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Can someone please explain this bible contradiction?

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posted on Apr, 2 2012 @ 07:44 PM

Originally posted by thedoctorswife
I have no answer to your question, also im pondering something someone else said on this site earlier, how did Noah get two of each animal to go onto the ark? How did he get a polar bear? sorry, two polar bears?

And how did all the species of the earth come to be in walking distance of the ark? Short answer: There was no ark, of course. (I know you're not serious, but...) another problem with taking the Bible literally. About all you can conclude with the flood story is that there was probably a flood, particularly when you add the Biblical flood story in with all the rest of the flood stories from nearly every culture on the planet.

So then we get ointo what I consider an exciting bout of speculation to try to figure out just what kind of universal flood could have covered the earth and when? All I can do is speculate. I have a theory that probably cannot be proven. Briefly, the flood did not cover the Earth; it happened when the sea level suddenly rose about 60 feet and inundated every seacoast civilization, whether ot was large cities or small villages.

It probably happened about 12,000 years ago at the end of the last ice age and was due to (ta da!) "Global Warming." A lot of water was sucked up into ice during the last ice age. We know that. The idea was that it was locked up behind a massive ice dam surrounding Hidson Bay. The Bay melted first because it was actually warmer than the surrounding land. It broke. The water rushed out.


There you have it. Scientists now know and admit a similar tying happened in North America when an ice dam broke and flooded from Montana down through Washington State following the Columbia River and out to sea. It was a far smaller flood, but it carved out the Eastern Washington badlands we see today.

Do we know that was what happened FOR SURE? No, of course not. It's just a theory that happens to fit various facts we think are true. Does that mean the Bible is actually true? No, of course not. What it shows is that some Bible stories may have a basis in fact. To point out that the animals could not possibly have gotten into an ark rather misses the point again. It's another example of taking the Bible literally, finding fault, and dismissing the Bible as false. It's simplistic reasoning.

My real point to OP is that finding a contradiction in the Bible doesn't really tell you much. If you want to indulge in Biblical contradictions by all means pick up a copy of Bertrand Russell's "Why I am not a Christian." In other words, finding contradictions in the Bible has been a sport for thousands of years. I doubt you will find anything new.

posted on Apr, 2 2012 @ 07:46 PM
reply to post by IgnorantSpecies

In the bible god apparently flooded the entire earth to drown everyone and eliminate corruption and sin.

The thoughts of people were only bad all the time.

Why did he drown the entire world in the first place when he could have just sent down Jesus?

They weren't worth dying for.

Global floods work great on fallen angels and Nephilim.

Was this brutal slaughter of mankind necessary? And why doesn’t he use the same method on us?


He promised not to use the same method again.

posted on Apr, 2 2012 @ 07:54 PM
Ok so people have pointed out that god was cleansing the earth of 'fallen angels'.

But it begs the question why did he have to kill everyone when he is god?

If he is what the bible claims then why couldn't he just wish for the fallen angels to be gone and that be that?

posted on Apr, 2 2012 @ 08:00 PM
reply to post by IgnorantSpecies

This is the sequence of events that explain what you perceive as a contradiction.

Man was originally soveriegn of the earth...
...that soveriegnty was usurped by a serpentine like being through deception...
...they played with the genetics of men to breed a new race to replace humans...
...which they almost did, except the earth was destroyed by flood except six humans.

The breeding practice started again amongst the Chaldeans/Sumarians...
...but there was a plan to regain soveriegnty that continued through Abraham and his grandson Jacob (Israel)...
...and finally revealed in the Messiah/Christ...
...who broke the bonds of death and restored the soveriegnty to all who believe.

posted on Apr, 2 2012 @ 08:07 PM
reply to post by IgnorantSpecies

God was not cleansing the earth of fallen angels. People like applying apocryphal literature to Scripture, but all Scripture actually says is that, in addition to the abundance of wicked men, there were also "giants" on the earth in the days of Noah. But, note, it then adds that they were also on the earth after. The flood was certainly not to cleanse the earth of fallen angels. The flood was to typify the cleansing of sin that would be accomplished by the blood of Christ.

posted on Apr, 2 2012 @ 08:14 PM
reply to post by IgnorantSpecies

G-d flooded the earth because of the corruption of the nephilim.

posted on Apr, 2 2012 @ 08:20 PM

But it begs the question why did he have to kill everyone when he is god?
reply to post by IgnorantSpecies

He spared only the righteous.

