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The Moon Is Noahs Ark

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posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 09:21 PM

Originally posted by Laokin

Originally posted by blocula
reply to post by BrokenCircles
I think the moon is noahs ark and so it must have been built by a very ancient and very lost civilization...


Earth is next to mars.... or did you not know that?

We are the 3rd planet, mars is the 4th. Why would they go out of the solar system just to settle in the same solar system, 1 planet closer to the sun?


Your story has them going the wrong way.

Why is traveling to earth from mars going the wrong way? theres no up and down,backwards and forwards,left and right within the void of outer space.The distance between earth and mars varies from between 35,000,000 (million) miles and 250,000,000 (million) miles away.The closest star is proxima centauri,which is 4.2 light years away,which is about 25,000,000,000,000 (trillion) miles and and so even if our ancient ancestors were able to fly their moonship that far,even if that moonship was capable of flying that far,why would they leave the solar system? especially when knowing that the closest known star with a terraformable planet within its "goldilocks zone" is around 120,000,000,000,000 (trillion) miles away...

Gliese 581 c >
edit on 29-4-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 09:45 PM
This thread is pure trollery isn't it?
It's gotta be...

Just in case it isn't...what is the moon powered by? How did it cruise around the solar system and then out of it?

posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 10:28 PM

Why is traveling to earth from mars going the wrong way? theres no up and down,backwards and forwards,left and right within the void of outer space.The distance between earth and mars varies from between 35,000,000 (million) miles and 250,000,000 (million) miles away.The closest star is proxima centauri,which is 4.2 light years away,which is about 25,000,000,000,000 (trillion) miles and and so even if our ancient ancestors were able to fly their moonship that far,even if that moonship was capable of flying that far,why would they leave the solar system? especially when knowing that the closest known star with a terraformable planet within its "goldilocks zone" is around 200,000,000,000,000 (trillion) miles away...

Gliese 581 c >
edit on 29-4-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

you are going the wrong way because:

So they flew their spaceship moon through the solar system,in search of a new world,bringing with them a male and female dna data bank of all life forms that existed upon their garden of eden mars,two of every living thing,to preserve and re-establish their martian biosphere upon another planet...

The craters and surface scars we see upon the moon,were the result of some ancient interstellar war they fought along the way,a cosmic battle,all but forgotten today and that ancient war may have even destroyed an entire planet or another moon,remnants of which we call the asteroid belt...

Eventually their journey was over,battered and battle worn,they finally found a suitable planet to begin again and so they positioned their moonship life ark into orbit around that planet,where it still remains today and if you want to see it now,just go outside on a clear night or day and look up,there it is,the moon...

from this post:

so they start from mars, travel out of the solar system and return and than finally realise that their new home was right next to their old home the entire time? this is a class-2 civilisation?? who did not have the foresight to check nearby planets in the goldilocks region of their own solar system?? and they put their precious "holy grail" (if you want to be biblical about this) "ark" in range of an interstellar battle??

what kind of class-2 civilisation is this?? not even we, a class-0 will do something so stupid.

like i said previously start in a different galaxy because it will make alot more sense to your sci-fi novel.. goodluck.

edit on 29-4-2012 by choos because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 10:20 AM
reply to post by choos
I said they traveled "through" the solar system,not out of it and then back into it and i never said how fast their moonship might have been traveling,which may not have been very fast at all and the distance between earth and mars varies from between 35,000,000 to 250,000,000 miles,which certainly isnt just down the street and that isnt right around the corner either...

edit on 30-4-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 10:27 AM
reply to post by blocula

mate this is like one of very few instances that i am actually trying to help you.. start from a distant galaxy.

starting on mars and ending with earth makes no sense, remember they have to get past the interstellar war. so they send their "Ark" the saviour of their race right through a war which could have destroyed their hope of survival, only to settle back to their neighboring planet?

they should have had enough foresight to know about earth prior to building the moon ark, this is a class-2 civilisation mate. theres no reason to use the ark to search for earth when its so close.

start from a distant galaxy.

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 10:53 AM
reply to post by choos
We know about mars,but are we living there yet? In a few hundred years from now,if we knew the earth was going to be destroyed and we wanted to save some of humanity to start over again,we would have to move somewhere else and we would have two obvious choices,the moon,or mars...

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 11:09 AM
reply to post by blocula

but we certainly will not search through the solar system just to settle on mars, that decision will have already been made.

