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Money News - "Massive Wealth Destruction Coming"

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posted on Apr, 3 2012 @ 05:49 AM
Money News

Bailouts and loose monetary policy won't create lasting economic improvements but will push up inflation rates that will send the economy tanking and wealthy investors seeing half of their investments wiped out, says Marc Faber, publisher of the Gloom, Boom and Doom report.

The Federal Reserve has pumped trillions of dollars into the economy to stimulate it, while the White House has spent heavily to fuel growth as well. The government, however, won't be able to prop up the economy forever, and all that borrowing will come due.

And then there is this ...

"I think somewhere down the line we will have a massive wealth destruction. That usually happens either through very high inflation or through social unrest or through war or credit-market collapse," Faber tells CNBC

'Through WAR or through SOCIAL UNREST' ... considering the rhetoric between Iran and the rest of the world, and considering how the press and politicians are stacking the wood pile for a huge racial riot fire over the hot summer months (and the press got caught fabricating the Zimmerman 911 tape!) ... I'd say this 'massive wealth destruction' plan that TPTB have could easily happen this year.

"They" have got to make us all dependent upon THEM for everything from food to shelter etc etc.
"They" have got to destroy wealth and/or 'redistribute it down' so that they have all the power.

edit on 4/3/2012 by FlyersFan because: typo - mispelled wealth

posted on Apr, 3 2012 @ 06:07 AM
None of this matters unless you want it to matter. There will be no nuclear war. That's just smoke to get fear levels up. Look at all the crap in the news. It's all just to produce fear and a helplessness in the people who cannot remember that they hold the power in their lives. Start remembering! Stop signing on to all the crap *they* offer! Turn off your tv. Never pick up another magazine, no matter how "informative" you might like to think it is. Bin them all. Think about the relevant things in your life. Hard to do, right? Yeah. You need to get a life first. Do it.

Get rid of all credit/debit cards. Close bank accounts entirely. Never think in terms of what you'll do for money ever again. Never factor money into your actions or thoughts. Limit your household income. Do stuff "under the table" more than ever before. Jump out of the rat race and watch the whole thing collapse. No one paying taxes means government shenanigans are a thing of the past. Do it for a few years and see how your freedom returns to you.

Go crazy and grow your own food, at least to some extent. Go absolutely psycho and forage. Nature provides in abundance.

Flea markets are great places, but don't shop unless you really need something and have room for it. First, divest everything you can. Give stuff away that is irrelevant or just plain garbage. Slim down your world.

Live on oatmeal and potatoes for a while. A long while. Drink water. Drink herbal tea with some locally produced organic honey. Promote only businesses that fit with your world view.

Just do a few of these things and see how your life changes. It may seem impossible and oppressive, but you don't know how to breathe yet. Breathe the fresh air of freedom and you'll see.

posted on Apr, 3 2012 @ 07:05 AM

Originally posted by CosmicEgg
None of this matters unless you want it to matter.

My freedoms matter to me. Not being a slave to a NWO nanny state matters to me. As for you suggestion to 'drink more water' ... who do you think is going to have control over the water supply? The NWO nanny state. You betchya it matters to me ...

posted on Apr, 3 2012 @ 07:12 AM
reply to post by CosmicEgg

Spoken like someone who has no money. If I had no money, I might take your advice. But I do, so I won't.

Things are much more complicated than your pollyanna approach to life can accommodate.

posted on Apr, 3 2012 @ 07:15 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

Then stop funding - even emotionally - the world they're "forcing" you in to. Start taking away their resources: You. Do not participate. You can yell and shout and jump up and down all you like, but they'll just pass laws to incarcerate you or otherwise silence you. They cannot make you do anything if you aren't on the radar. Re-read what I wrote and take it to heart. Drinking water means keeping things humble. Water = honesty. So does oatmeal and potatoes. Humble honesty.

If you want to miss the point, if you want to be obtuse, you can be and you will be. Or you can understand.

