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Fukushima is falling apart: are you ready?

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posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 08:40 AM
The phrase a ticking time-bomb comes to mind.

When mutations and Cancer rates soar politicians will wake-up, until then expect the same business as usual attitude.

We are in a world that cares more for bank-balances and maintaining the political status-quo, if the people of the world were made aware of these things they may start asking questions and making demands, the PTB do not want that now do they.

It's a disaster that has exposed the moral decay of our civilization.


posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 08:46 AM
reply to post by PageAlaCearl

I would be aware, everyone, that some of the more sensational claims made in the OP, regarding people like Helen Caldicot, should be viewed with suspicion. Helen Caldicot is quite controversial and has made many anti-nuclear claims and predictions which are seen as wrong and dangerously hyperbolic by many reasonable people.

In addition, if you go read the letter the congressman sent, it is not panicked... no matter what impression the conspiracy blog linked in the OP might have you think...

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 08:48 AM

Originally posted by Nucleardoom

Thank you for this post... I am working for a German company in Japan at the moment and one of my colleagues works for the radiation lab (in fact the only person ) and he is in charge of controlling foods etc. and there is no change in radiation. Stop the fearmongering. There is a lot of toxine which is in our food. 30km away from Fukushima, there is lower radiation then in Munich for example.
reply to post by aLLeKs

Yet another shill crawls out from the woodwork. You are a LIAR! Why would you say this when it's completely untrue??? I trust Arnie Gundersen anyday over nuclear industry lackeys like yourself. Spread your disinfo elsewhere we know the truth and it's getting out.

The REAL truth

Last time I checked Tokyo was 200 or so miles from the plant. So, are we to trust a former nuclear engineer or a nobody from Germany? I hate to be the one to break it to you, but you're more than likely EATING nuclear waste. If I were you I'd outsource my food supply somehow, because your being lied to, or you're lying to yourself and us.
edit on 24-4-2012 by Nucleardoom because: (no reason given)

Sure... a Professor from Germany is a nobody (by the way he is very into green politics and against nuclear power plants, but still the measurements are ok). Verified first hand radiation measurements are false... Please check your facts!

I have been up to sendai... I was there and seen measurements

And please never call me disinformational! I have my own opinion based on facts. And I have the right to have my own opinion.
So never try to forbid me my opinion.
If you would read all my posts, you would see that I am not here just to post in this threads, because normally I don't care about this nuclear fearmongering threads

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 08:49 AM

Originally posted by steve1709
Can someone help me out please? OK radiation is now being detected in heaps of places. But, can someone give a run down on

1./ the "levels" now,
2./ Projected future levels monthly/ 6 monthly / yearly etc
3./ What type of half life / lives ae involved?

Because wouldn't the half life be one of the most important factors? If the half life of the radioactive material being dispersed is say 1 week then the prob shouldn't be anywhere as bad as say a half life of 500 years or even thousands of years. I would be greatful for any serious, "educated" replies please

Warm wishes


The most commonly-used isotopes -- and those found at Fukushima -- are plutonium 238, with a half life of 88 years; plutonium 239, with a half life of 24,000 years; and plutonium 240, with a half life of 6,500 years.

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 08:51 AM
George Carlin said it very well about the American Dream.

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 09:00 AM
This site is run by Mochizuki, a Japanese citizen that is fighting to get the real news on Fukushima out to the public. For those interested, it does have the latest developments on this situation. I recommend checking it out.

"Chemical complex had second explosion and radiation measurement is nearly impossible
Posted by Mochizuki on April 22nd, 2012

Following up this article..One factory worker found dead At 8:00 AM 4/22/2012, the chemical complex had second explosion with black smoke. They managed to extinguish fire at 17:15 of 4/22/2012, when already 15 hours had passed. 11 factory workers got injured except for the dead worker, and 11 [...]"

This event is going to affect life on earth for a very long time. But, there are so many potential world ending events right now, Fukushima may fall into a runner up for the end of days enthusiasts. Other threats to our existence would have immediate results, instead of long term.

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 09:03 AM
This thread contains the biggest load of rubbish I've seen posted on ATS.

