would have to code for it, and the complete cellular makeup of a person with tripple helix DNA would be so different I doubt they would even be considered human, let alone survive as a living being.

posted on Sep, 29 2004 @ 06:26 PM
"It was a mistake. After a few pages of theorizing, using sketchy and sometimes incorrect data, Pauling became convinced - as Watson and Crick had been at first - that DNA was a three-stranded structure with the phosphates on the inside. Unfortunately, he had no Rosalind Franklin to set him right." from

Some early research thought there were 3 strands at first. Above is one example.

"Oligonucleotides which form triple helical complexes on double-stranded DNA have been previously reported to selectively inhibit transcription both in vitro and in vivo by physically blocking RNA polymerase or transcription factor access to the DNA template. " from

Translation: Keeps DNA from being replicated when a certain protien is added to the DNA double-helix. Cells can't divide or replicate (ie things can't grow). Humans are developed by cell division and replication when we develop from a sperm and an egg to a fetus. A third protien added as a psuedostrand prevents that.

edit: added 2nd link

[edit on 29-9-2004 by RedBalloon]

posted on Sep, 29 2004 @ 07:14 PM
Indigo People - There are many people that appear to be dark blue (indigo) due to the effect of large amounts of Nitrates in their blood. This was addressed in the U.S. on the opening show of 'Medical Investigations' where people had mistakenly eaten a large amount of Nitrates which prevented oxygen from reaching all of the cells of their bodies. The effect of which was that they turned blue until succomming to the poisoning.

posted on Sep, 29 2004 @ 10:18 PM
Indigo people are those born with 2 sets of DNA. It is a mixture of 2 people essentially. Very rare condition in which some appear with 2 types of skin color and even hair color.

google it

posted on Sep, 29 2004 @ 10:35 PM

Originally posted by RedBalloon
I don't think tripple helix DNA is possible. DNA forms when two strands come together to form a ladder like shape. Each strand has a row of nucleotides that match up with the strand on the opposite side. A-T and C-G. They pair. That's how DNA forms, replicates, splits, forms new cells, etc. How would a 3rd strand fit into that equasion? Free floating? RNA would have to code for it, and the complete cellular makeup of a person with tripple helix DNA would be so different I doubt they would even be considered human, let alone survive as a living being.

yea, I don't think we could consider them human if there was a 3rd strand.

theoretically, any flaws in our genetics- like curling your tongue as opposed to not curling it, for example- would be because of a difference in the protein that controls that particular function. therefore, in very rare cases, someone may be born with a protein that causes an off color skin- or born without the protein that causes normal skin tones.

so a 3rd strand would blow that theory all to hell.

not that it's not possible, just highly unlikely.

posted on Sep, 30 2004 @ 12:58 AM
Click to view the entire thread where I came across the following quote:

This is the part about indigo children:

Originally posted by WeBDeviL
Hopi and Mayans put it as '5th world', not '5th race'. Interesting? Coincidence maybe, but definately interesting. He is saying that the new "children of light" will have more fosperous (sp?) in their bodies. This is a very interesting conversation..and Edgar Cacey HAS been right on occasion before. He predicts it in the middle of 2004. We are in 2004. This is VERY interesting..and very soon. Very SOON. Fosperous (sp?) is related to the energy in the body. The 5th root race is supposed to have alot of higher energy levels than us (regular humans) Edgar Cacey also predicted that 2 men and 1 women would find the halls, after the 5th root race emerged, and when Polaris aligned. Interesting. It has some coincidences with Mayan and Hopi culture. They are also relating the magnetic pole flip into this...this could also occur in a "new root race" We are at least 200,000 years over due for one. I believe it is supposed to happen every 200,000 years, we are at 700,000. They are pulling the 2012 ending into it too, as Mayans predicted THIS to be when all of this would occur. A very interesting radio study, a very good link!

EDIT: They are now calling these 5th root race people the "Indigo Children" Which we have heard before. Interesting enough, this does make a connection. Definately an interesting listen, Dr. Little says that these Indigo Children may have ALREADY been born, and will be changed later. Suggesting that, adults that are already here may have the chance to be "Indigo" it is being tied in with the transition year (ie 2012) or a period (2004 - 2012) Whenever the transition comes together, abnormal things will happen (solar flares, diseases) etc.

The interview they are referring to can be found at Greg Little Interview

Originally posted by ljbako
Greg Little states he believes the children of the "5th Root Race"
will have an evolved DNA.

"Mitochondria" is a genetic material and many enzymes important for
cell metabolism, including those responsible for the conversion of
food to usable energy. This is to say, children of the "5th Root
Race" will have unique rejuvenation qualities. They will have a
higher sustained "energy". Greg also mentions the "5th Root Race"
will contain a high level of "phosphorus".