You choose. Remember that.

posted on Apr, 3 2012 @ 07:18 AM
reply to post by BellaSabre

Ha. Money is an illusion. You will understand that soon enough. You have your wishful thinking and your false belief in material wealth as a measure of the value of a person's worth. You will understand soon enough.

posted on Apr, 3 2012 @ 07:28 AM
reply to post by CosmicEgg

Please don't presume to think for me or analyze me or my beliefs, because you obviously have no idea what you are talking about. I said your take on the situation is pollyanna, because it is. I could elucidate, but won't. My life is not an open book. Godspeed.

posted on Apr, 3 2012 @ 07:31 AM
reply to post by BellaSabre

We shall see. I might just know quite a lot more than you imagine. But let's see about that when the dust settles.

posted on Apr, 3 2012 @ 08:22 AM
A few well placed tips for personal growth is biggie.....
Let her rip say i.........the sooner the better.....its time to stir up the people and get them off their duffs.....
We could all use to drink a bit more water these days.....
We have a ton of toxic substances in our brains and bodies.

posted on Apr, 3 2012 @ 08:23 AM

Originally posted by CosmicEgg
They cannot make you do anything if you aren't on the radar.

EVERYONE is on their radar. Everyone. Even the yippee-hippee wannabes who think they can live off the grid and hide in the woods. They (TPTB) have EVERYONE. And by them causing massive wealth destruction, they will bring down those who could stand in their way to ultimate power.

If you want to miss the point, if you want to be obtuse, you can be and you will be.


You choose. Remember that.

And you picked not to pay attention. Backatchya. Remember that.

Originally posted by CosmicEgg
Money is an illusion. .

No. The economics has always fueled how the world moves and shakes.
It's VERY real. Try eating or drinking sometime without money.
Nothing is free. It takes money even to build the wells and water taps and
pay the people to work in the water company to get the water to you.
In the real world - money makes the world turn and is power.

edit on 4/3/2012 by FlyersFan because: fixed quote

posted on Apr, 3 2012 @ 08:28 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

We'll see. The proof is in the pudding. I can virtually guarantee that no one will have the slightest interest in coming after me. I have nothing they want and they have no leverage over me. We are mutually irrelevant. I like it this way.

You go ahead and play the game though. You seem to be all clued up. I'm sure you'll do just fine.

posted on Apr, 4 2012 @ 07:09 AM
You make a rather valid point, and there's reason this is going to be done. It's been a plan of the Rothschilds for.. who knows how long exactly, but quite awhile. Keep in mind; all modern banks are of Rothschild ownership. Their net wealth is literally impossible to measure. They have made money a God and they its prophet. Accumulate wealth, use that wealth to hoarde resources, create artifical scarcity, then make all forms of currency and wealth worth nothing. In doing so, this creates power on a ruling scale; military, government, and virtually all available resources, all belonging to elites who have for thousands of years claimed a right to rule. There IS a collapse coming. As an American, I laugh or scream every time I hear a president say "balance the budget", it's impossible with the system we live under. Sooner or later, our economy WILL fail. Between TRUE unemployment (unemployment statistics=joke), artificial scarcity and elite-favoring transfers of wealth, and a student loan crisis (yes, its going to be a crisis), I believe we should make it a stern point to quit worshipping money exactly like the Rothschilds want. What people do for what is essentially monopoly money with only the value we give it; in giving the money value we give it power, power over us and ultimately giving power to the Rothschilds. Perfect NWO for elites plan; if you want to understand how it's coming, simply think like one of them. End the Fed 2013; then we take it to Europe and all banks.

posted on Apr, 4 2012 @ 07:56 AM
Considering all the hype and spin in the news lately in regards to the Zimmerman/Martin shooting .. and all the pushing for this to be a massive racist event etc etc ... I'm surprised that people aren't interested in the possible connection between the push for race riots here in the USA by the media and the politicians AND the massive wealth destruction coming via social unrest ...

ATS .. you dont see the possible (probable!) connection?

posted on Apr, 5 2012 @ 02:41 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
And then there is this ...

