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Its official: Im an about you?

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posted on Mar, 13 2012 @ 02:26 PM
ur thing is animal life love, it is like u identify urself too much with emotions u get to look existing through as urself, while it is not

e motion, is to physical move, physical move is to everything as one, then emotions are always about nothing that exist, everything is never one existence

the link between emotions and true existence is motions awareness, never through ur emotions while only by initiating a real free move in everything motions, then a true free right sense will be u from that real identity of truth existence

what is true in all movements of existence is freedom reality, so the common ground of all different total independant moves while only true freedom is real and true freedom is never about honesty or conscious will but all to non opportunist nature that inherently cant b then but nothing or true

while in objective existence awareness necessarily grow in being constnat to be definitely never nothing, so it cant b but true or as i said opportunist in gods unsanity pretending to exist while out totally

posted on Mar, 13 2012 @ 03:06 PM
opportunist can b justified as free right existing, but i meant evil opportunism which is opportunism of else existence, so the opposition to true opportunity by imposing its fallacy instead

anyone using anything or everything or else to justify its own existence is always a liar

posted on Mar, 13 2012 @ 03:22 PM
reply to post by cwilson

Thank you for your input.
And I also feel that it is somewhat of a duty.
I will be in conversation with people and I will make some comment on the topic and sometimes someone will say, "So, what are you better than the rest of us or some type of buddist monk?" In no way shape or form do I feel like I'm better than anyone else. we all have somthing to give. but usually when I run into those types of people I know Im about to get all kinds of emotional barrages from them.

posted on Mar, 13 2012 @ 03:56 PM
reply to post by Talltexxxan

Yes, I have empathic ability.

To be honest, I had not planned on posting to the thread, until I saw some very disturbing responses. This gift certainly comes with challenges to be sure. However, if developed as an aspect of your whole self, it is a gift that can grow to truly amazing heights. Don't let people who describe themselves as empathic yet give you advice about numbing yourself with substances a second thought. As with any self described group of individuals, any advice should be taken with a grain of salt. Or a bushel full in some cases.

The very best of luck to you as you move forward on your journey.

posted on Mar, 13 2012 @ 09:13 PM

Originally posted by JibbyJedi
Make friends with whiskey if it becomes too much to handle.

Being empathic is very common, but when you add fluoride, GMOs, excitotoxins, Aspartame, cell phones & wifi frequencies, chemtrails, more fluoride, more Aspartame, MSG, engineered vaccines & viruses, television, big pharma medications, more Monsanto love, even more fluoride, dead foods with no nutrients, growth hormones in meat, psychological programing via media, aluminum toxicity, mercury tooth fillings....

I can go on, you get the point. What we are and could be naturally is being altered and deformed from almost all directions, so the average person has no idea where to begin to stop the negative outside influences. They end up giving up trying with the thought, "Everything causes cancer, I'm not going to live in fear of everything..." so they end up doing nothing to change their diet or habits.

edit on 13-3-2012 by JibbyJedi because: (no reason given)


I am just a little confused with your comment here. You gave a list of things that are dumming us down and numming our minds and bodies trying to show that people should change their diets to a more pure way of living life. This I get, but your first line tells them to drink alcohol to numb out the empathic sensations. This I don't get. I mean wasn't it the first weapon against the Native Americans to gain control in order to place them into compliance and dictatorship.

The only reasons I could see that statement being used is in sarcasm, ignorance, or trolling. Giving you the benefit of the doubt, I am going to assume it was in sarcasm and remove it. That leaves a simple statement with a lot of examples saying alter your diet, but this doesn't tell people why that should be done. It doesn't say to gain better understanding of the feelings your are receiving and applying it to helping others.

You mention controlling it, but you give no examples as to how to handle a sometimes difficult blast of emotion. You don't mention that the easiest way to learn to handle your empathic abilities is to learn and gain control over your own first. It doesn't say to step outside of your emotions and understand where they came from, nor does it say anything about understanding that emotions are based upon past experiences and is an automatic response that can be used to understand past fears, frustrations and doubts that have never been let go of.

In other words clean your mind, body and emotions in order to understand the feeling of others and you may find the path to helping. As for the strong empaths that pick up the general feeling of everyone around them it is about understanding how to control it and detaching ones self from accepting those feeling as their own as emotions are personal and created by the individual that is feeling them. No one can make anyone feel any emotion unless that person allows them to in other words accepting the manipulation from others to feel what they are projecting rather than being in control of their own emotions which brings it back full circle to understanding your own personal feelings.

Basically, what I see is a very simplistic answer that doesn't really answer anything nor does it help. I just am not understanding your comment can you expand your thought for clarity?
edit on 13-3-2012 by Agarta because: spelling

posted on Mar, 13 2012 @ 11:28 PM
I have spent my whole life trying not to hear people, in my head.