If he is what the bible claims then why couldn't he just wish for the fallen angels to be gone and that be that?

He has the power to do anything He wants.

He has the wisdom to make the perfect decision.

Other angels were watching.

posted on Apr, 2 2012 @ 08:28 PM
looking for logic in the bible is like looking for a black person in a KKK meeting. not gonna find it!
edit on 4/2/12 by ICEKOHLD because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2012 @ 08:33 PM

Originally posted by CLPrime
reply to post by IgnorantSpecies

God was not cleansing the earth of fallen angels. People like applying apocryphal literature to Scripture, but all Scripture actually says is that, in addition to the abundance of wicked men, there were also "giants" on the earth in the days of Noah. But, note, it then adds that they were also on the earth after. The flood was certainly not to cleanse the earth of fallen angels. The flood was to typify the cleansing of sin that would be accomplished by the blood of Christ.

You are right the flood was not a way of cleaning the earth of fallen angels...
...but their Nephyl offspring.

posted on Apr, 2 2012 @ 08:34 PM

And how did all the species of the earth come to be in walking distance of the ark? Short answer: There was no ark, of course. (I know you're not serious, but...) another problem with taking the Bible literally.

Here's my problem with statements about the factuality of the bible. It seems everyone has this understanding that things in the bible are metaphysical, not literal. So my question is: what if the WHOLE bible is not meant to be taken literally? What if it is just a bunch of malarky to induce us to lead moral lives? Really, who can say it isn't. Every time I've asked a religious question, (not on this site) I get the "oh, that's not what God really meant" response. It's getting kind of old. If He didn't mean it, why did He say it or let it be written so. If we can all pick and choose what we want to believe/adhere to in the bible, it just lost it's purpose.
edit on 2-4-2012 by Gridrebel because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2012 @ 08:42 PM

Originally posted by IgnorantSpecies
I don't mean to offend, but I am sure some of you will be offended..

In the bible god apparently flooded the entire earth to drown everyone and eliminate corruption and sin.
But later rather than drown the entire world again he sends down Jesus to absorb the world of sin.

Why did he drown the entire world in the first place when he could have just sent down Jesus?

Was this brutal slaughter of mankind necessary? And why doesn’t he use the same method on us?

Does this prove that the god of the bible is not all knowing and clearly makes mistakes? Because if he was all knowing he would have known that drowning the entire world was not effective.

God made the mistake of giving humans a soul with out giving them the full details as to why they was chosen to be born.:A question came into play in the heavons of life .'Why would you put me into sin with out my knowlegde, and why would you judge me for my sins' I never asked for a soul,i never asked for breath,but you judge me as if i did.

So god decided to kill every human on earth, and start over by correcting the mistake one made, and of course you know the rest.
edit on 2-4-2012 by LastProphet527 because: (no reason given)

edit on 2-4-2012 by LastProphet527 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2012 @ 08:54 PM
reply to post by troubleshooter

That is not in Scripture. Nothing bad is said of the Nephilim ("giants") in Genesis 6. And, obviously, the flood was not sent to destroy them because they continued to exist after the flood. The flood was sent to cleanse the earth of wicked men.

posted on Apr, 2 2012 @ 09:06 PM
Truth be told, while I do believe in a higher power, I don't KNOW anything, in all actuality, as far as if the bible was inspired by said higher power or not. And guess what? Noone else does either. I've had discussions with Jehovah's Witnesses when they stopped by, and left them speechless, along with other organized religions. Too many questions that NOBODY can accurately answer without a hint of a doubt. Just saying.

posted on Apr, 2 2012 @ 09:07 PM

Originally posted by CLPrime
reply to post by troubleshooter

That is not in Scripture. Nothing bad is said of the Nephilim ("giants") in Genesis 6. And, obviously, the flood was not sent to destroy them because they continued to exist after the flood. The flood was sent to cleanse the earth of wicked men.

