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Muslim School denied entry into Texas Private School Sports League (based on simple questionaire)

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posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 04:04 AM
reply to post by ignorant_ape

They have a different questionaire for Jews. "We understand that one of your people killed the very first person who ever believed Jesus was the Messiah (which was of course Jesus himself)... is that what you have planned for the rest of us?" It's a video bonus question read by Mel Gibson. It's only available on Blue Ray because of economic stereotyping.

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 04:26 AM
reply to post by chloe4412

Did they ask ALL schools those questions or just the Muslim school?

If it was the latter, I believe that is discrimination.

Leave it up to Texas and other southern states to promote ignorance and drag this country down to the depths of hell. They do more damage than the Muslims and gays they complain about.

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 04:27 AM
reply to post by The Vagabond

as recently as 25 years ago , in a noisy corner of great britain - the news of catholics and protestants coporerating in a football tournament was hailed as a brave step towards reconciliation

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 04:28 AM
reply to post by The Vagabond

People are hypocrites, even on ATS.

I don't get it.

I thought this place was a bastion of rational thought. I have seen otherwise this election year.

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 04:29 AM
reply to post by ignorant_ape

The people supporting it make me embarrassed to be an American.

They cry about the "Muslim scourge" but they think it's just jim dandy for their neighbors to deny Muslims based on a silly questionnaire.

Easily-led automatons....

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 04:35 AM
reply to post by The Vagabond

Religion trying to combat a different religion because of the specific interpretation they have heard about their religion from a specific person they specifically trust on religion; not on other matters, but when it comes to hating entire groups of people; "Why not let a child molestor push us to hate".

Rather retarded if you ask me.

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 04:44 AM

Originally posted by chloe4412

With 500 students, increasing academic prestige and an established soccer team, Iman Academy SW, an Islamic school in Houston, was seeking membership in 2010 to the Texas Association of Private and Parochial Schools, a group that organizes competition among more than 200 schools in the state.

They were asked some questions which I feel are more than fair.

In addition to an application form, Iman Academy SW was given a questionnaire. Among the questions:

“Historically, there is nothing in the Koran that fully embraces Christianity or Judaism in the way a Christian and/or a Jew understands his religion. Why, then, are you interested in joining an association whose basic beliefs your religion condemns?”

“It is our understanding that the Koran tells you not to mix with (and even eliminate) the infidels. Christians and Jews fall into that category. Why do you wish to join an organization whose membership is in disagreement with your religious beliefs?”

“How does your school address certain Christian concepts? (i.e. celebrating Christmas)”

They are calling this racist. What do you think ATS? This is a Catholic and predominately Christian Sports Association. They were denied entry. I think they were well in their rights. Understand this, Muslims do attend Catholic, Episcopalian schools and they have to go to Mass and Prayer and even do acting in the Christmas plays. That's not at all fought. But, this is an entire Muslim School team. They haven't been integrated into mixing religions.

The questionaire says it all. Why do you want to participate with humans you consider Infidels? I'm saying the two religions do not believe in the same things also. Is this an attempt to rile things up? Racism is claimed and they want a lawsuit on this case.


More than fair?

OK, lets say some Catholics want to join. Then it would be "more than fair" to post this question?

"It is our understanding that Catholics enjoy raping children. Why then would you as a Catholic want to join an organization that does not endorse the rape of children?"

They basically said "We know nothing about your religion but we have heard some stuff and we are going to decide to assume it is true and ask you to defend it."

How asinine.

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 05:01 AM
reply to post by ignorant_ape

That is true. Of course that was on a larger stage, and the importance attached to it likely had something to do with the tendency of governments to make everything their business and attach to it a symbolic importance, which is how governments look busy when they've done all they can really do for now and the jobs still not done yet.

I suspect that somewhere in Ireland or Britain a soccer game managed to get started among school children without anybody even asking anybody else about their religion long before the historic came came along, which to my way of thinking would make the historic game a recapitulation of the progress already made by people who had no choice but to deal with eachother as neighbors.

This soccer game is almost exactly the opposite in my eyes, because in America today the presumption is of non-discrimination, at least at at the official organizational level. Muslims and Christian school children being allowed to interact shouldn't be a landmark moment for America but business as usual, and the fact that it's not being allowed is a denial of the progress that we have already made in the streets and formalized in the law, and it is of course rooted in the war that the elite led us into 11 years ago... well 10 and a half years ago... but they were planning it already 11 years ago. (News that the UK and US were going to invade Afghanistan broke before 9/11 remember).

My point being that between Protestants and Catholics in the UK the people made progress and the government accepted ceremonialized and perhaps took a little credit for it, whereas between Christians and Muslims in America the government pushed the opposite of progress (we can call it regress or congress, but really I blame Bush et al so I will choose regress) and certain people are all too happy to grab that loose thread and run with it. For me that puts the soccer exclusion taking place today in America a notch above the football exclusion that was taking place in the UK in the recent past... because we're not even freakin trying. We're actually getting worse!

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 05:12 AM
Why is this even news? It's a private league. They can reject anyone and anything whenever and wherever they please.

The applying school should formulate their own league and compete with them.