Most people are just plain nasty in their thoughts.
One time (out of many) a new headmistress came to the kids school and she smiled at me. Usually I smile back out of politeness but this time I just knew that smile was not only false but she was also decieving everyone. Turns out she was one of the worst headmistresses that school had ever had. Totally self serving.

I did an experimant recently and let some of my psychic barriers down in a rock concert, and someone started looking at me and mean she was staring at me. I turned away and then looked back at her as I knew she was still staring. SO I smiled at her and that did stop her.
I was picking up so many stary thoughts it was almost painful. One was thinking 'How many people are looking at me?' One called her husband a stupid drunk man. And my husband was so happy that it was too overwhelming. So I put the barrier back up.

I have had to practice most of my 40 odd years putting up barriers.
i didn't bother talking for my first 2 years and when I did, I talked in complete sentences.

I and my 2 kids have heard each other's actual voices in our heads.
One funny story I'll share. I have one kid who refuses to swear (used to tell me off if I did when she was 3yrs) but when she couldn't find her orthotic insoles, we heard her say [where are my bloody f---- insoles] and I was speechless. Certainly opened my eyes I can tell you. Now we know she isn't such a goody two shoes.LOL
Another time I heard in m,y mind my eldest say 'Shall I tell her about the birthday cake?' I said yes. She then said I didn't say anything.

I have saved my eldest's life when she was only 4 months. one day I picked her up from her childminder, after work. She had had a cold and was a bit snuffly but I got a bad feeling and I took her to A&E.
They took a chest x-ray and half of one her lungs was filled with liquid. The Dr was amazed and said if I had left it any longer, I could have lost her.

Most times when I have that bad feeling something is wrong with my kids. BUT when the medical profession flag up something there is nothing to worry about.
Example my eldest has had 3 echocardiograms during her life, for a heart murmur that I knew wasn't causing her problems.

In 2007 my husband broke his foot-a LizFranc fracture, where 3 metatarsals (?) were disocated too. I was picking up his emotions, the pain and the shock he was in, so much so, I started to shake and speak incoherently to the sign in counter. So I had to mentally put up a barrier so I could function. I tried to get painkillers for him but the nurse looked at me as if I was a drug pimp or something.
After the xrays were developed, the Dr gave him morphine as he said to my hubby you must be in a great deal of pain. DUH.
I think i must be attuneed to my hubby because when we were courting, we met for lunch and I asked how he was. He replied fine. I said 'No you aren't, you have a headache.' He then admitted he did.
ANd that's when I realised I hate it when people lie to me, cos I know that something is wrong.

I am so sensitive, I am basically a recluse. I don't want to be but people are double minded; think one thing and do another. And the last few years, because of the chemical and electrosmog onslaught, people have became more angry and this is the emotion I can least deal with.

I can even feel pets and this year I am starting to hear them. The first litter of our oldest rabbit, was kicked out by their mum at 4 weeks as she was pregnant again, so I became their mum.
Finally the second litter were ready to be split up into boys and girls, so we put the first litter back with mum and neutered dad.
I put the one who has really bonded with me, back one day, whilst saying' Back with your mum'. And I heard this voice 'But you are my mum'. Then before I said anything, my youngest said the exact same words to me.
I have had a couple of rabbits near death and I was able to bring them back by praying over them.

I am learning to use my energy to heal people.

So until there is a technique I can use, that doesn't give me away, and keeps my barriers intact, or people start being nicer, I am staying indoors or in the nearest forest.

One tip I will share is that music tuned to the Solfreggio frequencies really calm emotions. We use a guitar. It seems ot lessen the pain my eldest feels as she has Ehlers Danlos Syndrome worse than us 3.

If this veil comes down, that I have heard rumours about, then the psychopathics and unempathics, may hear things they can't filter out. The world will really get weird then.

NB I wish there was a school that taught this, for when you are young.

posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 08:57 AM
I'm only empathic with my wife. Which kind of sucks, as she has chronic pain issues, so I'm acutely aware when she's really hurtling. The only good side is that while weed does nothing to me, if she ever uses it, I get an empathic high, lol...even if we're a good distance apart.

Of course, the wife and I are pretty telepathic much so, that when we play games with friends, for certain ones, we won't be allowed to be on the same team due to this ability. It's kind of hit or miss though, it seems the weirder the topic, the easier it is for one to see the mind's eye image of the other.

Another of our friends is a really good broadcaster, and I can read her like a her hubby (in games) often tells her to picture a brick wall or some nonsensical mantra to keep me from picking it out of her head, hehe....

posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 09:37 AM
reply to post by Talltexxxan

To answer the question: Yes.

I can stand being in crowds, but am always hyper-vigilant to get that first sense of raw fear. Basically, I'm not interested in being stuck in a crowd when mob mentality or mass hysteria takes over. Generally, I stay away from crowds.