Noah's genetics are said to be perfect...

"These are the generations of Noah: Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God." Genesis 6:9

Also if you take the time to read the history that preceeded the giving of the promise to Abraham in Genesis 15, you will see a great culling of tribes of 'giants'.

posted on Apr, 2 2012 @ 09:11 PM
reply to post by troubleshooter

Would you mind giving me the verse for that?
edit on 2-4-2012 by CLPrime because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2012 @ 09:16 PM

Originally posted by IgnorantSpecies
I don't mean to offend, but I am sure some of you will be offended..

In the bible god apparently flooded the entire earth to drown everyone and eliminate corruption and sin.

You can't offend me....I'm not attached to any certain religion or idea/belief but I have studied the bible a lot...not from traditional viewpoints but just someone obsessed with linguistic precision as much as is possible.

So in the original text of Genesis, it really gives the idea of it being more of a problem of human evolution. For example, this is what it says in the KJV:

Gen 8:21 And the LORD smelled a sweet savour; and the LORD said in his heart, I will not again curse the ground any more for man's sake; for the imagination of man's heart is evil from his youth; neither will I again smite any more every thing living, as I have done.

'from his youth' would have been more fairly translated as 'because of his youth.'

When it says that Noah was perfect in his generations, it is a suggestion of perhaps impeccable lineage as far as what the hominid species required for optimum development.
You might have heard before that 'kind' as in 2 of each 'kind' means 'species,' and it truly does.

But later rather than drown the entire world again he sends down Jesus to absorb the world of sin.

Why did he drown the entire world in the first place when he could have just sent down Jesus?

Genetics? Preparation?
For receiving the message that Jesus was to bring?
Because I do not believe he was sent as a literal blood sacrifice...there is a deeper story underneath and it is about the ego and the soul...the ego came first...the darkness brooding on the waters....I AM THAT I AM...the Singularity of GOD...the UNITY...that's a good thing in spirit but evidently makes for an unruly monster when installed in the human form.
So the only thing that is not 'as above so below' is that above, GOD Is ONE and below GOD IS ALL..

Was this brutal slaughter of mankind necessary? And why doesn’t he use the same method on us?

I think our DNA is pretty good now, after the tinkering.
If there IS a GOD who is truly and literally yet perfectly a SUPERIOR being in all ways...then surely we could trust our lives to LIFE.
But I know it is hard to reconcile. The thing is, most of what you're putting forth in your questions is not truly what the bible says but religious traditions...I questioned them all one by one, seeing where the proof for them was, and all I ever found was proof that what was held as scriptural is a sort of holy cut and paste operation that happens in man's mind rather than on paper or computer screen...

Does this prove that the god of the bible is not all knowing and clearly makes mistakes? Because if he was all knowing he would have known that drowning the entire world was not effective.

You know, this is a legitimate question that can't be ignored for any reason.
I have asked myself these things and thought quite a bit about it. And I listen within me because GOD talks to me somehow and as the years pass, communication is increasingly clear...and my present conclusion which is not a conclusion but ever subject to change/revision as new facts that Mistakes are HOW we learn...and GOD learns too...we are following after so our superior director is always going to be several stages ahead of us, in spiritual evolution...yet as we grow, it is because GOD grows. I do personally feel that GOD does everything by a single motivation of love and therefore, when GOD seems cruel or it just doesn't jibe with GOD IS LOVE, then further investigation is necessary...I've never found it to be true and my investigating always leads me to men and the things they think up because of FEAR. But those things cause even more undue fear and that [fear] is not the truth.