"I think somewhere down the line we will have a massive wealth destruction. That usually happens either through very high inflation or through social unrest or through war or credit-market collapse," Faber tells CNBC

well... we've got freakishly high inflation AND social unrest AND war... so it is only a matter of time. i've always tried to talk myself out of the idea that we are living in some kind of "end times" or "historical times". i wanted to have a relatively safe, boring life, but with all that is happening in the world, the injustices piling up and up and up, i can't help but think that this is it... this is the time for great upheaval. i'm worried about what kind of world i'm going to grow old in, what kind of world my children are going to grow up in. when i was a child i believed in all good things and now, i can't even trust my neighbor, much less the people who hold power over me.

the only solution i offer is revolution. if people are willing to sacrifice and die so that humanity can survive with some kind of dignity, then i'm cool with that. unless it interferes with my tv schedule. i can't miss the bachelor. that's just wrong.

posted on Apr, 6 2012 @ 02:51 AM
reply to post by couldbeanyone

Revolution truly is the only way, but you have many, many choices as to the method you choose. Remember that you are an example to your children and to others as well, but most of all you must remain in keeping to your heart's dictates. You obviously want peace. Why would you consider a violent option?

How many times and for how many years I've written here advocating a method where you simply pull out from society. You take only enough earned income to keep your head above water. You spend only what is absolutely necessary and not a penny more. Learn to forage foods from any rural area nearby. Finding a field of dandelion or nettles or any number of other plants is a gold mine of healing and nutrition, as well as being entirely free. No one will begrudge you removing their "weeds".

Get rid of your credit, get rid of your cards - loyalty cards as well, unless you are genuinely loyal to that company. Get rid of your bank accounts. Use only cash and very minimally. Get rid of magazine and tv subscriptions. Get rid of your tv! Downgrade your cars to some that can be fixed by you, not a computer-armed mechanic. Get rid of all the crap in your home and garage. Sell it all! Empty your home, for the most part. You cling to illusions of wealth when you hold on to material goods. When you live in fear of holding on to your possessions, you will feel nothing but fear. Empty your home and your life of material garbage and you remove the threat.

This absurd idea of ownership is taking its toll on our health and well-being. The concept of money itself has poisoned humankind to the point that we are no longer functional. We don't think anymore. People can fool us into anything now by manipulating us with simple phrases. We fear every shadow. We are pathetic.

Take back your lives now. Take income out of the hands of the greedy elite and quit aspiring to be more like them by seeking money. When you remove their power over you, you remove their power. Practice humility, austerity, and gratitude for a few years. Be an example to yourself, your family and your community on how to revolt in the most peaceful yet effective manner there is. Shine the light for the way forward. Others will catch on. No one will die this way, except those who simply cannot give up the illusion. Those are the ones who would stab you in the back for your last can of beans anyway.

Divest your material goods. Lighten your life.

posted on Apr, 7 2012 @ 12:37 PM
reply to post by CosmicEgg

you know, that is a great idea. and i agree 100%. i would do that in a split second if i did not have to come to a consensus with my own family. we are currently making an effort to stop buying our food from the "system" ie, farmer's markets and cutting down our meat consumption dramatically. unfortunately my partner still believes it is possible with enough smarts and hard work to become "successful" in this society so is reluctant to leave. i would love to attempt commune living, but my partner has argued that we need to still be "connected" with the rest of the world. we continue to have an open dialog about what is going on in the world and what we can do to live a "righteous" life. it's a daily struggle, but at least we are aware of what is going on around us, unlike a lot of people who would absolutely die if they couldn't watch tv.

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 07:46 AM
reply to post by CosmicEgg

I love it when a "tree hugging guru" comes into one of these threads and starts preaching to everyone about wealth and possessions...
What ya typing on there? Who supplies your phone connection? How do you power that computer?

I can guarantee you are just as trapped as the rest of us, only we're not delusional enough to think that because we drink an extra pint of water a day we're some kind of special human above it all.

I don't mean to go off on you, I am one of those people you could call a hippie. I have long believed in smaller communities and living off the land, within our means.

But at the same time I am not stupid, and I know that the collapse of society certainly WILL affect me and those I care about. You can be as spiritual as you like, you can deny that wealth equals power as much as you like, the fact remains that you are a part of this society and whether you like it or not these things are important to you.

You might not like the fact that money is real and that it gets you things, but whether you accept that or not, you are in the middle of a society where this is the case and all of those millions of people around you, that you have to deal with every day (I'm assuming you do buys groceries and don't grow and rear everything you eat?) are a part of that collective group.

As for the OP, I agree. The collapse is coming, but I predict it will come with the first nation exiting the €.
That could be Greece or Spain, but one of them will leave and then others will follow, leading to a domino effect where numerous global banks will collapse completely.