I have very little interest in being around people overall, though, because most people are so false that it becomes tedious to pretend I don't know what they are thinking and react to that, as opposed to reacting what they do or say.

For people I do not know on a personal level, I just know the real reason for their behavior.

Associates, I can finish their sentences and understand what they are planning to talk about.

For loved ones, I do hear their thoughts on occasion. It's like I think the same thought as the person - but I know it is a thought originating from him/her.

I do know how to communicate with animals and, on some level, with plants.

I am also able to remote view, get flashes of events just by looking at someone, but I also get scent association and color association and slight tidbits of memory association from other people.

I am also a Broadcaster, as in, I can influence people with thought and, if I let my guard down, people can hear my negative thoughts. I learned to stonewall everyone at a very young age because people would hear my thoughts and repeat them back to me as insults. And, I mean, bad stuff I was thinking about myself - they would repeat it back verbatim in the nastiest tone they could muster, with full intent to hurt me and a vicious emotion to boot.

It is very difficult for me to allow that wall and those barriers to lower for anyone. I am learning how to do it just now, and control my own output.

Obviously, I know that most people are afraid to admit that something like this is possible - that there are people who can see into their minds.

What I know that these same people don't realize is that we are not as judgmental as they are expecting us to be by "seeing" their thoughts.

It just is.

For me, I see or hear something and I accept it and I move on.

I believe that most people who feel this innate fear of being "discovered" emanate that perceived judgment back out onto others. Now that I think about it, this is probably why most of my close friendships end with the other person "hating" me. They've probably been slightly freaked out by how well I understood their thought processes and when I say something that they think but do not want to admit, they turn on me rather than themselves.

Oh well, there's not much I can do about it.

I stopped pretending that I am "normal" a long time ago.

And, yes, it does get overwhelming when I am very tired.
edit on 3/14/2012 by ottobot because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 06:29 PM
Very cool, I'm an empath too. Didn't know there were so many on ATS.


Does the saying "There's no place like home" especially resonate with any other empaths?

Some days I'll go out into the world, expend and accept all this energy and just be exhausted when I get home. Home is like my sanctuary, that solitary place (for the most part) where I can be shielded from the world and just "recharge" myself.

I'm okay with social crowds, I love meeting people, but there's nothing like being alone.

reply to post by Gazrok

My empathetic abilities get amplified like x2 when I'm high. And then the next few days ill be all "paranormal", enhanced psychic abilities.


edit on 14-3-2012 by CaptainNemo because: (no reason given)

edit on 14-3-2012 by CaptainNemo because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 07:07 PM

Originally posted by KillerQueen

Originally posted by TalltexxxanDo you feel as if you may be an Empath?

Yes. Honestly, it can be exhausting. It's why I prefer to be alone or with my partner. You can't really turn it off so it drains you. It also makes you a bit frustrated when people seem not to be as tuned in to your emotions as you are to theirs. Or when people seem callous in general to the emotional undercurrent of a situation.
edit on 13-3-2012 by KillerQueen because: (no reason given)

Very true and how I live my life, I see through people and understand true intent and can read people like a book, when I see someone get hurt even on TV my body reacts and I feel it.

I had to leave my last job because of how people where in the office the negativity I literally had no energy left at all by the time I got home, I am drained permanently!

posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 07:27 PM

Originally posted by CaptainNemo
Very cool, I'm an empath too. Didn't know there were so many on ATS.


Does the saying "There's no place like home" especially resonate with any other empaths?

Some days I'll go out into the world, expend and accept all this energy and just be exhausted when I get home. Home is like my sanctuary, that solitary place (for the most part) where I can be shielded from the world and just "recharge" myself.

I'm okay with social crowds, I love meeting people, but there's nothing like being alone.

edit on 14-3-2012 by CaptainNemo because: (no reason given)

edit on 14-3-2012 by CaptainNemo because: (no reason given)

Thats me too 100%....

I always like to be alone but after a while I need to see someone else, if it's my other half then that's enough, and when I am away from my family for too long it makes me greatly upset.
edit on 14-3-2012 by DigitalKid because: .

posted on Mar, 17 2012 @ 07:42 PM
reply to post by AriesJedi

Thank you so much for your input.

Now looking back upon my empathetic life, I dont ever remember conciously putting up any mental barriers against my abilities, they just kinda.....happened. I'm very happy with the state of my abilities, I am however always working on making them more focused though. Such as when it happens, I tell myself, "Yes, thats what I want. Give me better focus on these instances."

Just today, I was riding passenger with a taxi driver and we came to a residential intersection where another vehicle was already stoped adjacent to us. We waited and after a few moments of no one going she waved us on. In my mind I a thought came across that she must be a new driver. The woman looked in her late 20's so there was no reason why I should think she was a new driver. About 30 seconds later my driver said" she must have been a new driver." This stuck me stange because like I said the only clue to being a new driver was the "wave on" at the intersection when she obviously had the right of way to go before us.