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 11:14 AM

Originally posted by blocula
reply to post by choos
We know about mars,but are we living there yet? In a few hundred years from now,if we knew the earth was going to be destroyed and we wanted to save some of humanity to start over again,we would have to move somewhere else and we would have two obvious choices,the moon,or mars...

no bloc by then we could have the ability to go to a planet maybe with life there..
why bother about mars and moon....???

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 11:19 AM
reply to post by blocula

We can send probes and according to what you say we are not even a class1 yet, but this class 2
somehow is not aware of earth?.. if it was some far away place then maybe,

that is the downfall to this theory for me..

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 11:24 AM
reply to post by choos
I think i already mentioned somewhere back within the first few pages of this thread,that our ancient ancestors may have sent out smaller scout ships many years before their moonship life ark was completed, looking for a relatively nearby planet capable of being terraformed into a habitable world...

Its no accident of nature,but by intelligent design,that the moon just happens to fit perfectly across the suns disc during a solar eclipse and the moon just happens to greatly effect the tides and biosphere of earth and the moon just happens to always face the same way towards us and the moon just happens to reverberate like a gong and ring like a bell when something forcibly lands upon it...

I wonder if there exists any ancient records,not yet supressed and hidden away,that reveal evidence of a time when there was no moon to be seen it the sky of earth?

edit on 30-4-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 11:28 AM
reply to post by blocula

why scout ships????

this is a class-2 civilisation??? they should have known, everything about their own solar system. how does it go again?

class-1 control of the entire planets output or something, class-2 control of the solar system output or something and class 3 yada yada yada?

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 11:30 AM
They didn't fly it around looking for a suitable planet.

Mars had operations concurrent with Lemuria, several million years ago, and earth and mars were sharing some culture.

Our moon wasnt from mars, but possibly from Saturn or some other planet that has more negatives associated with it, and the kind of ark there is not what we would like, more controllers kind of ark.

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 11:33 AM
First I wish to thank blocula for starting this thread, because had you not I was about to start one myself saying much the same thing. You have stolen my steam and taken the heat in the process, most valiant of you in this very controversial subject which has divided people for many many centuries.

There are any number of factors which can bring us to think that the Moon could very well have been Noah's Ark, and these are namely that:

1. There is evidence that the Moon is Hollow. This can be determined by its specific density which is considerably lower than that of Earth.

2. Astronomers and physicists agree that a hollow satellite cannot be a natural one.

3. If the Moon is an artificial satellite, this means that it was "constructed" or built by intelligent design, and did not come forth from natural planetary formation processes.

4. The moon has repeatedly resonated upon being struck by falling objects, its ringing like a bell was detected by seismographs as lasting for hours on end.

5. Given its capacity to resonate, the Moon must be hollow. Its shell must however be far more dense than the average of Earth's minerals, given its hollow interior and nonetheless a relatively high total density for a hollow satellite.

6. Biblical scripture and other sources from various civilizations mention the Great Floods, of which traces or erosion can still be seen in the Grand Canyon among other places.

7. Nonetheless given the number and variety of the various species which survived, it is highly unlikely that a simple wooden boat could have sheltered them all from such a massive global cataclysm.

8. We can note through known human myths, legends, writings and scriptures, that there has been an uninterrupted history of visitors from the skies, often called Gods, using UFOs with Anti-gravitation technology.

9. Anti-gravitation allows the lifting of objects or of creatures of any weight and size, since gravity is no longer a limiting factor.

10. Even our official NASA Space program which is nowhere near as advanced as our Military Secret Space Program, is able to maintain life in hostile off-planet environments.

11. If our relatively low-technology science is able to keep people alive off-planet, Aliens with access to Anti-gravity tech were certainly able to do so also, especially if they had to themselves survive in Space on their way to visit Earth.

12. Aliens could have in our ancient past used the Moon as a temporary refuge for a sampling of the Earth's species, during a major global cataclysm, to later reseed the planet after it had ended.

13. This alone would suffice to justify the thread's title, The Moon is Noah's Ark..

You will note that this hypothesis is far from ridiculous, even if those who would rather believe that NASA has always told them the truth, and that they have genuine legitimate reasons for abandoning longstanding plans to develop Moon bases, never returning to the Moon with manned missions for four decades?

This is a very difficult shift in Space Program strategy which has never been convincingly explained away. The only hypothesis which holds water in the light of the inconsistency of this reversal respective to many years of planning and investment, is that the first Moon landings yielded information which precluded further direct exploration of the Moon. What this was is anyone's guess, but we can expect that it could very well have to do with Aliens being on the Moon at the time of their landings. For there have been hundreds of years of Lunar Anomalies observed by Astronomers, and many of them cannot be explained in any other way than as UFO activity.