Whatever happens, I think we all know that the US is screwed, and the UK too. This is why we're seeing governments scrambling to start internet monitoring and invasive snooping practices - it has nothing to do with national security and crime, and everything to do with stopping the coming protests/looting/riots and eventual revolutions.

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 08:12 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

there is not a single person on this planet who can have power over another if there is not mutual consent. i can not have power over you for example if you do not choose to give me your power.


if civil unrest occurs we have a choice to not participate in it. we each can say no thank you. we each can say no i am not giving my power away. that i prefer to be peaceful and prosperous and enjoy my family, my friends, my life.

each and every single one of us without exception has this choice.

if (when) the market collapse we also have a choice. we all have a choice to short the market. we all have a choice to pull all of our money out of our 401Ks and other accounts and put our money into everything that is going to go up as everything else collapses. each and every single one of us has the ability to do this (if we have money in the market that we would otherwise lose on a collapse of the market)

so what is the problem here? the problem is that we give our power away by not seeing or refusing to see that we have a hiding behind the illusion that we are a victim. when we can see that we have a choice no longer do we give our power away and instead we can focus on doing what is best for us.

we need to start being accountable and empowered individuals. see that we always have a choice. we do not have to lose money if we choose to not lose money. we do not have to unravel as a society if we choose to not be a victim to it. but we must see that we have this choice and stand up as independent and empowered individuals and actually take action to make this choice.

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 02:12 PM
Remember Bush seniors speech on TV about this "New World Order" ?

Everything, and I do mean EVERYTHING that is happening right now is the direct result of this agenda. I've known (but never was able to work it out) for quite some time the mighty U.S must fall. It would be impossible to bring about a new currency (amongst other things) whilst the U.S is a powerhouse.
In order to bring about the new, you must first dismantle the old. Who in their right mind would agree to the changes they have planned? For so long now most people happy with their lives wouldn't dream of war. Why should they? Give up your lovely home, family, job, and a functioning lifestyle to fight someone elses war?
But look at today. Violence is on the rise, people are frustrated, and frustration ALWAYS turns to anger. They are setting us up.

The end result of World War 1 ?
(besides the millions of deaths) The League Of Nations.

The end result of World War 2 ?
(besides the millions of deaths) The United Nations.

The end result of World War 3 ?
(besides the millions of deaths) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Fill in the gaps.

You can't have a willing public ready to murder until you make their lives miserable. Everything that is taking place right now is setting the scene for war. Once they have sent off the strong and the brave to die (human culling) their will be no one left to stop them.

The economic matters are just one aspect of a larger scheme taking shape before our eyes.

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 02:48 PM

Originally posted by CosmicEgg
None of this matters unless you want it to matter. There will be no nuclear war. That's just smoke to get fear levels up. Look at all the crap in the news. It's all just to produce fear and a helplessness in the people who cannot remember that they hold the power in their lives. Start remembering! Stop signing on to all the crap *they* offer! Turn off your tv. Never pick up another magazine, no matter how "informative" you might like to think it is. Bin them all. Think about the relevant things in your life. Hard to do, right? Yeah. You need to get a life first. Do it.

Get rid of all credit/debit cards. Close bank accounts entirely. Never think in terms of what you'll do for money ever again. Never factor money into your actions or thoughts. Limit your household income. Do stuff "under the table" more than ever before. Jump out of the rat race and watch the whole thing collapse. No one paying taxes means government shenanigans are a thing of the past. Do it for a few years and see how your freedom returns to you.

Go crazy and grow your own food, at least to some extent. Go absolutely psycho and forage. Nature provides in abundance.

Flea markets are great places, but don't shop unless you really need something and have room for it. First, divest everything you can. Give stuff away that is irrelevant or just plain garbage. Slim down your world.

Live on oatmeal and potatoes for a while. A long while. Drink water. Drink herbal tea with some locally produced organic honey. Promote only businesses that fit with your world view.

Just do a few of these things and see how your life changes. It may seem impossible and oppressive, but you don't know how to breathe yet. Breathe the fresh air of freedom and you'll see.

This is the best advice I have seen in ages.

When my husband got into quite a bit of debt, he paid it all off in less than two years by us living well within our means, and buying little and living little. Now debt-free and we can do lots of things we like as we are slowly dissolving our slavery to the system. The most fun you will have is from things you cannot buy.

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