I know there is nothing said about triple helix DNA, but after hearing my co-worker say something about it and then reading that made me wonder.

posted on Sep, 30 2004 @ 04:54 AM
I think perhaps and Indigo Person which was described as different eye and skin colors could actually be confused with a Gentic Chimera. A person who is gestated in the womb of their mothers with a fraternal twin, and the 2 twins merge in the cellular stage, before the cells completely understand their unique cellular stucture, and uniquness. Think of the opposite of an organ transplant. Instead of rejecting foreign tissue, in the cellular stage the 2 can merge safely, but genetically there are 2 different sets of DNA in one person.

As Fars as Indigo Children are concerned, this is a New Age Philosphy, in which people with similar sympotms to ADD and ADHD, are an evolution to handle multipile stimulous inputs, high empathy skills, and psychihc abilities.

The research on it is quite intruiging, check out. A google search, on Indigo Children or try or try the singular child. It's late and I don't know for sure.


posted on Sep, 30 2004 @ 08:37 AM
link's-code/Indigos.htm - This has some further information on first wave Indigos, which may or may not interest people ;-)

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posted on Sep, 30 2004 @ 08:54 AM
I read somewhere that we are not using our own DNA to it's full potential. Like a lot of it is dormit. I'll try to find info on it and I'll get back to ya'll.

posted on Sep, 30 2004 @ 09:00 AM
May want to check into the "chimera" condition. I'm currently looking at ways to get tested for this, as I have two official blood types, and possibly two DNA sequences. Unfortunately, this is usually only found when trying to be a donor, etc. and is hard to detect. There is no set rule as to what blood type I'll be at a given time, or body location, etc.

This is said to occur when twins are developing, but then one embryo absorbs the other's DNA and basically the two become one... So, if I turn out to be one, I'm basically my own twin...weird huh?

posted on Sep, 30 2004 @ 12:53 PM

Originally posted by mistyrain316
I read somewhere that we are not using our own DNA to it's full potential. Like a lot of it is dormit. I'll try to find info on it and I'll get back to ya'll.

I have heard something relatively similar to what you said; I will try to find information on this, as should anyone insterested in this subject.

posted on Sep, 30 2004 @ 08:38 PM
I have searched most of the day and I can't remeber where i was when I read it. I think it was an Alchemy site I'll continue to work on it. If you find anything dolphin let me know k thanks

posted on Sep, 30 2004 @ 08:45 PM

Originally posted by mistyrain316
I read somewhere that we are not using our own DNA to it's full potential. Like a lot of it is dormit. I'll try to find info on it and I'll get back to ya'll.

A lot of it is supposedly "junk" DNA that does not code for specific traits or protiens - essentially appearing unused. There's so little we know about it though, that "junk" DNA may be valuable in ways we won't know for 100 years

posted on Sep, 30 2004 @ 08:47 PM
Right just like we use so little of our brain I'm sure the rest isnt just there to fill up the rest of the space between the skull, cause if that was the case wouldn't our heads be smaller???

posted on Sep, 30 2004 @ 11:19 PM

Originally posted by mistyrain316
Right just like we use so little of our brain I'm sure the rest isnt just there to fill up the rest of the space between the skull, cause if that was the case wouldn't our heads be smaller???
Ermm... little? No.
We do use a large portion of our brains all the time.
Its just how we use that is diffrent.

posted on Oct, 1 2004 @ 01:31 AM
I've heard it suggested that the seeming "extra" DNA is actually a genetic history of our race. I don't know enough to support or oppose the theory, i'm just calling it out for discussion if anyone knows anything.

We don't really use whatever percentage of our brain people always say we use. That figure came out of a philosophical work, not a medical one. I wish I could remember which book/writer it was. I really doubt that we would have evolved (or been created with) something completely useless.

As for "root races"- this a concept that came out of theosophy. You'll find it in books by HP Blavatsky, such as "The Secret Doctrine" (there was another book I have forgotten the title of). 1 year after a certain German evolutionist made the claim of a continent or land bridge between asia and africa (in order to explain the geographical spread of Lemurs before tektonics were discovered). Blavatsky piggy-backed her teachings onto this new "science" to demonstrate that her occult teachings were on par with modern science by writing about a continent called Mu which was home to "the third root race". When the continent of Lemuria was debunked by the discovery of tektonics, Blavatsky's teachings which expanded on that idea were also proven false.
I have posted in detail on this matter before; I believe in a thread regarding the "emerald tablets of thoth". I'll find it for you if you like.
Anyway, no root races unless you can find a way to get beyond Blavatsky's work, because it is not reliable.

posted on Oct, 1 2004 @ 03:24 AM
Has anyone ran across talk of root races outside of Madam Blavatsky and/or Edgar Cayce? Or should we contribute this idea solely to them?

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