The reactors at Fukushima are in cold shutdown, all below 70 degrees C. The radiation that is being talked about is *inside the containment vessel* making it difficult for the endoscopes and other equipment to obtain photos of the *inside* of the reactor containment vessel.

There is still radioactive water that has been leaking and they are taking measures to pour concrete into the nearby sea to prevent contamination. But measurements close to the reactor vicinity show that there is only very low levels of contamination in the nearby ocean.

The reactors no longer have the capability of releasing radioactive material off site via the atmosphere.

Now please explain how, given the containment of the problem to the site and in the occasional leak of contaminated water into the ocean that the US is is any danger whatsoever?

The thread title is absolute rubbish. Concrete nuclear reactors in cold shutdown do not "fall apart". You people are unbelievable.

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 09:07 AM
From the Stuxnet virus encountered in the computers of Fukushima, the very virus used in middle east by cia, after the first few protocols failed due to the quake and flooding, this is Deliberate depopulation. Its why they have shorted massively cancer drugs and various drugs in the US as well, because they are extremely evil and constantly pouring as much pain/suffering/negativity down the grid as they can to lower everyones frequency.

But this is their depopulation scheme. And my two youngest have been sick almost back to back with various things, one is getting testing yet again, but they won't of course be testing for that. They've missed so much school don't know if what will happen, and his current symptoms, and no he's not going, is his runs came back. Between that, stomach aches,and bad headaches, my second oldest has missed so much he'll either repeat or be home schooled.

We're on the west coast, about an hour from the coast and not able to move either.

I have brought up Fukushima with the Doctor, with the Schools, and with the Stores as well.

The doctor says, "oh why do you talk so quickly, are you stressed, do you need some tranquilizer?"

In other words, from what I have garnered by her reaction is, THEY'VE BEEN INFORMED!

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 09:08 AM
reply to post by PageAlaCearl

To answer your question... yes, I still think nuclear energy is a good idea.

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 09:11 AM
reply to post by roscojones

The explosion at a chemical (glue) factory was in Yamaguchi prefecture, not Fukushima prefecture. Nothing at all to do with the thread.

The concern there was that half a kilometre away was some depleted uranium. However, the fire did not reach this store.

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 09:11 AM

Originally posted by XtraTL
This thread contains the biggest load of rubbish I've seen posted on ATS.

The reactors at Fukushima are in cold shutdown, all below 70 degrees C. The radiation that is being talked about is *inside the containment vessel* making it difficult for the endoscopes and other equipment to obtain photos of the *inside* of the reactor containment vessel.

There is still radioactive water that has been leaking and they are taking measures to pour concrete into the nearby sea to prevent contamination. But measurements close to the reactor vicinity show that there is only very low levels of contamination in the nearby ocean.

The reactors no longer have the capability of releasing radioactive material off site via the atmosphere.

Now please explain how, given the containment of the problem to the site and in the occasional leak of contaminated water into the ocean that the US is is any danger whatsoever?

The thread title is absolute rubbish. Concrete nuclear reactors in cold shutdown do not "fall apart". You people are unbelievable.

there will always be an element of fear mongering going on, but in this case it bears some merit. do some research on isotopes and there accumulative affect on life. i measured, this past sunday, 150 CPM from a rain swipe in pennsylvania, that's 5 times background level and considered radioactive waste levels.

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 09:11 AM

Originally posted by Screwed
IF I must die then let it be so.
I honestly wouldn't lose a minutes sleep if I knew an extiction level event were at our doorstep.
We as humans had our chance and we blew it.
Time to clean house IMO.

This isn't the fault of greedy corporations or corrupt politicians.
The blame falls squarely on the shoulders of the entire human race.
Each and every one of us.

Game OVER!!

IF we do not recieve outside intervention PRONTO
we will not be here much longer to worry about it.

These problems were caused by us....the human race and.......

No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.

- Albert Einstein

There are immediate problems that have to do with evacuation. Where do you put the people and what level of care will be provided to the sick?