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 05:23 AM
reply to post by imherejusttoread

I wouldn't normally scold somebody for not reading my post, but your name is "i'm just here to read"... so I'm curious to hear from you just where the rights of private organizations to be bigoted ends. Why would it be OK to kick them off the soccer field but not out of jobs, housing, grocery stores, etc? Couldn't the "right" of private organizations to blackball whoever they like make it theoretically possible to starve somebody to death for their religion? Doesn't there come a point when you've just gotta be an adult and learn to deal with the people around you, instead of trying to set up some kind of juvenile clique where everybody has to think the same thing or have a dang good excuse?

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 05:53 AM

Originally posted by The Vagabond
so I'm curious to hear from you just where the rights of private organizations to be bigoted ends.

When it's no longer the private organization's money/resources being used.

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 06:00 AM
So me and my atheist buddies can pool our money, move into some small midwestern town, buy out the grocery store and the gas station and every rental property in town, and make it a Jesus free zone by refusing to use our private money to procure the necessities of life to sell to Christians? With enough private money I could completely pull your life out from under you.

We'll just say, "Go start your own grocery store, gas station, apartment complex, and soccer league. We don't want to deal with you people who start problems over what to call you imaginary friend."

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 06:12 AM

Originally posted by The Vagabond
We'll just say, "Go start your own grocery store, gas station, apartment complex, and soccer league. We don't want to deal with you people who start problems over what to call you imaginary friend."

That would be fine, but that's an economics discussion/digression far beyond the OP's scope.

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 06:43 AM
reply to post by imherejusttoread

How is "the philosophy of human life and action (which) concerns everybody and everything" a digression? To say to someone that he is not welcome in the economy is to say to him that he is not welcome to live. What distinction is there then between ignoring and excluding those who are different and undertaking a genocide against them, other than the fact Americans prefer one over the other because it can be done while watching television?

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 06:44 AM
I've already said a lot but come on people! This is the United States of America!

This kind of discrimination should not even exist.

Our attitude towards Muslims is archaic and highly un-American. If people abide by the laws of our nation and respect each other, then they deserve to share in the wealth of being an American. Muslim schools included. Muslims themselves included.

If you so believe that all Muslims are evil terrorists to where they must be condemned, forbidden and slandered, you need to educate yourself and deny ignorance.

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 07:42 AM
I suspect ulterior motives on both sides.

I'm not surprised whatsoever that the questionnaire would be discriminatory, or that its' purpose would be to essentially try and use agreement with the association's belief system as a precondition for membership; (this is Texas that we're talking about, after all; the state isn't exactly known as a bastion of tolerance or open-mindedness) but I would bet money that the Islamic motivation behind joining the association would be entirely subversive as well.

I believe that Muslims do intend to subvert and conquer Western society, and that they use cultural Marxism's fear of offending people or discriminating against anyone, in order to achieve the goal.

The Texans would do more for their credibility in my own mind, if instead of making a pretense of letting the Muslims join, and then issue them with a discriminatory, rhetorical questionnaire, they simply said no to the idea outright. I would consider that they have a right to do that, but they should not be misleading about it.

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 07:44 AM

Originally posted by The Sword
I've already said a lot but come on people! This is the United States of America!

This kind of discrimination should not even exist.

Our attitude towards Muslims is archaic and highly un-American. If people abide by the laws of our nation and respect each other, then they deserve to share in the wealth of being an American. Muslim schools included. Muslims themselves included.

If you so believe that all Muslims are evil terrorists to where they must be condemned, forbidden and slandered, you need to educate yourself and deny ignorance.

It's actually you who are wrong here, I'm afraid.

At least some Muslims do have an agenda to destroy non-Islamic society; and they exploit attitudes exactly like the one you've quoted here, in order to continue to make inroads. Pluralism doesn't work with them, because they aren't willing to extend it to anyone else.
edit on 23-3-2012 by petrus4 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 08:38 AM
Shocking how most of you support the questions that have nothing to do with sports, since when did people exclude others for participating in a sport event just because they had a different belief? It's not like you're playing football just because it's your Christian right and because Jesus said so.

As much as the Christians belief in Jesus, we belief in him as a Prophet of Allah, and not his son nor is he a god.

Why ask so radical questions when it's clearly a mock and attack attempt by the questionnaire? There are 2 billion muslims, and if their purpose was to eliminate the "infidels" and not "mix" with others, then we would of lived on the moon by now. Please take those stupid question out of discussion and ask real questions.

For example, "Why do you want to participate in this association?", not, "Your going to kill us all, why should we let you join?".

It's the dumbest questions I've ever heard, we don't have that problem here in Sweden. No one asks for our background or what religion we belong to when we join a sport event, If we have a problem with certain issues regarding the sport event, the Swedes always try to find a way that benefits both of us and doesn't harm anyone.
Why will America never show that example? Is it because Mr. Bush has implanted the chip already? Isn't he telling you to hate muslims because they are "terrorists? Well if bringing truth and spreading peace is being a terrorist, then I'm going to be a "terrorist" for the rest of my life.

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 08:59 AM
I don't see what the fuss is about. I may be reiterating what has been said before, but they are a PRIVATE league and that's the bottom line. They have the absolute right to deny applicants for reasons that may seem unfair to the public. There are private associations and leagues that will deny access to others based on criteria that can include gender, religion, race, age, income, etc. TBH...I found the questionnaire quite humorous because it just comes off so condescendingly pathetic and ignorant, but that's a brain on religion for you.....

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 09:08 AM
This story is funny

And people wonder why people grow up to hate others.

"Gee! I wonder where they learned this from as children?? I know....we'll just blame the parents"

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