From understanding that there is Alien activity in a hollow moon base star, stationed in a geostationary orbit exactly the same visual size as the Sun viewed from Earth, and with always one size kept hidden, it appears to be a most unnatural satellite the likes of which has never been detected by Astronomers elsewhere in Space. Just because we are unable to conceive of the technical means to build such a contraption at our primitive state of technological advancement, does not mean that more developed Aliens of a higher intelligence wouldn't have been able to accomplish what we cannot? In example, having they been visiting us in UFOs during our 'Dark Ages'?

I hope that at least some of those following this thread will take it for what it is. Blocula has offered us a very insightful possibility of correlating ancient scripture with modern scientific explorations, and for this we owe him a debt of gratitude.


edit on 30-4-2012 by Getsmart because: the Moon is Titanium covered in rocks and dust billions of years older than our Sun.

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 11:37 AM
reply to post by Getsmart
Telepathically aquired is probably what was happening when i thought of this thread and thanx for sharing your intelligent and open minded response...

The chances of this,too perfect of a fit to have been caused by a naturally occurring event,are many billions to one and so by intelligent design is the only other possibility...Solar Eclipse >

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 11:45 AM

Originally posted by blocula

Once in orbit,they looked down and noticed that their new found world was populated with terrible monsters,filled with the horrible beasts we now call dinosaurs and so they spread a very deadly disease into the air those monsters breathed and into the water those monsters drank,eventually killing them all and then they terraformed the lifeless planet,changing its ocean,its surface and its atmosphere into a habitable new home,a planet they named earth...

bloc they did not call it earth ... the name earth derives from Earth is Old English and German in origin, related to the Old Saxon 'ertha', the Dutch 'aerde', and the German 'erda'. Terra is a French and Latin word, and so isn't part of the 'Earth' etymology. so i highly doubt your class encounters with the 3rd kind gave the name EARTH TO THIS PLANET......

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 11:57 AM
reply to post by denver22
Do we really know for sure where the origin of the word earth originated from? When knowing that we have a very difficult time now,when trying to accurately figure out what happened just a few hundred years ago and there are actual archaeological excavations underway,inside some of the already overgrown and filled in trenches of world war one,which ended not even a hundred years ago and so surely the proposed origins of the word earth,could be traced backwards even further and further still,until its original origin becomes nothing but a remotely viewed theory...

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 12:00 PM
reply to post by Getsmart
"It’s like buying a rolls royce and then not driving it because you want to save money on gasoline" complained Dr Thomas Gold,professor of astronomy at Cornell University,when asked about the abrupt cancellation of the moon missions...

And continue to not drive it for 40 years? Or just casually stop telling the public your still driving it?
edit on 30-4-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 01:41 PM

Originally posted by bloculaits original origin becomes nothing but a remotely viewed theory...

Like your thread you mean...

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 02:17 PM

Originally posted by blocula
Why is traveling to earth from mars going the wrong way? theres no up and down,backwards and forwards,left and right within the void of outer space.The distance between earth and mars varies from between 35,000,000 (million) miles and 250,000,000 (million) miles away.The closest star is proxima centauri,which is 4.2 light years away,which is about 25,000,000,000,000 (trillion) miles and and so even if our ancient ancestors were able to fly their moonship that far,even if that moonship was capable of flying that far,why would they leave the solar system? especially when knowing that the closest known star with a terraformable planet within its "goldilocks zone" is around 120,000,000,000,000 (trillion) miles away...

Gliese 581 c >
edit on 29-4-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

Well, how about because Mars is colder, smaller and has no breathable atmosphere. So what's the point?

posted on Apr, 30 2012 @ 02:29 PM
reply to post by Getsmart

Yes, but the moon is not from mars. And its not an ark run by kind beings. That is where the mean greys come from.

The only way that moon was parked at mars for any lenght of time is if it was a death star that moved in, like the Trojan horse of old, filled with those who infiltrated and created the wars and cosmic batttle that took place and took out lemuria too.

Mars used to dolphins in the oceans!

The moon has alot to do with the annanuki, with Sumar, and more to do with the Queen's family than a coscmic ark for humanity.

More to do with those who hijacked a cosmic school, and downgraded it.
edit on 30-4-2012 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

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