What about property in contaminated areas, can it be reclaimed or will it be off limits. Who compensates the sick victims? Or do we have to live through generations of denial about the cause of the illness?

What about deformed births?

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 09:14 AM
And there is absolutely NOTHING we can do to protect ourselves from this.....

Second line...

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 09:15 AM
reply to post by silo13
Yes sorry about that, was in a hurry this morning. It won't happen again.
2nd line.

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 09:17 AM
reply to post by XtraTL

Tokyo Electric Power Co. said the temperature in one of the damaged reactors at its Fukushima nuclear station rose to levels above safety limits even as it injected increased amounts of cooling water.

But major Japanese news sources Yomiuri and Jiji note that the thermometer in reactor 2 has since climbed to 272.8 degrees Celsius, and then hit the upper limit of the thermometer at 400 degrees Celsius (752 degrees Fahrenheit).

In other words, the thermometer is showing temperatures more than 4 times higher than the 100 degree Celsius limit for cold shutdown.

Cold shutdown really isn't. Do some research of the CURRENT data and facts, not the propaganda that the Japan government issues. (Dec 2011)

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 09:17 AM
reply to post by OptimusSubprime

Well what happens when others don't. Should one small group of misiniformed people have the right to use a deadly technology and ram down our throats that can kill off the world.

Or should no one have that power over other people who quite frankly are at wits end wondering how to stop this, do they literally have to declare war on every single person out there that is destroying this earth.

For decades, you may have heard of the solutions to our energy crisis, its been published enough, however, due to the abundance of the energy, (big corporations like scarsity, if a product is in abundance and therefore would be cheap they run from it), it hasn't been done. And I repeat, this is the conventional, our obselete science, the lie science, for there are other energy forms too.

Big ones: Wind, Solar (they have solar technology that has a high performance, but have deliberately capped the performance allowed to the people, the efficiency), and this is the most powerful, abundant and free: WIND/WAVE/TIDE. Geothermal!

Replace all those plants with plants on the ocean not only pumping out that energy, but also desalinating the water and piping it in, it will need alot more than that of course, it needs to be purified 100%.

If an earthship recycled home, runs energy efficient, no heating and cooling needed, on a small solar/wind system, (that can be amped by adding more, I think they're scarsity too), then how could anyone ever support nuclear.

And I don't support anyone's right to force the world to take those risks.

Not that we will have to much longer, for unless massive public attention comes up to clean Fukushima with the real hidden tachnology and for disclosure, or we all shift, I don't see very many alternative endings to this.

edit on 24-4-2012 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 09:21 AM
reply to post by Unity_99

I am so sorry to hear that your children are sick. I pray for their recovery.

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 09:23 AM
reply to post by HEYJOSE

Thank you. I've been linking this to Fukushima since its been happening since roughly April on of last year. And though bloodwork is done, its never "those" kind of tests even though the symptoms match and I've brought it up, only to have the doctor semi threatening me. We have idodine drops, and vitamins, but we don't remember to take them every day. There is yellow pollen all around my car seals and I was suspecting it was that as well. It won't be just the ordinary hay favor season for most people this year I pressume, since its all radioactive. The water here is from a deep well, the whole city has purest water in the country just about, you don't need to purchase bottled as its better, but I don't trust TPTB enough to believe they havn't gone out of their way to contaminate underground streams.
edit on 24-4-2012 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 09:26 AM
I love seafood but its just not a big part of my diet. Too much of a hassle with my busy schedule to make mardi gras shrimp. I do take fish oil pills everyday...I doubt the "purified" fish oil could be stripped of radiation or some of the chemicals from bp. Maybe I should hold a geiger counter to my supplements.
edit on 24-4-2012 by Corpsehoagie because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 09:38 AM
I have read though this thread and see lots of hand-wringing and fear, but little in hard facts, either way. Can someone provide some concrete numbers? Show how this is happening in the way proposed and what the risk/impact is based on the FACTS.

So far this is nothing more than a "He said, She said" debate with lots of "end of the world" noise with no fact based information. Please, lets look at the facts, then determine an outcome and PoA (Plan of Action).

Thank you,

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