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Solar Maximum Wiped Out Highly Evolved Ancient Civilizations On Earth?

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posted on Mar, 6 2012 @ 10:33 PM
First thread ever! So I was just sitting here at home checking out the threads on ATS and saw one about an X Class Solar Flare today. It got me thinking. If there we're ancient civilizations that may have possibly been more technologically advanced then we are at this moment could they have been wiped out by a massive solar flare? Maybe Atlantis? Could that be what the Mayans and other ancient prophecies are eluding to? Any thoughts on the subject?
edit on 01/07/2012 by txjab512 because: Spelled prophecies wrong. Duh!

edit on 01/07/2012 by txjab512 because: Didn't mean to mislead everyone with the exclamation point.

posted on Mar, 6 2012 @ 10:47 PM

Originally posted by txjab512
First thread ever! So I was just sitting here at home checking out the threads on ATS and saw one about an X Class Solar Flare today. It got me thinking. If there we're ancient civilizations that may have possibly been more technologically advanced then we are at this moment could they have been wiped out by a massive solar flare? Maybe Atlantis? Could that be what the Mayans and other ancient prophecies are eluding to? Any thoughts on the subject?
edit on 01/07/2012 by txjab512 because: Spelled prophecies wrong. Duh!

Congrats on your first thread

If that happened then that would have left a nicely preserved civilization for us to find.................

posted on Mar, 6 2012 @ 10:48 PM

Originally posted by txjab512
First thread ever! So I was just sitting here at home checking out the threads on ATS and saw one about an X Class Solar Flare today. It got me thinking. If there we're ancient civilizations that may have possibly been more technologically advanced then we are at this moment could they have been wiped out by a massive solar flare? Maybe Atlantis? Could that be what the Mayans and other ancient prophecies are eluding to? Any thoughts on the subject?
edit on 01/07/2012 by txjab512 because: Spelled prophecies wrong. Duh!

Try replacing your thread title with a question mark, not an exclamation point -- it's rather misleading.

If such a thing happened, there'd be plenty of evidence to suggest it (molten rock, etc), much like how we know there was once a huge impact on Earth from space, because fossils of certain dinosaurs quit showing up past a layer.
edit on 6-3-2012 by ofNight because: Doh! Spelling error.

posted on Mar, 6 2012 @ 10:48 PM
reply to post by txjab512

Anything is possible...

However at our current technological state we have survived massive solar flairs, as has our satellites. If there was a civilization more advanced than where we are know, and were wiped out, its begs the question of what did they do to bite the dust?

Or are we, at our current place in time, lucky?

posted on Mar, 6 2012 @ 10:49 PM
I doubt any event like that would wipe out an entire civilization.
If they had a system like we have now (telegraph wires, satellites etc), then a massive CME could impact their system.
The Carrington event had some pretty amazing effects.

On September 1–2, 1859, the largest recorded geomagnetic storm occurred. Aurorae were seen around the world, most notably over the Caribbean; also noteworthy were those over the Rocky Mountains that were so bright that their glow awoke gold miners, who began preparing breakfast because they thought it was morning.[3] People who happened to be awake in the northeastern US could read a newspaper by the aurora's light.[4] Telegraph systems all over Europe and North America failed, in some cases even shocking telegraph operators.[5] Telegraph pylons threw sparks and telegraph paper spontaneously caught fire.[6] Some telegraph systems appeared to continue to send and receive messages despite having been disconnected from their power supplies.
Quote Source Link

posted on Mar, 6 2012 @ 11:02 PM
We just had an X5 about 30 min ago.