In that instant I wondered if he read my thought or if I read his. It could be just a coiencedence that we both had the same thought at the same time about a situation that was so obscure.

Another on happened yesterday on an off-shore oil platform. There was a large over head lifting crane that has a cable that runs within a track when it moves back and forth. I've seen and watched this equipment hundreds of times with a single thing going wrong. But yesterday, I was looking at the cable track and I thought " That cable is going to jump the track and thats going to be a headache to put back in. And sure enough about 8pm last night, the cable DID jump off of the track and the cranes that were off loading workboats had to stop what they were doing and assist personel in getting someone up to the "derailment" to fix it. It shut operations down for about 2 hours.

Now the instance today might be overlooked as coiencedental but foreseeing the cable running off the track and not even 3 hours later, that exact thing happening can not be seen as coiencidental. I have strong empathetic abilities with some fairly acurate pre-cognitive skills.

The tuff part is when a thought comes do me, is it something that I need to respond to or is just a passing thought. Thats the tough part Im currently working on right now to train my brain.

posted on Mar, 18 2012 @ 09:00 PM
"How about you?"

You tell me.

posted on Mar, 18 2012 @ 09:41 PM
reply to post by RealSpoke

Most people isolate themselves and are unware not only of human emotions but nature as a whole. Whatever happened to those rites of passage where a young person has to go survive a couple weeks in the wilderness to understand his place in nature, such as those performed by Native Americans? I think everyone should have to experience something like this. Drop people off in the middle of nowhere for a few weeks and say to them "if you make it back, welcome to the human race" otherwise "we love you but sorry". This might sound cruel but anyone who actually has to go survive will quickly see patterns in humans, nature, etc, and connect with them much more easily.

posted on Mar, 19 2012 @ 10:02 AM

Originally posted by sotaz
reply to post by RealSpoke

Most people isolate themselves and are unware not only of human emotions but nature as a whole. Whatever happened to those rites of passage where a young person has to go survive a couple weeks in the wilderness to understand his place in nature, such as those performed by Native Americans? I think everyone should have to experience something like this. Drop people off in the middle of nowhere for a few weeks and say to them "if you make it back, welcome to the human race" otherwise "we love you but sorry". This might sound cruel but anyone who actually has to go survive will quickly see patterns in humans, nature, etc, and connect with them much more easily.

Growing up we had a cabin in the hill country of west Texas and thats where I spent my summers. Ofcourse we brought enough food, water and other supplies needed for the weeks we would be there,but I quickly learned about nature and what you had to do to survive in it. It was a lesson I didnt even know I was learning. I wouldnt trade those expeirences for the world. I learned fishing, hunting, tracking and various survival skills just doin what a kid does out in the country. It was great. No TV, no cell phones, no playstation, just the great out doors and you.

Long live the Frio River.

posted on Mar, 19 2012 @ 10:06 AM

Originally posted by SeaTurtle
"How about you?"

You tell me.

If you dont have anything to add, just keep your 7th grade comments to yourself.


posted on Aug, 18 2012 @ 12:08 AM
reply to post by Talltexxxan
I know this is an older post, but thank you, thank you, thank you. I was just chatting on-line with my sister trying to explain to her how I literally feel other people's emotions and when these emothions or thoughts are extremely strong, they not only drain me physically and emotionally but also disorients me, and I can't concentrate at all. Not knowing it had a name, I have called it a curse for many years. I have felt I was losing my mind at one point because I couldn't believe the non-verbal communication I was receiving from people. When I started a new job, I was in a cubicle environment surrounded by 25 other people. That is when I had to go back on prozac to block out all the thoughts and emotions I was feeling from those around me. Again, I felt I was going crazy and didn't understand. I am an empath, no doubt about it. And have been all my life. And it being hereditary explains my mother. She is definately an empath also. She had to live with me for a few months and the non spoken communication between us was so powerful and negative that I had to find her somewhere else to live. I am going to read up on empaths.

I have not stopped smiling since reading this! Knowledge is power and I am hoping to learn as much as I can and turn this around into a positive experience.

posted on Aug, 18 2012 @ 12:17 AM
reply to post by DigitalKid

Yes, I totally understand. I am the same also. I call home my sactuary also, but at some point I need that connection with family and/or friends. But now I understand why I only like to be around the positive ones!

posted on Aug, 18 2012 @ 12:45 AM
Reply to post by Talltexxxan

Psuedoscience.....psudeoscience everywhere.

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

posted on Aug, 18 2012 @ 12:50 AM
so much pseudo-science...

Congratz OP
you discovered ... TA DAAAA .... Human emotions

wonderful, there is so few people who discover and can read emotions, must be an incredible adventure !!!


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