Now this is just what I have come up with in answer to that hard question...there is a lot more but I just wanted to maybe show you there are alternative directions that you can and should find and follow for yourself..because you won't be on your own...we never are, whether we believe or not.
But it is a good thing. (imo)

posted on Apr, 2 2012 @ 09:33 PM

Originally posted by CLPrime
reply to post by troubleshooter

Would you mind giving me the verse for that?
edit on 2-4-2012 by CLPrime because: (no reason given)

I just gave it to you.

The Hebrew word translated 'generations' is a term meaning genetic purity.

posted on Apr, 2 2012 @ 09:37 PM
reply to post by troubleshooter

No...the culling of the tribe of "giants" before Genesis 15.

posted on Apr, 2 2012 @ 09:38 PM
reply to post by IgnorantSpecies

I hope you get your question answered to your satisfaction, IgnorantSpecies. If you do, will you please see if your source can answer these Contradictions? It is a pretty good list, and I believe it gets all of the contradictions in the Bible. There are a lot of them.

posted on Apr, 2 2012 @ 09:40 PM

Originally posted by IgnorantSpecies
In the bible god apparently flooded the entire earth to drown everyone and eliminate corruption and sin.
But later rather than drown the entire world again he sends down Jesus to absorb the world of sin.

Why did he drown the entire world in the first place when he could have just sent down Jesus?

As what the other posters said here, it was because of the Nephilim. The seed of the human race, or the DNA became corrupted. Somehow, these angels were able to alter the genetic information in the human DNA to create people with superhuman strength, abilities, and intelligence. Due to this superhuman abilities, these people were famous and renown. They were glorified and idolized as gods. (Genesis 6:4)

If you read Genesis 3, you'll see two genetic lineage, two seeds - one of the human race, the other unknown. Reading Genesis 5, you'll see the descendants of Adam and you'll begin to notice that Cain, his "so called" firstborn son wasn't included. Only Abel was included as his first born son to carry his bloodline. When Cain killed Abel, Adam waited for 130 years before God appointed him another seed after Able. His name was Seth, after Adam's own image and likeness, the full blooded brother of Abel. In this 130 years of waiting, Adam and Eve only had daughters. How many of them? I don't know. Adam waited patiently for 130 years for another son to carry his name.

This only shows that Cain wasn't Adam's son. He was only the son of Eve. Otherwise, Cain would have been included and no two genetic lineages would have been mentioned. In other words, Adam was created after God's image and likeness, Cain was the genetically modified seed of the image and likeness of Satan who is the serpent in the garden. Cain was Satan's very own bloodline, his very own Adam. Cain has his own descendants / genetic lineage separate and distinct from Adam's. Adam also wasn't included in Cain's bloodline. Kindly read Genesis 4.

The other angels who followed Satan, did the same sinful deed. They began to chose female humans to carry their own progeny by altering genetic information forming their own genetic lineage and making their own Adam. The world before was filled with different kinds of man having different skeletal structure. Because of this, in Genesis 3:20, Adam renamed the Woman, Eve. The meaning of the word "Eve" according to a dictionary is, "the period preceding or leading up to any event, crisis, etc." She was the mother of this event, the mother of ALL "mankind." The original name of this female was simply "Woman" because she was taken out from the man, Adam.

This tinkering of the genes produced so much crime, violence, and war in the world. The world was continually evil (Genesis 6:5). Everything was corrupted and I believe only 8 remained of the original humans, from the progeny of the original Adam. They have to be preserved and the rest wiped out completely by flooding the whole Earth.

I also believe that they have also tinkered with the genes of animals, producing giant monsters. Otherwise, God would not have told Noah to separate clean and unclean animals (Genesis 7:2). Unclean are those animals who have been genetically tinkered by sinning angels.

edit on 2-4-2012 by vizio2012 because: (no reason given)

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