Someone get on SDO and pull driving.

posted on Mar, 6 2012 @ 11:04 PM
Congratulations on your first thread.
The only thing that we can be certain about regarding civilisations is that they rise and fall, as will ours.
mankind as he/she progresses places more of its faith and knowledge into increasingly more vulnerable formats. Most human knowledge today is stored and accessed electronically even our economic system relys completely on digital numbers stored electronically.
If all this was wiped instantaneously where would we be?
Archaeologists of the future will construct how we lived from fragments and things carved in stone or other materials with a high melting/combustion point.. The great library of Alexandria was destroyed by ignorance which would surely follow an assault by the sun on our earth.
Rest assured the Egyptian/Mayan pyramids statues and carvings will outlast anything that Microsoft/Apple have created to date.
So yes I believe that we have only a fraction of mankind's previous advances as will our future generations have only fragments of ours.

posted on Mar, 6 2012 @ 11:04 PM
Is'nt it cool that the Earth has all of these defence mechanisms
The Earth has passed through giant poison gas clouds left behind
by comets as well, but the Earths atmosphere protected us from harm.

oh yeah, S@F for your 1st thread

edit on 6-3-2012 by LeLeu because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 6 2012 @ 11:15 PM

Originally posted by LeLeu
Is'nt it cool that the Earth has all of these defence mechanisms
The Earth has passed through giant poison gas clouds left behind
by comets as well, but the Earths atmosphere protected us from harm.

oh yeah, S@F for your 1st thread

edit on 6-3-2012 by LeLeu because: (no reason given)

Yes, what a coinkidink, not.

posted on Mar, 6 2012 @ 11:26 PM
The term " more technologically advanced" I think, has us thinking that early civilizations where bigger and better than this one. We don't actually know how tech advanced we actually are now do we?,all that info is suppressed so we can keep this money machine running!. I measure how advanced we are by what i see in the new movies that get released,try it go watch an old fick,see what tech it's using/talking about then see how long till that tech was out. Yes this could have wiped out early civilizations

posted on Mar, 6 2012 @ 11:36 PM
reply to post by Hanslune

Agreed. But what if their technology was more advanced but not necessarily the same as the what we enjoy today? If that makes any sense. Maybe they could have done all the things we're able to do right now but their technology was based on something other than plastic. Maybe something more biodegradable. Something that didn't necessarily leave the same foot print or evidence/garbage that we leave behind. I know it's a stretch. Just trying to get everyone to think outside the box. Outside the realm of what we know as reality.

posted on Mar, 6 2012 @ 11:39 PM
reply to post by txjab512

Congrats on your first thread!

I haven't seen evidence of civilizations more advanced than ours having occurred in the past. However there is plenty of archaeological evidence of modern human civilization dating to the last Ice Age.

So what does the Ice Age have to do with the Solar Maximum? Reduced sunspots caused a "mini ice age" known as the Maunder Minimum, so perhaps the return of sunspots or Solar Maximums caused the last Ice Age to end.

When the Ice Age glaciers melted, whatever "civilization" had been achieved along the ancient coasts at that time may have been plunged underwater by rising sea levels. By "civilization" I think we're probably talking about pretty rudimentary settlements. It's possible your theory that the sun cycles destroyed ancient civilizations may not be far off, just perhaps less dramatic than your title suggests.


edit on 6-3-2012 by Chronon because: opyt

posted on Mar, 6 2012 @ 11:40 PM
reply to post by ofNight

Sorry about the exclamation point. And yes, according to what we know to be truth there would be evidence. But I'm throwing the "what if" out there. You know. So people will use that thing we all have called imagination. Imagination has brought us into the world we live in today.

posted on Mar, 6 2012 @ 11:48 PM
Thank you all for reading and replying. I'm just trying to see if I can spark some different ideas and theories that aren't based on what we know to be true based on our limited understanding of the universe we live in. After all anything's possible. Just trying to pry my way out of this box we all live in. A lot of old science fiction has become science fact. The possibilities are endless!

posted on Mar, 6 2012 @ 11:55 PM
reply to post by txjab512

Check out this video by Micheal will blow your mind, and I think you may find much of his work deals with questions you are asking. Nice 1st thread....hope you enjoy the video

posted on Mar, 6 2012 @ 11:56 PM
reply to post by txjab512

Well, if you'd really like to jump out of the box, why stop at Earth? Why not a solar-system wide civilization existing billions of years ago, destroyed by some great calamity, such as a burst of solar activity. Far fetched, most certainly yes, but I do like considering the possibilities when viewing the Great Wall of Iapetus.


posted on Mar, 6 2012 @ 11:58 PM

here it is, enjoy

posted on Mar, 7 2012 @ 12:31 AM
People say.... "If there was an ancient civilization there would be proof"

Well here is the proof right in front of us. Of course it all goes to bunk if there were really aliens that came to earth and made us, so for the moment lets say aliens never did and its just us humans.

If we all spawned from the same garden, which I believe we did if you follow it back far enough we would all have the same appearance. Yet there is a wide diversity between the races of man. How would this be accomplished. Well it would happen if man spawned and spread all over the earth as one race spreading to different continents in large masses. Then some cataclyst happened.. you pick and 98 percent or so of the human race was wiped out and we were thrown into the dark ages again. Humans would be isolated, inbreed, mutate (especially if the cataclyst was nuclear) we would then diversify enough to have as many races as we do.

The pyramids that are all over the world in order of the constellations, and scientist are unable to give a good explantion how they were built. The ancient technology and lost citys that are being uncovered, The deserts that have been melted and multiple other strange objects found in solid stone.

These in them selves are enough for me to think something like this has happened... now lets think... say humans advanced far enough to have advanced space programs, or underground bunkers to hide away probably both. Those races of humans would be isolated as well and would go through dramatic change as well, wouldn't they have come back to the earth or up out of the ground and wouldn't we have some documentation of it... I believe we do.. for example.. the Gods, Anunnaki , Alien Greys, Alantis, Mt Olympus...

If humans left the planet for safety and travel far out in space.. time moves differently there and say they came back.. they would be gods amongst the uncivilized inbred humans left on the planet... Atlantis sounds more like a space ship to me rather than an advanced civilization on a "island" that was swallowed by the sea... sounds to me like they came back and landed their ship in the ocean and then left for some reason unknown. Same with mount olympus.. the stories speak that the city would sit on top of the mountain and would "leave" randomly. Demi gods born of earth women and the male gods are just a new breed of humans.. stronger, faster, smarter..

I think the "Great Conspiracy" of the governments and why they leave us to believe in "martians" is because they are aware of this and are being run by the Elite.. or in other words the original breed of humans..

Modern man has been on the planet for how long and it has only taken us a generous 500 years to advance from riding horse back cutting heads off with swords... to traveling in space, huge citys and nuclear weapons.. do the math.. what are the odds.

Lets say also that there were bunkers underground and each one was isolated until they determined to come back up to the surface.. how much would they be different.. and how much would they believe that their race is better than ours because they are old school.. Say those people got into power... would they use us for war to fight thier idealogical battles? Would they want to be worshiped as "gods" as they say the proof is in the pudding.

Only guess's here.. I had a dream once where I sat on the edge of a lake and a dragon swam all the way around it on the outer edge and his head almost touched his tail, and as I sat at the edge I looked behind me and hundreds of ghost were standing there queitly waiting.. then one stepped forward and started telling me this story in much more detail that I could never be able to describe. When that soul was done he stepped away and another stepped up and kept the story going. It was a life changing dream for me watching the dragon swim and listening to the story of mankind.. and of my ancestory.

Really though we are all stardust and it is good to keep an ear up and call out the bullcrap but it is important not to let the time we have pass us by.


posted on Mar, 7 2012 @ 12:36 AM
This reminds me of my favorite Outer Limits episode (about the aftermath of a solar maximum)..

posted on Mar, 7 2012 @ 07:06 AM
reply to post by clay2 baraka

I love outer limits and that is a great episode too... thanks for sharing.

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